Do Not Track an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

Do Not Track (DNT; englisch für „nicht verfolgen“) ist ein HTTP-Header-Feld und signalisiert einer Website oder Webanwendung den Wunsch, dass diese über die Aktivitäten des Besuchers kein Nutzungsprofil erstellt. DNT wurde 2009 von Christopher Soghoian, Sid Stamm und Dan Kaminsky vorgeschlagen. Der Standardisierungsprozess durch das W3C wurde im Januar 2019 beendet, ohne dass ein abschließender Standard beschlossen wurde.Firefox war der erste Browser, der dieses Feld unterstützte, später folgten Internet Explorer (ab Version 9), Safari, Opera, Chrome und Edge. rdf:langString
L'entête do not track (DNT) est un projet de champ d'en-tête HTTP qui permet de signaler aux applications web que l'utilisateur ne veut pas être « suivi ». Cet entête a été initialement proposé en 2009 par les chercheurs Christopher Soghoian, Sid Stamm et Dan Kaminsky. Do not track est un signalement fait par l'utilisateur, mais les sites ne sont pas obligés de respecter le choix de l'internaute. Néanmoins, ils peuvent adapter leur comportement en conséquence, et aussi en accuser réception au navigateur qui les consulte. rdf:langString
추적 금지(Do Not Track, 두 낫 트랙, DNT) 헤더는 제안된 DNT로 웹 애플리케이션으로 하여금 사이트 내부, 혹은 다른 사이트를 거쳐서 개인 사용자를 추적하는 행위를 거부하는 요청을 보내주는 것을 가리킨다. 추적 금지를 표준화하려는 시도는 2009년 , 시드 스탐, 에 의해 처음 시작되었다. 모질라의 파이어폭스가 이 기능을 구현한 최초의 브라우저이다. 이후, 인터넷 익스플로러, 애플의 사파리, 오페라, 구글 크롬 모두 나중에 지원을 추가하였다. rdf:langString
Do not track è un header HTTP, una direttiva di controllo delle pagine web che comunica al server web la preferenza dell'utente riguardo alla raccolta dei suoi dati di navigazione, raccolta che viene utilizzata per esempio nel caso delle pubblicità personalizzate. rdf:langString
请勿追踪(英語:Do Not Track,简称DNT,又译请勿跟踪、不要追蹤我)是一项HTTP头字段(Header)。当用户启用该功能后,浏览器会在http数据传输中添加一个头字段:dnt: 1,该字段向网站的服务器表明用户不希望被追踪。这样,遵守该规则的网站就不会追踪用户的个人信息来用于投放更精准的广告。 較知名的请勿追踪軟體有、、Ghostery、隐私獾等,其中Ghostery原本只是純偵測軟體,不過在後來也加入了阻擋功能。 rdf:langString
Do Not Track (DNT) is a formerly official HTTP header field, designed to allow internet users to opt-out of tracking by websites—which includes the collection of data regarding a user's activity across multiple distinct contexts, and the retention, use, or sharing of data derived from that activity outside the context in which it occurred. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Do Not Track
rdf:langString Do Not Track (Software)
rdf:langString Do Not Track
rdf:langString Do Not Track
rdf:langString 추적 금지
rdf:langString 请勿追踪
xsd:integer 31190827
xsd:integer 1124163197
rdf:langString Do Not Track (DNT; englisch für „nicht verfolgen“) ist ein HTTP-Header-Feld und signalisiert einer Website oder Webanwendung den Wunsch, dass diese über die Aktivitäten des Besuchers kein Nutzungsprofil erstellt. DNT wurde 2009 von Christopher Soghoian, Sid Stamm und Dan Kaminsky vorgeschlagen. Der Standardisierungsprozess durch das W3C wurde im Januar 2019 beendet, ohne dass ein abschließender Standard beschlossen wurde.Firefox war der erste Browser, der dieses Feld unterstützte, später folgten Internet Explorer (ab Version 9), Safari, Opera, Chrome und Edge.
rdf:langString Do Not Track (DNT) is a formerly official HTTP header field, designed to allow internet users to opt-out of tracking by websites—which includes the collection of data regarding a user's activity across multiple distinct contexts, and the retention, use, or sharing of data derived from that activity outside the context in which it occurred. The Do Not Track header was originally proposed in 2009 by researchers Christopher Soghoian, Sid Stamm, and Dan Kaminsky. Mozilla Firefox became the first browser to implement the feature, while Internet Explorer, Apple's Safari, Opera and Google Chrome all later added support. Efforts to standardize Do Not Track by the W3C in the Tracking Preference Expression (DNT) Working Group reached only the Candidate Recommendation stage and ended in September 2018 due to insufficient deployment and support. DNT is not widely adopted by the industry, with companies citing the lack of legal mandates for its use, as well as unclear standards and guidelines for how websites are to interpret the header. Thus, critics purport that it is not guaranteed enabling DNT will actually have any effect at all. The W3C disbanded its DNT working group in January 2019, citing insufficient support and adoption. Apple discontinued support for DNT the following month, citing browser fingerprinting concerns. As of November 2021, Mozilla Firefox continues to support DNT. In Firefox, the feature is turned on by default in private browsing mode and optional in regular mode. In 2020, a coalition of US-based internet companies announced Global Privacy Control header that spiritually succeeds Do Not Track header. The creators hope that this new header will meet the definition of "user-enabled global privacy controls" defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this case, the new header would be automatically strengthened by existing laws and companies would be required to honor it.
rdf:langString L'entête do not track (DNT) est un projet de champ d'en-tête HTTP qui permet de signaler aux applications web que l'utilisateur ne veut pas être « suivi ». Cet entête a été initialement proposé en 2009 par les chercheurs Christopher Soghoian, Sid Stamm et Dan Kaminsky. Do not track est un signalement fait par l'utilisateur, mais les sites ne sont pas obligés de respecter le choix de l'internaute. Néanmoins, ils peuvent adapter leur comportement en conséquence, et aussi en accuser réception au navigateur qui les consulte.
rdf:langString 추적 금지(Do Not Track, 두 낫 트랙, DNT) 헤더는 제안된 DNT로 웹 애플리케이션으로 하여금 사이트 내부, 혹은 다른 사이트를 거쳐서 개인 사용자를 추적하는 행위를 거부하는 요청을 보내주는 것을 가리킨다. 추적 금지를 표준화하려는 시도는 2009년 , 시드 스탐, 에 의해 처음 시작되었다. 모질라의 파이어폭스가 이 기능을 구현한 최초의 브라우저이다. 이후, 인터넷 익스플로러, 애플의 사파리, 오페라, 구글 크롬 모두 나중에 지원을 추가하였다.
rdf:langString Do not track è un header HTTP, una direttiva di controllo delle pagine web che comunica al server web la preferenza dell'utente riguardo alla raccolta dei suoi dati di navigazione, raccolta che viene utilizzata per esempio nel caso delle pubblicità personalizzate.
rdf:langString 请勿追踪(英語:Do Not Track,简称DNT,又译请勿跟踪、不要追蹤我)是一项HTTP头字段(Header)。当用户启用该功能后,浏览器会在http数据传输中添加一个头字段:dnt: 1,该字段向网站的服务器表明用户不希望被追踪。这样,遵守该规则的网站就不会追踪用户的个人信息来用于投放更精准的广告。 較知名的请勿追踪軟體有、、Ghostery、隐私獾等,其中Ghostery原本只是純偵測軟體,不過在後來也加入了阻擋功能。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 24816

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