Willy van Ryckeghem


Willy Van Rijckeghem (également écrit Willy Van Ryckeghem), né le 15 janvier 1935, est un économiste belge post-keynesien, résidant actuellement a Madeira. rdf:langString
Willy Gustaaf Joseph van Rijckeghem (ook geschreven als Willy van Ryckeghem) (Gent, 15 januari 1935) is een Belgisch econoom. rdf:langString
Willy van Ryckeghem (también conocido como Willy van Rijckeghem) es un economista belga, especialista de América Latina. Entre 1964 y 1966, trabajó en Argentina durante el gobierno del presidente Arturo Umberto Illia con el equipo de asesores de la Universidad de Harvard, y entre 1966 y 1967 en Brasil con el equipo de la Universidad de Berkeley en el IPEA. Willy van Ryckeghem es el padre de Patricia van Ryckeghem, modelo de Chanel, que nació en Buenos Aires el 25 de febrero de 1965. rdf:langString
Willy van Ryckeghem (Ghent, 1935) is a Belgian economist and statistician who devoted much of his career to Latin America. He studied economics in Ghent, Copenhagen and Paris and taught Business cycles at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Econometrics at Ghent University from 1968 to 1982. He was also visiting Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1963-64 and Visiting Professor at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang in 1976. rdf:langString
Willy van Ryckeghem (Gante, 15 de janeiro de 1935) é um economista belga e um dos protagonistas do movimento internacional de consumidores desde sua origem em 1960. Foi co-fundador e Presidente da Associaçao Belga de Consumidores - Test-Achats. Foi Presidente da Consumers International de 1975 à 1978, e Membro do seu Conselho Diretor até 1984. Acompanhou ativamente a Associaçao Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor - Pro Teste desde sua criação em 2001 ate 2016. Defendeu a opiniao que o movimento de consumidores deveria funcionar como uma empresa multinacional para enfrentar as multinacionais dos produtores. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Willy Van Ryckeghem
rdf:langString Willy Van Rijckeghem
rdf:langString Willy van Rijckeghem
rdf:langString Willy van Ryckeghem
rdf:langString Willy van Ryckeghem
xsd:integer 61871241
xsd:integer 1091131523
rdf:langString Willy van Ryckeghem (también conocido como Willy van Rijckeghem) es un economista belga, especialista de América Latina. Entre 1964 y 1966, trabajó en Argentina durante el gobierno del presidente Arturo Umberto Illia con el equipo de asesores de la Universidad de Harvard, y entre 1966 y 1967 en Brasil con el equipo de la Universidad de Berkeley en el IPEA. En Argentina, fue autor de un modelo de estabilización gradual de la inflaciòn, y en Brasil desarrolló la primera matriz de insumo-producto que sirvió de base para un modelo de planificación. A partir de 1982, trabajó en el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Social del BID, donde dirigió los estudios de países e coordinó varios Informes de Progreso Económico Y Social de América Latina, entre los cuales el informe de 1985 sobre el impacto de la Crisis de la Deuda Externa sobre los países de América Latina. Willy van Ryckeghem es el padre de Patricia van Ryckeghem, modelo de Chanel, que nació en Buenos Aires el 25 de febrero de 1965.
rdf:langString Willy Van Rijckeghem (également écrit Willy Van Ryckeghem), né le 15 janvier 1935, est un économiste belge post-keynesien, résidant actuellement a Madeira.
rdf:langString Willy van Ryckeghem (Ghent, 1935) is a Belgian economist and statistician who devoted much of his career to Latin America. He studied economics in Ghent, Copenhagen and Paris and taught Business cycles at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Econometrics at Ghent University from 1968 to 1982. He was also visiting Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1963-64 and Visiting Professor at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang in 1976. His first experience in Latin America was in Argentina at the Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo (Conade) in 1964-65 where he worked under the auspices of the Harvard Development Advisory Service (DAS). He teamed with British economist Geoffrey Maynard to develop a stabilization model which was applied by the following administration during the period 1967-1970. After initial success in reducing the inflation rate from 22 to 7 percent without causing a major recession, the stabilization effort broke down in 1970. His next assignment was under the auspices of the so-called Berkeley-Group in Brazil at IPEA, where he constructed the country`s first input-output table for 1959. In addition, he formulated an exact method for determining the technology matrix in a situation with secondary products. In 1972-73, he joined the University of Michigan team of economic advisors to the Planning Ministry of Morocco. This resulted in the publication of the collective book Employment Problems and Policies in Developing Countries-The Case of Morocco of which he was the editor in 1976. In 1974, he was invited to become President of the Belgian Statistical Society. The same year, he published in the International Statistical Review a method for estimating measurement errors in national account statistics. In 1976, he published together with Geoffrey Maynard A World of Inflation . In this book, they distanced themselves from the dominant monetarist thinking, and drew attention to structural factors in explaining differences in inflation rates between countries.Helmut Frisch : Inflation Theory 1963-79 : A Second Generation Survey, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 15, no 4, december 1977, pp. 1289-1317 In 1982, he joined the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC where he led the Country Studies Division for seven years before becoming Deputy Manager of the Department of Economic and Social Development. In 1985 he presented a major study at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) meeting at Albuquerque on the Impact of the Latin American debt crisis on the countries in the region. After his retirement in 1997, he was instrumental in the foundation in 2001 of the Brazilian non-profit organization Pro-teste, which has since become the largest consumer organization in Latin America. Between 1975 and 1978, he was the third President of Consumers International, following Colston Warne of Consumers Union and Peter Goldman of Which?. He was awarded the Order of Social Merit because of his work with the Belgian consumer movement.
rdf:langString Willy Gustaaf Joseph van Rijckeghem (ook geschreven als Willy van Ryckeghem) (Gent, 15 januari 1935) is een Belgisch econoom.
rdf:langString Willy van Ryckeghem (Gante, 15 de janeiro de 1935) é um economista belga e um dos protagonistas do movimento internacional de consumidores desde sua origem em 1960. Foi co-fundador e Presidente da Associaçao Belga de Consumidores - Test-Achats. Foi Presidente da Consumers International de 1975 à 1978, e Membro do seu Conselho Diretor até 1984. Acompanhou ativamente a Associaçao Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor - Pro Teste desde sua criação em 2001 ate 2016. Defendeu a opiniao que o movimento de consumidores deveria funcionar como uma empresa multinacional para enfrentar as multinacionais dos produtores. Foi defensor duma estratégia de necessidades basicas como estratégia de desenvolvimento e de combate ao desemprego. Neste contexto, foi convidado pela OIT em 1976 para chefiar uma missão de emprego em Portugal. Coordenou depois a preparaçao do estudo Employment and Basic Needs in Portugal publicado pela OIT em 1979, que recomendou ao governo portugues da época a implementaçao duma estratégia de necessidades basicas. Este estudo comprovou que os efeitos multiplicadores de tal estratégia são significativos em termos de criação de emprego. A partir de 1982 atuou no Departamento de Desenvolvimento Económico e Social do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) em Washington, onde coordenou a publicaçao de vários informes anuais de Progresso Económico e Social de América Latina e o Caribe, entre os quais o de 1985 dedicado a Crise da Divida Externa de America Latina. Em 2005 publicou o livro L'histoire de Test-Achats no qual conta a història das primeiras décadas do movimento internacional de consumidores (Editor Racine, Bruxelas, ISBN 2-87386-404-4). Se mudou para Madeira em 2016.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6938

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