Moon pool an entity of type: Work

Moonpool ist die internationale Bezeichnung für eine untere Öffnung im Schiffsrumpf. Ein Moonpool ermöglicht den Einsatz von Tauchern, Remotely Operated Vehicles und sonstigen Unterwassergeräten ohne Beeinträchtigung durch Wind und Seegang. Er ist überwiegend auf Bohrplattformen, Bohrschiffen, Forschungsschiffen, Taucherschiffen und Mehrzweckschiffen eingerichtet. rdf:langString
Een moonpool is een plek op olieproductieplatform, boorschip, duikondersteuningsvaartuig, maritiem onderzoeks schip of onderzeeverblijf waar vandaan duikers of instrumenten het water onder het schip/verblijf in kunnen. Het is een gat in de scheepsromp, het platform of verblijf dat de duikers of technici bescherming bieden zodat zij, zelfs bij zware zee of ijs, kunnen werken in een beschermde omgeving in plaats van aan het dek. rdf:langString
ムーンプール(英語:Moon pool、wet porch)とは、潜水作業支援船や調査船等の船の底、海上プラットフォームや海中居住施設の構造物の底に開けられる人や装置を出入りさせるための出入り口である。 雨、風、波、流氷などからの影響を受けづらく、快適に作業を行える。 rdf:langString
A moon pool is a feature of marine drilling platforms, drillships and diving support vessels, some marine research and underwater exploration or research vessels, and underwater habitats, in which it is also known as a wet porch. It is an opening in the floor or base of the hull, platform, or chamber giving access to the water below, allowing technicians or researchers to lower tools and instruments into the sea. It provides shelter and protection so that even if the ship is in high seas or surrounded by ice, researchers can work in comfort rather than on a deck exposed to the elements. A moon pool also allows divers, diving bells, ROVs, or small submersible craft to enter or leave the water easily and in a more protected environment. rdf:langString
Moon pool é uma parte essencial das plataformas petrolíferas, dos navios de perfuração, dos navios de apoio ao mergulho, de alguns navios para pesquisas marinhas e exploração subaquática e dos habitats subaquáticos. É uma abertura no chão ou na base do casco, plataforma ou câmara, que dá acesso à água abaixo, permitindo que técnicos ou pesquisadores introduzam ferramentas e instrumentos de medida no mar. Ela fornece abrigo e proteção, de modo que, mesmo que o navio esteja em alto-mar, ou cercado por gelo, os pesquisadores possam trabalhar confortavelmente e não num convés exposto às intempéries. Uma moon pool também permite a mergulhadores ou pequenas embarcações submersíveis entrar ou sair da água com facilidade e num ambiente mais protegido. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Moonpool
rdf:langString ムーンプール
rdf:langString Moon pool
rdf:langString Moonpool
rdf:langString Moon pool
rdf:langString Moon pool
xsd:integer 3644442
xsd:integer 1120868154
rdf:langString Protected access to the water for divers from a vessel, floating platform or underwater habitat
rdf:langString Underside of the Research Vessel Western Flyer, showing its moon pool between the two hulls
rdf:langString Wet porch, wet room, wet bell
rdf:langString Moonpool ist die internationale Bezeichnung für eine untere Öffnung im Schiffsrumpf. Ein Moonpool ermöglicht den Einsatz von Tauchern, Remotely Operated Vehicles und sonstigen Unterwassergeräten ohne Beeinträchtigung durch Wind und Seegang. Er ist überwiegend auf Bohrplattformen, Bohrschiffen, Forschungsschiffen, Taucherschiffen und Mehrzweckschiffen eingerichtet.
rdf:langString A moon pool is a feature of marine drilling platforms, drillships and diving support vessels, some marine research and underwater exploration or research vessels, and underwater habitats, in which it is also known as a wet porch. It is an opening in the floor or base of the hull, platform, or chamber giving access to the water below, allowing technicians or researchers to lower tools and instruments into the sea. It provides shelter and protection so that even if the ship is in high seas or surrounded by ice, researchers can work in comfort rather than on a deck exposed to the elements. A moon pool also allows divers, diving bells, ROVs, or small submersible craft to enter or leave the water easily and in a more protected environment. Moon pools can be used in chambers below sea level, especially for the use of scuba divers, and their design requires more complex consideration of air and water pressure acting on the moon pool surface.
rdf:langString Een moonpool is een plek op olieproductieplatform, boorschip, duikondersteuningsvaartuig, maritiem onderzoeks schip of onderzeeverblijf waar vandaan duikers of instrumenten het water onder het schip/verblijf in kunnen. Het is een gat in de scheepsromp, het platform of verblijf dat de duikers of technici bescherming bieden zodat zij, zelfs bij zware zee of ijs, kunnen werken in een beschermde omgeving in plaats van aan het dek.
rdf:langString ムーンプール(英語:Moon pool、wet porch)とは、潜水作業支援船や調査船等の船の底、海上プラットフォームや海中居住施設の構造物の底に開けられる人や装置を出入りさせるための出入り口である。 雨、風、波、流氷などからの影響を受けづらく、快適に作業を行える。
rdf:langString Moon pool é uma parte essencial das plataformas petrolíferas, dos navios de perfuração, dos navios de apoio ao mergulho, de alguns navios para pesquisas marinhas e exploração subaquática e dos habitats subaquáticos. É uma abertura no chão ou na base do casco, plataforma ou câmara, que dá acesso à água abaixo, permitindo que técnicos ou pesquisadores introduzam ferramentas e instrumentos de medida no mar. Ela fornece abrigo e proteção, de modo que, mesmo que o navio esteja em alto-mar, ou cercado por gelo, os pesquisadores possam trabalhar confortavelmente e não num convés exposto às intempéries. Uma moon pool também permite a mergulhadores ou pequenas embarcações submersíveis entrar ou sair da água com facilidade e num ambiente mais protegido. Moon pools podem ser utilizadas em câmaras abaixo do nível do mar, especialmente para o uso de mergulhadores, e o seu projeto exige uma consideração mais complexa da pressão do ar e da água atuando na superfície da moon pool.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6130

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