First Kohl cabinet an entity of type: Artifact100021939

أدت حكومة كول الأولى برئاسة هيلموت كول اليمين في 4 تشرين الأول 1982 واستمرت حتى 29 آذار 1983.وكانت أول حكومة تُشكل بعد تصويت طرح الثقة ضد الحكومة السابقة برئاسة المستشار هيلموت شميت. وقد أتى بعدها حكومة كول الثانية التي تشكلت بعد انتخابات عام 1983. rdf:langString
Das Kabinett Kohl I war das 13. Regierungskabinett der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und war die erste und bisher einzige Bundesregierung, die durch ein konstruktives Misstrauensvotum, nämlich gegen die Vorgängerregierung unter Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt, ins Amt gelangte. Mittels einer Vertrauensfrage, die Helmut Kohl veranlasste und verlor sowie der Auflösung des 9. Deutschen Bundestages durch Bundespräsident Karl Carstens endete die Regierung mit dem Zusammentreten des 10. Deutschen Bundestages 1983. rdf:langString
Le cabinet Kohl I (en allemand : Kabinett Kohl I) est le gouvernement fédéral de la République fédérale d'Allemagne entre le 4 octobre 1982 et le 29 mars 1983, durant la neuvième législature du Bundestag. rdf:langString
Het kabinet–Kohl I was het West-Duitse kabinet van 1 oktober 1982 tot 29 maart 1983. Het kabinet werd gevormd door de politieke partijen Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU)-Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU) en de Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) na de val van het vorige kabinet Schmidt III. Helmut Kohl de partijleider van de CDU diende als bondskanselier en Hans-Dietrich Genscher de partijleider van de FDP als vicekanselier. rdf:langString
Pierwszy rząd Helmuta Kohla – koalicyjny gabinet działający od 4 października 1982 do 29 marca 1983. Powstał na skutek odejścia FDP od koalicji rządowej z SPD i związania się z najsilniejszym wówczas ugrupowaniem w Bundestagu – CDU/CSU. Istniał do czasu rozpisania nowych wyborów. rdf:langString
The First Kohl cabinet (German: Kabinett Kohl I) was the 13th Cabinet of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was sworn in on 4 October 1982 following a successful constructive vote of no confidence, by which Helmut Kohl replaced Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor. It was the first (and as yet only) German federal cabinet formed after a constructive vote of no confidence. After ascending to the chancellorship, Kohl and his coalition sought to bring about new elections as quickly as possible, which he achieved by deliberately losing a confidence motion and then having the Bundestag dissolved by the president at the chancellor's request. The following 1983 federal election on 6 March 1983 resulted in a re-election of Kohl and his newly formed CDU/CSU/FDP-coalition. On 30 March 1983, Kohl was again rdf:langString
Il primo governo Kohl è stato il quattordicesimo governo della Repubblica Federale Tedesca, in carica dal 4 ottobre 1982 al 29 marzo 1983 durante la 9ª legislatura del Bundestag. Il governo, con Helmut Kohl come cancelliere, era sostenuto da una coalizione "giallo-nera" composta dall'Unione Cristiano-Democratica (CDU), dall'Unione Cristiano-Sociale bavarese (CSU) e dal Partito Liberale Democratico (FDP). rdf:langString
rdf:langString حكومة كول الأولى
rdf:langString Kabinett Kohl I
rdf:langString First Kohl cabinet
rdf:langString Cabinet Kohl I
rdf:langString Governo Kohl I
rdf:langString Kabinet-Kohl I
rdf:langString Pierwszy rząd Helmuta Kohla
rdf:langString Primeiro Gabinete Kohl
xsd:integer 4623337
xsd:integer 1077789613
xsd:gMonthDay --10-14
rdf:langString (Cabinet Kohl I)
rdf:langString First Cabinet of Helmut Kohl
xsd:integer 13
rdf:langString Helmut Kohl
xsd:date 1983-03-30
xsd:date 1982-10-04
rdf:langString Constructive vote of no confidence led by Helmut Kohl against incumbent Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
rdf:langString Flag_of_Germany.svg
rdf:langString the Federal Republic of Germany
rdf:langString Coalition government led by CDU/CSU
xsd:integer 9
rdf:langString Oscar Schneider
rdf:langString Herbert Wehner
rdf:langString Federal Minister of Construction
rdf:langString أدت حكومة كول الأولى برئاسة هيلموت كول اليمين في 4 تشرين الأول 1982 واستمرت حتى 29 آذار 1983.وكانت أول حكومة تُشكل بعد تصويت طرح الثقة ضد الحكومة السابقة برئاسة المستشار هيلموت شميت. وقد أتى بعدها حكومة كول الثانية التي تشكلت بعد انتخابات عام 1983.
rdf:langString Das Kabinett Kohl I war das 13. Regierungskabinett der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und war die erste und bisher einzige Bundesregierung, die durch ein konstruktives Misstrauensvotum, nämlich gegen die Vorgängerregierung unter Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt, ins Amt gelangte. Mittels einer Vertrauensfrage, die Helmut Kohl veranlasste und verlor sowie der Auflösung des 9. Deutschen Bundestages durch Bundespräsident Karl Carstens endete die Regierung mit dem Zusammentreten des 10. Deutschen Bundestages 1983.
rdf:langString The First Kohl cabinet (German: Kabinett Kohl I) was the 13th Cabinet of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was sworn in on 4 October 1982 following a successful constructive vote of no confidence, by which Helmut Kohl replaced Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor. It was the first (and as yet only) German federal cabinet formed after a constructive vote of no confidence. After ascending to the chancellorship, Kohl and his coalition sought to bring about new elections as quickly as possible, which he achieved by deliberately losing a confidence motion and then having the Bundestag dissolved by the president at the chancellor's request. The following 1983 federal election on 6 March 1983 resulted in a re-election of Kohl and his newly formed CDU/CSU/FDP-coalition. On 30 March 1983, Kohl was again elected chancellor by the Bundestag and formed his second cabinet. With a duration of just under half a year, the cabinet Kohl I was the shortest-lived German government since the cabinet von Schleicher (3 December 1932–28 January 1933) during the Weimar Republic and is, as yet, the shortest-lived cabinet in the history of the Federal Republic.
rdf:langString Le cabinet Kohl I (en allemand : Kabinett Kohl I) est le gouvernement fédéral de la République fédérale d'Allemagne entre le 4 octobre 1982 et le 29 mars 1983, durant la neuvième législature du Bundestag.
rdf:langString Il primo governo Kohl è stato il quattordicesimo governo della Repubblica Federale Tedesca, in carica dal 4 ottobre 1982 al 29 marzo 1983 durante la 9ª legislatura del Bundestag. Il governo, con Helmut Kohl come cancelliere, era sostenuto da una coalizione "giallo-nera" composta dall'Unione Cristiano-Democratica (CDU), dall'Unione Cristiano-Sociale bavarese (CSU) e dal Partito Liberale Democratico (FDP). I disaccordi sulla politica economica avevano portato i liberaldemocratici ad uscire dal terzo governo Schmidt e a trovare un accordo con la CDU\CSU per formare un nuovo governo.Il 1º ottobre 1982, con lo strumento della sfiducia costruttiva, mai usato nella storia tedesca, venne sfiduciato il cancelliere Schmidt e venne eletto cancelliere Kohl. Per ottenere la legittimazione popolare, Kohl chiese al presidente federale di indire elezioni anticipate nel 1983, dopo essersi fatto volutamente sconfiggere durante il voto su una mozione di fiducia presentata dal cancelliere al Bundestag, che era stata respinta con solamente 8 voti a favore (assai meno dei 249 necessari per ottenere la maggioranza assoluta). Kohl aveva infatti chiesto ai partiti membri della coalizione di astenersi così da far sì che la fiducia non venisse concordata e potessero essere indette elezioni anticipate. La coalizione giallo-nera vinse le elezioni e formò il secondo governo Kohl.
rdf:langString Het kabinet–Kohl I was het West-Duitse kabinet van 1 oktober 1982 tot 29 maart 1983. Het kabinet werd gevormd door de politieke partijen Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU)-Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU) en de Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) na de val van het vorige kabinet Schmidt III. Helmut Kohl de partijleider van de CDU diende als bondskanselier en Hans-Dietrich Genscher de partijleider van de FDP als vicekanselier.
rdf:langString Pierwszy rząd Helmuta Kohla – koalicyjny gabinet działający od 4 października 1982 do 29 marca 1983. Powstał na skutek odejścia FDP od koalicji rządowej z SPD i związania się z najsilniejszym wówczas ugrupowaniem w Bundestagu – CDU/CSU. Istniał do czasu rozpisania nowych wyborów.
rdf:langString Christian Democratic Union of Germany
rdf:langString Christian Social Union in Bavaria
rdf:langString Free Democratic Party
xsd:date 1983-03-30
xsd:date 1982-10-04
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10189

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