Ma Chao an entity of type: Thing

Ma Chao (176-222 EC) va ser el fill major de Ma Teng i un general militar durant els períodes de la tardana Dinastia Han Oriental i els Tres Regnes de la història xinesa. En la novel·la històrica del Romanç dels Tres Regnes del segle xiv de Luo Guanzhong ell rep el sobrenom de "Ma Chao l'Esplèndid" a causa de la seva elaborada armadura i la seva gran habilitat com a guerrer. Ma Chao és recordat com un dels de Shu Han, popularitzat per la novel·la de Luo. rdf:langString
Mǎ Chāo (chinesisch 馬超 / 马超), auch genannt Mengqi (chinesisch 孟起) (* 176; † 222) war ein chinesischer General. Er war der älteste Sohn von Ma Teng und einer der Fünf Tigergeneräle der Shu Han unter Liu Bei. rdf:langString
Ma Chao (Hanzi:馬超),bernama lengkap Ma Mengqi (馬孟起), putra tertua dari Ma Teng, seorang jendral pada Zaman Tiga Negara. Dalam novel Kisah Tiga Negara karangan Luo Guan Zhong, Ma Chao juga dikenal sebagai anggota dari Lima Panglima Harimau dari negeri Shu Han. rdf:langString
마초(馬超, 176년 ~ 222년)는 후한, 촉한의 장군이다. 자는 맹기(孟起)이며 사례 우부풍 무릉현(茂陵縣) 사람이다. 마원의 후손이자 마등의 장남으로 그 세력을 물려받았다. 관서에서 독자적 영향력을 행사하여 관중십장 중 한 명이라 불렸다. 조조에게 처절할 정도로 대항하였으나 결국 실패하고 가문만 몰살당하였다. 유비에게 망명하여 좌장군을 거쳐 표기장군까지 올랐다. 용맹함으로 이름을 날렸으며 이민족들에게도 지지를 받았다. rdf:langString
馬 超(ば ちょう、拼音: Mǎ Chāo、熹平5年(176年) - 章武2年8月(222年9月)は、中国後漢末期から三国時代にかけての蜀漢の将軍。字は孟起(もうき)。諡は威侯。司隷扶風郡茂陵県の人。『三国志』蜀志に伝がある。 後漢の名将馬援の子孫の出身。祖父は馬平(字は子碩)。父は馬騰。弟は馬休・馬鉄。従弟は馬岱。妻は楊氏・董氏(側室)。子は馬秋・馬承。娘は劉理の妻。 父が羌族との混血であったため(『典略』)、この血を引いている馬超も漢王朝の支配を受けない民族からの信望が厚かった。関中の独立軍閥の長の座を父から引き継ぎ、曹操に服属していたが、後に韓遂と共に曹操に反乱を起こして敗れた。一族も勢力も失い流浪した末、益州の劉備の下に身を寄せ、厚遇を受けた。 rdf:langString
Ma Chao (176 - 222), cujo Nome Cortês era Mengqi, foi um general chinês da Dinastia Han e depois do reino de Shu. Ma Chao foi um dos cinco generais tigres do reino de Shu, filho de Ma Teng, e primo de Ma Dai. Ma Chao e seu irmão Ma Dai se uniu à causa do reino Shu quando Liu Bei tomou Cheng Du, capital do Reino de Han, que após este ataque se tornou capital do Reino de Shu-Han. rdf:langString
馬超(176年-222年),字孟起,扶風茂陵(今陝西省興平東北)人,漢末三國時期蜀漢著名將領。刘備称帝后任骠骑将军,领凉州牧,进封斄乡侯。故后谥威侯,是为斄乡威侯。陈寿在撰写《三国志》的时候,将馬超与關羽、張飛、黄忠、趙雲合为一传(《三国志·蜀书·关张马黄赵传》),罗贯中的長篇小說《三国演义》中又将該五人并称“五虎上将”,广为世人所知。 rdf:langString
Ma Chao (176–222), courtesy name Mengqi, was a Chinese military general and warlord who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty and early Three Kingdoms period of China. A descendant of the general Ma Yuan, Ma Chao was the eldest son of Ma Teng, a prominent warlord in Liang Province (covering parts of northwestern China). In 211, he formed a coalition with Han Sui and other northwestern warlords and revolted against the Han central government, which was led by the warlord Cao Cao. The coalition broke up after losing the Battle of Tong Pass against Cao Cao's forces. Ma Chao initially retreated, but later returned to attack and seize control of Liang Province by killing the provincial inspector Wei Kang and forcing Wei Kang's subordinates to submit to him. About a year after Ma Chao started rdf:langString
Ma Chao (chinois simplifié : 马超)(176 - 222) Fils aîné de Ma Teng et le cousin de Ma Dai. Il a reçu le surnom de Ma Chao le splendide grâce à sa force guerrière. Pour essayer de venger son père, il a commandé une armée pour attaquer Cao Cao à Chang'an mais fut toutefois défait après une avancée considérable (Pang De faisait également partie de son armée). Il est souvent comparé à Lü Bu et Guan Yu pour sa force guerrière. Dans la fiction, il a une petite sœur, Ma Yunlu, qui épouse Zhao Yun. * Portail du monde chinois rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString 마초 (촉한)
rdf:langString 馬超
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString 马超
rdf:langString Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Chao
xsd:integer 245093
xsd:integer 1108243702
xsd:integer 176
rdf:langString A Qing dynasty illustration of Ma Chao
rdf:langString Ma Cheng
rdf:langString Ma Qiu
rdf:langString Liu Li's wife
rdf:langString at least one other child
rdf:langString Mengqi
rdf:langString Marquis Wei
rdf:langString "Ma Chao the Splendid"
rdf:langString Marquis of Tai District
xsd:integer 222
rdf:langString 馬超
rdf:langString Military general
rdf:langString Lieutenant-General
rdf:langString General of Agile Cavalry
rdf:langString General Who Attacks the West
rdf:langString General of the Left
rdf:langString General Who Pacifies the West
rdf:langString Governor of Liang Province
rdf:langString Ma Tie
rdf:langString Ma Xiu
rdf:langString Lady Dong
rdf:langString Lady Yang
rdf:langString Peerage
rdf:langString Nickname
rdf:langString Ma Chao (176-222 EC) va ser el fill major de Ma Teng i un general militar durant els períodes de la tardana Dinastia Han Oriental i els Tres Regnes de la història xinesa. En la novel·la històrica del Romanç dels Tres Regnes del segle xiv de Luo Guanzhong ell rep el sobrenom de "Ma Chao l'Esplèndid" a causa de la seva elaborada armadura i la seva gran habilitat com a guerrer. Ma Chao és recordat com un dels de Shu Han, popularitzat per la novel·la de Luo.
rdf:langString Mǎ Chāo (chinesisch 馬超 / 马超), auch genannt Mengqi (chinesisch 孟起) (* 176; † 222) war ein chinesischer General. Er war der älteste Sohn von Ma Teng und einer der Fünf Tigergeneräle der Shu Han unter Liu Bei.
rdf:langString Ma Chao (176–222), courtesy name Mengqi, was a Chinese military general and warlord who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty and early Three Kingdoms period of China. A descendant of the general Ma Yuan, Ma Chao was the eldest son of Ma Teng, a prominent warlord in Liang Province (covering parts of northwestern China). In 211, he formed a coalition with Han Sui and other northwestern warlords and revolted against the Han central government, which was led by the warlord Cao Cao. The coalition broke up after losing the Battle of Tong Pass against Cao Cao's forces. Ma Chao initially retreated, but later returned to attack and seize control of Liang Province by killing the provincial inspector Wei Kang and forcing Wei Kang's subordinates to submit to him. About a year after Ma Chao started his uprising, Emperor Xian issued an imperial decree ordering the execution of Ma Chao's family members, who were in Ye city at the time. In the meantime, Wei Kang's subordinates, led by Zhao Ang, Yang Fu and others, rebelled against Ma Chao and forced him out of Liang Province. Ma Chao retreated to Hanzhong Commandery, where he borrowed troops from the warlord Zhang Lu, and returned to attack Liang Province but was ultimately defeated and driven back. Ma Chao took shelter under Zhang Lu for a while until around 214, when he heard that the warlord Liu Bei was fighting for control over Yi Province (covering present-day Sichuan and Chongqing) with Yi Province's governor, Liu Zhang. He defected to Liu Bei's side and assisted Liu Bei in capturing Yi Province from Liu Zhang. Ma Chao had served as a general under Liu Bei since then and participated in the Hanzhong Campaign in 219. He died in 222. Historians and Ma Chao's contemporaries have a generally negative view of him. Apart from committing treason against the Han government under Cao Cao's control, Ma Chao was also notorious for committing a number of acts of cruelty: he betrayed his father when he persuaded Han Sui to join him in his rebellion; he abandoned his wife and son when he defected from Zhang Lu to Liu Bei; he killed Jiang Xu's mother in cold blood after she scolded him; he murdered Zhao Ang and Wang Yi's son after they rebelled against him and forced him out of Liang Province. In the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Chao is romanticised as a heroic warrior and one of the Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei. In the novel, the descriptions of his character and personality, as well as the order of some events involving him, have been significantly modified for dramatic effect. For example, in the novel he started the Battle of Tong Pass to take revenge against Cao Cao for murdering his family, but historically he waged war against Cao Cao first, and then his family members were implicated and executed about one year later. In the novel, he also engaged Xu Chu and Zhang Fei in one-on-one duels at the Battle of Tong Pass and Battle of Jiameng Pass respectively, but historically the duels never took place and the Battle of Jiameng Pass is actually a fictional battle.
rdf:langString Ma Chao (chinois simplifié : 马超)(176 - 222) Fils aîné de Ma Teng et le cousin de Ma Dai. Il a reçu le surnom de Ma Chao le splendide grâce à sa force guerrière. Pour essayer de venger son père, il a commandé une armée pour attaquer Cao Cao à Chang'an mais fut toutefois défait après une avancée considérable (Pang De faisait également partie de son armée). Après avoir été blessé lors d’une bataille, il quitte Zhang Lu et rejoint les forces de Liu Bei. Plus tard, il vient rejoindre les rangs de Liu Bei. Il propose d'ailleurs plusieurs stratégies pour capturer Hanzhong. Étant considéré comme un cavalier hors pair, il est l’un des cinq généraux-tigres des Shu, avec Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei et Zhao Yun. Ma Chao est décédé en 222 à l'âge de 47 ans. Avant sa mort, il écrit à Liu Bei : « Plus de 200 membres de ma famille ont été tués par Cao Cao, je n'ai que mon cousin Ma Dai, qui est avec moi, il sera le seul à continuer ma lignée familiale, je le confie au soin de Sa Majesté. C'est tout ce que j'ai à dire ». En 260, le fils successeur de Liu Bei, Liu Shan accorde à Ma Chao le titre posthume du "Marquis Wei". Il est souvent comparé à Lü Bu et Guan Yu pour sa force guerrière. Dans la fiction, il a une petite sœur, Ma Yunlu, qui épouse Zhao Yun. * Portail du monde chinois
rdf:langString Ma Chao (Hanzi:馬超),bernama lengkap Ma Mengqi (馬孟起), putra tertua dari Ma Teng, seorang jendral pada Zaman Tiga Negara. Dalam novel Kisah Tiga Negara karangan Luo Guan Zhong, Ma Chao juga dikenal sebagai anggota dari Lima Panglima Harimau dari negeri Shu Han.
rdf:langString 마초(馬超, 176년 ~ 222년)는 후한, 촉한의 장군이다. 자는 맹기(孟起)이며 사례 우부풍 무릉현(茂陵縣) 사람이다. 마원의 후손이자 마등의 장남으로 그 세력을 물려받았다. 관서에서 독자적 영향력을 행사하여 관중십장 중 한 명이라 불렸다. 조조에게 처절할 정도로 대항하였으나 결국 실패하고 가문만 몰살당하였다. 유비에게 망명하여 좌장군을 거쳐 표기장군까지 올랐다. 용맹함으로 이름을 날렸으며 이민족들에게도 지지를 받았다.
rdf:langString 馬 超(ば ちょう、拼音: Mǎ Chāo、熹平5年(176年) - 章武2年8月(222年9月)は、中国後漢末期から三国時代にかけての蜀漢の将軍。字は孟起(もうき)。諡は威侯。司隷扶風郡茂陵県の人。『三国志』蜀志に伝がある。 後漢の名将馬援の子孫の出身。祖父は馬平(字は子碩)。父は馬騰。弟は馬休・馬鉄。従弟は馬岱。妻は楊氏・董氏(側室)。子は馬秋・馬承。娘は劉理の妻。 父が羌族との混血であったため(『典略』)、この血を引いている馬超も漢王朝の支配を受けない民族からの信望が厚かった。関中の独立軍閥の長の座を父から引き継ぎ、曹操に服属していたが、後に韓遂と共に曹操に反乱を起こして敗れた。一族も勢力も失い流浪した末、益州の劉備の下に身を寄せ、厚遇を受けた。
rdf:langString Ma Chao (176 - 222), cujo Nome Cortês era Mengqi, foi um general chinês da Dinastia Han e depois do reino de Shu. Ma Chao foi um dos cinco generais tigres do reino de Shu, filho de Ma Teng, e primo de Ma Dai. Ma Chao e seu irmão Ma Dai se uniu à causa do reino Shu quando Liu Bei tomou Cheng Du, capital do Reino de Han, que após este ataque se tornou capital do Reino de Shu-Han.
rdf:langString 馬超(176年-222年),字孟起,扶風茂陵(今陝西省興平東北)人,漢末三國時期蜀漢著名將領。刘備称帝后任骠骑将军,领凉州牧,进封斄乡侯。故后谥威侯,是为斄乡威侯。陈寿在撰写《三国志》的时候,将馬超与關羽、張飛、黄忠、趙雲合为一传(《三国志·蜀书·关张马黄赵传》),罗贯中的長篇小說《三国演义》中又将該五人并称“五虎上将”,广为世人所知。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 40575
rdf:langString 馬超

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