Proszowice an entity of type: Thing

Proszowice estas urbo en Malgrandopolio en Pollando. Ĝi apartenas al en distrikto Proszowicki. rdf:langString
Proszowice est une ville de la voïvodie de Petite-Pologne, en Pologne. Elle est le chef-lieu de la commune urbaine-rurale de Proszowice et du powiat de Proszowice. Elle est située à environ 24 km à l'est de Cracovie, sur la rive droite de la (pl). Avant 1998, elle appartenait à la voïvodie de Cracovie. Elle a le statut de ville depuis 1358. Son activité majeure est le commerce agro-alimentaire. Au 31 mars 2011, la ville comptait 6 270 habitants, et l'ensemble de la commune16 514 habitants pour une superficie de 100,4 km2. rdf:langString
Proszowice is een stad in het Poolse woiwodschap Klein-Polen, gelegen in de powiat Proszowicki. De oppervlakte bedraagt 7,21 km², het inwonertal 6206 (2005). rdf:langString
Proszowice è un comune urbano-rurale polacco del distretto di Proszowice, nel voivodato della Piccola Polonia.Ricopre una superficie di 99,78 km² e nel 2004 contava 16.273 abitanti. Dal 1975 al 1998 ha fatto parte del voivodato di Cracovia. rdf:langString
Прошови́це (польск. Proszowice) — город в Польше, входит в Малопольское воеводство, Прошовицкий повят. Имеет статус городской гмины. Занимает площадь 7,21 км². Население — 6206 человек (на 2004 год). rdf:langString
Proszowice é um município da Polônia, na voivodia da Pequena Polônia e no condado de Proszowice. Estende-se por uma área de 7,21 km², com 6 112 habitantes, segundo os censos de 2016, com uma densidade de 833,8 hab/km². rdf:langString
普羅紹維采是波蘭的城鎮,位於該國南部,距離首府克拉科夫24公里,由小波蘭省負責管轄,面積7.21平方公里,是該地區農產品的貿易中心,2006年人口6,205。 rdf:langString
Прошови́ці (пол. Proszowice) — місто в південній Польщі.Адміністративний центр Прошовицького повіту Малопольського воєводства. rdf:langString
Proszowice [prɔʂɔˈvʲit͡sɛ] is a town in southern Poland, situated in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship (since 1999), previously in Kraków Voivodeship (1975–1998). Its population numbers 6,206 inhabitants (2004). It is the capital of Proszowice County, and the town is located some 25 kilometers northeast of Kraków, on the right bank of the Szreniawa river. Proszowice received its Magdeburg rights charter in 1358. Proszowice has a sports club Proszowianka, established in 1916. rdf:langString
Proszowice – miasto powiatowe w województwie małopolskim, w powiecie proszowickim, położone 23 km na północny wschód od Krakowa. Proszowice położone są na prawym brzegu rzeki Szreniawy na płaskowyżu proszowickim. Siedziba gminy miejsko-wiejskiej Proszowice. Miasto wielkorządców krakowskich w powiecie proszowickim województwa krakowskiego w końcu XVI wieku. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa krakowskiego. Regionalny ośrodek handlu rolno-spożywczego. Według danych GUS z 31 grudnia 2019 r. miasto miało 5983 mieszkańców. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Прошовице
rdf:langString Прошовиці
rdf:langString 普羅紹維采
rdf:langString Proszowice
rdf:langString Proszowice
xsd:float 50.20000076293945
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xsd:integer 390550
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xsd:double 7.21
rdf:langString Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist
rdf:langString POL Proszowice flag.svg
rdf:langString POL Proszowice COA.svg
rdf:langString Proszowice - kościół parafialny .JPG
rdf:langString Grzegorz Cichy
rdf:langString Mayor
xsd:integer 2006
rdf:langString auto
xsd:integer 6205
xsd:integer 32
rdf:langString Postal code
rdf:langString bottom
rdf:langString Poland
rdf:langString Country
rdf:langString +1
rdf:langString +2
xsd:string 50.2 20.3
rdf:langString Proszowice estas urbo en Malgrandopolio en Pollando. Ĝi apartenas al en distrikto Proszowicki.
rdf:langString Proszowice est une ville de la voïvodie de Petite-Pologne, en Pologne. Elle est le chef-lieu de la commune urbaine-rurale de Proszowice et du powiat de Proszowice. Elle est située à environ 24 km à l'est de Cracovie, sur la rive droite de la (pl). Avant 1998, elle appartenait à la voïvodie de Cracovie. Elle a le statut de ville depuis 1358. Son activité majeure est le commerce agro-alimentaire. Au 31 mars 2011, la ville comptait 6 270 habitants, et l'ensemble de la commune16 514 habitants pour une superficie de 100,4 km2.
rdf:langString Proszowice [prɔʂɔˈvʲit͡sɛ] is a town in southern Poland, situated in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship (since 1999), previously in Kraków Voivodeship (1975–1998). Its population numbers 6,206 inhabitants (2004). It is the capital of Proszowice County, and the town is located some 25 kilometers northeast of Kraków, on the right bank of the Szreniawa river. Proszowice received its Magdeburg rights charter in 1358. Proszowice has a sports club Proszowianka, established in 1916. First mention about the village of Proszowice comes from 1222. The origin of its name is not known, probably the village was named after a knight named Proszkomir, who lived here. By 1240, Proszowice already had a brick church of St. John the Baptist. The village was privately owned, and in the mid-14th century it became royal property of King Kazimierz Wielki, who granted it town charter in 1358. The King greatly contributed to the development of Proszowice, building here a palace, which for some time was one of the royal residences (later on, its role was taken on by the Niepołomice Castle). Proszowice prospered due to several royal privileges. A number of artisans lived here, there was a parish school, and the period from the early 15th century to the early 17th century is regarded as Golden Age of the town, which was one of the most important centers of Kraków Voivodeship; here sejmiks took place. King Kazimierz Jagiellończyk initiated the construction of a new church, which was finished in 1454 and was among most impressive Gothic churches in Lesser Poland. Here, Stańczyk, the legendary court jester was born, and in the 16th century, Proszowice became one of centers of Protestant Reformation. All Catholic churches in the area were turned into Calvinist or Polish Brethren prayer houses, but later on, the Counter-Reformation prevailed. In 1616, the town was almost completely burned in a fire. Like almost all towns of Lesser Poland, Proszowice was destroyed in the Swedish invasion of Poland (1655–1660). After Partitions of Poland, Proszowice first belonged to the Habsburg Empire, but in 1815 it became part of Russian-controlled Congress Poland. During January Uprising, several skirmishes took place in the area of the town, and as a punishment, the Russians reduced Proszowice to the status of a village (1869). In 1923, already in Kielce Voivodeship of the Second Polish Republic, Proszowice regained its town charter. In 1999 the town became the seat of a county. The center of Proszowice is of typical medieval shape, with a market square and streets radiating from it. Houses in the market square, however, are modern, most of them were built in the 20th century. Once there was a town hall, which was dismantled in the mid-19th century. Local parish church was first erected in the 13th century, during the reign of Prince Bolesław V the Chaste. The first church burned between 1306 and 1308. New complex was built in 1325, and most likely, it burned in a fire in 1407. Third parish church was completed in 1454. It was partly destroyed after a storm in May 1824, when one of the walls collapsed, together with the Gothic vault. The reconstruction took 12 years.
rdf:langString Proszowice is een stad in het Poolse woiwodschap Klein-Polen, gelegen in de powiat Proszowicki. De oppervlakte bedraagt 7,21 km², het inwonertal 6206 (2005).
rdf:langString Proszowice – miasto powiatowe w województwie małopolskim, w powiecie proszowickim, położone 23 km na północny wschód od Krakowa. Proszowice położone są na prawym brzegu rzeki Szreniawy na płaskowyżu proszowickim. Siedziba gminy miejsko-wiejskiej Proszowice. Miasto wielkorządców krakowskich w powiecie proszowickim województwa krakowskiego w końcu XVI wieku. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa krakowskiego. Prawa miejskie od 1358 r. Były miastem królewskim Korony Królestwa Polskiego. W latach 1496–1793 siedziba sejmików ziemskich przedrozbiorowego województwa krakowskiego. Regionalny ośrodek handlu rolno-spożywczego. Według danych GUS z 31 grudnia 2019 r. miasto miało 5983 mieszkańców.
rdf:langString Proszowice è un comune urbano-rurale polacco del distretto di Proszowice, nel voivodato della Piccola Polonia.Ricopre una superficie di 99,78 km² e nel 2004 contava 16.273 abitanti. Dal 1975 al 1998 ha fatto parte del voivodato di Cracovia.
rdf:langString Прошови́це (польск. Proszowice) — город в Польше, входит в Малопольское воеводство, Прошовицкий повят. Имеет статус городской гмины. Занимает площадь 7,21 км². Население — 6206 человек (на 2004 год).
rdf:langString Proszowice é um município da Polônia, na voivodia da Pequena Polônia e no condado de Proszowice. Estende-se por uma área de 7,21 km², com 6 112 habitantes, segundo os censos de 2016, com uma densidade de 833,8 hab/km².
rdf:langString 普羅紹維采是波蘭的城鎮,位於該國南部,距離首府克拉科夫24公里,由小波蘭省負責管轄,面積7.21平方公里,是該地區農產品的貿易中心,2006年人口6,205。
rdf:langString Прошови́ці (пол. Proszowice) — місто в південній Польщі.Адміністративний центр Прошовицького повіту Малопольського воєводства.
rdf:langString KPR
<squareKilometre> 7.21
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5330
xsd:double 7210000.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6205
xsd:string 32–100
xsd:string +1 +2
<Geometry> POINT(20.299999237061 50.200000762939)

data from the linked data cloud