
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Dhulbahante an entity of type: Thing

البهانتة هي قبيلة صومالية تعدّ من القبائل الرئيسية في جمهورية أرض الصومال. وكانت بداية هجرة شيخ العشيرة من هرتي عندما كان صغيرا مع عائلته من مدينته سامراء العراقية إلى الحجاز ثم تنقل بين الحجاز واليمن حتى استقر به المقام في أرض الصومال، وبها توفي سنة 1254 من الهجرة بمدينة ميط الواقعة على الساحل الشمالي. وقبره معروف بها وتنتشرت هذه القبائل في أرض الصومال في وإقليم أوجادين وجيبوتي. وانتشارهم الأساسي في مدن وعيرجابو ولاس عانود. rdf:langString
デュルバハンテ(Dulbahanta, ソマリ語: Dhulbahante, アラビア語: دلبةنتئ‎)は、ソマリ人の一氏族。ダロッドの支族。親近氏族と考えられているマジェルテーン、などと共にハルティという氏族同盟を結んでいる。 主な居住地はソマリア北部にあるスール地域とブーホードレ周辺。いずれもプントランド・ソマリランド紛争の影響を受けて、支配国が入れ替わったり、チャツモ国などの地元民兵の組織が支配者になったりと、安定していない。2021年時点では、大半がソマリランドに属しており、一部がプントランドに属しているか、地元民兵の影響下にある。ただし、ラス・アノドなどの大都市を除いて、ソマリランド政府に必ずしも従順ではなく、町ごとの自治の性格が強い。 rdf:langString
De Dhulbahante of Si'iid harti of Reer Darawiish is een van de subclans van Darod clan. De Dhulbahanteclan leeft hoofdzakelijk in de regio Sool, centraal Sanaag en Ayn in Somalië. Dhulbahante staan bekend om hun antikoloniale houding tijdens de Derwisjstaat en daarom worden ze "darawiish" genoemd. rdf:langString
O Dhulbahante (ou reer darawiish) (somali: Reer daraawiish) é um dos principais clãs somalis, compreendendo cerca de maioria da população da Ayn, central de Sanaag e Sool. rdf:langString
Dhulbahante eller reer darawiish är en underklan till en av Somalias största klaner, Darod. Medlemmarna bor framförallt i Khatumo, Maakhir och Warderprovinsen i Etiopien. Flera prominenta somaliska idrottare har kommit från klanen. Bland annat Abdi Bile, Mohamed Suleiman. De största stammarna i Dhulbahante är Farah Garad och Mohamud Garad och Bah Nugal. Denna artikel om folkslag eller kulturgrupper saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att lägga till den. rdf:langString
Els dhulbahante, o simplement reer Darawiish, són un sub clan dels harti (descendents de Sayid Harti) de Somàlia al seu torn part de la confederació de clans darod (daarood). Tradicionalment foren enemics dels seus veïns issaq i daarood. rdf:langString
The Dhulbahante (Somali: Dhulbahante, Arabic: دلبةنتئ) is a Somali clan family, part of the Harti clan which itself belongs to the largest Somali clan-family — the Darod. They are the traditional inhabitants of the physiographic Nugaal in its topographic sense, and its pre-independence administrative sense, which included Doollo. The clan's progenitor is buried at Badweyn. The Ali Gheri clan were the first tribe to adopt the Dervish (Daraawiish) identity. Colonial administrator Douglas Jardine, stated the following about Dervish demographics: rdf:langString
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString البهانتة
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString デュルバハンテ
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString Dhulbahante (reer darawiish)
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString البهانتة
xsd:integer 2300820
xsd:integer 1113306038
rdf:langString Somali and Arabic
rdf:langString Colin Baker
rdf:langString House of Commons
rdf:langString Eric Swayne
rdf:langString Great Britain. War Office. General Staff
rdf:langString Roy Irons
rdf:langString Dhulbahante
rdf:langString البهانتة
rdf:langString Churchill and the Mad Mullah of Somaliland: Betrayal and Redemption 1899–1921
rdf:langString A Fine Chest of Medals: The Life of Jack Archer, page 151
rdf:langString Official History of the Operations in Somaliland, 1901-04
rdf:langString Churchill and the Mad Mullah of Somaliland
rdf:langString Parliamentary Papers - Volume 69 - Page 25, 1902
rdf:langString The Navy Everywhere, 1919
rdf:langString The Parliamentary Debates .: House of Commons
rdf:langString The Dulbahante, as far as I have seen them, are a fine martial race of men, second to none of the branches of Darrood either in conduct or appearance, and they are described as being courteous and hospitable to the stranger who visits them. They have generally two Sultans, or Garaads, the elder of whom, Mahomed Ali Harrin, governs the eastern limits of the province; whilst his colleague, Ali Garaad, guards the N. W. frontier from the thieving Haber-tel- Jahleh in the neighbourhood of Kurrum and from the Agahdur family of Noh Amor.
rdf:langString So far as I am aware there have been no recent developments of importance in the interior, with the exception of a dervish raid on the Dolbahanta Jama Siad in which the latter lost about 400 camels and had two men killed.
rdf:langString It is, however, believed that, with the exception of the Ali Gheri and possibly other sections of the Gerad Farih, the majority of the people who joined the Mullah in the Dolbahanta have done so either through fear of him or personal gain, and that a large seceding from his following may be expected when our expedition takes the field
rdf:langString Early in October the friendlies at Bohotle made a successful raid south to Gerlogubi, capturing a large number of camels and rifles and killing several more dervishes
rdf:langString It is well known that the Dolbahanta tribe are adherents of the Mullah, more through fear of him than any attachment to his person, or fanatical religious spirit. They are tired of his cruelties and exactions, and the belief of those who best know the country, would speedily transfer their allegiance to us.
rdf:langString It is a fortunate thing that the [Qayaad] tribe, which most strongly supported him, appears to have suffered the severest losses.
rdf:langString In selecting men, only those vouched for by responsible Chiefs, and those belonging to trustworthy tribes were enlisted, no Dolbahanta being allowed to enter the ranks. Every man before marching out of Berbera was paid an allowance to purchase his own Somali shoes and also a piece of American cloth.
rdf:langString In June Corfield, receiving reports that dervish raiders had attacked Dolbahanta Farah Gerad karias at Udaweina, moved out to support them, but they were so shaken that they retired westward, which then caused trouble with the Habr Yunis
rdf:langString Finally, in 1912, the Mullah himself became active, and raided the Dolbahanta tribe so effectively that they were reduced to starvation, and came in large parties to the coast towns begging the Government to give them food. Then it was realised that the policy of non-intervention in the interior was not altogether satisfactory, and that something must be done to remedy the anarchic condition of the country.
rdf:langString Els dhulbahante, o simplement reer Darawiish, són un sub clan dels harti (descendents de Sayid Harti) de Somàlia al seu torn part de la confederació de clans darod (daarood). Tradicionalment foren enemics dels seus veïns issaq i daarood. Al segle xix formaven un sultanat (vegeu Sultanat de Dhulbahante). Van lluitar al costat del Mad Mullah (que per la seva mare era un dhulbahante) però en alguns moments es van sotmetre als britànics. Però alguns caps dhulbahante no van abandonar el moviment daraawiish fins al darrer moment quan els britànics van bombardejar la darrera capital Taleex (començaments del 1920). En la guerra (1899-1920) la població dhulbahante es va reduir a la meitat. El seu territori natural és el sud de Sanaag i oest de Nugaal, i els moderns districtes de Sool, i Togdheer. Alguns dhulbahante viuen a Jubaland i a l'Ogaden. Modernament estan dividits en quinze clans dirigits per garaads i ugaas. Favorables a la gran Somàlia, foren inicialment considerats més aviat amics de la república de Somalilàndia (que va dominar la regió del 1991 al 2004) per la seva oposició als majeerteen, però tots els caps dels clans van donar suport al Puntland quan va ocupar la major part del país el 2004.
rdf:langString البهانتة هي قبيلة صومالية تعدّ من القبائل الرئيسية في جمهورية أرض الصومال. وكانت بداية هجرة شيخ العشيرة من هرتي عندما كان صغيرا مع عائلته من مدينته سامراء العراقية إلى الحجاز ثم تنقل بين الحجاز واليمن حتى استقر به المقام في أرض الصومال، وبها توفي سنة 1254 من الهجرة بمدينة ميط الواقعة على الساحل الشمالي. وقبره معروف بها وتنتشرت هذه القبائل في أرض الصومال في وإقليم أوجادين وجيبوتي. وانتشارهم الأساسي في مدن وعيرجابو ولاس عانود.
rdf:langString The Dhulbahante (Somali: Dhulbahante, Arabic: دلبةنتئ) is a Somali clan family, part of the Harti clan which itself belongs to the largest Somali clan-family — the Darod. They are the traditional inhabitants of the physiographic Nugaal in its topographic sense, and its pre-independence administrative sense, which included Doollo. The clan's progenitor is buried at Badweyn. The Ali Gheri clan were the first tribe to adopt the Dervish (Daraawiish) identity. Colonial administrator Douglas Jardine, stated the following about Dervish demographics: It is difficult to estimate accurately the number of his sincere converts, but it would be generous to say that there were not less than 2,000 or more than 4,000. Chiefly drawn from the wilder and more remote sections of the Dolbahanta tribe, they represented the true Dervishes, most of whom fell on the field of battle during the earlier expeditions The supreme Garad of the Dhulbahante is currently Garad Jama Garad Ali.
rdf:langString デュルバハンテ(Dulbahanta, ソマリ語: Dhulbahante, アラビア語: دلبةنتئ‎)は、ソマリ人の一氏族。ダロッドの支族。親近氏族と考えられているマジェルテーン、などと共にハルティという氏族同盟を結んでいる。 主な居住地はソマリア北部にあるスール地域とブーホードレ周辺。いずれもプントランド・ソマリランド紛争の影響を受けて、支配国が入れ替わったり、チャツモ国などの地元民兵の組織が支配者になったりと、安定していない。2021年時点では、大半がソマリランドに属しており、一部がプントランドに属しているか、地元民兵の影響下にある。ただし、ラス・アノドなどの大都市を除いて、ソマリランド政府に必ずしも従順ではなく、町ごとの自治の性格が強い。
rdf:langString De Dhulbahante of Si'iid harti of Reer Darawiish is een van de subclans van Darod clan. De Dhulbahanteclan leeft hoofdzakelijk in de regio Sool, centraal Sanaag en Ayn in Somalië. Dhulbahante staan bekend om hun antikoloniale houding tijdens de Derwisjstaat en daarom worden ze "darawiish" genoemd.
rdf:langString O Dhulbahante (ou reer darawiish) (somali: Reer daraawiish) é um dos principais clãs somalis, compreendendo cerca de maioria da população da Ayn, central de Sanaag e Sool.
rdf:langString Dhulbahante eller reer darawiish är en underklan till en av Somalias största klaner, Darod. Medlemmarna bor framförallt i Khatumo, Maakhir och Warderprovinsen i Etiopien. Flera prominenta somaliska idrottare har kommit från klanen. Bland annat Abdi Bile, Mohamed Suleiman. De största stammarna i Dhulbahante är Farah Garad och Mohamud Garad och Bah Nugal. Denna artikel om folkslag eller kulturgrupper saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att lägga till den.
rdf:langString Majeerteen, Dishiishe, Warsangeli and other Harti and Darod groups
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 79777

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