Canadian Indian residential school gravesites

بين مايو ويوليو 2021، تم التعرف على مقابر مئات سكان كندا الأصليين، الذين يُعتقد أنهم أطفال بشكل أساسي، بالقرب من المواقع السابقة لخمس مدارس سكنية كندية هندية في مقاطعات مانيتوبا وكولومبيا البريطانية وساسكاتشوان. واستمر التحقيق في مواقع إضافية في هذه المحافظات وكذلك في مناطق أخرى. كانت المدارس الداخلية الكندية الهندية عبارة عن شبكة من المدارس الداخلية للشعوب الأصلية. بتمويل من قبل فرع وزارة الشؤون الهندية التابع للحكومة الكندية وتديره الكنائس المسيحية. تم إنشاء النظام المدرسي لإزالة وعزل أطفال السكان الأصليين عن تأثير ثقافتهم الخاصة واستيعابهم في الثقافة الكندية المهيمنة. تم اكتشاف قبور مجهولة في هذه المدارس، باستخدام رادار قياس الأرض بشكل أساسي، يحتمل أن تحتوي على رفات أكثر من 1,000 شخص مجهولي المصير معظمهم من الأطفال. rdf:langString
Em maio e junho de 2021, os restos mortais de centenas de indígenas, incluindo crianças, foram descobertos perto dos antigos locais de três escolas para indígenas canadenses nas províncias de Manitoba, Colúmbia Britânica e Saskatchewan. rdf:langString
自2021年5月開始,加拿大的原住民部族相繼在原住民寄宿學校舊址發現大量兒童遺體,這些遺體是過去加拿大政府強迫原住民送往寄宿學校的原住民學生。卑詩省第一民族大會認為,加拿大全國有數以千計死於原住民寄宿學校的原住民兒童在沒有墳墓標記下被埋葬。同年6月3日,加拿大議會通過了C-5法案,將9月30日定為法定假日,取名全國真相與和解日,以此悼念在寄宿學校喪生的兒童和寄宿學校的幸存者、他們的家人和社區。 rdf:langString
Throughout its history, between 3,200 and 6,000 students died while attending the Canadian Indian residential school system. The exact number remains unknown due to incomplete records. Comparatively few cemeteries associated with residential schools are explicitly referenced in surviving documents, however the age and duration of the schools suggests that most had a cemetery associated with them. Most cemeteries were unregistered, and as such the locations of many burial sites of residential school children have been lost. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has called for "the ongoing identification, documentation, maintenance, commemoration, and protection of residential school cemeteries or other sites at which residential school children were buried." rdf:langString
rdf:langString مقابر المدارس السكنية الهندية الكندية
rdf:langString Canadian Indian residential school gravesites
rdf:langString Descobertas de cemitérios de indígenas em escolas canadenses
rdf:langString 加拿大原住民寄宿學校舊址發現墳墓
xsd:integer 68040271
xsd:integer 1120745876
rdf:langString Sites of unmarked graves identified at Indian residential schools
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString yes
rdf:langString right
xsd:integer 410
xsd:integer 490
rdf:langString Canadian Indian residential school
xsd:gMonthDay --05-12
rdf:langString Map of all Indian Residential Schools in Canada. This map can be expanded and interacted with.
xsd:integer 350
rdf:langString بين مايو ويوليو 2021، تم التعرف على مقابر مئات سكان كندا الأصليين، الذين يُعتقد أنهم أطفال بشكل أساسي، بالقرب من المواقع السابقة لخمس مدارس سكنية كندية هندية في مقاطعات مانيتوبا وكولومبيا البريطانية وساسكاتشوان. واستمر التحقيق في مواقع إضافية في هذه المحافظات وكذلك في مناطق أخرى. كانت المدارس الداخلية الكندية الهندية عبارة عن شبكة من المدارس الداخلية للشعوب الأصلية. بتمويل من قبل فرع وزارة الشؤون الهندية التابع للحكومة الكندية وتديره الكنائس المسيحية. تم إنشاء النظام المدرسي لإزالة وعزل أطفال السكان الأصليين عن تأثير ثقافتهم الخاصة واستيعابهم في الثقافة الكندية المهيمنة. تم اكتشاف قبور مجهولة في هذه المدارس، باستخدام رادار قياس الأرض بشكل أساسي، يحتمل أن تحتوي على رفات أكثر من 1,000 شخص مجهولي المصير معظمهم من الأطفال.
rdf:langString Throughout its history, between 3,200 and 6,000 students died while attending the Canadian Indian residential school system. The exact number remains unknown due to incomplete records. Comparatively few cemeteries associated with residential schools are explicitly referenced in surviving documents, however the age and duration of the schools suggests that most had a cemetery associated with them. Most cemeteries were unregistered, and as such the locations of many burial sites of residential school children have been lost. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has called for "the ongoing identification, documentation, maintenance, commemoration, and protection of residential school cemeteries or other sites at which residential school children were buried." The Canadian Indian Residential Schools were a network of boarding schools for Indigenous peoples. Directed and funded by the Department of Indian Affairs, and administered mainly by Christian churches, the residential school system removed and isolated Indigenous children from the influence of their own native culture and religion in order to forcefully assimilate them into the dominant Canadian culture. Given that most of them were established by Christian missionaries with the express purpose of converting Indigenous children to Christianity, schools often had nearby mission churches with community cemeteries. Students were often buried in these cemeteries rather than being sent back to their home communities, since the school was expected by the Department of Indian Affairs to keep costs as low as possible. Additionally, occasional outbreaks of disease led to the creation of mass graves when the school had insufficient staff to bury students individually. Bodies, unmarked graves, and potential burial sites have been identified near residential school sites across Canada since the 1970s, mainly using ground-penetrating radar. To date, the sites of unmarked graves are estimated to hold the remains of more than 1,900 previously unaccounted individuals, mostly children. However, across the entire residential school system, the number of identifiable children who are documented as having died while in their custody is over 4,100 individuals; the fourth volume of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada "identified 3,200 deaths on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Register of Confirmed Deaths of Named Residential School Students and the Register of Confirmed Deaths of Unnamed Residential School Students". The issue of unmarked graves gained renewed attention after an anthropologist detected ground disturbances on radar at Kamloops Indian Residential School in May 2021, and concluded that these were 215 "probable burials" (this number was later revised to 200). Several similar announcements followed over the ensuing months, leading to commemorations and protests, as well as leading to a series of arsons against Christian buildings and the 2022 "penitential" visit to Canada by Pope Francis.
rdf:langString Em maio e junho de 2021, os restos mortais de centenas de indígenas, incluindo crianças, foram descobertos perto dos antigos locais de três escolas para indígenas canadenses nas províncias de Manitoba, Colúmbia Britânica e Saskatchewan.
rdf:langString 自2021年5月開始,加拿大的原住民部族相繼在原住民寄宿學校舊址發現大量兒童遺體,這些遺體是過去加拿大政府強迫原住民送往寄宿學校的原住民學生。卑詩省第一民族大會認為,加拿大全國有數以千計死於原住民寄宿學校的原住民兒童在沒有墳墓標記下被埋葬。同年6月3日,加拿大議會通過了C-5法案,將9月30日定為法定假日,取名全國真相與和解日,以此悼念在寄宿學校喪生的兒童和寄宿學校的幸存者、他們的家人和社區。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 110821

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