Tatar confederation an entity of type: Thing

タタル部(塔塔児、Tatar)は、モンゴル帝国以前にモンゴル高原東部に存在したモンゴル系遊牧民族。『元史』などでは塔塔児、『集史』ではQaum Tātārと記される。チンギス・カンによって滅ぼされたが、その名は遊牧騎馬民族の代名詞となり、ヨーロッパに広まってタタールと呼ばれるようになる。また、宋代以降から漢化したオングト部が「白韃靼」と呼ばれたのに対し、漢化していないタタルをはじめとする諸部族を「黒韃靼」と呼んだ。タタール部とも表記される。 rdf:langString
Тата́ры (монг. татар, ср. монг. ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ, др. тюрк. ‏𐱃𐱃𐰺‎) — крупное средневековое монгольское племя, обитавшее на северо-востоке современной Монголии. В историографии Центральной Азии татар традиционно принято относить к монгольским племенам, вышедшим из среды шивэй. Как полагают исследователи, татары могли общаться на тюрко-монгольском пиджине. Предположительно, в этногенезе татар кроме монгольских племён приняли участие тюркские и отчасти согдийские компоненты. Кочевья татар занимали районы озера Буйр-Нур и реки Халхин-Гол южнее реки Керулен, а также часть Внутренней Монголии. В настоящее время — этническая группа в составе некоторых монгольских народов. rdf:langString
塔塔儿部(蒙古语:ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ,西里尔字母:Татар),又称塔塔尔部、鞑靼部、韃靼聯盟,是公元12世纪时蒙古高原上的民族之一,為柔然的後裔。塔塔儿部鼎盛时期共有七万户。關於塔塔兒的祖屬,眾說紛紜,有人認為與蒙古一樣出自室韋,而宋人則認為是靺鞨(女真)別種。同时期其他比较重要的部落有:东部金國、北部乞颜部、南部汪古部、西部克烈部。 rdf:langString
Tatar (Chinese: 塔塔兒; Old Turkic: 𐱃𐱃𐰺, romanized: Tatar; Middle Mongol: ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ) was one of the five major tribal confederations (khanlig) in the Mongolian Plateau in the 12th century. The name "Tatar" was first transliterated in the Book of Song as 大檀 Dàtán (MC: *daH-dan) and 檀檀 Tántán (MC: *dan-dan) as another name for the Rourans, who were of Proto-Mongolic Donghu ancestry. The Book of Song and Book of Liang connected Rourans to the earlier Xiongnu while the Book of Wei traced the Rouran's origins back to the Donghu. Xu proposed that "the main body of the Rouran were of Xiongnu origin" and Rourans' descendants, namely Da Shiwei (aka Tatars), contained Turkic-speaking Xiongnu elements to a great extent. Even so, the Xiongnu's language is still unknown, and Chinese historians routinely as rdf:langString
타타르(몽골어: Татарын, 고대 튀르크어: 𐱃𐱃𐰺, 달단(韃靼))는 12세기 몽골 고원의 5대 민족 연맹체(몽골, 케레이트, 메르키트, 나이만, 타타르) 중 하나였다. "타타르"라는 이름은 732년경의 유물인 돌궐 제2제국의 퀼테긴 비문에 처음 나타난다. 비문에 보면 “타타르 30부족 연맹”이라는 뜻의 “오투즈 타타르 보둔(고대 튀르크어: 𐰆𐱃𐰕 𐱃𐱃𐰺 𐰉𐰆𐰑𐰣 Otuz Tatar Bodun)”이라는 말이 나온다. 타타르인들은 5세기, 고비 사막 북동쪽에 살다가 10세기 거란의 요나라에 신종했다. 요나라가 멸망하자 여진의 금나라의 지배를 받았으며, 금나라는 타타르가 다른 몽골•투르크계 부족연맹들과 싸우도록 뒤에서 조종했다. 그 결과 타타르는 카묵 몽골의 제2대 칸인 암바카이 칸이 금나라에 잡혀가 해릉양왕이 죽이도록 하는 데 공헌했고, 이 때문에 카묵 몽골과 원수 지간이 되고 말았다. 이 시기 타타르는 과 유역의 비옥한 지대에서 유목했으며, 중국으로 가는 무역길을 틀어쥐고 있었다. (카묵? 칼묵? 칼미크?...투르크는 오이라트를 칼묵이라 불렀다 ..) rdf:langString
De Tatar (Mongools: Татар, Tatar) waren een van de vijf grote Mongoolse stamverbanden (khanlig) op de Mongoolse Hoogvlakte in de 12e eeuw. De naam wordt voor het eerst genoemd in de Kül Tigininscriptie als Otuz Tatar Bodun ("Stam van de Dertig Tatar"). De Tatar woonden in de 5e eeuw in de noordoostelijke Gobi. In de 10e eeuw kwamen ze onder de Liao-dynastie van de Kitan. Na de val van de Liao stonden ze onder druk van de Jin-dynastie der Jurchen, en streden tegen de andere Mongoolse stammen. De Tatar leefden toen op de weidegronden rond Hulun Nuur en en beheersten een handelsroute naar China. rdf:langString
rdf:langString 타타르 연맹
rdf:langString タタル部
rdf:langString Tatar
rdf:langString Tatar confederation
rdf:langString Татары (племя)
rdf:langString 塔塔儿部
rdf:langString Tatar
rdf:langString , 大檀, 檀檀
rdf:langString Middle Mongol:
rdf:langString Nine Tatars
xsd:integer 32784178
xsd:integer 1124058949
xsd:integer 1202
xsd:integer 8
rdf:langString Tatar
rdf:langString High Middle Ages
rdf:langString Mongol Empire c.1207.png
rdf:langString Jalibukha
rdf:langString Megujin suult
rdf:langString Temujin-Uge
rdf:langString , 大檀, 檀檀
rdf:langString Middle Mongol:
rdf:langString Nomadic confederation
rdf:langString Tatar and their neighbours in the 13th century.
rdf:langString Tatar (Chinese: 塔塔兒; Old Turkic: 𐱃𐱃𐰺, romanized: Tatar; Middle Mongol: ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ) was one of the five major tribal confederations (khanlig) in the Mongolian Plateau in the 12th century. The name "Tatar" was first transliterated in the Book of Song as 大檀 Dàtán (MC: *daH-dan) and 檀檀 Tántán (MC: *dan-dan) as another name for the Rourans, who were of Proto-Mongolic Donghu ancestry. The Book of Song and Book of Liang connected Rourans to the earlier Xiongnu while the Book of Wei traced the Rouran's origins back to the Donghu. Xu proposed that "the main body of the Rouran were of Xiongnu origin" and Rourans' descendants, namely Da Shiwei (aka Tatars), contained Turkic-speaking Xiongnu elements to a great extent. Even so, the Xiongnu's language is still unknown, and Chinese historians routinely ascribed Xiongnu origins to various nomadic groups, yet such ascriptions do not necessarily indicate the subjects' exact origins: for examples, Xiongnu ancestry was ascribed to Turkic-speaking Göktürks and Tiele as well as Para-Mongolic-speaking Kumo Xi and Khitans. The Rourans, Tatars' putative ancestors, roamed modern-day Mongolia in summer and crossed the Gobi desert southwards in winter in search of pastures. Rourans founded their Khaganate in the 5th century, around 402 CE. Among the Rourans' subjects were the Ashina tribe, who overthrew their Rouran overlords in 552 and annihilated the Rourans in 555. One branch of the dispersed Rourans migrated to the Greater Khingan mountain range where they renamed themselves after Tantan, a historical Khagan, and gradually incorporated themselves into the Shiwei tribal complex and emerged as 大室韋 Da (Great) Shiwei. The first precise transcription of the Tatar ethnonym was written in Turkic on the Orkhon inscriptions, specifically, the Kul Tigin (CE 732) and Bilge Khagan (CE 735) monuments as 𐰆𐱃𐰔⁚𐱃𐱃𐰺⁚𐰉𐰆𐰑𐰣, Otuz Tatar Bodun, ''Thirty Tatar' clan' and 𐱃𐰸𐰔⁚𐱃𐱃𐰺, Tuquz Tatar, 'Nine Tatar' referring to the Tatar confederation.In historiography, the Proto-Mongolian Shiwei tribes are usually identified with Dada or Thirty Tatars, whereas the sources often refer to the actual Tatars as Nine Tatars, in which nine large clans are traditionally distinguished. The Toquz-Tatars and Otuz-Tatars were often proposed to be Mongolic speakers. In contrast, Soviet and Russian orientalist Leonid Kyzlasov argues that the Toquz Tatars and Otuz Tatars were instead Turkic-speaking, as the Persian-authored 10th century geographical treatise Hudud al-Alam stated that Tatars were part of the Toghuzghuz, whom Minorsky identified with the Qocho kingdom in eastern Tianshan, founded by Uyghur refugees following the collapse of the Uyghur Khaganate, whose founders belonged to the Toquz Oghuz confederation. At the same time, Kyzlasov is against the identification of the Tatars of the Orkhon inscriptions with Dada from Chinese sources. Persian historian Gardizi listed Tatars as one of seven founding tribes of the Turkic Kimek confederation. The Shine Usu inscription mentioned that the Toquz Tatars, in alliance with the Sekiz-Oghuz, unsuccessfully revolted against Uyghur Khagan Bayanchur, who was consolidating power between 744 and 750 CE. After being defeated three times, half of the Oghuz-Tatar rebels rejoined the Uyghurs, while the other half fled to an unknown people, who were identified as Khitans or Karluks. According to Senga and Klyashtorny, part of the Toquz-Tatar rebels fled westwards from the Uyghurs to the Irtysh river basin, where they later organized the Kipchaks and other tribal groupings (either already there or also newly arrived) into the Kimek tribal union. According to the Russian orientalist Vasily Ushnitsky, reports of medieval Muslim sources about the Tatar origin of the Kimak dynastic clan are the argument of the supporters of the Mongolian origin of the Kimaks and Kipchaks. The news about the Tatars, from whom the Kimaks separated, according to Josef Markwart, confirms the fact of the movement to the west of the Turkified Mongolian elements. Writing in the 11th century, Kara-khanid scholar Mahmud al-Kashgari included Tatars among the Turkic peoples. He located the Tatars west of the Kyrgyzes. The Turks are, in origin, twenty tribes. They all trace back to Turk, son of Japheth, son of Noah, God’s blessings be upon them — they correspond to the children of Rūm, son of Esau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, God’s blessings be upon them. [...] [In the following list] I outline the geographical position of each of their tribes in the eastern world. They are listed in order [from West] to East, both pagan and Muslim, beginning with those closest to Rūm. First is: Bajanak, then: Qifja'q, then: Uguz, then: Yam'k, then: Bashgirt, then: Yasmil, then: Qa'y, then: Yaba'quw, then: Tata'r, then: Qirqiz. The last one is closest to Sin. All of these tribes are opposite Rum, extending toward the East... When listing the 20 Turkic tribes, Kashgari also included non-Turks such as Kumo Xi, Khitans, Tanguts, and Chinese (the last one rendered as Arabic: Tawġāj < Karakhanid *Tawğaç). In the extant manuscript's text, the Tatars are located west of the Kyrgyzes; however, the manuscript's world-map shows that the Tatars were located west of the Ili river and west of the Bashkirs, whom Kashagari already located west of Tatars. Claus Schönig attributed such contradictions to errors made when the text and the map were copied. Kashgari additionally noted that Tatars were bilingual, speaking Turkic alongside their own languages; the same for the Yabaqus, Basmïls, and Chömüls. Yet available evidence suggested that the Yabaqus, Basmïls, and Chömüls were all Turkic speakers; therefore, Mehmet Fuat Köprülü concludes that in the 11th century, the Yabaqus, Basmïls, Chömüls, Qays and Tatars -the last two of whom Köprülü considers to be Turkified Mongols- could speak Kashgari's Karakhanid dialect as well as their own Turkic dialects, yet those peoples' own dialects differed from Karakhanid so substantially that Kashgari considered them other languages. The Otuken region, constantly mentioned in the Orkhon inscriptions as the place of residence of the Turks, according to Mahmud Kashgar, was once in the country of the Tatars. According to Vasily Bartold, this message suggests that the Mongols already then reached the west to the area where their neighbors from different sides were Turkic tribes. According to Klyashtorny, the name "Tatar" was the Turkic designation for Mongols. As Ushnitsky writes, the ethnonym "Tatar" was used by the Turks only to designate "strangers", that is, peoples who did not speak Turkic languages. The Turkic tribes living among their Mongol-speaking neighbors were also called "tat" or "tat-ar". According to Bartold, the peoples of Mongolian origin who spoke the Mongolian language had always called themselves Tatars. Subsequently, this word was completely supplanted by the word "Mongol". As for the division of Tatars who remained east, by the 10th century, they became subjects of the Khitan-led Liao dynasty. After the fall of the Liao, the Tatars experienced pressure from the Jurchen-led Jin dynasty and were urged to fight against the other Mongol tribes. The Tatars lived on the fertile pastures around Hulun Nuur and Buir Nuur and occupied a trade route to China proper in the 12th century. Southern Song ambassador Zhao Hong wrote in 1221 that in Genghis Khan's Mongol empire, there were three divisions based on their distance from the Jurchen Jin-ruled China: the White Tatars (白韃靼 Bai Dada), the Black Tatars (黑韃靼 Hei Dada), and the Wild Tatars (生韃靼 Sheng Dada), who were identified, by Kyzlasov, with the Turkic-speakers - including the Öngüds (of Turkic Shatuo origin), Mongolic speakers -to whom belonged Genghis Khan and his companions-, and the Tungusic speakers, respectively. The Secret History of the Mongols claimed that the Tatars were mortal enemies of the Mongols: they betrayed Khamag Mongol's khan Ambaghai to be executed by the Jurchen Jin dynasty and also treacherously poisoned chief Yesukhei, father of Genghis Khan; consequently, Genghis Khan allied with Ong Khan, conquered the Tatars, and ordered Tatar men taller than a lynchpin to be massacred, sparing only women and children. Mongolian historian Urgunge Onon proposes that Mongols were initially known to Europeans as Tatars because Tatars were compelled to fight as vanguards before the main body of Mongol cavalry and the ethnonym Tatars would then be transferred to all Mongols. However, scholars (Bartold, Theobald, Pow) noticed that even ethnic Mongols were often called Tatars, especially in unofficial sources either authored by foreigners (e.g. Chinese, Jurchens, Javanese) or by ethnic Mongols themselves (e.g. general Muqali or even Khan Ögedei). Pow proposes that the Mongolic-speaking tribes used the endonym Tatar during the first 30 to 40 years of the Mongol Empire's expansion, before self-identifying as Mongols, originally a dynastic-state label taken after the 12th-century Great Mongol State (大蒙古國); meanwhile, the old endonym Tatar fell out of favor and would be used to as a derogatory term for rebellious Mongolic-speaking tribes; Pow speculates that the name-change was motivated by insecurities: either because the enemies held in contempt the name Tatar, or because the subjects used the endonym Tatar for Mongolic-speaking elites, or because rivalries among Genghis Khan's descendants necessitated the delineation of "in" and "out" groups. Later on, Turkic-speaking peoples of Dasht-i-Kipchak, as a sign of political allegiance, adopted the endonym of their Mongolic-speaking conquerors, before ultimately subsuming the latter culturally and linguistically.
rdf:langString 타타르(몽골어: Татарын, 고대 튀르크어: 𐱃𐱃𐰺, 달단(韃靼))는 12세기 몽골 고원의 5대 민족 연맹체(몽골, 케레이트, 메르키트, 나이만, 타타르) 중 하나였다. "타타르"라는 이름은 732년경의 유물인 돌궐 제2제국의 퀼테긴 비문에 처음 나타난다. 비문에 보면 “타타르 30부족 연맹”이라는 뜻의 “오투즈 타타르 보둔(고대 튀르크어: 𐰆𐱃𐰕 𐱃𐱃𐰺 𐰉𐰆𐰑𐰣 Otuz Tatar Bodun)”이라는 말이 나온다. 타타르인들은 5세기, 고비 사막 북동쪽에 살다가 10세기 거란의 요나라에 신종했다. 요나라가 멸망하자 여진의 금나라의 지배를 받았으며, 금나라는 타타르가 다른 몽골•투르크계 부족연맹들과 싸우도록 뒤에서 조종했다. 그 결과 타타르는 카묵 몽골의 제2대 칸인 암바카이 칸이 금나라에 잡혀가 해릉양왕이 죽이도록 하는 데 공헌했고, 이 때문에 카묵 몽골과 원수 지간이 되고 말았다. 이 시기 타타르는 과 유역의 비옥한 지대에서 유목했으며, 중국으로 가는 무역길을 틀어쥐고 있었다. (카묵? 칼묵? 칼미크?...투르크는 오이라트를 칼묵이라 불렀다 ..) 몽골 제국이 성립된 뒤 타타르는 몽골의 일부로 흡수되었다. 이후 칭기스 칸의 손자 바투 칸이 타타르인들을 데리고 서쪽으로 이동했다. 그 결과 몽골의 침략을 받은 서양, 특히 루스 서부의 우크라이나에서는 몽골(이 경우 킵차크 칸국)을 싸잡아 "타타르"라고 부르게 되었다. 그리고 오늘날에는 "타타르족"이라 하면 12세기의 타타르 연맹과는 별 관계 없이 오늘날의 러시아와 우크라이나 지역에 정착한 튀르크계 무슬림들을 가리키는 말이 되었다. 현대의 타타르족은 볼가 불가르, 킵차크인, 쿠만인, 튀르크화된 몽골인(노가이인)들의 혈통이 섞여 있다.
rdf:langString De Tatar (Mongools: Татар, Tatar) waren een van de vijf grote Mongoolse stamverbanden (khanlig) op de Mongoolse Hoogvlakte in de 12e eeuw. De naam wordt voor het eerst genoemd in de Kül Tigininscriptie als Otuz Tatar Bodun ("Stam van de Dertig Tatar"). De Tatar woonden in de 5e eeuw in de noordoostelijke Gobi. In de 10e eeuw kwamen ze onder de Liao-dynastie van de Kitan. Na de val van de Liao stonden ze onder druk van de Jin-dynastie der Jurchen, en streden tegen de andere Mongoolse stammen. De Tatar leefden toen op de weidegronden rond Hulun Nuur en en beheersten een handelsroute naar China. Met de stichting van het Mongoolse Rijk werden de Tatar door Dzjengis Khan onderworpen. Onder diens kleinzoon Batoe Chan trokken zij naar het westen, waarbij zij ook meerdere Turkse stammen met zich mee voerden. De naam Tataren werd door de Russen en andere Europese volkeren gebruikt om Mongolen zowel als Turken onder Mongoolse heerschappij aan te duiden, met name degene onder de Gouden Horde. Bij de Europeanen werd het hele gebied ten oosten van de Oeral als Tartarije bekend. Later werd de naam door de Russen gebruikt om alle Turks- dan wel Mongoolstalige volkeren aan te duiden, en zelfs islamitische Kaukasusvolkeren. Tegenwoordig wordt ze gebruikt voor de meest Turkstalige moslims van Rusland, Oekraïne, Polen en Litouwen, met name de Wolga-Tataren, Krim-Tataren, Lipka-Tataren, Astrachan-Tataren, Nogai en Siberische Tataren.
rdf:langString タタル部(塔塔児、Tatar)は、モンゴル帝国以前にモンゴル高原東部に存在したモンゴル系遊牧民族。『元史』などでは塔塔児、『集史』ではQaum Tātārと記される。チンギス・カンによって滅ぼされたが、その名は遊牧騎馬民族の代名詞となり、ヨーロッパに広まってタタールと呼ばれるようになる。また、宋代以降から漢化したオングト部が「白韃靼」と呼ばれたのに対し、漢化していないタタルをはじめとする諸部族を「黒韃靼」と呼んだ。タタール部とも表記される。
rdf:langString Тата́ры (монг. татар, ср. монг. ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ, др. тюрк. ‏𐱃𐱃𐰺‎) — крупное средневековое монгольское племя, обитавшее на северо-востоке современной Монголии. В историографии Центральной Азии татар традиционно принято относить к монгольским племенам, вышедшим из среды шивэй. Как полагают исследователи, татары могли общаться на тюрко-монгольском пиджине. Предположительно, в этногенезе татар кроме монгольских племён приняли участие тюркские и отчасти согдийские компоненты. Кочевья татар занимали районы озера Буйр-Нур и реки Халхин-Гол южнее реки Керулен, а также часть Внутренней Монголии. В настоящее время — этническая группа в составе некоторых монгольских народов.
rdf:langString 塔塔儿部(蒙古语:ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠷ,西里尔字母:Татар),又称塔塔尔部、鞑靼部、韃靼聯盟,是公元12世纪时蒙古高原上的民族之一,為柔然的後裔。塔塔儿部鼎盛时期共有七万户。關於塔塔兒的祖屬,眾說紛紜,有人認為與蒙古一樣出自室韋,而宋人則認為是靺鞨(女真)別種。同时期其他比较重要的部落有:东部金國、北部乞颜部、南部汪古部、西部克烈部。
rdf:langString Tatar
rdf:langString Nine Tatars
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 30360
xsd:gYear 1202
xsd:gYear 0008

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