Red August an entity of type: Thing

Der Rote August (chinesisch 紅八月 / 红八月) wird als Begriff verwendet, um auf eine Reihe von blutigen Massakern in Peking hinzuweisen, die auf Anordnung der chinesischen Regierung hauptsächlich im August 1966 während der Zeit der Kulturrevolution stattfanden. Laut der offiziellen Statistik von 1980 wurden von August bis September 1966 in Peking insgesamt 1772 Menschen – darunter Lehrer und Schulleiter vieler Schulen – von den Roten Garden getötet. Laut offizieller Statistik aus dem Jahr 1985 betrug die Zahl der Todesopfer während des Roten Augusts über 10.000. Die Bewegung der Zerstörung der „Vier Alten“ begann auch im Roten August. Der Rote August von Peking gilt als Ursprung des Roten Terrors in der chinesischen Kulturrevolution. rdf:langString
El Agosto rojo (en chino tradicional: 紅八月; en chino simplificado: 红八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), que originalmente significaba el agosto de 1966 de la Revolución Cultural China, también se usa para indicar una serie de masacres en Pekín que tuvieron lugar principalmente durante el período.​​​​​ Según las estadísticas oficiales de 1980, de agosto a septiembre de 1966, un total de 1772 personas.​​​​ Los académicos también han señalado que, según las estadísticas oficiales de 1985, el número real de muertos durante el Agosto Rojo fue de más de 10000.​​​ rdf:langString
L'Août rouge (chinois simplifié : 红八月 ; chinois traditionnel : 紅八月 ; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), signifiant à l'origine le mois d’août de l’année 1966 lors de la révolution culturelle chinoise, est également utilisé pour indiquer une série de massacres à Pékin. rdf:langString
赤い八月(あかいはちがつ、中国語: 紅八月)は、もともと文化大革命の1966年8月を意味し、主に期間中に起こった北京での一連の虐殺を示すためにも使用される。1980年の公式統計によると、1966年の8月から9月までに多くの学校の教師と校長を含む合計1,772人が紅衛兵によって北京で殺害された。さらに、33,695戸の家屋が略奪され、85,196世帯が北京を離れることを余儀なくされた。学者たちはまた、1985年の公式統計によれば「赤い8月」の間の実際の死者数は10,000人を超えていたと指摘している。 rdf:langString
붉은 8 월 (중국어 간체자: 红八月, 정체자: 紅八月, 병음: Hóng Bāyuè) 은 원래 문화 대혁명이 시작되었던 1966년 8월을 의미하며 이 기간 동안 주로 일어난 베이징에서의 일련의 학살을 표현하는 데 사용된다. 1980년 공식 통계에 따르면 1966년 8월부터 9 월까지 총 1,772 명 (많은 학교의 교사와 교장 포함)이 베이징에서 홍위병에 의해 사망하였다. 또한 33,695 채의 집이 약탈 당했고 85,196 가구가 강제로 도시를 떠나게 되었다. 학자들은 또한 1985년의 공식 통계에 따르면 붉은 8 월기간 동안의 실제 사망자 수는 10,000 명 이상이라고 지적하였다. rdf:langString
O Agosto Vermelho (chinês tradicional: 紅八月; chinês simplificado: 红八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), originalmente significando agosto de 1966 da Revolução Cultural, também é usado para indicar uma série de massacres em Pequim que ocorreram principalmente durante o período. De acordo com as estatísticas oficiais de 1980, de agosto a setembro de 1966, um total de 1.772 pessoas — incluindo professores e diretores de muitas escolas — foram mortas em Pequim pelos Guardas Vermelhos; além disso, 33.695 casas foram saqueadas e 85.196 famílias foram forçadas a deixar a cidade. Os estudiosos também apontaram que, de acordo com as estatísticas oficiais em 1985, o número real de mortos durante o Agosto Vermelho foi superior a 10.000. rdf:langString
Red August (simplified Chinese: 红八月; traditional Chinese: 紅八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), originally meaning August 1966 of the Cultural Revolution, is a term used to indicate a series of massacres in Beijing which mainly took place during the period. According to the official statistics in 1980, from August to September in 1966, a total of 1,772 people—including teachers and principals of many schools—were killed in Beijing by Red Guards; in addition, 33,695 homes were ransacked and 85,196 families were forced to leave the city. The killing by the Red Guards also made an impact on several rural districts of Beijing, causing the "Daxing Massacre", for example, during which 325 people were killed from August 27 to September 1 in Daxing District of Beijing. The oldest killed during the Daxing Mass rdf:langString
Agustus Merah (Hanzi sederhana: 红八月; Hanzi tradisional: 紅八月; Pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), yang awalnya memiliki arti Agustus 1966 dari Revolusi Kebudayaan, juga dipakai untuk menyebut serangkaian pembantaian di Beijing yang utamanya terjadi pada periode tersebut. Menurut statistik resmi pada tahun 1980, dari Agustus sampai September pada 1966, sebanyak 1.772 orang—termasuk guru dan kepala sekolah—dibunuh di Beijing oleh Garda Merah. Selain itu, 33.695 rumah diserbu dan 85.196 keluarga dipaksa untuk meninggalkan kota tersebut. Pembunuhan oleh Garda Merah juga menimbulkan dampak pada banyak distrik pedesaan Beijing, menyebabkan "", contohnya, dimana 325 orang dibunuh dari 27 Agustus sampai 1 September di Distrik Daxing, Beijing. Orang tertua yang dibunuh pada Pembantaian Daxing berusia 80 tahun, sem rdf:langString
L'agosto rosso (紅八月T, 红八月S, Hóng BāyuèP), originariamente riferente all'agosto del 1966, anno della rivoluzione culturale, è anche usato per indicare una serie di massacri a Pechino avvenuti principalmente durante quel periodo. Secondo le statistiche ufficiali nel 1980, da agosto a settembre del 1966, un totale di 1.772 persone (compresi insegnanti e presidi di molte scuole) furono uccise a Pechino dalle Guardie Rosse; inoltre, 33.695 case sono state saccheggiate e 85.196 famiglie sono state costrette a lasciare la città. Gli studiosi hanno anche sottolineato che, secondo le statistiche ufficiali del 1985, il bilancio delle vittime effettivo durante l'Agosto Rosso era di oltre 10.000. rdf:langString
红八月,本意是指在中华人民共和国文化大革命初期的1966年8月,也可指文革初期在中国首都北京城发生的一系列屠杀事件,由于这些杀戮主要发生于1966年8月,故称为“红八月”或“八月杀戮”。据1980年官方数据,在1966年8-9月间,在北京市有1772人被红卫兵打死,其中包括很多学校的老师和校长,另有至少33695户被抄家、85196个家庭被驱逐出北京;此外,受到北京市区红卫兵杀戮的影响,北京大兴县从8月27日至9月1日爆发了“大兴事件”,数天内先后有325人遭屠杀,最大的80岁,最小的才38天,有22户人家被杀到绝戶。亦有学者指出,1985年北京市官方统计显示,屠杀实际死亡人数上万。 1966年8月18日,毛泽东在天安门城楼上接见了红卫兵代表宋彬彬,红卫兵受到鼓舞,北京的文革屠杀以及“破四旧”运动逐渐展开。杀戮方式包括打死、勒死、抽死、踩死、开水烫死、砍头等等,对多数婴幼儿则是摔死或踩住其一条腿,劈另一条腿,将人撕成两半。在此次文革屠杀中,亦有多人因遭到红卫兵的批斗和迫害而自杀,譬如在针对知识分子的“八二三事件”中,知名作家老舍投湖自尽。屠杀期间,毛泽东曾公开表示不要干涉学生文革、并多次接见红卫兵,而中国公安部部长谢富治也提出要保护红卫兵、不要拘捕。但到了8月底、9月初,由于事态严重,中共中央进行了多次干预,大屠杀才逐渐结束。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Roter August
rdf:langString Agosto rojo
rdf:langString Agustus Merah
rdf:langString Août rouge
rdf:langString Agosto rosso
rdf:langString 붉은 8월
rdf:langString 赤い八月
rdf:langString Red August
rdf:langString Agosto Vermelho
rdf:langString 红八月
xsd:integer 62653028
xsd:integer 1123115163
rdf:langString August
rdf:langString September 1966
xsd:gMonthDay --08-18
xsd:integer 1966
xsd:integer 10275 85196
rdf:langString Destruction of the "Four Olds and Five Black Categories
rdf:langString 红八月
rdf:langString Hóng Bāyuè
rdf:langString Cultural Revolution in China
rdf:langString Chinese Communist Party, Cultural Revolution Group and student Red Guards incited by Mao Zedong
rdf:langString 红八月
rdf:langString 紅八月
rdf:langString Teachers, intellectuals, members of the "Five Black Categories" , local political leaders and perceived political enemies of Mao Zedong
rdf:langString Red August
rdf:langString Politicide, politically motivated violence
rdf:langString landlords, property owners, political dissidents, “class enemies”
rdf:langString Der Rote August (chinesisch 紅八月 / 红八月) wird als Begriff verwendet, um auf eine Reihe von blutigen Massakern in Peking hinzuweisen, die auf Anordnung der chinesischen Regierung hauptsächlich im August 1966 während der Zeit der Kulturrevolution stattfanden. Laut der offiziellen Statistik von 1980 wurden von August bis September 1966 in Peking insgesamt 1772 Menschen – darunter Lehrer und Schulleiter vieler Schulen – von den Roten Garden getötet. Laut offizieller Statistik aus dem Jahr 1985 betrug die Zahl der Todesopfer während des Roten Augusts über 10.000. Die Bewegung der Zerstörung der „Vier Alten“ begann auch im Roten August. Der Rote August von Peking gilt als Ursprung des Roten Terrors in der chinesischen Kulturrevolution.
rdf:langString El Agosto rojo (en chino tradicional: 紅八月; en chino simplificado: 红八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), que originalmente significaba el agosto de 1966 de la Revolución Cultural China, también se usa para indicar una serie de masacres en Pekín que tuvieron lugar principalmente durante el período.​​​​​ Según las estadísticas oficiales de 1980, de agosto a septiembre de 1966, un total de 1772 personas.​​​​ Los académicos también han señalado que, según las estadísticas oficiales de 1985, el número real de muertos durante el Agosto Rojo fue de más de 10000.​​​
rdf:langString L'Août rouge (chinois simplifié : 红八月 ; chinois traditionnel : 紅八月 ; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), signifiant à l'origine le mois d’août de l’année 1966 lors de la révolution culturelle chinoise, est également utilisé pour indiquer une série de massacres à Pékin.
rdf:langString Red August (simplified Chinese: 红八月; traditional Chinese: 紅八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), originally meaning August 1966 of the Cultural Revolution, is a term used to indicate a series of massacres in Beijing which mainly took place during the period. According to the official statistics in 1980, from August to September in 1966, a total of 1,772 people—including teachers and principals of many schools—were killed in Beijing by Red Guards; in addition, 33,695 homes were ransacked and 85,196 families were forced to leave the city. The killing by the Red Guards also made an impact on several rural districts of Beijing, causing the "Daxing Massacre", for example, during which 325 people were killed from August 27 to September 1 in Daxing District of Beijing. The oldest killed during the Daxing Massacre was 80 years old, while the youngest was only 38 days old; 22 families were wiped out. According to official statistics published on 7 November 1985, the number of beatings and deaths during the Red August was 10,275. On August 18, 1966, Mao Zedong met with Song Binbin, a leader of the Red Guards, on Tiananmen of Beijing, which greatly encouraged the Red Guards who then started their massive killing in the city and destroyed the "Four Olds" at the same time. Methods of slaughter during the Red August included beating, whipping, strangling, trampling, boiling, beheading and so on; in particular, the method used to kill most infants and children was knocking them against the ground or slicing them in half. Many people, including the notable writer Lao She, committed suicide after being persecuted. During the massacres, Mao Zedong publicly opposed any government intervention to the students' movement, and Xie Fuzhi, the Minister of Ministry of Public Security, instructed police and public security organs to protect the Red Guards instead of arresting them. However, the situation had grown out of control by the end of August 1966, forcing the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chinese government to take multiple interventions that gradually brought the massacre to an end. The Red August of Beijing is regarded as the origin of Red Terror in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, instigating Red Guards' movement in multiple cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Xiamen, where local political leaders, intellectuals, teachers and members of the Five Black Categories were persecuted and even killed by the Red Guards. There has been comparison between the date "18 August 1966", which was the crucial moment of the Red August, with the Kristallnacht, which was the prelude of Nazi Germany's Holocaust. In addition, the Red August along with the subsequent massacres across China during the Cultural Revolution has been compared to the Nanjing Massacre conducted by the Japanese military during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
rdf:langString Agustus Merah (Hanzi sederhana: 红八月; Hanzi tradisional: 紅八月; Pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), yang awalnya memiliki arti Agustus 1966 dari Revolusi Kebudayaan, juga dipakai untuk menyebut serangkaian pembantaian di Beijing yang utamanya terjadi pada periode tersebut. Menurut statistik resmi pada tahun 1980, dari Agustus sampai September pada 1966, sebanyak 1.772 orang—termasuk guru dan kepala sekolah—dibunuh di Beijing oleh Garda Merah. Selain itu, 33.695 rumah diserbu dan 85.196 keluarga dipaksa untuk meninggalkan kota tersebut. Pembunuhan oleh Garda Merah juga menimbulkan dampak pada banyak distrik pedesaan Beijing, menyebabkan "", contohnya, dimana 325 orang dibunuh dari 27 Agustus sampai 1 September di Distrik Daxing, Beijing. Orang tertua yang dibunuh pada Pembantaian Daxing berusia 80 tahun, sementara orang termuda baru berusia 38 hari. Para cendekiawan menekankan bahwa, menurut statistik resmi pada 1985, jumlah kematian yang sesungguhnya pada Agustus Merah berjumlah lebih dari 10.000 jiwa.
rdf:langString 赤い八月(あかいはちがつ、中国語: 紅八月)は、もともと文化大革命の1966年8月を意味し、主に期間中に起こった北京での一連の虐殺を示すためにも使用される。1980年の公式統計によると、1966年の8月から9月までに多くの学校の教師と校長を含む合計1,772人が紅衛兵によって北京で殺害された。さらに、33,695戸の家屋が略奪され、85,196世帯が北京を離れることを余儀なくされた。学者たちはまた、1985年の公式統計によれば「赤い8月」の間の実際の死者数は10,000人を超えていたと指摘している。
rdf:langString 붉은 8 월 (중국어 간체자: 红八月, 정체자: 紅八月, 병음: Hóng Bāyuè) 은 원래 문화 대혁명이 시작되었던 1966년 8월을 의미하며 이 기간 동안 주로 일어난 베이징에서의 일련의 학살을 표현하는 데 사용된다. 1980년 공식 통계에 따르면 1966년 8월부터 9 월까지 총 1,772 명 (많은 학교의 교사와 교장 포함)이 베이징에서 홍위병에 의해 사망하였다. 또한 33,695 채의 집이 약탈 당했고 85,196 가구가 강제로 도시를 떠나게 되었다. 학자들은 또한 1985년의 공식 통계에 따르면 붉은 8 월기간 동안의 실제 사망자 수는 10,000 명 이상이라고 지적하였다.
rdf:langString L'agosto rosso (紅八月T, 红八月S, Hóng BāyuèP), originariamente riferente all'agosto del 1966, anno della rivoluzione culturale, è anche usato per indicare una serie di massacri a Pechino avvenuti principalmente durante quel periodo. Secondo le statistiche ufficiali nel 1980, da agosto a settembre del 1966, un totale di 1.772 persone (compresi insegnanti e presidi di molte scuole) furono uccise a Pechino dalle Guardie Rosse; inoltre, 33.695 case sono state saccheggiate e 85.196 famiglie sono state costrette a lasciare la città. Gli studiosi hanno anche sottolineato che, secondo le statistiche ufficiali del 1985, il bilancio delle vittime effettivo durante l'Agosto Rosso era di oltre 10.000. L'uccisione da parte delle guardie rosse ha avuto un impatto anche su diversi distretti rurali di Pechino. Ad esempio, durante il "massacro di Daxing", 325 persone sono state uccise dal 27 agosto al 1º settembre nel distretto di Daxing a Pechino. Il più anziano ucciso durante il massacro di Daxing aveva 80 anni, mentre il più giovane aveva solo 38 giorni e 22 famiglie furono spazzate via.
rdf:langString O Agosto Vermelho (chinês tradicional: 紅八月; chinês simplificado: 红八月; pinyin: Hóng Bāyuè), originalmente significando agosto de 1966 da Revolução Cultural, também é usado para indicar uma série de massacres em Pequim que ocorreram principalmente durante o período. De acordo com as estatísticas oficiais de 1980, de agosto a setembro de 1966, um total de 1.772 pessoas — incluindo professores e diretores de muitas escolas — foram mortas em Pequim pelos Guardas Vermelhos; além disso, 33.695 casas foram saqueadas e 85.196 famílias foram forçadas a deixar a cidade. Os estudiosos também apontaram que, de acordo com as estatísticas oficiais em 1985, o número real de mortos durante o Agosto Vermelho foi superior a 10.000.
rdf:langString 红八月,本意是指在中华人民共和国文化大革命初期的1966年8月,也可指文革初期在中国首都北京城发生的一系列屠杀事件,由于这些杀戮主要发生于1966年8月,故称为“红八月”或“八月杀戮”。据1980年官方数据,在1966年8-9月间,在北京市有1772人被红卫兵打死,其中包括很多学校的老师和校长,另有至少33695户被抄家、85196个家庭被驱逐出北京;此外,受到北京市区红卫兵杀戮的影响,北京大兴县从8月27日至9月1日爆发了“大兴事件”,数天内先后有325人遭屠杀,最大的80岁,最小的才38天,有22户人家被杀到绝戶。亦有学者指出,1985年北京市官方统计显示,屠杀实际死亡人数上万。 1966年8月18日,毛泽东在天安门城楼上接见了红卫兵代表宋彬彬,红卫兵受到鼓舞,北京的文革屠杀以及“破四旧”运动逐渐展开。杀戮方式包括打死、勒死、抽死、踩死、开水烫死、砍头等等,对多数婴幼儿则是摔死或踩住其一条腿,劈另一条腿,将人撕成两半。在此次文革屠杀中,亦有多人因遭到红卫兵的批斗和迫害而自杀,譬如在针对知识分子的“八二三事件”中,知名作家老舍投湖自尽。屠杀期间,毛泽东曾公开表示不要干涉学生文革、并多次接见红卫兵,而中国公安部部长谢富治也提出要保护红卫兵、不要拘捕。但到了8月底、9月初,由于事态严重,中共中央进行了多次干预,大屠杀才逐渐结束。 红八月被认为是中国文革期间“红色恐怖”的源头,影响了上海、广州、南京、厦门等地的红卫兵运动,诸多地区均发生了领导干部、知识分子、教师、黑五类等被红卫兵批斗、杀死的事件。 有人将红八月的重要节点“8月18日”(“8.18”)与纳粹德国屠杀犹太人的开端“水晶之夜”相比较,也有人将从红八月开始的各地文革屠杀与日军的“南京大屠杀”等行为相比较。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 31591

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