Portuguese Cortes

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Les Corts Portugueses és el nom amb què es coneix la institució política que complia la funció de representació estamental del regne de Portugal durant l'Edat Mitjana i l'Antic Règim, fins a les Corts Constituents del 1820 o Corts Vintistes, és a dir, fins a la creació del primer parlament portuguès contemporani. Les Corts Portugueses es convocaven tot sovint a la ciutat de Coimbra. rdf:langString
Cortes de Portugal es el nombre de la institución política que cumplía la función de representación estamental en el reino de Portugal durante la Baja Edad Media y el Antiguo Régimen, hasta las Cortes Constituyentes de 1820 o Cortes vintistas, que fueron el primer parlamento portugués contemporáneo. rdf:langString
In the Medieval Kingdom of Portugal, the Cortes was an assembly of representatives of the estates of the realm – the nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie. It was called and dismissed by the King of Portugal at will, at a place of his choosing. Cortes which brought all three estates together are sometimes distinguished as Cortes-Gerais (General Courts), in contrast to smaller assemblies which brought only one or two estates, to negotiate a specific point relevant only to them. rdf:langString
As Cortes (do termo latino cohors) eram reuniões de carácter consultivo e deliberativo da monarquia tradicional portuguesa, convocadas pelo rei, ou em seu nome, com a presença das diferentes classes sociais estabelecidas três Ordens: o Primeiro Estado, que correspondia ao "braço" do clero; o Segundo Estado, que era o "braço" da nobreza; e o Terceiro Estado, que era o "braço" do povo, que foi mais predominante a partir do momento que se iniciou o Liberalismo em Portugal, nomeadamente na época da Carta Constitucional portuguesa de 1826 que deu um novo rumo ás Cortes substituindo a organização das Cortes Medievais Portuguesas, aplicando a constitucionalidade. rdf:langString
Cortes var ett politiskt riksmöte i Portugal där deltagarna representerade adeln, prästerskapet och folket i syfte att ta ställning till frågor som gällde rikets angelägenheter. I varierande utsträckning hade Cortes makt att vara med och stifta lagar och fatta viktiga beslut, men kungen hade det sista ordet. Cortes hölls från 1211 till 1828. Enligt traditionen samlades Cortes för första gången i år 1139. rdf:langString
Португа́льські корте́си (порт. Cortes, МФА: [ˈkoɾ.tɨʃ]) — у XII—XVII століттях офіційні державні збори (кортеси) Португальського королівства. Складалися з представників трьох станів: шляхти, духовенства і міщан. Прообраз португальського парламенту. Традиційна форма станово-представницького органу для усіх королівств Піренейського півострова часів середньовіччя і раннього модерну. Скликалися і розпускався за рішенням короля. Час і місце проведення визначалися королівським указом. Зазвичай, проходили за участі представників одного або двох станів, для обговорення питань важливих для їхньої верстви. У надзвичайних випадках скликалися великі збори представників усіх трьох станів, які називалися Генеральними кортесами (порт. Cortes-Gerais, «загальними зборами»). Інституційно походять від готськ rdf:langString
rdf:langString Corts Portugueses
rdf:langString Cortes Portuguesas
rdf:langString Portuguese Cortes
rdf:langString Cortes de Portugal
rdf:langString Португальські кортеси
rdf:langString Cortes (Portugal)
xsd:integer 30647996
xsd:integer 1107715624
rdf:langString Map of Portugal, with locations of Portuguese Cortes.
rdf:langString Portuguese towns which hosted Cortes
rdf:langString right
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString Les Corts Portugueses és el nom amb què es coneix la institució política que complia la funció de representació estamental del regne de Portugal durant l'Edat Mitjana i l'Antic Règim, fins a les Corts Constituents del 1820 o Corts Vintistes, és a dir, fins a la creació del primer parlament portuguès contemporani. Les Corts Portugueses es convocaven tot sovint a la ciutat de Coimbra.
rdf:langString Cortes de Portugal es el nombre de la institución política que cumplía la función de representación estamental en el reino de Portugal durante la Baja Edad Media y el Antiguo Régimen, hasta las Cortes Constituyentes de 1820 o Cortes vintistas, que fueron el primer parlamento portugués contemporáneo.
rdf:langString In the Medieval Kingdom of Portugal, the Cortes was an assembly of representatives of the estates of the realm – the nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie. It was called and dismissed by the King of Portugal at will, at a place of his choosing. Cortes which brought all three estates together are sometimes distinguished as Cortes-Gerais (General Courts), in contrast to smaller assemblies which brought only one or two estates, to negotiate a specific point relevant only to them. Portuguese monarchs had always called intermittent "king's courts" (Curia Regis), consultative assemblies of feudal nobles and landed clerics (bishops, abbots and the masters of the Military Orders) to advise on major matters. This practice probably originated in the protofeudalism of the 6th-century Visigothic Kingdom. But, during the 13th century, with the growing power of municipalities, and kings increasingly reliant on urban militias, incorporated towns gained the right to participate in the king's court. The Cortes assembled at Leiria in 1254 by Afonso III of Portugal was the first known Portuguese Cortes to explicitly include representatives of the municipalities. In this, Portugal was accompanying the pattern in neighboring Iberian kingdoms (e.g. the Kings of León admitted town representatives to their Cortes in 1188). Medieval Kings of Portugal continued to rely on small assemblies of notables, and only summoned the full Cortes on extraordinary occasions. A Cortes would be called if the king wanted to introduce new taxes, change some fundamental laws, announce significant shifts in foreign policy (e.g. ratify treaties), or settle matters of royal succession, issues where the cooperation and assent of the towns were necessary. Changing taxation (especially requesting war subsidies), was probably the most frequent reason for convening the Cortes. As the nobles and clergy were largely tax-exempt, setting taxation involved intensive negotiations between the royal council and the burgher delegates at the Cortes. Delegates (procuradores) not only considered the king's proposals, but, in turn, also used the Cortes to submit petitions of their own to the royal council on a myriad of matters, e.g. extending and confirming town privileges, punishing abuses of officials, introducing new price controls, constraints on Jews, pledges on coinage, etc. The royal response to these petitions became enshrined as ordinances and statutes, thus giving the Cortes the aspect of a legislature. These petitions were originally referred to as aggravamentos (grievances) then artigos (articles) and eventually capitulos (chapters). In a Cortes-Gerais, petitions were discussed and voted upon separately by each estate and required the approval of at least two of the three estates before being passed up to the royal council. The proposal was then subject to royal veto (either accepted or rejected by the king in its entirety) before becoming law. Nonetheless, the exact extent of Cortes power was ambiguous. Kings insisted on their ancient prerogative to promulgate laws independently of the Cortes. The compromise, in theory, was that ordinances enacted in Cortes could only be modified or repealed by Cortes. But even that principle was often circumvented or ignored in practice. The Cortes probably had their heyday in the 14th and 15th centuries, reaching their apex when the usurping John I of Portugal relied almost wholly upon the bourgeoisie for his power. For a period after the 1383–1385 Crisis, the Cortes were convened almost annually. But as time went on, they became less important. Portuguese monarchs, tapping into the riches of the Portuguese empire overseas, grew less dependent on Cortes subsidies and convened them less frequently. John II (r.1481-1495) used them to break the high nobility, but dispensed with them otherwise. Manuel I (r.1495-1521) convened them only four times in his long reign. By the time of Sebastian (r.1554–1578), the Cortes was practically an irrelevance. Curiously, the Cortes gained a new importance with the Iberian Union of 1581, finding a role as the representative of Portuguese interests to the new Habsburg monarch. The Cortes played a critical role in the 1640 Restoration, and enjoyed a brief period of resurgence during the reign of John IV (r.1640-1656). But by the end of the 17th century, it found itself sidelined once again. It is essential, at this point, to remember the fact that there were only four occasions when the Cortes were of immense importance for the History of Portugal: with the coronation of D. João I, in the Courts of Coimbra in 1385; with the appointment of D. Pedro, Duque de Coimbra, as regent of D. Afonso V, in the Cortes of Torres Novas of 1438; with the coronation of Filipe I, in Cortes de Tomar, 1581; and, finally, with the acclamation of D. João IV, in the Cortes de Lisboa of 1645-1646. All of these occasions, finally confirming the essentially legitimating role of the reigning power. The last Cortes met in 1698, for the mere formality of confirming the appointment of Infante John (future John V) as the successor of Peter II of Portugal. Thereafter, Portuguese kings ruled as absolute monarchs. No Cortes were assembled for over a century. This state of affairs came to an end with the Liberal Revolution of 1820, which set in motion the introduction of a new constitution, and a permanent and proper parliament, that however inherited the name of Cortes Gerais.
rdf:langString As Cortes (do termo latino cohors) eram reuniões de carácter consultivo e deliberativo da monarquia tradicional portuguesa, convocadas pelo rei, ou em seu nome, com a presença das diferentes classes sociais estabelecidas três Ordens: o Primeiro Estado, que correspondia ao "braço" do clero; o Segundo Estado, que era o "braço" da nobreza; e o Terceiro Estado, que era o "braço" do povo, que foi mais predominante a partir do momento que se iniciou o Liberalismo em Portugal, nomeadamente na época da Carta Constitucional portuguesa de 1826 que deu um novo rumo ás Cortes substituindo a organização das Cortes Medievais Portuguesas, aplicando a constitucionalidade. As Cortes nunca seguiram uma periodicidade definida, dependendo da conjuntura socio-política e da vontade do monarca, funcionando por sua convocatória.
rdf:langString Cortes var ett politiskt riksmöte i Portugal där deltagarna representerade adeln, prästerskapet och folket i syfte att ta ställning till frågor som gällde rikets angelägenheter. I varierande utsträckning hade Cortes makt att vara med och stifta lagar och fatta viktiga beslut, men kungen hade det sista ordet. Cortes hölls från 1211 till 1828. Enligt traditionen samlades Cortes för första gången i år 1139. I slutet av 1800-talet fick Portugal en konstitutionell monarki – regeringen utsågs inte längre av kungen utan av ett folkvalt parlament – och benämningen Cortes ersattes successivt av andra benämningar.Numera kallas parlamentet i Portugal för Assembleia da República.
rdf:langString Португа́льські корте́си (порт. Cortes, МФА: [ˈkoɾ.tɨʃ]) — у XII—XVII століттях офіційні державні збори (кортеси) Португальського королівства. Складалися з представників трьох станів: шляхти, духовенства і міщан. Прообраз португальського парламенту. Традиційна форма станово-представницького органу для усіх королівств Піренейського півострова часів середньовіччя і раннього модерну. Скликалися і розпускався за рішенням короля. Час і місце проведення визначалися королівським указом. Зазвичай, проходили за участі представників одного або двох станів, для обговорення питань важливих для їхньої верстви. У надзвичайних випадках скликалися великі збори представників усіх трьох станів, які називалися Генеральними кортесами (порт. Cortes-Gerais, «загальними зборами»). Інституційно походять від готського звичаю VI ст. за яким королі періодично проводили збори (лат. Curia Regis) з числа світських і духовних землевласників.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 25657

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