Shanggu Commandery

上谷郡(じょうこく-ぐん)は、中国にかつて存在した郡である。秦の時代に設置。現在の中華人民共和国北京市にあたる。 rdf:langString
상곡군(上谷郡)은 중국의 옛 군이다. rdf:langString
上谷郡,中國古郡名。 戰國燕昭王二十九年(公元前283年)置,郡治在(今河北怀来縣一帶),為秦朝三十六郡之一。西漢、東漢、曹魏、西晉、北魏、北齊、北周沿之,轄區日易縮小。隋文帝時廢郡,其屬縣劃入易州。隋煬帝改稱上谷郡。户三万八千七百,下领六县:易县、涞水县、遒县、遂城县、、飞狐县。唐朝初年,改為易州,至唐玄宗開元年間又恢復上谷郡,下辖易县、遂城县、涞水县、容城县、满城县、(今河北省易县安格庄乡西古县)、(今河北省涞水县赵各庄镇)、(今河北省易县梁格庄镇娄亭村)。但不久全国改郡为州,「上谷郡」之名從此走入歷史。 唐朝上谷郡太守 * (742年) * 裴某(745年) * 裴倩(天宝年间) * (天宝年间) rdf:langString
Shanggu Commandery (Chinese: 上谷郡) was a commandery in imperial China from the Warring States period to Tang dynasty. It was located in present-day Hebei and Beijing. The commandery was established by the state of Yan for the defense against the Xiongnu. In Western Han dynasty, it administered 15 counties, including Juyang (沮陽), Quanshang (泉上), Pan (潘), Jundu (軍都), Juyong (居庸), Goumao (雊瞀), Yiyu (夷輿), Ning (寧), Changping (昌平), Guangning (廣寧), Zhuolu (涿鹿), Qieju (且居), Ru (茹), Nüqi (女祈) and Xialuo (下落). Guangyang Commandery was merged into Shanggu in Emperor Guangwu of Han's reign, but was restored in 96 AD, and two former Shanggu counties – Jundu and Changping – was transferred there. Later during Eastern Han, only 8 counties remained, namely Juyang, Pan, Ning, Guangning, Juyong, Goumao, Zhu rdf:langString
rdf:langString 上谷郡
rdf:langString 상곡군
rdf:langString Shanggu Commandery
rdf:langString 上谷郡
xsd:integer 60886678
xsd:integer 1098914014
rdf:langString Shanggu Commandery (Chinese: 上谷郡) was a commandery in imperial China from the Warring States period to Tang dynasty. It was located in present-day Hebei and Beijing. The commandery was established by the state of Yan for the defense against the Xiongnu. In Western Han dynasty, it administered 15 counties, including Juyang (沮陽), Quanshang (泉上), Pan (潘), Jundu (軍都), Juyong (居庸), Goumao (雊瞀), Yiyu (夷輿), Ning (寧), Changping (昌平), Guangning (廣寧), Zhuolu (涿鹿), Qieju (且居), Ru (茹), Nüqi (女祈) and Xialuo (下落). Guangyang Commandery was merged into Shanggu in Emperor Guangwu of Han's reign, but was restored in 96 AD, and two former Shanggu counties – Jundu and Changping – was transferred there. Later during Eastern Han, only 8 counties remained, namely Juyang, Pan, Ning, Guangning, Juyong, Goumao, Zhuolu and Xialuo. The total number of households was 36,008 in 2 AD, while the population was 117,762. In 140 AD, the population was 51,204, and the households numbered 10,352. In early Eastern Han, some of the Wuhuan people settled within the empire's northern borders. Ning County in Shanggu became the seat of an office known as the "Colonel protecting the Wuhuan" (護烏桓校尉), which was in charge of relationships with the Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes and had the rank equivalent to that of a commandery's Grand Administrator (太守). A seasonal market was also established there. During Emperor Wu of Jin's reign, a new Guangning Commandery was established. Shanggu had 2 counties and 4,070 households, while Guangning administered 3 counties and 3,950 households. During the Sixteen Kingdoms era, the area was successively held by Later Zhao, Former Yan, Former Qin and Later Yan. Later, Shanggu became part of Northern Wei until the Xiaochang era when it was lost during the Rebellion of Six Garrisons (六鎮之亂). It covered 2 counties – Pingshu (平舒) and Juyong – and had 3,093 households. The commandery was abolished in early Sui dynasty. In Sui and Tang dynasties, Shanggu Commandery became an alternative name for Yi Prefecture (易州). It consisted of 6 counties: Yi (易), Rongcheng (容城), Suicheng (遂城), Laishui (淶水), Mancheng (滿城) and Wuhui (五回). The population was 258,779 in 742 AD, in 44,230 households.
rdf:langString 上谷郡(じょうこく-ぐん)は、中国にかつて存在した郡である。秦の時代に設置。現在の中華人民共和国北京市にあたる。
rdf:langString 상곡군(上谷郡)은 중국의 옛 군이다.
rdf:langString 上谷郡,中國古郡名。 戰國燕昭王二十九年(公元前283年)置,郡治在(今河北怀来縣一帶),為秦朝三十六郡之一。西漢、東漢、曹魏、西晉、北魏、北齊、北周沿之,轄區日易縮小。隋文帝時廢郡,其屬縣劃入易州。隋煬帝改稱上谷郡。户三万八千七百,下领六县:易县、涞水县、遒县、遂城县、、飞狐县。唐朝初年,改為易州,至唐玄宗開元年間又恢復上谷郡,下辖易县、遂城县、涞水县、容城县、满城县、(今河北省易县安格庄乡西古县)、(今河北省涞水县赵各庄镇)、(今河北省易县梁格庄镇娄亭村)。但不久全国改郡为州,「上谷郡」之名從此走入歷史。 唐朝上谷郡太守 * (742年) * 裴某(745年) * 裴倩(天宝年间) * (天宝年间)
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3313

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