Exchequer of Pleas

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Exchequer_of_Pleas an entity of type: Place

Der Court of Exchequer (Schatzkammergericht) war ein ehemaliges Gericht in England und Wales. Es wurde 1880 aufgelöst. rdf:langString
محكمة الخزانة كانت محكمة تعالج مسائل الإنصاف ، ومجموعة من المبادئ القانونية القائمة على القانون الطبيعي والقانون العام في إنجلترا وويلز . نتج عن سمعة محكمة ديوان في التأخير والنفقات في نقل جزء كبير من أعمالها إلى الخزانة. لقرب الخزانة و الديوان باختصاصات مماثلة من بعضهما البعض على مر السنين ، تم تقديم حجة خلال القرن التاسع عشر مفادها أن وجود محكمتين متطابقتين يبدو غير ضروري. ونتيجة لذلك ، فقدت الخزانة اختصاصها في حقوق الملكية. وتم حل الخزانة رسميًا كهيئة قضائية بموجب أمر في 16 ديسمبر 1880. rdf:langString
The Exchequer of Pleas, or Court of Exchequer, was a court that dealt with matters of equity, a set of legal principles based on natural law and common law in England and Wales. Originally part of the curia regis, or King's Council, the Exchequer of Pleas split from the curia in the 1190s to sit as an independent central court. The Court of Chancery's reputation for tardiness and expense resulted in much of its business transferring to the Exchequer. The Exchequer and Chancery, with similar jurisdictions, drew closer together over the years until an argument was made during the 19th century that having two seemingly identical courts was unnecessary. As a result, the Exchequer lost its equity jurisdiction. With the Judicature Acts, the Exchequer was formally dissolved as a judicial body by rdf:langString
La Court of Exchequer (in italiano "corte dello scacchiere"), o Exchequer of Pleas, è stato un tribunale che si occupava di questioni di equity, un insieme di principi giuridici basati sul diritto naturale e sulla common law nella giurisdizione dell'Inghilterra e Galles. Originariamente parte della curia regis (o Consiglio del Re), la Court of Exchequer ne divenne autonoma nel 1190 per diventare una corte centrale preposta alla revisione dei conti e alle finanze dello Stato. A questo tribunale vennero trasferite gran parte delle competenze e attività inizialmente previste per la Court of Chancery a seguito dell'inefficienza di quest'ultima. Le due corti, con giurisdizioni simili, si sono avvicinate nel corso degli anni fino a quando, nell'XIX secolo, si è sottolineato che non era più neces rdf:langString
rdf:langString Exchequer of Pleas
rdf:langString محكمة الخزانة
rdf:langString Court of Exchequer (England und Wales)
rdf:langString Court of Exchequer
xsd:integer 822724
xsd:integer 1102717915
rdf:langString محكمة الخزانة كانت محكمة تعالج مسائل الإنصاف ، ومجموعة من المبادئ القانونية القائمة على القانون الطبيعي والقانون العام في إنجلترا وويلز . نتج عن سمعة محكمة ديوان في التأخير والنفقات في نقل جزء كبير من أعمالها إلى الخزانة. لقرب الخزانة و الديوان باختصاصات مماثلة من بعضهما البعض على مر السنين ، تم تقديم حجة خلال القرن التاسع عشر مفادها أن وجود محكمتين متطابقتين يبدو غير ضروري. ونتيجة لذلك ، فقدت الخزانة اختصاصها في حقوق الملكية. وتم حل الخزانة رسميًا كهيئة قضائية بموجب أمر في 16 ديسمبر 1880. كان اختصاصها ، في أوقات مختلفة ، القانون العام ، أو الإنصاف ، أو كليهما. في البداية كانت محكمة لكل من القانون العام والإنصاف ، فقدت الكثير من اختصاصها في القانون العام بعد تشكيل محكمة الالتماسات العامة ، ومنذ ذلك الحين أصبحت معنية بالمسائل العادلة وتلك المسائل المتعلقة بالقانون العام التي لديها السلطة التقديرية لمحاولة ، القيام ب الإجراءات المرفوعة ضد مسؤولي الخزانة والإجراءات التي رفعها الملك ضد المدينين غير المسددين.
rdf:langString Der Court of Exchequer (Schatzkammergericht) war ein ehemaliges Gericht in England und Wales. Es wurde 1880 aufgelöst.
rdf:langString The Exchequer of Pleas, or Court of Exchequer, was a court that dealt with matters of equity, a set of legal principles based on natural law and common law in England and Wales. Originally part of the curia regis, or King's Council, the Exchequer of Pleas split from the curia in the 1190s to sit as an independent central court. The Court of Chancery's reputation for tardiness and expense resulted in much of its business transferring to the Exchequer. The Exchequer and Chancery, with similar jurisdictions, drew closer together over the years until an argument was made during the 19th century that having two seemingly identical courts was unnecessary. As a result, the Exchequer lost its equity jurisdiction. With the Judicature Acts, the Exchequer was formally dissolved as a judicial body by an Order in Council on 16 December 1880. The Exchequer's jurisdiction at various times was common law, equity or both. Initially a court of both common law and equity, it lost much of its common law jurisdiction after the formation of the Court of Common Pleas, and from then on, it concerned itself with equitable matters and those common law matters that it had discretion to try, such as actions brought against Exchequer officials and actions brought by the monarch against non-paying debtors. With the writ of quominus, which allowed the Exchequer to look at "common" cases between subject and subject, this discretionary area was significantly expanded, and it soon regained its standing in common law matters. Cases were formally taken by the Chancellor of the Exchequer but in practice were heard by the Barons of the Exchequer, judicial officials led by the Chief Baron. Other court officials included the King's Remembrancer, who appointed all other officials and kept the Exchequer's records, and the sworn and side clerks, who acted as attorneys to parties to a case.
rdf:langString La Court of Exchequer (in italiano "corte dello scacchiere"), o Exchequer of Pleas, è stato un tribunale che si occupava di questioni di equity, un insieme di principi giuridici basati sul diritto naturale e sulla common law nella giurisdizione dell'Inghilterra e Galles. Originariamente parte della curia regis (o Consiglio del Re), la Court of Exchequer ne divenne autonoma nel 1190 per diventare una corte centrale preposta alla revisione dei conti e alle finanze dello Stato. A questo tribunale vennero trasferite gran parte delle competenze e attività inizialmente previste per la Court of Chancery a seguito dell'inefficienza di quest'ultima. Le due corti, con giurisdizioni simili, si sono avvicinate nel corso degli anni fino a quando, nell'XIX secolo, si è sottolineato che non era più necessario disporre di due corti apparentemente identiche e, di conseguenza, l'Exchequer perse la sua giurisdizione patrimoniale. Con gli Judicature Acts, emanati dal parlamento inglese a partire dal 1870 per riorganizzare il sistema giudiziale, la Court of Exchequer venne formalmente sciolta come organo giudiziario il 16 dicembre 1880. La giurisdizione della Court of Exchequer fu, in tempi diversi, di common law, di equity o di entrambi. Dopo l'istituzione della Court of Common Pleas si occupò principalmente di questioni di equity e delle azioni intentate contro i funzionari dell'erario e quelle promosse dal monarca contro i debitori insolventi. Con il Writ of Quominus, che consentiva alla court of Exchequer di esaminare casi "comuni", il suo ambito di discrezionalità si ampliò notevolmente facendole riguadagnare il suo posto nelle questioni di common law. I casi venivano formalmente assunti dal Cancelliere dello Scacchiere, ma in pratica venivano esaminati dai Barons of the Exchequer (Baroni dello Scacchiere), funzionari giudiziari guidati dallo Chief Baron (Barone Capo). Altri funzionari di corte includevano il King's Remembrancer, che nominava tutti gli altri funzionari e teneva i registri dello Scacchiere, e gli impiegati giurati e secondari, che agivano come avvocati delle parti in un caso.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 33265

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