Law officers of the Crown an entity of type: Thing

Les Officiers de Justice de la Couronne (Law Officers of the Crown) sont les conseillers juridiques de la Couronne. Ils conseillent et représentent le gouvernement du Royaume-Uni et dans les autres royaumes du Commonwealth. En Angleterre, au Pays de Galles et dans la majorité des États du Commonwealth, l'officier de la Loi en chef est appelé procureur général (Attorney General). Il est nommé avocat général (Advocate General) en Écosse. rdf:langString
Gli Ufficiali di giustizia della corona (Law Officers of the Crown) sono consiglieri della Corona. Consigliano e rappresentano il governo del Regno Unito e altri regni del Commonwealth. In Inghilterra, Galles e nella maggior parte degli Stati del Commonwealth, l'ufficiale di giustizia della Corona è chiamato procuratore generale. È nominato avvocato generale in Scozia. rdf:langString
官方律政專員(英語:Law Officers of the Crown)是官方的首席法律顧問,負責提供諮詢和代表中央、英國權力下放下的地方政府以及各英聯邦王國中的國家級與次國家級政府。 英格蘭及威爾斯檢察總長、英格蘭及威爾斯法律政策專員和蘇格蘭檢察總長都是英國政府律政專員(UK Government Law Officer)。在英格蘭和威爾斯、北愛爾蘭、英聯邦和英國海外領土政府中,官方的首席官方律政專員都是英格蘭及威爾斯檢察總長。在英格蘭和威爾斯,檢察總長的副手是英格蘭及威爾斯法律政策專員。《1997年律政專員法令》(Law Officers Act 1997)賦予了法律政策專員可代行檢察總長工作的權力。隨著蘇格蘭議會獲得權力下放下的更大法定權力後,英國政府新增蘇格蘭法律事務專員(Advocate General for Scotland)這一部長級職位,專員會就事宜向聯合王國政府提供意見。 蘇格蘭亦設有兩名蘇格蘭政府律政專員(Scottish Government Law Officer),分別是蘇格蘭檢察總長和蘇格蘭法律政策專員。 rdf:langString
The Law Officers are the senior legal advisors to His Majesty's Government and devolved executives of the United Kingdom. They are variously referred to as the Attorney General, Solicitor General or Advocate General depending on seniority and geography - though other terms are also in use, such as the Counsel General for Wales. Law Officers in these roles are distinguished by being political appointees, while also being bound by the duties of independence, justice and confidentiality among the other typical professional commitments of lawyers. These roles do not have any direct oversight of prosecutions nor do they directly lead or influence criminal investigations. This is a distinguishing factor between Law Officers and the State Attorneys General of the United States or US Attorney Gene rdf:langString
Kronjurist (eng. law officer of the crown), alternativt Riksåklagaren, kallas i England Attorney General. Denne ämbetsman utgör av hävd tillsammans med sin ställföreträdare, , brittiska regeringens främsta juridiska rådgivare. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ufficiali di giustizia della Corona
rdf:langString Officiers de Justice de la Couronne
rdf:langString Law officers of the Crown
rdf:langString Kronjurist
rdf:langString 官方律政專員
xsd:integer 576225
xsd:integer 1117942669
rdf:langString The Law Officers are the senior legal advisors to His Majesty's Government and devolved executives of the United Kingdom. They are variously referred to as the Attorney General, Solicitor General or Advocate General depending on seniority and geography - though other terms are also in use, such as the Counsel General for Wales. Law Officers in these roles are distinguished by being political appointees, while also being bound by the duties of independence, justice and confidentiality among the other typical professional commitments of lawyers. These roles do not have any direct oversight of prosecutions nor do they directly lead or influence criminal investigations. This is a distinguishing factor between Law Officers and the State Attorneys General of the United States or US Attorney General. Each British Overseas Territory, apart from the British Indian Ocean Territory, also has its own Attorney General. Many Commonwealth countries or those with a history of British colonisation retain these titles, though their particular roles and responsibilities may differ from the roles in the United Kingdom. There are eight Law Offices in the United Kingdom, though not all serve the Westminster Government. The role of Attorney General for England and Wales and Advocate General for Northern Ireland are currently held by Rt Hon Michael Ellis KC MP. He is supported by the Solicitor General for England and Wales. Following devolution, a new position of Advocate General for Scotland was created to advise the UK Government on matters of Scots law. The devolved Scottish executive also has two law officers, the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General for Scotland. The Welsh Government has its own Law Officer: the Counsel General for Wales; as does the Northern Irish executive: the Attorney General for Northern Ireland. The two Attorneys General for the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall are non-political appointments. They are not typically being referred to when the term 'law officer' is used, as this tends to be reserved for political appointees.
rdf:langString Les Officiers de Justice de la Couronne (Law Officers of the Crown) sont les conseillers juridiques de la Couronne. Ils conseillent et représentent le gouvernement du Royaume-Uni et dans les autres royaumes du Commonwealth. En Angleterre, au Pays de Galles et dans la majorité des États du Commonwealth, l'officier de la Loi en chef est appelé procureur général (Attorney General). Il est nommé avocat général (Advocate General) en Écosse.
rdf:langString Gli Ufficiali di giustizia della corona (Law Officers of the Crown) sono consiglieri della Corona. Consigliano e rappresentano il governo del Regno Unito e altri regni del Commonwealth. In Inghilterra, Galles e nella maggior parte degli Stati del Commonwealth, l'ufficiale di giustizia della Corona è chiamato procuratore generale. È nominato avvocato generale in Scozia.
rdf:langString Kronjurist (eng. law officer of the crown), alternativt Riksåklagaren, kallas i England Attorney General. Denne ämbetsman utgör av hävd tillsammans med sin ställföreträdare, , brittiska regeringens främsta juridiska rådgivare. De två nämnda engelska ämbetsmännen är vanligen (men behöver inte vara) ledamöter av brittiska under- eller överhuset samt av regeringen och avgår med denna, men de tillhör inte ministerkabinettet. Från de båda ämbetsmännen inhämtas utlåtanden i rättsfrågor, när så anses påkallat, innan regeringsbeslut fattas och utfärdas. Enligt praxis skall de rättsliga råden finnas tillgängliga för efterträdande regeringar, till skillnad från dokument av ministrar. Attorney General representerar kronan inför domstol både i civila mål och som åklagare i brottmål. Han övervakar alla domstolsförhandlingar, som berör det kungliga prerogativet. Därjämte är han advokatsamfundets självskrivne chef och som sådan högsta instans i frågor om advokatetik och etikett. Solicitor General utövar under vakanser Attorney Generals ämbete och har för övrigt ungefär samma ämbetsplikter och befogenheter som denne; han är Attorney Generals förste assistent och har traditionella anspråk på att efterträda honom, om ämbetet blir ledigt annorlunda än genom ny regering. Det är också vanligt att Attorney General utses till Lord Chief Justice, om detta ämbete blir ledigt under hans ämbetstid.
rdf:langString 官方律政專員(英語:Law Officers of the Crown)是官方的首席法律顧問,負責提供諮詢和代表中央、英國權力下放下的地方政府以及各英聯邦王國中的國家級與次國家級政府。 英格蘭及威爾斯檢察總長、英格蘭及威爾斯法律政策專員和蘇格蘭檢察總長都是英國政府律政專員(UK Government Law Officer)。在英格蘭和威爾斯、北愛爾蘭、英聯邦和英國海外領土政府中,官方的首席官方律政專員都是英格蘭及威爾斯檢察總長。在英格蘭和威爾斯,檢察總長的副手是英格蘭及威爾斯法律政策專員。《1997年律政專員法令》(Law Officers Act 1997)賦予了法律政策專員可代行檢察總長工作的權力。隨著蘇格蘭議會獲得權力下放下的更大法定權力後,英國政府新增蘇格蘭法律事務專員(Advocate General for Scotland)這一部長級職位,專員會就事宜向聯合王國政府提供意見。 蘇格蘭亦設有兩名蘇格蘭政府律政專員(Scottish Government Law Officer),分別是蘇格蘭檢察總長和蘇格蘭法律政策專員。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 20685

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