Exclusionary rule

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違法収集証拠排除法則(いほうしゅうしゅうしょうこはいじょほうそく)とは、証拠の収集手続が違法であったとき、公判手続上の事実認定においてその証拠能力を否定する刑事訴訟上の法理である。略して排除法則とも呼ばれる。 rdf:langString
위법수집증거배제법칙(違法蒐集證據排除法則)은 적법한 절차에 따르지 아니하고 수집한 증거는 증거로 할 수 없다는 형사소송법과 증거법상 원칙이다. rdf:langString
證據排除法則(英語:Exclusionary rule)是刑事訴訟的一項證據法理論,目的是判定呈堂的證據是否具有證據能力,藉以斷定得否作裁判的依據。 rdf:langString
In the United States, the exclusionary rule is a legal rule, based on constitutional law, that prevents evidence collected or analyzed in violation of the defendant's constitutional rights from being used in a court of law. This may be considered an example of a prophylactic rule formulated by the judiciary in order to protect a constitutional right. The exclusionary rule may also, in some circumstances at least, be considered to follow directly from the constitutional language, such as the Fifth Amendment's command that no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" and that no person "shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." rdf:langString
En el derecho constitucional de los Estados Unidos, regla de exclusión es un principio legal que sostiene que las pruebas recogidas o analizadas, en contra de lo establecido por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos son inadmisibles ante el tribunal en un proceso de índole penal, es decir, no se pueden utilizar en un juicio penal. La Regla de Exclusión se aplica a los ciudadanos estadounienses y a los extranjeros (legales e ilegales) que residen en los Estados Unidos. rdf:langString
Aturan pengecualian (bahasa Inggris: exclusionary rule) adalah aturan dalam pengadilan pidana yang menolak menerima bukti yang diambil secara inkonstitusional oleh aparat polisi. Aturan ini dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa polisi tidak melanggar batas konstitusional dalam melakukan penggeledahan, penyitaan, dan interogasi. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Regla de exclusión (Estados Unidos)
rdf:langString Exclusionary rule
rdf:langString Aturan pengecualian
rdf:langString 위법수집증거배제법칙
rdf:langString 違法収集証拠排除法則
rdf:langString 證據排除法則
xsd:integer 1504970
xsd:integer 1122191017
rdf:langString In the United States, the exclusionary rule is a legal rule, based on constitutional law, that prevents evidence collected or analyzed in violation of the defendant's constitutional rights from being used in a court of law. This may be considered an example of a prophylactic rule formulated by the judiciary in order to protect a constitutional right. The exclusionary rule may also, in some circumstances at least, be considered to follow directly from the constitutional language, such as the Fifth Amendment's command that no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" and that no person "shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The exclusionary rule is grounded in the Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights, and it is intended to protect citizens from illegal searches and seizures. The exclusionary rule is also designed to provide a remedy and disincentive for criminal prosecution from prosecutors and police who illegally gather evidence in violation of the Fifth Amendment and its protection against self-incrimination. The exclusionary rule also protects against violations of the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees the right to counsel. Most states also have their own exclusionary remedies for illegally obtained evidence under their state constitutions and/or statutes, some of which predate the federal constitutional guarantees against unlawful searches and seizures and compelled self-incrimination. This rule is occasionally referred to as a legal technicality because it allows defendants a defense that does not address whether the crime was actually committed. In this respect, it is similar to the explicit rule in the Fifth Amendment protecting people from double jeopardy.In strict cases, when an illegal action is used by police/prosecution to gain any incriminating result, all evidence whose recovery stemmed from the illegal action—this evidence is known as "fruit of the poisonous tree"—can be thrown out from a jury (or be grounds for a mistrial if too much information has been irrevocably revealed). The exclusionary rule applies to all persons within the United States regardless of whether they are citizens, immigrants (legal or illegal), or visitors.
rdf:langString En el derecho constitucional de los Estados Unidos, regla de exclusión es un principio legal que sostiene que las pruebas recogidas o analizadas, en contra de lo establecido por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos son inadmisibles ante el tribunal en un proceso de índole penal, es decir, no se pueden utilizar en un juicio penal. La Regla de Exclusión se diseñó para remediar y desincentivar, en el proceso penal, tanto al fiscal como a la policía que obtiene pruebas ilegalmente en violación de la Cuarta y Quinta de la Carta de Derechos de los Estados Unidos, las que proveen protección de las pesquisas y aprehensiones poco razonables y de la auto incriminación. La Regla de Exclusión se aplica a los ciudadanos estadounienses y a los extranjeros (legales e ilegales) que residen en los Estados Unidos.
rdf:langString Aturan pengecualian (bahasa Inggris: exclusionary rule) adalah aturan dalam pengadilan pidana yang menolak menerima bukti yang diambil secara inkonstitusional oleh aparat polisi. Aturan ini dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa polisi tidak melanggar batas konstitusional dalam melakukan penggeledahan, penyitaan, dan interogasi. Di Amerika Serikat, Mahkamah Agung pertama kali menggunakan aturan ini dalam perkara Weeks v. United States. Dalam perkara ini, polisi menggeledah kamar Weeks dan menyita kertas dan barang miliknya untuk memberatkan dirinya dalam pengadilan pidana. Penggeledahan ini dilaksanakan tanpa adanya surat perintah ataupun justifikasi legal lainnya, alhasil penggeledahan ini dianggap inkonstitusional dan Mahkamah Agung memutuskan bahwa bukti yang disita tidak dapat diterima di pengadilan. Perkara ini telah membentuk aturan pengecualian di tingkatan federal di Amerika Serikat. Sementara itu, untuk pengadilan negara bagian, putusan yang penting dalam hal ini adalah Mapp v. Ohio. Mahkamah Agung menetapkan aturan pengecualian kepada negara bagian dalam perkara tersebut. Sebelum itu, banyak negara bagian di Amerika Serikat yang menolak menerapkan aturan pengecualian.
rdf:langString 違法収集証拠排除法則(いほうしゅうしゅうしょうこはいじょほうそく)とは、証拠の収集手続が違法であったとき、公判手続上の事実認定においてその証拠能力を否定する刑事訴訟上の法理である。略して排除法則とも呼ばれる。
rdf:langString 위법수집증거배제법칙(違法蒐集證據排除法則)은 적법한 절차에 따르지 아니하고 수집한 증거는 증거로 할 수 없다는 형사소송법과 증거법상 원칙이다.
rdf:langString 證據排除法則(英語:Exclusionary rule)是刑事訴訟的一項證據法理論,目的是判定呈堂的證據是否具有證據能力,藉以斷定得否作裁判的依據。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 30055

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