
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ribophorin an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

Le riboforine sono glicoproteine transmembrana presenti nella membrana del reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso, ma assenti nella membrana del reticolo endoplasmatico liscio. Rivestono un ruolo chiave nell'ancoraggio dei ribosomi al reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso, nonché nei processi co-traduzionali che dipendono da questo legame. Il contenuto in riboforine del reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso è uguale al numero di unità ribosomali. rdf:langString
核糖体结合蛋白(英語:Ribophorin)是一種横跨膜醣蛋白,為粗糙內質網膜上寡聚糖轉移酶的一個亞基。該蛋白分為核糖體結合蛋白I和核糖體結合蛋白II兩種類型,对蛋白质的正确折叠有重要意义。它們在蛋白質複合物寡糖基轉移酶(OST)中作為命名複合物的兩個不同亞基起作用。 核糖體結合蛋白I和II 僅存在於真核細胞中。 兩種類型的核糖蛋白在核醣體與粗面內質網的結合以及依賴於這種相互作用的共翻譯過程中發揮關鍵作用。 粗面內質網的核糖蛋白含量等於核醣體單位的化學計量數。 因此,這表明這些蛋白質在網狀物中具有重要性,豐富性和良好的保存性。 rdf:langString
Ribophorin (auch Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharid-Protein-Glycosyltransferase) ist ein Enzym in Eukaryoten, das zusammen mit weiteren Polypeptiden Bestandteil des -Komplexes (OST) in der Membran des Endoplasmatischen Retikulums (ER) ist, welcher für die N-Glykosylierung von anderen Proteinen notwendig ist. Ribophorin ist dabei die enzymatisch aktive Untereinheit. rdf:langString
Ribophorins are dome shaped transmembrane glycoproteins which are located in the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but are absent in the membrane of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There are two types of ribophorines: ribophorin I and II. These act in the protein complex oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) as two different subunits of the named complex. Ribophorin I and II are only present in eukaryote cells. The ribophorins are soluble in non-ionic detergents such as Triton X-100. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ribophorin
rdf:langString Riboforina
rdf:langString Ribophorin
rdf:langString 核糖體結合糖蛋白
xsd:integer 13114189
xsd:integer 1062145800
rdf:langString Ribophorin (auch Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharid-Protein-Glycosyltransferase) ist ein Enzym in Eukaryoten, das zusammen mit weiteren Polypeptiden Bestandteil des -Komplexes (OST) in der Membran des Endoplasmatischen Retikulums (ER) ist, welcher für die N-Glykosylierung von anderen Proteinen notwendig ist. Ribophorin ist dabei die enzymatisch aktive Untereinheit. Ribophorin liegt bei mehrzelligen Tieren in zwei Isoformen (Ribophorin I und II) vor. Für Ribophorin I konnte gezeigt werden, dass es bestimmte Proteine dem aktiven Zentrum der Oligosaccharyltransferase zuführt und somit eine N-Glykosylierung ermöglicht.
rdf:langString Ribophorins are dome shaped transmembrane glycoproteins which are located in the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but are absent in the membrane of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There are two types of ribophorines: ribophorin I and II. These act in the protein complex oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) as two different subunits of the named complex. Ribophorin I and II are only present in eukaryote cells. Both types of ribophorins develop a key role in the binding of ribosomes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum as well as in the co-translational processes that depend on this interaction. The content of ribophorin of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is equal to the stoichiometric number of ribosomal units. Therefore, this suggests the great importance, abundance and good preservation of these proteins in the reticulum. Consequently, defects in the genes that encode these proteins may cause congenital disorders and devastating consequences; ribophorin I and II are encoded by the genes RPN1 and RPN2 respectively. The ribophorins are soluble in non-ionic detergents such as Triton X-100.
rdf:langString Le riboforine sono glicoproteine transmembrana presenti nella membrana del reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso, ma assenti nella membrana del reticolo endoplasmatico liscio. Rivestono un ruolo chiave nell'ancoraggio dei ribosomi al reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso, nonché nei processi co-traduzionali che dipendono da questo legame. Il contenuto in riboforine del reticolo endoplasmatico rugoso è uguale al numero di unità ribosomali.
rdf:langString 核糖体结合蛋白(英語:Ribophorin)是一種横跨膜醣蛋白,為粗糙內質網膜上寡聚糖轉移酶的一個亞基。該蛋白分為核糖體結合蛋白I和核糖體結合蛋白II兩種類型,对蛋白质的正确折叠有重要意义。它們在蛋白質複合物寡糖基轉移酶(OST)中作為命名複合物的兩個不同亞基起作用。 核糖體結合蛋白I和II 僅存在於真核細胞中。 兩種類型的核糖蛋白在核醣體與粗面內質網的結合以及依賴於這種相互作用的共翻譯過程中發揮關鍵作用。 粗面內質網的核糖蛋白含量等於核醣體單位的化學計量數。 因此,這表明這些蛋白質在網狀物中具有重要性,豐富性和良好的保存性。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11482

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