Hakodate Main Line

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Die Hakodate-Hauptlinie (jap. 函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) ist eine Eisenbahnstrecke auf der japanischen Insel Hokkaidō, die von der Bahngesellschaft Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido) betrieben wird. Sie verläuft von Hakodate über Sapporo nach Asahikawa. Die Strecke ist 423,1 km lang; ebenfalls als Bestandteil der Hakodate-Hauptlinie betrachtet wird die 35,3 km lange Sawara-Zweigstrecke. Der älteste Teil der Hakodate-Hauptlinie wurde 1880 eröffnet und ist somit auch die älteste Eisenbahn der Insel; durchgehend befahrbar ist sie seit 1904. Am Bau waren drei verschiedene Bahngesellschaften beteiligt. rdf:langString
La ligne principale Hakodate (函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) est une ligne ferroviaire de la compagnie JR Hokkaido au Japon. La ligne relie la gare de Hakodate située à Hakodate à la gare d'Asahikawa située à Asahikawa. rdf:langString
La linea principale Hakodate (函館本線 Hakodate-honsen?) è una delle principali linee ferroviarie nella prefettura di Hokkaidō, gestita da JR Hokkaido.È inoltre la più antica linea ferroviaria della prefettura; il segmento fra Otaru e Sapporo fu infatti costruito nel 1880, mentre l'intera linea fu completata nel 1898. La linea attraversa l'isola da sud a nord, collegando le città di Hakodate e Asahikawa e passando attraverso altri centri importanti, fra cui il capoluogo prefetturale, Sapporo.Presenta inoltre una diramazione al sud, che collega le stazioni di Ōnuma e Mori.Per il futuro è prevista l'apertura dell'Hokkaidō Shinkansen, una ferrovia ad alta velocità che affiancherà la linea odierna. rdf:langString
하코다테 본선(일본어: 函館本線)은 홋카이도 여객철도의 철도 노선 가운데 하나이다. 일본 홋카이도 하코다테시에 있는 하코다테 역과 오타루시, 삿포로시, 이와미자와시를 경유하여 아사히카와시에 있는 아사히카와 역을 잇는다. 홋카이도의 주요 간선 철도 노선 중 하나이며, 지선을 포함하면 홋카이도 여객철도 관할 노선 중 영업거리가 가장 길다.(458.4 km) rdf:langString
函館本線(はこだてほんせん)は、北海道函館市の函館駅から長万部駅、小樽駅、札幌駅を経由して旭川市の旭川駅を結ぶ北海道旅客鉄道(JR北海道)の鉄道路線(幹線)である。 rdf:langString
Главная линия Хакодате или линия Хакодате (яп. 函館本線 хакодатэ хонсэн) — железнодорожная линия японского железнодорожного оператора Hokkaido Railway Company, протянувшаяся на 423 километра и соединяющая города Хакодате и Асахикава проходя через город Саппоро в губернаторстве Хоккайдо. 35-ти километровую ветку Савара, соединяющую станции Онума до станции альтернативным маршрутом вдоль побережья, также включают в состав линии Хакодате. rdf:langString
函館本線(日语:函館本線/はこだてほんせん Hakodate honsen */?)是一條由北海道函館市的函館站起途經長萬部站、小樽站、札幌站連結旭川市的旭川站,屬於北海道旅客鐵道(JR北海道)的鐵路線(幹線)。 rdf:langString
The Hakodate Main Line (函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) is a railway line connecting the cities of Hakodate and Asahikawa via Sapporo in Hokkaido, Japan. It is one of the trunk lines operated by the Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido). The Sawara Line, a 35 km loop line from Ōnuma to Mori opened in 1945, is included as part of the Hakodate Main Line. The Hokkaido Shinkansen route north of Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto approximately parallels the route of the Hakodate Main Line, with stations proposed to be built at Shin-Yakumo, Oshamambe, Kutchan, Shin-Otaru and Sapporo. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Hakodate Main Line
rdf:langString Hakodate-Hauptlinie
rdf:langString Ligne principale Hakodate
rdf:langString Linea principale Hakodate
rdf:langString 하코다테 본선
rdf:langString 函館本線
rdf:langString Линия Хакодате
rdf:langString 函館本線
rdf:langString Hakodate Main Line
rdf:langString Hakodate Main Line
xsd:integer 6549610
xsd:integer 1123854607
xsd:integer 6 79
rdf:langString A local train running along the coast of the Sea of Japan, near Asari Station in Otaru
xsd:integer 2
rdf:langString AC 20 kV 50 Hz with Overhead catenary
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString JR Hokkaido and JR Freight
xsd:integer 20
xsd:integer 130
rdf:langString Die Hakodate-Hauptlinie (jap. 函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) ist eine Eisenbahnstrecke auf der japanischen Insel Hokkaidō, die von der Bahngesellschaft Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido) betrieben wird. Sie verläuft von Hakodate über Sapporo nach Asahikawa. Die Strecke ist 423,1 km lang; ebenfalls als Bestandteil der Hakodate-Hauptlinie betrachtet wird die 35,3 km lange Sawara-Zweigstrecke. Der älteste Teil der Hakodate-Hauptlinie wurde 1880 eröffnet und ist somit auch die älteste Eisenbahn der Insel; durchgehend befahrbar ist sie seit 1904. Am Bau waren drei verschiedene Bahngesellschaften beteiligt.
rdf:langString The Hakodate Main Line (函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) is a railway line connecting the cities of Hakodate and Asahikawa via Sapporo in Hokkaido, Japan. It is one of the trunk lines operated by the Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido). The Sawara Line, a 35 km loop line from Ōnuma to Mori opened in 1945, is included as part of the Hakodate Main Line. The Sapporo—Minami-Otaru section was the first railway line opened in Hokkaido (including the Minami-Otaru - Temiya Line to the Otaru Port). The line was extended as the first to connect to Hakodate, though today all Sapporo—Hakodate direct passenger and freight services travel via the Chitose and Muroran lines until rejoining the Hakodate line at Oshamambe Station. The Hokkaido Shinkansen route north of Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto approximately parallels the route of the Hakodate Main Line, with stations proposed to be built at Shin-Yakumo, Oshamambe, Kutchan, Shin-Otaru and Sapporo. On March 27, 2022, the municipals along the line agreed to abolish the section between Oshamanbe—Otaru after the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen's extension to Sapporo in 2030. The entire section will be converted to a bus route.
rdf:langString La ligne principale Hakodate (函館本線, Hakodate-honsen) est une ligne ferroviaire de la compagnie JR Hokkaido au Japon. La ligne relie la gare de Hakodate située à Hakodate à la gare d'Asahikawa située à Asahikawa.
rdf:langString La linea principale Hakodate (函館本線 Hakodate-honsen?) è una delle principali linee ferroviarie nella prefettura di Hokkaidō, gestita da JR Hokkaido.È inoltre la più antica linea ferroviaria della prefettura; il segmento fra Otaru e Sapporo fu infatti costruito nel 1880, mentre l'intera linea fu completata nel 1898. La linea attraversa l'isola da sud a nord, collegando le città di Hakodate e Asahikawa e passando attraverso altri centri importanti, fra cui il capoluogo prefetturale, Sapporo.Presenta inoltre una diramazione al sud, che collega le stazioni di Ōnuma e Mori.Per il futuro è prevista l'apertura dell'Hokkaidō Shinkansen, una ferrovia ad alta velocità che affiancherà la linea odierna.
rdf:langString 하코다테 본선(일본어: 函館本線)은 홋카이도 여객철도의 철도 노선 가운데 하나이다. 일본 홋카이도 하코다테시에 있는 하코다테 역과 오타루시, 삿포로시, 이와미자와시를 경유하여 아사히카와시에 있는 아사히카와 역을 잇는다. 홋카이도의 주요 간선 철도 노선 중 하나이며, 지선을 포함하면 홋카이도 여객철도 관할 노선 중 영업거리가 가장 길다.(458.4 km)
rdf:langString 函館本線(はこだてほんせん)は、北海道函館市の函館駅から長万部駅、小樽駅、札幌駅を経由して旭川市の旭川駅を結ぶ北海道旅客鉄道(JR北海道)の鉄道路線(幹線)である。
rdf:langString Главная линия Хакодате или линия Хакодате (яп. 函館本線 хакодатэ хонсэн) — железнодорожная линия японского железнодорожного оператора Hokkaido Railway Company, протянувшаяся на 423 километра и соединяющая города Хакодате и Асахикава проходя через город Саппоро в губернаторстве Хоккайдо. 35-ти километровую ветку Савара, соединяющую станции Онума до станции альтернативным маршрутом вдоль побережья, также включают в состав линии Хакодате.
rdf:langString 函館本線(日语:函館本線/はこだてほんせん Hakodate honsen */?)是一條由北海道函館市的函館站起途經長萬部站、小樽站、札幌站連結旭川市的旭川站,屬於北海道旅客鐵道(JR北海道)的鐵路線(幹線)。
rdf:langString Sapporo depot , Naebo Workshop & depot
xsd:double 423100.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6 79
xsd:double 95.0 130.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 33974

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