Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region intercity railway an entity of type: Thing

粵港澳大灣區城際鐵路,亦稱珠江三角洲城際快速軌道交通、珠江三角洲地区城际轨道交通,是中華人民共和國廣東省的城际轨道交通系统。此运输系统致力于在粤港澳大湾区内实现高铁、普速铁路、市域及市郊铁路等轨道网络的融合衔接,布局以广州、深圳、珠西地区为主要枢纽,形成多层次铁路网络,构建大湾区主要城市间1小时通达、主要城市至广东省内地级城市2小时通达、主要城市至相邻省会城市3小时通达的交通圈,打造“轨道上的大湾区”。 截止目前,粵港澳大灣區城際已開通4條線路(72個車站),里程達419千米。同時,為拓展線網覆蓋面、實現主要城市間1小時互通的目標,粵港澳大灣區城際仍在進行大規模的新線建設。根據規劃,粵港澳大灣區城際近期到2025年将全面覆盖大湾区中心城市、节点城市和广州、深圳等重点都市圈;远期到2035年,城际铁路总里程將達到1890千米,覆盖100%县级以上城市。 rdf:langString
The Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region Intercity Railway System (Chinese: 珠江三角洲地區城際軌道交通, abbreviated as PRDIR) is a regional higher-speed rail and suburban rail network being gradually constructed in the Pearl River Delta (Yuegang'ao Greater Bay Area), People's Republic of China. The project's goal is to have every major urban center in the Yuegang'ao Greater Bay Area to be within one-hour travel by rail to Guangzhou. On March 16, 2005, the State Council approved plans for a regional high-speed commuter rail network for the Jingjinji, Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. According to the plan, by 2020, the network will have a total route mileage of about 600 kilometres (370 mi). In September 2009, the plan was expanded to 1,478 km (918 mi) of routes split up into 23 lines. In rdf:langString
rdf:langString Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region intercity railway
rdf:langString 粤港澳大湾区城际铁路
rdf:langString Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region intercity railway
rdf:langString Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region intercity railway
xsd:integer 38397856
xsd:integer 1105624145
xsd:integer 72
xsd:integer 80
rdf:langString zyu1gong1saam1gok3zau1dei6keoi1sing4zai3gwai2dou6gaau1tung1
xsd:integer 5
rdf:langString collapsed
rdf:langString Guangdong Intercity Railway Operation Co., Ltd.
rdf:langString Suì-Shēn Chéngjì Tiělù
rdf:langString Zhūjiāng Sānjiǎozhōu Dìqū Chéngjì Guǐdào Jiāotōng
rdf:langString 穗深城际铁路
rdf:langString 珠江三角洲地区城际轨道交通
rdf:langString 珠江三角洲地區城際軌道交通
rdf:langString Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Area Intercity Railway
rdf:langString The Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region Intercity Railway System (Chinese: 珠江三角洲地區城際軌道交通, abbreviated as PRDIR) is a regional higher-speed rail and suburban rail network being gradually constructed in the Pearl River Delta (Yuegang'ao Greater Bay Area), People's Republic of China. The project's goal is to have every major urban center in the Yuegang'ao Greater Bay Area to be within one-hour travel by rail to Guangzhou. On March 16, 2005, the State Council approved plans for a regional high-speed commuter rail network for the Jingjinji, Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. According to the plan, by 2020, the network will have a total route mileage of about 600 kilometres (370 mi). In September 2009, the plan was expanded to 1,478 km (918 mi) of routes split up into 23 lines. In the long term vision network length will reach 1,890 km (1,170 mi) by 2030. By then the network will provide basic coverage to the Pearl River Delta region. The Suishen ICR, Guanhui ICR and Guangfozhao ICR accept Alipay, avoiding the need to purchase tickets in advance.
rdf:langString 粵港澳大灣區城際鐵路,亦稱珠江三角洲城際快速軌道交通、珠江三角洲地区城际轨道交通,是中華人民共和國廣東省的城际轨道交通系统。此运输系统致力于在粤港澳大湾区内实现高铁、普速铁路、市域及市郊铁路等轨道网络的融合衔接,布局以广州、深圳、珠西地区为主要枢纽,形成多层次铁路网络,构建大湾区主要城市间1小时通达、主要城市至广东省内地级城市2小时通达、主要城市至相邻省会城市3小时通达的交通圈,打造“轨道上的大湾区”。 截止目前,粵港澳大灣區城際已開通4條線路(72個車站),里程達419千米。同時,為拓展線網覆蓋面、實現主要城市間1小時互通的目標,粵港澳大灣區城際仍在進行大規模的新線建設。根據規劃,粵港澳大灣區城際近期到2025年将全面覆盖大湾区中心城市、节点城市和广州、深圳等重点都市圈;远期到2035年,城际铁路总里程將達到1890千米,覆盖100%县级以上城市。
xsd:integer 2011
rdf:langString overhead lines
rdf:langString AC 25 kV
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 72
xsd:double 25000.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 18834
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5
xsd:gYear 2011

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