Temple of Mars Ultor

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Temple_of_Mars_Ultor an entity of type: Thing

Marte Ultor tenplua (latinez: Templum Martis Ultoris, "Marte Mendekatzaile tenplua") erromatar tenplu bat da, Marte gerra jainkoari eskainitakoa, Erromako dagoena. Augustok eraikiarazi zuen, K.a. 2an, Julio Zesarren Venus Genetrix tenpluaren eredua jarraiturik. rdf:langString
El Templo de Marte vengador (en latín Templum Martis Ultoris) era un antiguo templo romano dedicado a Marte, dios de la guerra, ubicado en el foro de Augusto, el segundo de los foros imperiales de Roma. rdf:langString
Temple de Mars Ultor Le temple de Mars vengeur (en latin : Templum Martis Ultoris) est un temple romain dédié à Mars, dieu de la guerre, situé dans le forum d'Auguste, le deuxième des forums impériaux de Rome.( Pour un article plus général, voir Forum d'Auguste. ) rdf:langString
Il tempio di Marte Ultore è un antico tempio romano, che faceva da chiusura scenografica al lato di fondo del foro di Augusto a Roma. Era dedicato al dio romano Marte "vendicatore", Mars Ultor, al quale Augusto aveva promesso in voto un tempio prima della vittoria nella battaglia di Filippi. La costruzione venne probabilmente iniziata, insieme a quella del foro, solo dopo che Augusto si fu di fatto assicurato il potere, negli anni tra il 30 e il 27 a.C., e il tempio venne solennemente inaugurato quarant'anni dopo la promessa nel 2 a.C. rdf:langString
De tempel van Mars Ultor (Latijn aedes Martis Ultoris; "Tempel van Mars de Wreker") was de belangrijkste tempel die ten tijde van Augustus in Rome werd gebouwd . rdf:langString
Templo de Marte Vingador ou Templo de Marte Ultor (em latim: Templum/Aedes Martis Ultoris) foi um templo erigido pelo imperador Augusto (r. 27 a.C.–14 d.C.) no Fórum de Augusto (por vezes chamado Fórum de Marte por conta do templo) e dedicado em 1 de agosto de 2 a.C.. O templo foi erigido em cumprimento de uma promessa feita anos antes pelo príncipe, quando da Batalha de Filipos de 42 a.C. que pôs fim a guerra civil entre o Segundo Triunvirato e os assassinos de Júlio César, Marco Júnio Bruto e Caio Cássio Longino. O Templo de Marte Vingador recebeu várias obras de arte. Sabe-se que ao menos uma vez Augusto celebrou o Festival de Marte em seu fórum em resposta à inundação do Rio Tibre, e os irmãos arvais realizaram sacrifícios a Marte Vingador, Salo e o gênio do príncipe. rdf:langString
Mars Ultors tempel (”Mars Hämnarens tempel”) var ett tempel, beläget på Augustus forum i antikens Rom. Det var invigt åt krigsguden Mars och uppfördes av Augustus år 2 f.Kr. Templet var peripteralt. Det som i dag återstår av Mars Ultors tempel är bland annat podiet samt tre kolonner med korintiska kapitäl och en pilaster. rdf:langString
戰神復仇者神廟(義大利語:Tempio di Marte Ultore)是一座古羅馬神廟,位於奧古斯都議事廣場。這座神廟在西元前2年竣工,奉獻給戰神復仇者,報復凱撒遇刺。在羅馬帝國末期對異教徒的迫害中,這座神廟被關閉。建築融合了多種建築風格。排列著八根科林斯柱式風格的柱子。 rdf:langString
Im Jahr 2 v. Chr. wurde das Augustusforum mit dem dazugehörigen Mars-Ultor-Tempel von Kaiser Augustus in Rom eingeweiht. Das Zentrum des Augustusforums bildet der Tempel des Mars Ultor, des rächenden Mars. Dieses Forum war das zweite der vier Kaiserforen in Rom. Es handelte sich dabei um eine Erweiterung des Forum Romanum. rdf:langString
The Temple of Mars Ultor was a sanctuary erected in Ancient Rome by the Roman Emperor Augustus in 2 BCE and dedicated to the god Mars in his guise as avenger. The centerpiece of the Forum of Augustus, it was a peripteral style temple, on the front and sides, but not the rear (sine postico), raised on a platform and lined with eight columns in the Corinthian order style. rdf:langString
Храм Марса-Мстителя (лат. Mars Ultor) — руины храма на форуме Августа в Риме. Форум и храм были освящены во 2 году до н. э. Храм находился в центре форума, на подиуме и первоначально задумывался как напоминание о битве при Филиппах, по окончании работ служил символом примирения императора с сенатом. rdf:langString
Храм Марса-Месника (лат. Templum Martis Ultoris) — у часи Римської імперії храм на форумі Августа в Римі. Форум і храм були освячені у 2 році до н. е. Храм знаходився в центрі форуму на подіумі і спочатку задумувався як нагадування про , по закінченні робіт служив символом примирення імператора з сенатом. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Mars-Ultor-Tempel
rdf:langString Templo de Marte vengador
rdf:langString Marte Ultor tenplua
rdf:langString Temple de Mars vengeur
rdf:langString Tempio di Marte Ultore
rdf:langString Tempel van Mars Ultor
rdf:langString Templo de Marte Vingador
rdf:langString Храм Марса-Мстителя
rdf:langString Temple of Mars Ultor
rdf:langString Mars Ultors tempel
rdf:langString Храм Марса Месника
rdf:langString 戰神復仇者神廟
xsd:integer 4139084
xsd:integer 1097065837
rdf:langString Im Jahr 2 v. Chr. wurde das Augustusforum mit dem dazugehörigen Mars-Ultor-Tempel von Kaiser Augustus in Rom eingeweiht. Das Zentrum des Augustusforums bildet der Tempel des Mars Ultor, des rächenden Mars. Dieses Forum war das zweite der vier Kaiserforen in Rom. Es handelte sich dabei um eine Erweiterung des Forum Romanum. Der Komplex mit Forum und Tempel wurde von Augustus schon im Jahre 42 v. Chr. geplant, jedoch dauerte es bis zu dessen Einweihung noch 40 Jahre. Ursprünglich erdacht zur Demonstration der Nachfolge Octavians und zum Andenken an die Schlacht bei Philippi (42 v. Chr.), diente es bei der Fertigstellung als Symbol der Prinzipatsideologie und der Versöhnung des Kaisers mit dem Senat.
rdf:langString Marte Ultor tenplua (latinez: Templum Martis Ultoris, "Marte Mendekatzaile tenplua") erromatar tenplu bat da, Marte gerra jainkoari eskainitakoa, Erromako dagoena. Augustok eraikiarazi zuen, K.a. 2an, Julio Zesarren Venus Genetrix tenpluaren eredua jarraiturik.
rdf:langString El Templo de Marte vengador (en latín Templum Martis Ultoris) era un antiguo templo romano dedicado a Marte, dios de la guerra, ubicado en el foro de Augusto, el segundo de los foros imperiales de Roma.
rdf:langString The Temple of Mars Ultor was a sanctuary erected in Ancient Rome by the Roman Emperor Augustus in 2 BCE and dedicated to the god Mars in his guise as avenger. The centerpiece of the Forum of Augustus, it was a peripteral style temple, on the front and sides, but not the rear (sine postico), raised on a platform and lined with eight columns in the Corinthian order style. According to Suetonius and Ovid, the young Octavian vowed to build a temple to Mars in 42 BCE just before the Battle of Philippi if the god would grant him and Marcus Antonius victory over two of the assassins of Julius Caesar, Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. However, work did not commence on the temple until after the recovery of the Aquilae in 20 BCE that had been lost by Marcus Licinius Crassus in the disastrous Battle of Carrhae 33 years earlier. Originally, the Roman Senate had decreed that the returned standards were to be housed in a temple to Mars Ultor that was to be built on the Capitoline Hill. Augustus however, declared that he would build it at his own expense on the site of his new forum. Augustus’s decision to wait to fulfill his vow has been speculated to have been due to a reluctance to celebrate his victory over those who were seen as the defenders of Libertas, whereas the return of the standards, and its symbolic revenge against the Parthians, was a more acceptable victory to commemorate. The temple was dedicated, albeit in an incomplete state, in 2 BCE, to coincide with Augustus’s celebration of his 13th consulship as well as his acceptance of the title Pater Patriae. The temple (and the forum within which it was placed) was part of imperial propaganda campaign to glorify and bring about an acceptance of the authority of the new Augustan empire. To the imperial regime, it was vital to accentuate the favour of the gods, as well as glorifying the ancestral figures and past of Rome, and so overcome the disorder of the civil wars that had plagued the state for over 50 years. In the words of Augustus himself, “I have fashioned this to lead the citizens to require me, while I live, and the rulers of later times as well, to attain the standard set by those great men of old.” On the pediment of the temple was inscribed the name of Augustus, along with a series of reliefs honouring the divinities that played a part in influencing the outcome of battles and wars through their intercession. In the centre was the figure of Mars, flanked by the goddesses Fortuna and Venus. Next to these were the seated figures of Romulus (in the guise of an augur) and the goddess Roma in arms. Finally, in the gable corners were reclining figures of the personification of the Palatine Hill and Father Tiber. It was to these divinities that Augustan propaganda ascribed the self-styled “victory” over the Parthians that saw the return of the lost standards during Augustus’s visit to Syria in 20 BCE (and to a lesser extent, his victory at the Battle of Philippi as an act of filial vengeance against the assassins of his adoptive father, Julius Caesar). Further, it also emphasized the role that the goddess Fortuna played his triple victory in Illyria (33 BCE), at the Battle of Actium and in Egypt defeating Cleopatra. Finally, the role of Mars Ultor was critical in Augustus’s attempts to refashion the events of his coming to power in a way that obscured the illegality of much of his actions during those years. Within the temple there stood three statues. In the middle, a colossal Mars Ultor depicted in full military dress, holding a large spear in his right hand and a shield in his left. On the right side of the god stood a statue of the goddess Venus, with Cupid – it was Venus whom all of the gens Julia claimed descent from. To the left of the god was a statue of Julius Caesar, or more specifically ‘Divus Julius’, as he had been deified after a comet was seen in the sky during his funeral games. In 19 CE, the emperor Tiberius added two arches, one on either side of the temple, and it was later restored during the reign of Hadrian. The temple was used by the Senate as a meeting place to discuss matters of foreign policy, discussions around declarations of war, and to make decisions for awarding triumphs. It also served as a reception place to meet foreign embassies. By the end of the 4th century, the temple would have been closed during the persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire, when the Christian Emperors issued edicts prohibiting non-Christian worship. During the ninth century, an oratory church was built in the ruins of the temple, and was called the church of San Basilio in Scala Mortuorum. This church was mentioned in the 12th century Mirabilia Urbis Romae and by the late 19th century, the temple ruins was home to the convent of the nuns of Santa Annunziata.
rdf:langString Temple de Mars Ultor Le temple de Mars vengeur (en latin : Templum Martis Ultoris) est un temple romain dédié à Mars, dieu de la guerre, situé dans le forum d'Auguste, le deuxième des forums impériaux de Rome.( Pour un article plus général, voir Forum d'Auguste. )
rdf:langString Il tempio di Marte Ultore è un antico tempio romano, che faceva da chiusura scenografica al lato di fondo del foro di Augusto a Roma. Era dedicato al dio romano Marte "vendicatore", Mars Ultor, al quale Augusto aveva promesso in voto un tempio prima della vittoria nella battaglia di Filippi. La costruzione venne probabilmente iniziata, insieme a quella del foro, solo dopo che Augusto si fu di fatto assicurato il potere, negli anni tra il 30 e il 27 a.C., e il tempio venne solennemente inaugurato quarant'anni dopo la promessa nel 2 a.C.
rdf:langString De tempel van Mars Ultor (Latijn aedes Martis Ultoris; "Tempel van Mars de Wreker") was de belangrijkste tempel die ten tijde van Augustus in Rome werd gebouwd .
rdf:langString Храм Марса-Мстителя (лат. Mars Ultor) — руины храма на форуме Августа в Риме. Форум и храм были освящены во 2 году до н. э. Храм находился в центре форума, на подиуме и первоначально задумывался как напоминание о битве при Филиппах, по окончании работ служил символом примирения императора с сенатом. Храм был богато украшен белым каррарским мрамором и 8 колоннами коринфского ордера. В апсиде хранились культовые статуи Марса, Венеры и Ромы, Фортуны и Ромула. В экседрах находились статуи и бюсты полководцев, царей, мифологических фигур и поэтов. Возможно, перед храмом располагалась квадрига, символизирующая триумф Августа.
rdf:langString Templo de Marte Vingador ou Templo de Marte Ultor (em latim: Templum/Aedes Martis Ultoris) foi um templo erigido pelo imperador Augusto (r. 27 a.C.–14 d.C.) no Fórum de Augusto (por vezes chamado Fórum de Marte por conta do templo) e dedicado em 1 de agosto de 2 a.C.. O templo foi erigido em cumprimento de uma promessa feita anos antes pelo príncipe, quando da Batalha de Filipos de 42 a.C. que pôs fim a guerra civil entre o Segundo Triunvirato e os assassinos de Júlio César, Marco Júnio Bruto e Caio Cássio Longino. O Templo de Marte Vingador recebeu várias obras de arte. Sabe-se que ao menos uma vez Augusto celebrou o Festival de Marte em seu fórum em resposta à inundação do Rio Tibre, e os irmãos arvais realizaram sacrifícios a Marte Vingador, Salo e o gênio do príncipe.
rdf:langString Mars Ultors tempel (”Mars Hämnarens tempel”) var ett tempel, beläget på Augustus forum i antikens Rom. Det var invigt åt krigsguden Mars och uppfördes av Augustus år 2 f.Kr. Templet var peripteralt. Det som i dag återstår av Mars Ultors tempel är bland annat podiet samt tre kolonner med korintiska kapitäl och en pilaster.
rdf:langString 戰神復仇者神廟(義大利語:Tempio di Marte Ultore)是一座古羅馬神廟,位於奧古斯都議事廣場。這座神廟在西元前2年竣工,奉獻給戰神復仇者,報復凱撒遇刺。在羅馬帝國末期對異教徒的迫害中,這座神廟被關閉。建築融合了多種建築風格。排列著八根科林斯柱式風格的柱子。
rdf:langString Храм Марса-Месника (лат. Templum Martis Ultoris) — у часи Римської імперії храм на форумі Августа в Римі. Форум і храм були освячені у 2 році до н. е. Храм знаходився в центрі форуму на подіумі і спочатку задумувався як нагадування про , по закінченні робіт служив символом примирення імператора з сенатом. Храм був багато прикрашений білим каррарським мармуром і 8 колонами коринфського ордера. У абсиді зберігалися культові статуї Марса, Венери і Роми, Фортуни і Ромула. У екседрах знаходилися статуї і бюсти полководців, царів, міфологічних фігур і поетів. Можливо, перед храмом розташовувалася квадрига, що символізувала тріумф Октавіана Августа.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7071

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