Yaozhou ware


Yaozhou-Brennofen (chinesisch 耀州窯 / 耀州窑, Pinyin Yàozhōu yáo, englisch Yaozhou Kiln) ist die Bezeichnung für in Tongchuan in der chinesischen Provinz Shaanxi entdeckte song-zeitliche Porzellanbrennöfen. Sie wurden 1959 ausgegraben und zählen zu den berühmtesten ihrer Zeit. Die Stätte des Yaozhou-Brennofens von in Tongchuan steht seit 1988 auf der Liste der Denkmäler der Volksrepublik China (3-226). Die Keramiktechniken des Yaozhou-Brennofens in Tongchuan stehen auf der Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der Volksrepublik China (VIII-8 (358)). rdf:langString
Yaozhou ware (Chinese: 耀州窯; pinyin: Yàozhōu yáo; Wade–Giles: Yao-chou yao) is a type of celadon or greenware in Chinese pottery, which was at its height during the Northern Song dynasty. It is the largest and typically the best of the wares in the group of Northern Celadon wares. It is especially famous for the rich effects achieved by decoration in shallow carving under a green celadon glaze which sinks into the depressions of the carving giving contrasts of light and dark shades. rdf:langString
耀州窯是唐朝至明朝時的青瓷窯之一,位於陕西省铜川市黃堡鎮,始於唐代,到宋代時最為興盛,為中最大的,是北方青瓷的代表。目前黃堡鎮耀州窯遺址被列為全國重點文物保護單位。 耀州窯位於陝西銅川黃堡鎮,最初名為黄堡窑。始於唐代,在唐朝時黄堡窑生產多種瓷器,晚唐至五代時黄堡窑開始基本上只生產青瓷。宋朝時黄堡劃歸耀州管轄,黄堡窑更名為耀州窑。耀州窑到宋代時最為興盛,宋神宗元豐年間至宋徽宗崇寧年間,耀州窑替朝廷生產瓷器。當時附近十里都是燒瓷的,因有「十里窯場」之稱,是北方繼汝窯後著名的青瓷窯代表。其從五代末期受余姚越窯之影響,創燒了刻花青瓷,所以耀窯青瓷兼有"越器"之稱。稍晚河南省境內的多個窯場仿燒耀窯青瓷,最後形成了一個與越窯風格有別的北方青瓷窯系。據«耀州志»記載,黃堡鎮窯停燒時間約為明嘉靖以前,但佐以出土資料比對,或許可定為弘治以後和嘉靖之間。 耀州窯主要的裝飾方法,主要有刻花、剔花、印花、鏤空等。 1. * 刻花是用工具在胎器上刻出花紋,花紋的線條呈斜面,稱為「偏刀」,能在平面裝飾上顯現淺浮雕的立體層次效果。 2. * 剔花是用工具剔去花紋之外的部份。 3. * 印花是用印模在胎上印出花紋。 4. * 鏤空是雕出空洞。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Yaozhou-Brennofen
rdf:langString Yaozhou ware
rdf:langString 耀州窑
xsd:integer 52179284
xsd:integer 1038864635
rdf:langString Yàozhōu yáo
rdf:langString 耀州窯
rdf:langString Yao-chou yao
rdf:langString Yaozhou-Brennofen (chinesisch 耀州窯 / 耀州窑, Pinyin Yàozhōu yáo, englisch Yaozhou Kiln) ist die Bezeichnung für in Tongchuan in der chinesischen Provinz Shaanxi entdeckte song-zeitliche Porzellanbrennöfen. Sie wurden 1959 ausgegraben und zählen zu den berühmtesten ihrer Zeit. Die Stätte des Yaozhou-Brennofens von in Tongchuan steht seit 1988 auf der Liste der Denkmäler der Volksrepublik China (3-226). Die Keramiktechniken des Yaozhou-Brennofens in Tongchuan stehen auf der Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der Volksrepublik China (VIII-8 (358)).
rdf:langString Yaozhou ware (Chinese: 耀州窯; pinyin: Yàozhōu yáo; Wade–Giles: Yao-chou yao) is a type of celadon or greenware in Chinese pottery, which was at its height during the Northern Song dynasty. It is the largest and typically the best of the wares in the group of Northern Celadon wares. It is especially famous for the rich effects achieved by decoration in shallow carving under a green celadon glaze which sinks into the depressions of the carving giving contrasts of light and dark shades. Although "the term Northern Celadon has never been regarded as anything but vague and unsatisfactory", and the Yaozhou kiln site has been known for a long time, some scholars have felt that the wider term retains its usefulness as an umbrella category and because of the difficulty of distinguishing Yaozhou wares from those of other sites. The most important of these are at Linru and Baofeng in Henan, but their quality is regarded as inferior to Yaozhou, although the bodies are extremely similar, and the range of glaze colours overlap. The "products are only distinguishable by very small technical differences in the carved wares and of style in the moulded ones".
rdf:langString 耀州窯是唐朝至明朝時的青瓷窯之一,位於陕西省铜川市黃堡鎮,始於唐代,到宋代時最為興盛,為中最大的,是北方青瓷的代表。目前黃堡鎮耀州窯遺址被列為全國重點文物保護單位。 耀州窯位於陝西銅川黃堡鎮,最初名為黄堡窑。始於唐代,在唐朝時黄堡窑生產多種瓷器,晚唐至五代時黄堡窑開始基本上只生產青瓷。宋朝時黄堡劃歸耀州管轄,黄堡窑更名為耀州窑。耀州窑到宋代時最為興盛,宋神宗元豐年間至宋徽宗崇寧年間,耀州窑替朝廷生產瓷器。當時附近十里都是燒瓷的,因有「十里窯場」之稱,是北方繼汝窯後著名的青瓷窯代表。其從五代末期受余姚越窯之影響,創燒了刻花青瓷,所以耀窯青瓷兼有"越器"之稱。稍晚河南省境內的多個窯場仿燒耀窯青瓷,最後形成了一個與越窯風格有別的北方青瓷窯系。據«耀州志»記載,黃堡鎮窯停燒時間約為明嘉靖以前,但佐以出土資料比對,或許可定為弘治以後和嘉靖之間。 耀州窯主要的裝飾方法,主要有刻花、剔花、印花、鏤空等。 1. * 刻花是用工具在胎器上刻出花紋,花紋的線條呈斜面,稱為「偏刀」,能在平面裝飾上顯現淺浮雕的立體層次效果。 2. * 剔花是用工具剔去花紋之外的部份。 3. * 印花是用印模在胎上印出花紋。 4. * 鏤空是雕出空洞。 耀州窯中期出土物及傳世品較多且技巧純熟。元豐七年德應侯碑記:“巧如范金,精比琢玉。始合土為坯,轉輪就制,方圓大小,皆中規矩。然後納諸窯,灼以火,烈焰中發,青烟外飛,鍛鍊累日,赫然乃成。擊其聲,鏗鏗如也,視其色,溫溫如也……”
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10434

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