World religions

Agama-agama dunia adalah sebuah kategori yang digunakan dalam studi agama untuk mengacu pada lima - terkadang enam - agama terbesar di dunia. Kristen, Islam, Yahudi, Hindu, dan Buddha selalu masuk dalam daftar, yang juga disebut "Lima Agama Besar". Beberapa cendekiawan juga memasukkan agama lain seperti Sikh, Zoroastrianisme, atau Baha'i. rdf:langString
World religions is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the five—and in some cases more—largest and most internationally widespread religious movements. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are always included in the list, being known as the "Big Five". Some scholars also include other world religions, such as Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and the Baháʼí Faith, in the category. These are often juxtaposed against other categories, such as indigenous religions and new religious movements, which are also used by scholars in this field of research. rdf:langString
Religiões mundiais é uma categoria usada na ciência da religião para demarcar os cinco — e em certos casos seis — maiores e mais internacionalmente difundidos movimentos religiosos. Cristianismo, islão, judaísmo, hinduísmo e budismo são sempre incluídos na lista, sendo conhecidos como os «Grandes Cinco» ou os «Cinco Grandes» (do inglês, «Big Five»). Alguns estudiosos também incluem na categoria uma outra religião, como sikhismo, zoroastrismo ou Fé Bahá'í. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Agama-agama dunia
rdf:langString Religiões mundiais
rdf:langString World religions
xsd:integer 1242881
xsd:integer 1118999871
rdf:langString Owen
xsd:integer 254 255
xsd:integer 2011
rdf:langString Robertson
rdf:langString Cotter
xsd:integer 2
xsd:integer 8
xsd:integer 2016
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString [A 'world religion' is] a tradition that has achieved sufficient power and numbers to enter our history to form it, interact with it, or thwart it. We recognise both the unity within and the diversity among the world religions because they correspond to important geopolitical entities with which we must deal. All 'primitives,' by way of contrast, may be lumped together, as may the 'minor religions,' because they do not confront our history in any direct fashion. From the point of view of power, they are invisible.
rdf:langString While the World Religions paradigm was brought in to allow the inclusion of non-Christian religions in education, it has instead remodelled them according to liberal Western Protestant Christian values , emphasizing theological categories.
rdf:langString — Scholar of religion J. Z. Smith, 1998
rdf:langString — Scholar of religion Suzanne Owen, 2011
xsd:integer 25
rdf:langString Agama-agama dunia adalah sebuah kategori yang digunakan dalam studi agama untuk mengacu pada lima - terkadang enam - agama terbesar di dunia. Kristen, Islam, Yahudi, Hindu, dan Buddha selalu masuk dalam daftar, yang juga disebut "Lima Agama Besar". Beberapa cendekiawan juga memasukkan agama lain seperti Sikh, Zoroastrianisme, atau Baha'i. Paradigma agama dunia dikembangkan di Britania Raya pada tahun 1960an, yang dipelopori oleh cendekiawan seperti Ninian Smart. Paradigma ini dirancang untuk memperluas studi agama yang terlalu terfokus pada agama Kristen dengan ikut memasukkan tradisi agama lain di seluruh dunia. Paradigma ini sering digunakan pengajar di tingkat universitas dan sekolah-sekolah di Britania Raya dan negara lain. Paradigma ini menekankan perbedaan dan ekslusivitas dari agama-agama ini, dan memiliki dampak terhadap kategorisasi agama-misal dalam sensus-baik di negara-negara Barat maupun bagian dunia lainnya. Sejak akhir abad dua puluh, paradigma ini menerima banyak kritik dari cendekiawan-cendekiawan agama, beberapa di antaranya ingin itu dihapuskan. Para kritikus berpendapat bahwa paradigme agama dunia tidak tepat karena menggolongkan Kristen Protestan sebagai contoh 'agama'; yang terkait dengan diskusi tentang modernitas, termasuk hubungan kekuasaan modern; yang mendorong pemahaman 'agama' yang kurang kritis; dan yang menentukan agama apa saja yang bisa disebut 'mayoritas'.
rdf:langString World religions is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the five—and in some cases more—largest and most internationally widespread religious movements. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are always included in the list, being known as the "Big Five". Some scholars also include other world religions, such as Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and the Baháʼí Faith, in the category. These are often juxtaposed against other categories, such as indigenous religions and new religious movements, which are also used by scholars in this field of research. The world religions paradigm was developed in the United Kingdom during the 1960s, where it was pioneered by phenomenological scholars like Ninian Smart. It was designed to broaden the study of religion away from its heavy focus on Christianity by taking into account other large religious traditions around the world. The paradigm is often used by lecturers instructing undergraduate students in the study of religion and is also the framework used by school teachers in the United Kingdom and other countries. The paradigm's emphasis on viewing these religious movements as distinct and mutually exclusive entities has also had a wider impact on the categorisation of religion—for instance in censuses—in both Western countries and elsewhere. Since the late 20th century, the paradigm has faced critique by scholars of religion like Jonathan Z. Smith, some of whom have argued for its abandonment. Critics have argued that the world religions paradigm is inappropriate because it takes the Protestant form of Christianity as the model for what constitutes "religion"; that it is tied up with discourses of modernity, including modern power relations; that it encourages an uncritical understanding of religion; and that it makes a value judgment as to what religions should be considered "major". Others have argued that it remains useful in the classroom, so long as students are made aware that it is a socially-constructed category.
rdf:langString Religiões mundiais é uma categoria usada na ciência da religião para demarcar os cinco — e em certos casos seis — maiores e mais internacionalmente difundidos movimentos religiosos. Cristianismo, islão, judaísmo, hinduísmo e budismo são sempre incluídos na lista, sendo conhecidos como os «Grandes Cinco» ou os «Cinco Grandes» (do inglês, «Big Five»). Alguns estudiosos também incluem na categoria uma outra religião, como sikhismo, zoroastrismo ou Fé Bahá'í. O paradigma das religiões mundiais foi desenvolvido no Reino Unido nos anos 1960, onde atuou como pioneiro por estudiosos fenomenológicos como . Foi projetado para ampliar a ciência da religião para longe de seu foco pesado no cristianismo ao levar em conta outras grandes tradições religiosas ao redor do mundo. O paradigma é frequentemente usado por palestrantes que instruem estudantes de graduação na ciência da religião e também é a estrutura usada por professores no Reino Unido e em outros países. A ênfase no paradigma em ver estes movimentos religiosos como entidades distintas e mutualmente exclusivas também causou um grande impacto na categorização da religião — por exemplo em censos — em países ocidentais e em qualquer outra parte. Desde o fim do século 20, o paradigma sofreu críticas por cientistas da religião como , alguns dos quais discutiram seu abandono. Críticos argumentaram que o paradigma das religiões mundiais é inapropriado porque toma a variante protestante do cristianismo como modelo para o que constitui religião; que está ligado a discursos e modernidade incluindo relações de poder modernas; que encoraja uma compreensão acrítica da religião e que faz um julgamento de valor sobre quais religiões devem ser consideradas «principais» ou «importantes». Outros argumentaram que permanece útil na sala de aula, contanto que estudantes tenham a noção de que é uma categoria socialmente construída.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 20933

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