Epithets in Homer


Un epíteto homérico es un complemento de la mayoría de los nombres propios en las epopeyas griegas antiguas, en particular en las de Homero: la Ilíada y la Odisea. Véase también: Epítetos de la Ilíada rdf:langString
Homeroar epitetoa, antzinako greziar epopeiatan, bereziki Homeroren Iliada eta Odisean, izen propio gehienen gehigarri bat da. rdf:langString
L’épithète homérique est un complément des noms propres dans les différentes épopées grecques antiques, en particulier les épopées d'Homère : l'Iliade' et l’Odyssée. rdf:langString
L'epiteto omerico è un complemento della maggior parte dei nomi propri nei poemi dell'antica Grecia, in particolare nei poemi omerici, l'Iliade e l'Odissea. rdf:langString
Epitetiska bestämningar eller Homeriska epitet, ofta stående (fasta), ofta flerladdade epitet. Bestämningarna sägs tillkommit för att passa in i hexameterns formspråk. Exempel ur Homeros Illiaden: * "Honom svarade strax snabbfotade hjälten Akilles" rdf:langString
Гомерівський епітет — поетичне означення, характерне для гомерівського епосу («Іліади», «Одіссеї»), і зафіксоване складними словами. Гомерівські епітети постійні, тобто назавжди закріплені за певними словами або іменами: прудконогий Ахіллес, срібнолукий Аполлон, хитромудрий Одіссей, світлоока богиня. rdf:langString
A characteristic of Homer's style is the use of epithets, as in "rosy-fingered" Dawn or "swift-footed" Achilles. Epithets are used because of the constraints of the dactylic hexameter (i.e., it is convenient to have a stockpile of metrically fitting phrases to add to a name) and because of the oral transmission of the poems; they are mnemonic aids to the singer and the audience alike. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Epíteto homérico
rdf:langString Homeroar epiteto
rdf:langString Epithets in Homer
rdf:langString Epiteto omerico
rdf:langString Épithète homérique
rdf:langString Epitetiska bestämningar
rdf:langString Гомерівський епітет
xsd:integer 922838
xsd:integer 1109589754
rdf:langString A characteristic of Homer's style is the use of epithets, as in "rosy-fingered" Dawn or "swift-footed" Achilles. Epithets are used because of the constraints of the dactylic hexameter (i.e., it is convenient to have a stockpile of metrically fitting phrases to add to a name) and because of the oral transmission of the poems; they are mnemonic aids to the singer and the audience alike. Formulae in epic poetry from various Indo-European traditions may be traced to a common tradition. For example, the phrase for "everlasting glory" or "undying fame" can be found in the Homeric Greek as κλέος ἄφθιτον / kléos áphthiton and Vedic Sanskrit as श्रवो अक्षितम् / śrávo ákṣitam. These two phrases were, in terms of historical linguistics, equivalent in phonology, accentuation, and quantity (syllable length). In other words, they descend from a fragment of poetic diction (reconstructable as Proto-Indo-European *ḱléwos ń̥dʰgʷʰitom) which was handed down in parallel over many centuries, in continually diverging forms, by generations of singers whose ultimate ancestors shared an archetypal repertoire of poetic formulae and narrative themes. In contrast to the more general term 'epithet' (ἐπίθετον), which is used in poetic contexts, for the ancient Greek religion, the epiclesis (epíklēsis (ἐπίκλησις; literally 'calling upon')) was used as the surname that was associated with a deity during religious invocations. Epithets alter the meaning of each noun to which they are attached. They specify the existential nature of a noun; that is to say, Achilles is not called "swift-footed" only when he runs; it is a marker of a quality that does not change. Special epithets, such as patronymics, are used exclusively for particular subjects and distinguish them from others, while generic epithets are used of many subjects and speak less to their individual characters. In these examples, the epithet can be contradictory to the past state of the subject: in Odyssey VI.74, for instance, Nausicaa takes her "radiant clothing", ἐσθῆτα φαεινήν, to be washed; since it is dirty, it is unlikely to be radiant.
rdf:langString Un epíteto homérico es un complemento de la mayoría de los nombres propios en las epopeyas griegas antiguas, en particular en las de Homero: la Ilíada y la Odisea. Véase también: Epítetos de la Ilíada
rdf:langString Homeroar epitetoa, antzinako greziar epopeiatan, bereziki Homeroren Iliada eta Odisean, izen propio gehienen gehigarri bat da.
rdf:langString L’épithète homérique est un complément des noms propres dans les différentes épopées grecques antiques, en particulier les épopées d'Homère : l'Iliade' et l’Odyssée.
rdf:langString L'epiteto omerico è un complemento della maggior parte dei nomi propri nei poemi dell'antica Grecia, in particolare nei poemi omerici, l'Iliade e l'Odissea.
rdf:langString Epitetiska bestämningar eller Homeriska epitet, ofta stående (fasta), ofta flerladdade epitet. Bestämningarna sägs tillkommit för att passa in i hexameterns formspråk. Exempel ur Homeros Illiaden: * "Honom svarade strax snabbfotade hjälten Akilles"
rdf:langString Гомерівський епітет — поетичне означення, характерне для гомерівського епосу («Іліади», «Одіссеї»), і зафіксоване складними словами. Гомерівські епітети постійні, тобто назавжди закріплені за певними словами або іменами: прудконогий Ахіллес, срібнолукий Аполлон, хитромудрий Одіссей, світлоока богиня.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 14185

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