
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Entitativity an entity of type: WikicatSocialGroups

الكيانية إحساس تجريدي عقلي يعتبر شئ ما ككيان صافي. يستعمل في علم النفس كتعبير يعني «نظرة جماعة على أنهم كيان صرف» (أي جماعة كيانية) بخلاف وجودية الفرد. إنها تختلف عن الشمولية. أما من الناحية العملية، فيمكن تعريف الكيانية بـ«إدراك مجموعة مجتمعي، مثل الأفراد، أنها موحدة ومتراصة». تكون الكيانية أعلى قوة بين المجموعات المتألفة (مثل العائلات)، وبدرجة أقل بين فرق العمل (أي موظفي شركة)، وتقل أكثر بين فئات المجتمع (مثل أبناء طائفة)، وحتى أكثر بين الجماعات المؤقتة (مثل أشخاص ينتظرون على موقف الحافلات) rdf:langString
In der Sozialpsychologie beschreibt Entitativität, inwieweit eine Ansammlung von Individuen als kohärente soziale Einheit wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann sich sowohl auf die Wahrnehmung der entsprechenden Individuen, als auch auf jene Außenstehender beziehen. rdf:langString
Entitativity is the perception of a social unit as a "group" (Blanchard et al, 2020; Campbell, 1958; Lickel et al, 2000). For example, one may pass by a bus stop and perceive a group of people waiting for a bus but the same people sitting around a table together at a cafe, sharing pastries, and interacting would be much "groupier." Entitativity is the variance of a person's perception of not very much a group (the bus stop) to very much a group (the cafe). Entitativity is necessary for people to experience outcomes (e.g., satisfaction) and enact group processes (e.g., conflict resolution). For example, bus stop satisfaction is not as common of a concern for social and organizational psychologists as social group or workgroup satisfaction. Entitativity is highest for intimacy groups, such a rdf:langString
L'entitatività è il termine con cui in psicologia sociale si intende la consapevolezza cognitiva di essere di fronte ad un aggregato umano definibile come "gruppo", che cioè possiede le caratteristiche salienti per essere definito come tale (relazione tra i membri, destino o obiettivo comune, consapevolezza dell'appartenenza e riconoscimento esterno, desiderio di farne parte). L'entitatività di un agglomerato di persone lo fa percepire e riconoscere quindi come insieme organizzato di esseri umani, portatore di senso proprio in quanto gruppo. rdf:langString
rdf:langString كيانية
rdf:langString Entitativität sozialer Gruppen
rdf:langString Entitativity
rdf:langString Entitatività
xsd:integer 11286213
xsd:integer 1122761502
rdf:langString الكيانية إحساس تجريدي عقلي يعتبر شئ ما ككيان صافي. يستعمل في علم النفس كتعبير يعني «نظرة جماعة على أنهم كيان صرف» (أي جماعة كيانية) بخلاف وجودية الفرد. إنها تختلف عن الشمولية. أما من الناحية العملية، فيمكن تعريف الكيانية بـ«إدراك مجموعة مجتمعي، مثل الأفراد، أنها موحدة ومتراصة». تكون الكيانية أعلى قوة بين المجموعات المتألفة (مثل العائلات)، وبدرجة أقل بين فرق العمل (أي موظفي شركة)، وتقل أكثر بين فئات المجتمع (مثل أبناء طائفة)، وحتى أكثر بين الجماعات المؤقتة (مثل أشخاص ينتظرون على موقف الحافلات)
rdf:langString In der Sozialpsychologie beschreibt Entitativität, inwieweit eine Ansammlung von Individuen als kohärente soziale Einheit wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann sich sowohl auf die Wahrnehmung der entsprechenden Individuen, als auch auf jene Außenstehender beziehen.
rdf:langString Entitativity is the perception of a social unit as a "group" (Blanchard et al, 2020; Campbell, 1958; Lickel et al, 2000). For example, one may pass by a bus stop and perceive a group of people waiting for a bus but the same people sitting around a table together at a cafe, sharing pastries, and interacting would be much "groupier." Entitativity is the variance of a person's perception of not very much a group (the bus stop) to very much a group (the cafe). Entitativity is necessary for people to experience outcomes (e.g., satisfaction) and enact group processes (e.g., conflict resolution). For example, bus stop satisfaction is not as common of a concern for social and organizational psychologists as social group or workgroup satisfaction. Entitativity is highest for intimacy groups, such as the family, lower for task groups, lower yet for social categories (e.g., people of the same religion), and lowest for transitory groups, such as people waiting at the same bus stop (Lickel et al., 2000). Lickel and colleagues further examined ratings of group entitativity to determine that sports fans, families, and rock bands have the highest entitativity; juries, student study groups, and coworkers have a moderate amount of entitativity; and citizens of a country, professional groups, and people waiting for a bus stop have the lowest levels of entitativity. Donald T. Campbell (1958) coined the term entitativity in order to explain why some groups are considered real groups while others are thought to be mere aggregates of individuals. He suggested that people rely on certain perceptual cues as they intuitively determine which aggregations of individuals are groups, and which are not (e.g. Spectators at a football game may seem like a disorganized collection of people, but when they shout the same cheers or express similar emotions, this gives them entitativity; Forsyth, 2010). Campbell (1958) emphasized three cues that individuals can use to make judgments regarding entitativity: common fate (the extent to which individuals in the aggregate seem to experience interrelated outcomes), similarity (the extent to which the individuals display the same behaviors or resemble one another), and proximity (the distance between individuals in the aggregate). When Lickel et al (2000) revitalized the study of entitativity, they identified interaction, importance, goals, outcomes, similarity, duration, permeability, and size as characteristics of people's perceptions of groups. After Lickel et al's work, additional researchers focused primarily on interactivity and similarity as the key characteristics of entitativity (Crump et al, 2010; Ip, Chiu, & Wan, 2006). Blanchard et al (2020) suggested that these characteristics are actually antecedents of entitativity and developed measures of entitativity, interactivity, similarity of goals, similarity of characteristics, and history of interactions to advance the study of entitativity. Outcomes of entitativity include identification with the group, group satisfaction, and group commitment. These outcomes are why entitativity is considered important to group members. To illustrate how we make those judgments, consider the example of people sharing a table at a library. They could be friends who are studying together, or they may also be strangers happening to share the same table. If you're wondering whether this is an actual group, you would examine their common fate, similarity, and proximity. Common fate may be something like the group all getting up and leaving together while talking or laughing amongst themselves. Similarity could be as simple as noticing that they are all using the same textbooks or notes, or that they happen to be wearing the same t-shirts to organizations (i.e., fraternity, university group). Finally, their physical proximity to one another (i.e., moving to sit closer) would be the final characteristic to judge that you are witnessing individuals with entitativity (Forsyth, 2010)
rdf:langString L'entitatività è il termine con cui in psicologia sociale si intende la consapevolezza cognitiva di essere di fronte ad un aggregato umano definibile come "gruppo", che cioè possiede le caratteristiche salienti per essere definito come tale (relazione tra i membri, destino o obiettivo comune, consapevolezza dell'appartenenza e riconoscimento esterno, desiderio di farne parte). L'entitatività di un agglomerato di persone lo fa percepire e riconoscere quindi come insieme organizzato di esseri umani, portatore di senso proprio in quanto gruppo. Donald T. Campbell ha coniato il termine per spiegare perché alcuni gruppi sono considerati veri gruppi, mentre altri sono considerati semplici aggregati di individui. Ha suggerito che le persone si affidano a determinati segnali percettivi mentre determinano intuitivamente quali aggregazioni di individui sono gruppi e quali no (ad esempio, gli spettatori in una partita di calcio possono sembrare una raccolta disorganizzata di persone, ma quando gridano gli stessi cori o esprimono simili emozioni, questo dà loro l'entitatività) . Inoltre, Campbell ha descritto tre segnali che gli individui possono usare per formulare giudizi sull'entitatività: destino comune (la misura in cui gli individui nell'aggregato sembrano sperimentare obiettivi comuni), somiglianza (la misura in cui gli individui mostrano gli stessi comportamenti o si assomigliano) e vicinanza (la distanza tra gli individui nell'aggregato). L'entitatività è più alta per i gruppi di intimità, come la famiglia, più bassa per i gruppi di lavoro o di attività, inferiore per le categorie sociali (ad esempio, persone della stessa religione) e ancora inferiore per i gruppi transitori, come le persone che aspettano alla stessa fermata dell'autobus .
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6775

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