December 1910 United Kingdom general election an entity of type: Thing

Všeobecné volby ve Spojeném království v prosinci 1910 se konaly od 3. do 19. prosince 1910. Byly to poslední volby před první světovou válkou a již druhé během , řešící práva Sněmovny lordů. Liberální vláda je vyhlásila, aby získala mandát pro prosazení ústavní reformy limitující práva sněmovny. rdf:langString
Die britische Unterhauswahl im Dezember 1910 fand vom 3. bis 19. Dezember 1910 statt, um die Abgeordneten für das Unterhaus (House of Commons) neu zu bestimmen. Es war die letzte britische Wahl vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs. rdf:langString
Las elecciones generales del Reino Unido de diciembre de 1910 se realizaron el desde el 3 al 19 de diciembre de 1910. Fue la última elección británica que se realizó durante varios días. Ni los conservadores ni los liberales lograron por sí solos conseguir una mayoría de escaños en el parlamento. El Partido Liberal, dirigido por H. H. Asquith, logró formar gobierno con el apoyo de los nacionalistas irlandeses. rdf:langString
Les élections générales britanniques de décembre 1910 se sont déroulées du 3 au 19 décembre 1910. * Herbert Henry Asquith(Parti libéral) * Arthur Balfour(Parti conservateur) * George Nicoll Barnes(Parti travailliste) * John Redmond(Parti parlementaire irlandais) rdf:langString
1910년 영국 총선 %5040302010046.57%44.24%6.36%1.85%자유당노동당아일랜드 의회당득실표율1910년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 2 0 -2 -4−0.26%+0.73%−0.63%+0.66% 자유당노동당아일랜드 의회당 1910년 12월 영국 총선은 1910년 1월 영국 총선으로 소집된 의회가 어느 당도 과반을 차지하지 못한채 유지되자 결국 붕괴되어 새로 의회를 소집하기 위해 1910년 12월 치러진 총선이다. rdf:langString
Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien december 1910 var det sista som hölls under flera dagar, från 3 december till 19 december 1910. De konservativa, ledda av Arthur Balfour, och liberalerna, ledda av Herbert Henry Asquith, kunde inte bryta dödläget som uppstått efter valet i januari, men liberalerna bildade en minoritetsregering med stöd av de . Totalt antal avlagda röster: 7 709 981. Alla partier med mer än 1000 röster visade. rdf:langString
1910年12月英國大選於1910年12月3日至19日舉行。這是第一次世界大戰前英國舉行的最後一次大選。 這次選舉的背景是上議院否決自由黨政府的《》,該預算案提高了對富人的稅收以資助社會福利計劃。1910年1月,自由黨勝出大選,與合組多數政府,上議院才通過預算案。及後自由黨為了取得更多民意授權以通過《1911年國會法令》,剝奪上議院否決撥款法案的權力,決定於 1910 年 12 月再次舉行選舉。 由阿瑟·貝爾福及其自由統一黨盟友領導的保守黨和由首相H·H·阿斯奎斯領導的自由黨未能打破當年1月大選產生的僵局,保守黨再次贏得最多票數。阿斯奎斯領導下的自由黨在愛爾蘭議會黨的支持下組建了政府。這是自由黨在下議院贏得最多席位的最後一次選舉,亦是在2014年歐洲議會選舉之前,工黨或保守黨以外的政黨贏得最多席位的最後一次英國全國性大選。 rdf:langString
The December 1910 United Kingdom general election was held from 3 to 19 December. It was the last general election to be held over several days and the last to be held before the First World War. The election took place following the efforts of the Liberal government to pass its People's Budget in 1909, which raised taxes on the wealthy to fund social welfare programs. The 1909 budget was only agreed to by the House of Lords in April 1910 after the January general election in which the Liberals and the Irish Parliamentary Party gained a majority. The Government called a further election in December 1910 to get a mandate for the Parliament Act 1911, which would prevent the House of Lords from permanently blocking legislation linked to money bills ever again, and to obtain King George V's ag rdf:langString
Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del dicembre 1910 si svolsero dal 3 al 19 del mese. Furono le ultime elezioni generali britanniche a tenersi in più giorni e le ultime a tenersi prima della prima guerra mondiale (1914–18). rdf:langString
rdf:langString December 1910 United Kingdom general election
rdf:langString Všeobecné volby ve Spojeném království v prosinci 1910
rdf:langString Britische Unterhauswahl Dezember 1910
rdf:langString Elecciones generales del Reino Unido de diciembre de 1910
rdf:langString Elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del dicembre 1910
rdf:langString Élections générales britanniques de décembre 1910
rdf:langString 1910년 12월 영국 총선
rdf:langString Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 1910 (december)
rdf:langString 1910年12月英國大選
xsd:integer 440050
xsd:integer 1123803147
xsd:integer 350
rdf:langString List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, December 1910
xsd:integer 0 1 2 5
xsd:date 1900-02-06
xsd:date 1902-06-11
xsd:date 1908-04-30
xsd:date 1910-02-14
xsd:integer 0 1 2 3
xsd:integer 336
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString +2
rdf:langString +3
rdf:langString −1
rdf:langString −2
rdf:langString −0.1
rdf:langString +0.2
rdf:langString +0.7
rdf:langString −0.3
rdf:langString −0.6
xsd:integer 90416 309963 2157256 2270753
rdf:langString List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, January 1910
xsd:double 0.1 0.3 1.2 6.3 11 40.4 40.6
<perCent> 0.7 0.3 0.6
rdf:langString #ddd
xsd:integer 0 0.1 0.6 1.9 6.4 44.2 46.6
xsd:integer 456
xsd:integer 1222
xsd:integer 3790
xsd:integer 4647
xsd:integer 7380
xsd:integer 7931
xsd:integer 8379
rdf:langString N/A
rdf:langString Liberal Party
rdf:langString Liberal Party
xsd:integer 1 2 4 21 56 81 467 548
rdf:langString United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
xsd:date 2012-01-30
rdf:langString December 1910 United Kingdom general election
rdf:langString yes
xsd:integer 160
xsd:integer 40 71 272 274
rdf:langString N/A
rdf:langString Colours denote the winning party
rdf:langString United Kingdom general election 1910 December.svg
xsd:integer 330
xsd:integer 1918
xsd:integer 1918
rdf:langString no
rdf:langString Labour Party
rdf:langString Liberal Party
rdf:langString Social Democratic Federation
rdf:langString Independent
rdf:langString Conservative and Liberal Unionist
rdf:langString Independent Conservative
rdf:langString Independent Labour
rdf:langString Independent Liberal
rdf:langString Independent Nationalist
rdf:langString Irish Parliamentary Party
rdf:langString Scottish Prohibition Party
rdf:langString All-for-Ireland League
<perCent> 1.9 46.6 44.2 6.4
rdf:langString Prime Minister after election
rdf:langString January 1910 United Kingdom general election
rdf:langString Jan 1910
xsd:integer 1 2 3
xsd:integer 0 1 2 8 42 74 271 272
rdf:langString All 670 seats in the House of Commons
rdf:langString Parliamentary seats
rdf:langString Popular vote
rdf:langString parliamentary
xsd:integer 57 911 913 1946 3492 4647 5733 30322 90416 309963 2157256 2270753
xsd:integer 600
rdf:langString Všeobecné volby ve Spojeném království v prosinci 1910 se konaly od 3. do 19. prosince 1910. Byly to poslední volby před první světovou válkou a již druhé během , řešící práva Sněmovny lordů. Liberální vláda je vyhlásila, aby získala mandát pro prosazení ústavní reformy limitující práva sněmovny.
rdf:langString Die britische Unterhauswahl im Dezember 1910 fand vom 3. bis 19. Dezember 1910 statt, um die Abgeordneten für das Unterhaus (House of Commons) neu zu bestimmen. Es war die letzte britische Wahl vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs.
rdf:langString Las elecciones generales del Reino Unido de diciembre de 1910 se realizaron el desde el 3 al 19 de diciembre de 1910. Fue la última elección británica que se realizó durante varios días. Ni los conservadores ni los liberales lograron por sí solos conseguir una mayoría de escaños en el parlamento. El Partido Liberal, dirigido por H. H. Asquith, logró formar gobierno con el apoyo de los nacionalistas irlandeses.
rdf:langString The December 1910 United Kingdom general election was held from 3 to 19 December. It was the last general election to be held over several days and the last to be held before the First World War. The election took place following the efforts of the Liberal government to pass its People's Budget in 1909, which raised taxes on the wealthy to fund social welfare programs. The 1909 budget was only agreed to by the House of Lords in April 1910 after the January general election in which the Liberals and the Irish Parliamentary Party gained a majority. The Government called a further election in December 1910 to get a mandate for the Parliament Act 1911, which would prevent the House of Lords from permanently blocking legislation linked to money bills ever again, and to obtain King George V's agreement to threaten to create sufficient Liberal peers to pass that act (in the event this did not prove necessary, as the Lords voted to curtail their own powers). The Conservative Party, led by Arthur Balfour with their Liberal Unionist allies, and the Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, almost exactly repeated the numerical result produced in the January election, with the Conservatives again winning the largest number of votes. The Liberal Party under Asquith remained in government with the support of the Irish Parliamentary Party. This was the last election in which the Liberals won the highest number of seats in the House of Commons. It was also the last United Kingdom general election in which a party other than Labour or the Conservatives won the most seats.
rdf:langString Les élections générales britanniques de décembre 1910 se sont déroulées du 3 au 19 décembre 1910. * Herbert Henry Asquith(Parti libéral) * Arthur Balfour(Parti conservateur) * George Nicoll Barnes(Parti travailliste) * John Redmond(Parti parlementaire irlandais)
rdf:langString 1910년 영국 총선 %5040302010046.57%44.24%6.36%1.85%자유당노동당아일랜드 의회당득실표율1910년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 2 0 -2 -4−0.26%+0.73%−0.63%+0.66% 자유당노동당아일랜드 의회당 1910년 12월 영국 총선은 1910년 1월 영국 총선으로 소집된 의회가 어느 당도 과반을 차지하지 못한채 유지되자 결국 붕괴되어 새로 의회를 소집하기 위해 1910년 12월 치러진 총선이다.
rdf:langString Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del dicembre 1910 si svolsero dal 3 al 19 del mese. Furono le ultime elezioni generali britanniche a tenersi in più giorni e le ultime a tenersi prima della prima guerra mondiale (1914–18). Le elezioni si tennero mentre il governo liberale cercava di approvare il bilancio, con tasse più alte per i ricchi. La legge fu bloccata alla Camera dei lord, e il governo indisse nuove elezioni per ottenere un nuovo mandato per il Parliament Act 1911, che avrebbe impedito definitivamente alla Camera dei lord di bloccare le leggi. Dopo che i liberali ebbero ottenuto una stretta maggioranza, la Camera dei lord diede il via libera alla legge, e il bilancio fu approvato. I conservatori, guidati da Arthur Balfour insieme ai loro alleati liberali unionisti, e il Partito Liberale guidato da Herbert Henry Asquith, non riuscirono a superare l'impasse prodotta dalle elezioni del gennaio 1910, con i conservatori che ottennero nuovamente il maggior numero di voti. I liberali di Asquith formarono un governo con il sostegno dei nazionalisti irlandesi. Queste furono le ultime elezioni in cui i liberali ottennero la maggioranza dei voti alla Camera dei comuni; furono anche le ultime elezioni britanniche in cui un partito diverso da conservatori e laburisti ottenne il maggior numero di seggi, fino alle elezioni europee del 2014.
rdf:langString Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien december 1910 var det sista som hölls under flera dagar, från 3 december till 19 december 1910. De konservativa, ledda av Arthur Balfour, och liberalerna, ledda av Herbert Henry Asquith, kunde inte bryta dödläget som uppstått efter valet i januari, men liberalerna bildade en minoritetsregering med stöd av de . Totalt antal avlagda röster: 7 709 981. Alla partier med mer än 1000 röster visade.
rdf:langString 1910年12月英國大選於1910年12月3日至19日舉行。這是第一次世界大戰前英國舉行的最後一次大選。 這次選舉的背景是上議院否決自由黨政府的《》,該預算案提高了對富人的稅收以資助社會福利計劃。1910年1月,自由黨勝出大選,與合組多數政府,上議院才通過預算案。及後自由黨為了取得更多民意授權以通過《1911年國會法令》,剝奪上議院否決撥款法案的權力,決定於 1910 年 12 月再次舉行選舉。 由阿瑟·貝爾福及其自由統一黨盟友領導的保守黨和由首相H·H·阿斯奎斯領導的自由黨未能打破當年1月大選產生的僵局,保守黨再次贏得最多票數。阿斯奎斯領導下的自由黨在愛爾蘭議會黨的支持下組建了政府。這是自由黨在下議院贏得最多席位的最後一次選舉,亦是在2014年歐洲議會選舉之前,工黨或保守黨以外的政黨贏得最多席位的最後一次英國全國性大選。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 13622
rdf:langString December 1910 United Kingdom general election

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