Hoop skirt

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hoop_skirt an entity of type: WikicatUndergarments

التنورة المُطَوَّقة هي نوع من التنانير التي تلبس داخلياً تحت الملابس الخارجية عند النساء من أجل أن تتوسع التنورة وترتفع إلى الأعلى عن الأرض بشكل وطراز معين. انتشر ارتداء التنانير المطوقة في أوروبا، وكان منها أشكال مختلفة. مثال عليها: * التنورة المقببة في إسبانيا verdugado في القرن السادس عشر. * التنورة الموسعة في القرن الثامن عشر. * الكرينولين في القرن التاسع عشر. rdf:langString
Ein Reifrock ist ein durch Reifen aus Holz, Fischbein oder Federstahl gespreizter Unterrock. Je nach Form und Epoche unterscheidet man Verdugado, Panier, Krinoline oder Tournüre. rdf:langString
En mycket vid, styv kjol utspänd med ställning, modern i olika utföranden under olika tidsperioder. Exempel på dessa är; * Krinolin (1800-tal) * Paniers (1700-tal) * Vertugall (1500-tal) Benämningen har särskilt används om 1700-talets styvkjol, paniern. rdf:langString
A hoop skirt or hoopskirt is a women's undergarment worn in various periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable shape. It originated as a modest-sized mechanism for holding long skirts away from one's legs, to stay cooler in hot climates and to keep from tripping on the skirt during various activities. Small hoops might be worn by farmers and while working in the garden. Hoops were then adopted as a fashion item, and the size and scale of the hoops grew in grandeur, especially during the mid-nineteenth century transition from the 1850s to the 1860s. As the society of consumerism evolved, the roles of men and women changed and so did their dress. As male dress became tailored, the female costume of the period made women practically immobilized due to the cumbersome amount of petti rdf:langString
Um saiote, ou saia de armação ou ainda saia de aros é uma espécie de roupa íntima feminina usada em vários períodos diferentes com o intuito de sustentar a saia em uma forma desejada. Ele se originou como um mecanismo de tamanho modesto para segurar as saias mantendo-as longe das pernas, para manter um ar mais fresco em climas quentes e também para evitar tropeçar na própria saia durante as atividades diárias. Os saiotes foram então adotados como um item de moda, e o tamanho e a escala dos saiotes aumentaram na grandeza, especialmente durante a transição de meados do século XIX, de 1850 a 1860. À medida que a sociedade do consumismo evoluía, os papéis entre homens e mulheres mudaram, assim como suas roupas. As vestimentas masculinas foram se adaptando durante o século XIX, já os trajes fem rdf:langString
rdf:langString تنورة مطوقة
rdf:langString Reifrock
rdf:langString Hoop skirt
rdf:langString Saiote
rdf:langString Styvkjol
xsd:integer 2152784
xsd:integer 1097928809
rdf:langString التنورة المُطَوَّقة هي نوع من التنانير التي تلبس داخلياً تحت الملابس الخارجية عند النساء من أجل أن تتوسع التنورة وترتفع إلى الأعلى عن الأرض بشكل وطراز معين. انتشر ارتداء التنانير المطوقة في أوروبا، وكان منها أشكال مختلفة. مثال عليها: * التنورة المقببة في إسبانيا verdugado في القرن السادس عشر. * التنورة الموسعة في القرن الثامن عشر. * الكرينولين في القرن التاسع عشر.
rdf:langString Ein Reifrock ist ein durch Reifen aus Holz, Fischbein oder Federstahl gespreizter Unterrock. Je nach Form und Epoche unterscheidet man Verdugado, Panier, Krinoline oder Tournüre.
rdf:langString A hoop skirt or hoopskirt is a women's undergarment worn in various periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable shape. It originated as a modest-sized mechanism for holding long skirts away from one's legs, to stay cooler in hot climates and to keep from tripping on the skirt during various activities. Small hoops might be worn by farmers and while working in the garden. Hoops were then adopted as a fashion item, and the size and scale of the hoops grew in grandeur, especially during the mid-nineteenth century transition from the 1850s to the 1860s. As the society of consumerism evolved, the roles of men and women changed and so did their dress. As male dress became tailored, the female costume of the period made women practically immobilized due to the cumbersome amount of petticoats needed to suit the era's style. In the mid-19th century, the fashionable silhouette was a small waist with large, dome-shaped skirts. More and more petticoats were added to make the skirts appear even larger. When the circular crinoline came out in 1856, it was a revelation not only of technology but of convenience for women. The crinoline supported the weight of the numerous skirts and allowed the woman to wear fewer petticoats while still achieving the desired silhouette.The invention of the sewing machine allowed crinolines to be mass-produced at a lower cost, thus making the crinoline available for all classes. The mania for large bell-shaped skirts phased out through the mid-1860s and slowly shifted to emphasize volume in the posterior. The crinolette came into fashion, which was basically a narrow crinoline with a flat front and cage hoops in the back. By the 1870s, the cage of the crinolette became a cage only at the rear of the woman's undergarments. This is known today as a bustle. Hoop skirts typically consist of a fabric petticoat sewn with channels designed to act as casings for stiffening materials, such as rope, osiers, whalebone, steel, or, from the mid-20th century, nylon. The crinoline of the mid-19th century was constructed from collapsible steel hoops. This allowed for easy storage and increased agility for the wearer. Hoop skirts were first introduced to the United States by David Hough, Jr. in 1846. Hoop skirts are called by various names in different periods: * Farthingale (Spanish verdugado) (16th century) * Panniers or "side hoops" (18th century) * Crinoline or crinolette (mid-19th century) Lightweight hoop skirts, usually with nylon hoops, are worn today under very full-skirted wedding gowns. They can sometimes be seen in the gothic fashion scene. Reproduction hoop skirts are an essential part of living history costuming, especially American Civil War reenactment.
rdf:langString En mycket vid, styv kjol utspänd med ställning, modern i olika utföranden under olika tidsperioder. Exempel på dessa är; * Krinolin (1800-tal) * Paniers (1700-tal) * Vertugall (1500-tal) Benämningen har särskilt används om 1700-talets styvkjol, paniern.
rdf:langString Um saiote, ou saia de armação ou ainda saia de aros é uma espécie de roupa íntima feminina usada em vários períodos diferentes com o intuito de sustentar a saia em uma forma desejada. Ele se originou como um mecanismo de tamanho modesto para segurar as saias mantendo-as longe das pernas, para manter um ar mais fresco em climas quentes e também para evitar tropeçar na própria saia durante as atividades diárias. Os saiotes foram então adotados como um item de moda, e o tamanho e a escala dos saiotes aumentaram na grandeza, especialmente durante a transição de meados do século XIX, de 1850 a 1860. À medida que a sociedade do consumismo evoluía, os papéis entre homens e mulheres mudaram, assim como suas roupas. As vestimentas masculinas foram se adaptando durante o século XIX, já os trajes femininos da época deixavam as mulheres praticamente imobilizadas devido à grande quantidade de anáguas necessárias para se adequar ao estilo da época. Quando a crinolina circular foi patenteada em 1856, não foi apenas uma revelação tecnológica, mas também dar conveniência para as mulheres. Na década de 1870, a gaiola da crinolina transferiu-se para a parte traseira das roupas íntimas da mulher. Isso é conhecido atualmente como anquinha. Os saiotes geralmente consistem em uma anágua de tecido costurada projetados para atuar como invólucros para materiais de reforço, como corda, vime, osso de baleia, aço ou, a partir de meados do século XX, náilon. Os saiotes são chamadas por vários nomes em diferentes períodos históricos: * Vertugado (século XVI) * (século XVII) * (século XVIII) * Crinolina (meados do século XIX) * Anquinha (final do século XIX) Saiotes de aro leves, geralmente com aros de náilon, são usadas hoje sob vestidos de noiva com saia completa. Às vezes, eles podem ser vistos no cenário da moda gótica. Os saiotes são essenciais na reprodução de figurinos na história viva, especialmente na reconstituição da Guerra Civil Americana.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6280

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