Psalm 119 an entity of type: Thing

Psalm 119 (hebräische Zählung, griechische Zählung: Psalm 118) ist der längste Psalm im Alten Testament und mit seinen 176 Versen gleichzeitig das längste Kapitel der Bibel, sogar das einzige Kapitel der Bibel mit dreistelliger Versanzahl. In der Lutherbibel ist der Psalm mit Die Freude am Gesetz Gottes (Das Güldene ABC) überschrieben, in der Einheitsübersetzung heißt er Lebenslanger Wandel in der Weisung des HERRN. rdf:langString
Le psaume 119 (118 dans la numérotation de la Septante) est le plus long des psaumes ainsi que le plus long chapitre de la Bible. Il est désigné en latin par ses premiers mots, Beati immaculati in via. Son thème dominant est le respect de la Loi. rdf:langString
Mazmur 119 (disingkat Maz 119, Mzm 119 atau Mz 119; penomoran Septuaginta: Mazmur 118) adalah sebuah mazmur dalam bagian ke-5 Kitab Mazmur di Alkitab Ibrani dan Perjanjian Lama dalam Alkitab Kristen. Tidak ditulis nama pengarang mazmur ini. rdf:langString
Psalm 119 is de 119e psalm uit de Psalmen in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel (in de Septuagint en de Vulgaat Psalm 118) en wordt als naam Beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini gegeven. Net als bij veel andere psalmen ontbreekt bij de tekst de auteursnaam. De psalm heeft een (liturgische) rol binnen het jodendom, rooms-katholicisme, de oosterse orthodoxie, het anglicanisme, diverse stroming binnen het protestantisme en andere stromingen binnen het christendom. rdf:langString
Сто восемнадцатый псалом — 118-й псалом из книги Псалтырь (в масоретской нумерации — 119-й). Самый большой псалом (и вообще — самая большая глава) в Библии — 176 стихов. rdf:langString
《诗篇》第119篇(在通用希腊语《七十士译本》中被列为第118篇)是《希伯来圣经·诗篇》中最长的一篇,也是整本基督教《圣经》中最长的一章。在希伯来语原文中,开头一句是“Ashrei temimei derech(行为完全,遵行上主律法的,这人便为有福。)”。这是喜爱并遵行神圣的律法的人的祷告。这首诗的每一节都使用一个律法的同义词,诸如dabar、mishpatim等等。 这首诗共有176节,分为22段,每段包括8节,分别以22个希伯来字母开始。在第一段,每一节都以第一个希伯来字母aleph开头;第二段,每一节都以第二个字母bet开头;依次类推。 rdf:langString
Psalm 119 is the 119th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in the English of the King James Version: "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord". The Book of Psalms is in the third section of the Hebrew Bible, the Khetuvim, and a book of the Christian Old Testament. The psalm, which is anonymous, is referred to in Hebrew by its opening words, "Ashrei temimei derech" ("happy are those whose way is perfect"). In Latin, it is known as "Beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini". rdf:langString
Il Salmo 119 (numerazione greca: salmo 118) fa parte della raccolta dei 150 Salmi sia nella Tanakh ebraica che nell'Antico Testamento cristiano. È il salmo più lungo di tutta la raccolta e diventa in questo modo il capitolo più lungo di tutta la Bibbia. È un salmo alfabetico costruito con la particolarità che gli otto versi di ogni strofa cominciano con una delle 22 lettere dell'alfabeto ebraico. È stato probabilmente scritto durante la deportazione babilonese rdf:langString
rdf:langString Psalm 119
rdf:langString Mazmur 119
rdf:langString Salmo 119
rdf:langString Psaume 119 (118)
rdf:langString Psalm 119
rdf:langString Psalm 119
rdf:langString Псалом 118
rdf:langString Псалом 118
rdf:langString 诗篇第119篇
rdf:langString Psalm 119
xsd:integer 1719973
xsd:integer 1121028841
rdf:langString Manuscript of verse 81 by Giovannino de' Grassi, Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence
xsd:double 1.2
rdf:langString Hebrew
rdf:langString Psalm 118
rdf:langString "Beati inmaculati in via"
rdf:langString "Blessed are the undefiled in the way"
rdf:langString Psalm 119 (hebräische Zählung, griechische Zählung: Psalm 118) ist der längste Psalm im Alten Testament und mit seinen 176 Versen gleichzeitig das längste Kapitel der Bibel, sogar das einzige Kapitel der Bibel mit dreistelliger Versanzahl. In der Lutherbibel ist der Psalm mit Die Freude am Gesetz Gottes (Das Güldene ABC) überschrieben, in der Einheitsübersetzung heißt er Lebenslanger Wandel in der Weisung des HERRN.
rdf:langString Le psaume 119 (118 dans la numérotation de la Septante) est le plus long des psaumes ainsi que le plus long chapitre de la Bible. Il est désigné en latin par ses premiers mots, Beati immaculati in via. Son thème dominant est le respect de la Loi.
rdf:langString Psalm 119 is the 119th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in the English of the King James Version: "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord". The Book of Psalms is in the third section of the Hebrew Bible, the Khetuvim, and a book of the Christian Old Testament. The psalm, which is anonymous, is referred to in Hebrew by its opening words, "Ashrei temimei derech" ("happy are those whose way is perfect"). In Latin, it is known as "Beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini". The psalm is a hymn psalm and an acrostic poem, in which each set of eight verses begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The theme of the verses is the prayer of one who delights in and lives by the Torah, the sacred law. Psalms 1, 19 and this psalm may be referred to as "the psalms of the Law". In the slightly different numbering system used in the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate translations of the Bible, this psalm is Psalm 118. With 176 verses, the psalm is the longest psalm as well as the longest chapter in the Bible. The psalm forms a regular part of Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and other Protestant liturgies. It has often been set to music. British politician William Wilberforce would recite the entire Psalm while walking back from Parliament, through Hyde Park, to his home.
rdf:langString Mazmur 119 (disingkat Maz 119, Mzm 119 atau Mz 119; penomoran Septuaginta: Mazmur 118) adalah sebuah mazmur dalam bagian ke-5 Kitab Mazmur di Alkitab Ibrani dan Perjanjian Lama dalam Alkitab Kristen. Tidak ditulis nama pengarang mazmur ini.
rdf:langString Il Salmo 119 (numerazione greca: salmo 118) fa parte della raccolta dei 150 Salmi sia nella Tanakh ebraica che nell'Antico Testamento cristiano. È il salmo più lungo di tutta la raccolta e diventa in questo modo il capitolo più lungo di tutta la Bibbia. È un salmo alfabetico costruito con la particolarità che gli otto versi di ogni strofa cominciano con una delle 22 lettere dell'alfabeto ebraico. Le varie strofe sono tutte una lode della legge divina. Praticamente ogni verso contiene un termine che designa la stessa cosa: la legge. Ad esempio, appaiono i termini testimonianza, precetto, volontà, comando, promessa, parola, giudizio, via, ecc. È stato probabilmente scritto durante la deportazione babilonese
rdf:langString Psalm 119 is de 119e psalm uit de Psalmen in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel (in de Septuagint en de Vulgaat Psalm 118) en wordt als naam Beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini gegeven. Net als bij veel andere psalmen ontbreekt bij de tekst de auteursnaam. De psalm heeft een (liturgische) rol binnen het jodendom, rooms-katholicisme, de oosterse orthodoxie, het anglicanisme, diverse stroming binnen het protestantisme en andere stromingen binnen het christendom.
rdf:langString Сто восемнадцатый псалом — 118-й псалом из книги Псалтырь (в масоретской нумерации — 119-й). Самый большой псалом (и вообще — самая большая глава) в Библии — 176 стихов.
rdf:langString 《诗篇》第119篇(在通用希腊语《七十士译本》中被列为第118篇)是《希伯来圣经·诗篇》中最长的一篇,也是整本基督教《圣经》中最长的一章。在希伯来语原文中,开头一句是“Ashrei temimei derech(行为完全,遵行上主律法的,这人便为有福。)”。这是喜爱并遵行神圣的律法的人的祷告。这首诗的每一节都使用一个律法的同义词,诸如dabar、mishpatim等等。 这首诗共有176节,分为22段,每段包括8节,分别以22个希伯来字母开始。在第一段,每一节都以第一个希伯来字母aleph开头;第二段,每一节都以第二个字母bet开头;依次类推。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 22914

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