Christian angelology

Die Neun Chöre der Engel sind eine auf das Frühmittelalter zurückgehende Einteilung der himmlischen Wesen der christlichen Mythologie in neun Ordnungen. rdf:langString
No cristianismo, os anjos são agentes de Deus, baseados em anjos no judaísmo. A hierarquia angélica cristã mais influente foi a apresentada por Pseudo-Dionísio, o Areopagita, nos séculos IV ou V, em seu livro (Sobre a Hierarquia Celeste). Durante a Idade Média, muitos esquemas foram propostos sobre a hierarquia dos anjos, alguns recorrendo e expandindo o Pseudo-Dionísio, outros sugerindo classificações completamente diferentes. Segundo os teólogos cristãos medievais, os anjos estão organizados em várias ordens, ou "coros angelicais". rdf:langString
In Christianity, angels are the agents of God. Various works of Christian theology have devised hierarchies of angelic beings. The most influential Christian angelic hierarchy was put forward around the turn of the 6th century AD by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in his work De Coelesti Hierarchia (On the Celestial Hierarchy). He claimed to be an important figure who was converted by Paul the Apostle, who authored most of the New Testament, and his work enjoyed greater influence than it would have if he had used his actual name, until Erasmus publicised doubts about the age of the work in the early 16th century. rdf:langString
Dalam agama Kristen, malaikat adalah agen Allah, berdasarkan pada malaikat dalam Yudaisme. Hierarki malaikat Kristen yang paling berpengaruh adalah yang dikemukakan oleh pada abad ke 4 atau ke 5 dalam bukunya (Dalam Hierarki Selestial). Selama Abad Pertengahan, banyak skema diusulkan tentang hierarki, beberapa menggambar dan memperluas Pseudo-Dionysius, yang lain menyarankan klasifikasi yang sama sekali berbeda. Menurut para teolog Kristen abad pertengahan, para malaikat diatur dalam beberapa ordo, atau "Paduan Suara Malaikat". rdf:langString
rdf:langString Neun Chöre der Engel
rdf:langString Christian angelology
rdf:langString Angelologi Kristen
rdf:langString Angelologia cristã
xsd:integer 439967
xsd:integer 1122745986
rdf:langString In Christianity, angels are the agents of God. Various works of Christian theology have devised hierarchies of angelic beings. The most influential Christian angelic hierarchy was put forward around the turn of the 6th century AD by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in his work De Coelesti Hierarchia (On the Celestial Hierarchy). He claimed to be an important figure who was converted by Paul the Apostle, who authored most of the New Testament, and his work enjoyed greater influence than it would have if he had used his actual name, until Erasmus publicised doubts about the age of the work in the early 16th century. Angels are organized into several orders, or "Angelic Choirs". As referred to in the theological doctrine of the communion of saints, in paradise there is a common and unique vision of the truth and contemplation of the face of God, without any kind of difference between angels or human souls. The Summa theologiae of Thomas Aquinas states that there exists different degree in respect of the creation, about the power of intercession to God and of direct entrustment in the human lives.
rdf:langString Die Neun Chöre der Engel sind eine auf das Frühmittelalter zurückgehende Einteilung der himmlischen Wesen der christlichen Mythologie in neun Ordnungen.
rdf:langString Dalam agama Kristen, malaikat adalah agen Allah, berdasarkan pada malaikat dalam Yudaisme. Hierarki malaikat Kristen yang paling berpengaruh adalah yang dikemukakan oleh pada abad ke 4 atau ke 5 dalam bukunya (Dalam Hierarki Selestial). Selama Abad Pertengahan, banyak skema diusulkan tentang hierarki, beberapa menggambar dan memperluas Pseudo-Dionysius, yang lain menyarankan klasifikasi yang sama sekali berbeda. Menurut para teolog Kristen abad pertengahan, para malaikat diatur dalam beberapa ordo, atau "Paduan Suara Malaikat". Pseudo-Dionysius (Tentang Hirarki Surgawi) dan Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologiae) mengambil bagian-bagian dari Perjanjian Baru, khususnya dalam Galatia 3:26-28, Matius 22:24-33, Efesus 1:21-23, dan Kolose 1:16, untuk mengembangkan skema tiga Hierarki, Spheres atau Triad malaikat, dengan masing-masing Hierarki berisi tiga Orde atau Paduan Suara. Meskipun kedua penulis menggunakan Kitab Perjanjian Baru, kanon Alkitab relatif diam pada subjek, dan hierarki ini dianggap kurang definitif daripada materi Alkitab. Seperti yang disebutkan dalam doktrin teologis tentang persekutuan orang-orang kudus, di Firdaus ada visi yang sama dan unik tentang kebenaran dan kontemplasi Wajah Allah, tanpa ada perbedaan apa pun antara malaikat atau jiwa manusia. Teologia Summa menyatakan bahwa ada derajat yang berbeda dalam hal penciptaan, tentang kekuatan syafaat bagi Allah dan tentang kepercayaan langsung dalam kehidupan manusia.
rdf:langString No cristianismo, os anjos são agentes de Deus, baseados em anjos no judaísmo. A hierarquia angélica cristã mais influente foi a apresentada por Pseudo-Dionísio, o Areopagita, nos séculos IV ou V, em seu livro (Sobre a Hierarquia Celeste). Durante a Idade Média, muitos esquemas foram propostos sobre a hierarquia dos anjos, alguns recorrendo e expandindo o Pseudo-Dionísio, outros sugerindo classificações completamente diferentes. Segundo os teólogos cristãos medievais, os anjos estão organizados em várias ordens, ou "coros angelicais".
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 17941

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