Tianjin cuisine


톈진 요리(Tianjin料理, 중국어: 天津菜, 병음: Tiānjīn cài 톈진차이[*]) 또는 진요리(津料理, 중국어: 津菜, 병음: jīncài 진차이[*])는 중국의 톈진 지역에서 유래된 그 지역의 요리 방법이고 이는 베이징 요리에서 깊게 영향을 받았다. 베이징 요리와 비교를 하자면 톈진 요리는 강변의 생선·새우와 해물에 더욱 많이 집중이 되어 있고 베이징 요리처럼 맛이 무겁지 않다는 것이 이 요리의 특색이라고 할 수 있다. rdf:langString
津菜特指天津地方风味菜系,早年起源于民间,以鲜咸为主,口感软嫩酥烂, 从形成到发展至今有300多年历史。天津菜系形成和发展与漕运和盐商息息相关,运河船夫的饮食,促进了天津小吃的繁荣,清末光绪年间天津城的饭馆已“五百有奇”,而津菜形成的标志便是1662年为庆祝康熙登基而开设的聚庆成饭庄。乾隆下江南,多次驻足天津,曾赏赐厨师黄马褂和五品顶戴花翎,并将“烧目鱼条”一菜赐名“官烧目鱼”。1860年天津被辟为对外开放商埠,外来资本大量输入,西方饮食随即进入津门,较为有代表性的就是起士林餐厅。 天津饮食主要分为汉民菜、清真菜、天津素菜和地方小吃四大门类。天津菜多以河、海两鲜为原料,擅长勺扒、软溜、清炒、清蒸。并且口味多变,咸鲜清淡,精于调味,清浓兼备,注重配色。历史上有代表性的天津风味菜肴有八大碗、四大扒、冬令四珍。现代天津名菜有:蟹黄鱼翅、软熘鱼扇、鸡丝银针等。 rdf:langString
Tianjin cuisine (Tientsin cuisine), also known as Jin cuisine, refers to the native cooking styles of Tianjin, the largest port city in Northern China. Though heavily influenced by Beijing cuisine, Tianjin cuisine differs by being more focused on seafood. It is categorized by its freshness, saltiness and soft and crispy textures. Cooking methods include grilling, simmering, sautéing and steaming. With more than 300 years of history, the development of the Tianjin cuisine was highly dependent on the diet of boatmen and the salt trades due to its geographical location. Tianjin Food Street is a place where cross-cultural Chinese dishes may be found. Popular dishes include Eight Great Bowls, Four Great Stews, Tianjing goubuli, and Four Winter Delicacies, among others. Eight Great Bowls is a co rdf:langString
rdf:langString Tianjin cuisine
rdf:langString 톈진 요리
rdf:langString 津菜
xsd:integer 36890456
xsd:integer 1046236602
rdf:langString Jin cuisine
rdf:langString 天津菜
rdf:langString 津菜
rdf:langString Jīn cài
rdf:langString Tiānjīn cài
rdf:langString Tianjin cuisine (Tientsin cuisine), also known as Jin cuisine, refers to the native cooking styles of Tianjin, the largest port city in Northern China. Though heavily influenced by Beijing cuisine, Tianjin cuisine differs by being more focused on seafood. It is categorized by its freshness, saltiness and soft and crispy textures. Cooking methods include grilling, simmering, sautéing and steaming. With more than 300 years of history, the development of the Tianjin cuisine was highly dependent on the diet of boatmen and the salt trades due to its geographical location. Tianjin Food Street is a place where cross-cultural Chinese dishes may be found. Popular dishes include Eight Great Bowls, Four Great Stews, Tianjing goubuli, and Four Winter Delicacies, among others. Eight Great Bowls is a combination of eight different meat dishes. The Four Great Stews refers to a very large number of stews, including chicken, duck, seafood, beef, and mutton. Tianjin also has several famous snack items. Goubuli (狗不理包子) is a classic steamed stuffed bun (baozi) that is well-known throughout China. Guifaxiang (桂发祥麻花) is a traditional brand of mahua (twisted dough sticks).
rdf:langString 톈진 요리(Tianjin料理, 중국어: 天津菜, 병음: Tiānjīn cài 톈진차이[*]) 또는 진요리(津料理, 중국어: 津菜, 병음: jīncài 진차이[*])는 중국의 톈진 지역에서 유래된 그 지역의 요리 방법이고 이는 베이징 요리에서 깊게 영향을 받았다. 베이징 요리와 비교를 하자면 톈진 요리는 강변의 생선·새우와 해물에 더욱 많이 집중이 되어 있고 베이징 요리처럼 맛이 무겁지 않다는 것이 이 요리의 특색이라고 할 수 있다.
rdf:langString 津菜特指天津地方风味菜系,早年起源于民间,以鲜咸为主,口感软嫩酥烂, 从形成到发展至今有300多年历史。天津菜系形成和发展与漕运和盐商息息相关,运河船夫的饮食,促进了天津小吃的繁荣,清末光绪年间天津城的饭馆已“五百有奇”,而津菜形成的标志便是1662年为庆祝康熙登基而开设的聚庆成饭庄。乾隆下江南,多次驻足天津,曾赏赐厨师黄马褂和五品顶戴花翎,并将“烧目鱼条”一菜赐名“官烧目鱼”。1860年天津被辟为对外开放商埠,外来资本大量输入,西方饮食随即进入津门,较为有代表性的就是起士林餐厅。 天津饮食主要分为汉民菜、清真菜、天津素菜和地方小吃四大门类。天津菜多以河、海两鲜为原料,擅长勺扒、软溜、清炒、清蒸。并且口味多变,咸鲜清淡,精于调味,清浓兼备,注重配色。历史上有代表性的天津风味菜肴有八大碗、四大扒、冬令四珍。现代天津名菜有:蟹黄鱼翅、软熘鱼扇、鸡丝银针等。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11488

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