North/South Ministerial Council an entity of type: Thing

Comhlacht a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1998 faoi Chomhaontú Aoine an Chéasta (1998) (ar a dtugtar Comhaontú Bhéal Feirste) is ea An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas (CATT), chun comhairliúchán, comhoibriú, agus gníomhaíocht a fhorbairt laistigh d'oileán na hÉireann - maidir le hábhair comhleasa agus laistigh d'inniúlacht na Riarachán, Thuaidh agus Theas. Dá bhrí sin, cuimsítear Airí Feidhmeannacht Thuaisceart Éireann agus Rialtas na hÉireann i gCATT, ag comhoibriú le chéile chun comhair idir an dá chuid den oileán a thabhairt ar aghaidh le haghaidh an tsochair fhrithpháirtigh. rdf:langString
El Consell Ministerial Nord-Sud (en anglès: North/South Ministerial Council, NSMC; en gaèlic: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas; en scots de l'Ulster: North South Meinisterlie Council) és un organisme transfronterer establert en el marc de l'Acord de Divendres Sant per coordinar l'activitat i exercir certs poders governamentals per a tota l'illa d'Irlanda. rdf:langString
The North/South Ministerial Council (NSMC) (Irish: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas, Ulster-Scots: North South Meinisterlie Council) is a body established under the Good Friday Agreement to co-ordinate activity and exercise certain governmental powers across the whole island of Ireland. The North/South Ministerial Council and the Northern Ireland Assembly are "mutually inter-dependent" institutions: one cannot exist without the other. When the Northern Ireland Assembly is suspended, responsibility for areas of co-operation fall to the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference. rdf:langString
Il Consiglio ministeriale nord/sud (NSMC; in inglese: North/South Ministerial Council; in irlandese: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas, in scozzese: Noarth-sooth Cooncil o Männystèrs ) è un organismo transfrontaliero istituito ai sensi dell'Accordo del Venerdì Santo per coordinare l'attività ed esercitare determinati poteri governativi per l'intera isola d'Irlanda. rdf:langString
Ministerrådet Nord–Syd (engelska: North/South Ministerial Council, iriska: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas, lågskotska: The Noarth-Sooth Cooncil o Männystèrs) är en brittisk–irländsk mellanstatlig organisation som utgör ett samarbete mellan den brittiska regionala regeringen i Nordirland och Republiken Irlands regering. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Consell Ministerial Nord-Sud
rdf:langString An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas
rdf:langString Consiglio ministeriale nord/sud
rdf:langString North/South Ministerial Council
rdf:langString Ministerrådet Nord–Syd
rdf:langString North/South Ministerial Council
rdf:langString North/South Ministerial Council
xsd:float 54.35003662109375
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rdf:langString NSMC
rdf:langString Logo of the North/South Ministerial Council
xsd:date 1999-12-13
rdf:langString Armagh, Northern Ireland2
rdf:langString An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas
rdf:langString North South Meinisterlie Council
rdf:langString Ireland
xsd:string 54.350036 -6.655606
rdf:langString El Consell Ministerial Nord-Sud (en anglès: North/South Ministerial Council, NSMC; en gaèlic: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas; en scots de l'Ulster: North South Meinisterlie Council) és un organisme transfronterer establert en el marc de l'Acord de Divendres Sant per coordinar l'activitat i exercir certs poders governamentals per a tota l'illa d'Irlanda. El consell pren la forma de reunions entre ministres tant de la República d'Irlanda com d'Irlanda del Nord, i és responsable de dotze àrees polítiques. Sis d'aquestes àrees són responsabilitat de les corresponents organitzacions implantades al nord i al sud. La seu del Consell es troba a Armagh, Irlanda del Nord. El Consell Ministerial Nord-Sud i l'Assemblea d'Irlanda del Nord són institucions "dependents" l'una de l'altra: una no pot existir sense l'altra. Quan se suspèn l'Assemblea d'Irlanda del Nord, la responsabilitat de les àrees de cooperació recau en la .
rdf:langString The North/South Ministerial Council (NSMC) (Irish: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas, Ulster-Scots: North South Meinisterlie Council) is a body established under the Good Friday Agreement to co-ordinate activity and exercise certain governmental powers across the whole island of Ireland. The Council takes the form of meetings between ministers from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and is responsible for twelve policy areas. Six of these areas are the responsibility of corresponding North/South Implementation Bodies. The body is based in the city of Armagh in Northern Ireland. The North/South Ministerial Council and the Northern Ireland Assembly are "mutually inter-dependent" institutions: one cannot exist without the other. When the Northern Ireland Assembly is suspended, responsibility for areas of co-operation fall to the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference.
rdf:langString Comhlacht a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1998 faoi Chomhaontú Aoine an Chéasta (1998) (ar a dtugtar Comhaontú Bhéal Feirste) is ea An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas (CATT), chun comhairliúchán, comhoibriú, agus gníomhaíocht a fhorbairt laistigh d'oileán na hÉireann - maidir le hábhair comhleasa agus laistigh d'inniúlacht na Riarachán, Thuaidh agus Theas. Dá bhrí sin, cuimsítear Airí Feidhmeannacht Thuaisceart Éireann agus Rialtas na hÉireann i gCATT, ag comhoibriú le chéile chun comhair idir an dá chuid den oileán a thabhairt ar aghaidh le haghaidh an tsochair fhrithpháirtigh.
rdf:langString Il Consiglio ministeriale nord/sud (NSMC; in inglese: North/South Ministerial Council; in irlandese: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas, in scozzese: Noarth-sooth Cooncil o Männystèrs ) è un organismo transfrontaliero istituito ai sensi dell'Accordo del Venerdì Santo per coordinare l'attività ed esercitare determinati poteri governativi per l'intera isola d'Irlanda. Il Consiglio assume la forma di riunioni tra i ministri della Repubblica d'Irlanda e dell'Irlanda del Nord ed è responsabile di dodici settori politici. Sei di queste aree sono di responsabilità delle organizzazioni corrispondenti situate nel nord e nel sud. Il Consiglio ha sede ad Armagh, Irlanda del Nord. Il Consiglio ministeriale nord-sud e l'Assemblea dell'Irlanda del Nord sono istituzioni "dipendenti": l'una non può esistere senza l'altra. Quando l'Assemblea dell'Irlanda del Nord è sospesa, la responsabilità delle aree di cooperazione spetta alla .
rdf:langString Ministerrådet Nord–Syd (engelska: North/South Ministerial Council, iriska: An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas, lågskotska: The Noarth-Sooth Cooncil o Männystèrs) är en brittisk–irländsk mellanstatlig organisation som utgör ett samarbete mellan den brittiska regionala regeringen i Nordirland och Republiken Irlands regering. Ministerrådet etablerades som en följd av fredsöverenskommelsen, Långfredagsavtalet, (Belfast Agreement) 1998 och har ansvar för områdena jordbruk, utbildning, miljö, hälsa, turism och transport. Underordnat detta finns det sex stycken implementeringsorgan exempelvis Waterways Ireland och Food Safety Promotion Board.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 12581
xsd:string NSMC
xsd:date 1999-12-13
rdf:langString An Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas
rdf:langString North South Meinisterlie Council
xsd:string British–Irish Agreement
<Geometry> POINT(-6.6556057929993 54.350036621094)

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