Calchfynydd an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

Calchfynydd (gallois calch « limes » + mynydd « montagne ») est un obscur royaume ou sous-royaume Brittonique de la Grande-Bretagne post-romaine. Sa localisation précise est inconnue et on ne sait pratiquement rien de certain sur son histoire. rdf:langString
Калхвінед — бритська держава на території сучасної Великої Британії, що утворилася наприкінці V століття. Тривалий час боровся проти саксів та англів. Зрештою на початку VII ст. була знищена англами, які на цих землях утворили власну державу Мерсію. rdf:langString
Королевство Калхвинед (валл. Calchfynydd, англ. Calcwinedd) — раннесредневековое бриттское королевство, располагавшееся на землях современного Мидлендса. rdf:langString
Calchfynydd (Welsh calch "lime" + mynydd "mountain") was an obscure Britonnic kingdom or sub-kingdom of sub-Roman Britain. Its exact location is unknown and virtually nothing certain is known about it. rdf:langString
Il Regno di Calchfynedd è un regno celtico semileggendario della Gran Bretagna altomedievale. Esso nacque dalla suddivisione dell'Ebrauc (che ruotava attorno a York, in Inghilterra), dopo la morte del suo sovrano, Arthuis, nonno di Cynwyd Cynwydion, primo sovrano del Calchfynedd, o meglio del Cynwydion (come in origine si chiamò il Calchfynedd). Il territorio del regno si sarebbe trovato sulle rive del in Cumbria, nel sud del Powys e comprendeva città come Northampton e Dunstable. Quest'area fu data al figlio Cynwyd Cynwydion (inizi VI secolo). rdf:langString
rdf:langString Calchfynydd
rdf:langString Calchfynydd
rdf:langString Regno di Calchfynedd
rdf:langString Калхвинед
rdf:langString Калхвінед
xsd:integer 5810675
xsd:integer 1081579595
rdf:langString Calchfynydd (Welsh calch "lime" + mynydd "mountain") was an obscure Britonnic kingdom or sub-kingdom of sub-Roman Britain. Its exact location is unknown and virtually nothing certain is known about it. The name survives in the epithet of Cadrawd Calchfynydd, apparently a 6th-century ruler of the district. Welsh sources refer to Cadrawd as one of the Gwyr y Gogledd or 'Men of the North', suggesting the area was located somewhere in northern Britain. William Forbes Skene suggested an identification with Kelso (formerly Calchow) in southern Scotland and Rachel Bromwich agrees that a location somewhere in the Hen Ogledd is most likely. Alistair Moffat in his history of Kelso supports this position, citing early references to "Chalchou," as well as the chalk area and Chalkheugh Terrace. John Morris placed it south of the realm of Urien of Rheged. Hills of lime or chalk might refer to the Cotswolds or Chilterns.
rdf:langString Calchfynydd (gallois calch « limes » + mynydd « montagne ») est un obscur royaume ou sous-royaume Brittonique de la Grande-Bretagne post-romaine. Sa localisation précise est inconnue et on ne sait pratiquement rien de certain sur son histoire.
rdf:langString Il Regno di Calchfynedd è un regno celtico semileggendario della Gran Bretagna altomedievale. Esso nacque dalla suddivisione dell'Ebrauc (che ruotava attorno a York, in Inghilterra), dopo la morte del suo sovrano, Arthuis, nonno di Cynwyd Cynwydion, primo sovrano del Calchfynedd, o meglio del Cynwydion (come in origine si chiamò il Calchfynedd). Il territorio del regno si sarebbe trovato sulle rive del in Cumbria, nel sud del Powys e comprendeva città come Northampton e Dunstable. Quest'area fu data al figlio Cynwyd Cynwydion (inizi VI secolo). Il regno cadde attorno al 616 sotto i colpi degli anglosassoni della Mercia. Canu Heledd è un insieme di poemi in antico gallese che narrano le vicende della caduta del regno. Le composizioni sono attestate dal IX secolo, ma risalgono forse a originali del VII secolo.
rdf:langString Калхвінед — бритська держава на території сучасної Великої Британії, що утворилася наприкінці V століття. Тривалий час боровся проти саксів та англів. Зрештою на початку VII ст. була знищена англами, які на цих землях утворили власну державу Мерсію.
rdf:langString Королевство Калхвинед (валл. Calchfynydd, англ. Calcwinedd) — раннесредневековое бриттское королевство, располагавшееся на землях современного Мидлендса.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1896

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