Board of Admiralty an entity of type: Thing

Els Lords Comissionats de l'Almirallat són els membres de l'Almirallat que exerceixen el comandament sobre la Royal Navy. Oficialment coneguts com a Comissionats per a l'Exercici de l'Ofici de Lord Alt Almirall del Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i d'Irlanda del Nord (o d'Anglaterra, de la Gran Bretanya o el Regne Unit de Gran Bretanya i Irlanda, depenent del període), els Lords Comissionats només existeixen quan el càrrec de Lord Alt Almirall és ocupat en comissió, no només per una única persona. Durant els períodes en què és nomenat un únic Lord Alt Almirall, hi ha un , que l'assisteix. rdf:langString
Лорди — члени Комітету Адміралтейства (також — лорди засідателі, англ. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) — члени британського Комітету Адміралтейства, які здійснювали управління Королівським флотом Великої Британії. Безпосереднє командування до 1806 року покладалось на Адмірала флоту. rdf:langString
The Board of Admiralty (1628–1964) was established in 1628 when Charles I put the office of Lord High Admiral into commission. As that position was not always occupied, the purpose was to enable management of the day-to-day operational requirements of the Royal Navy; at that point administrative control of the navy was still the responsibility of the Navy Board, established in 1546. This system remained in place until 1832, when the Board of Admiralty became the sole authority charged with both administrative and operational control of the navy when the Navy Board was abolished. The term Admiralty has become synonymous with the command and control of the Royal Navy, partly personified in the Board of Admiralty and in the Admiralty buildings in London from where operations were in large par rdf:langString
Le Board of Admiralty (le Conseil de l'Amirauté) est un organe de contrôle administratif et opérationnel de la Royal Navy, créé en 1628 et dissout en 1964, en Angleterre puis au Royaume-Uni. Il était l'une des quatre composante de l'Amirauté. À la suite de la réorganisation du ministère de la Défense en 1964, les compétences du Board of Admiralty sont transférées à l'Admiralty Board (au sein du Conseil de la Défense) et au Navy Board, recréé à cette occasion. rdf:langString
I lord commissari dell'ammiragliato (in inglese Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) compongono la Commissione dell'ammiragliato (Board of Admiralty), istituzione militare marinara britannica fondata nel Quattrocento come figura di comando della Royal Navy, poi accentuata nel 1673 e nel 1679 con la riduzione a soli dodici, poi sedici e infine sette membri del Consiglio privato di Sua Maestà. rdf:langString
Комитет Адмиралтейства (англ. Board of Admiralty) и составлявшие его лорды — члены Комитета Адмиралтейства (также — лорды-заседатели, англ. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) — коллективный орган по исполнению обязанностей Лорда верховного адмирала, до 1964 года отвечавший за руководство британским Адмиралтейством — органом управления Королевским военно-морским флотом Великобритании. rdf:langString
Os Lordes Comissários do Almirantado (em inglês: Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) eram os membros do Conselho do Almirantado, que exercia o comando sobre a Royal Navy, a marinha real do Reino Unido. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Board of Admiralty
rdf:langString Lords Comissionats de l'Almirallat
rdf:langString Board of Admiralty
rdf:langString Board of Admiralty
rdf:langString Lordes Comissários do Almirantado
rdf:langString Лорды — члены Комитета Адмиралтейства
rdf:langString Лорди — члени Комітету Адміралтейства
rdf:langString Board of Admiralty
xsd:integer 4142821
xsd:integer 1095168075
rdf:langString Admiralty Board and Defence Council of the United Kingdom
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString #E0E6F8
xsd:integer 1964
xsd:integer 1628
rdf:langString Admiralty Building
rdf:langString Flag of the Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom.svg
rdf:langString Flag of the Lord High Admiral. When the office was "put into commission", the flag was used by the commissioners executing the office of Lord High Admiral.
rdf:langString ADMIRALTY—shall mean the Lord High Admiral for the time being of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and, when there shall be no such Lord High Admiral in office, any Two or more of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom.
rdf:langString – The Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions for the Regulation of Her Majesty's Naval Service .
<perCent> 25.0
rdf:langString Board of Admiralty
rdf:langString Els Lords Comissionats de l'Almirallat són els membres de l'Almirallat que exerceixen el comandament sobre la Royal Navy. Oficialment coneguts com a Comissionats per a l'Exercici de l'Ofici de Lord Alt Almirall del Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i d'Irlanda del Nord (o d'Anglaterra, de la Gran Bretanya o el Regne Unit de Gran Bretanya i Irlanda, depenent del període), els Lords Comissionats només existeixen quan el càrrec de Lord Alt Almirall és ocupat en comissió, no només per una única persona. Durant els períodes en què és nomenat un únic Lord Alt Almirall, hi ha un , que l'assisteix.
rdf:langString The Board of Admiralty (1628–1964) was established in 1628 when Charles I put the office of Lord High Admiral into commission. As that position was not always occupied, the purpose was to enable management of the day-to-day operational requirements of the Royal Navy; at that point administrative control of the navy was still the responsibility of the Navy Board, established in 1546. This system remained in place until 1832, when the Board of Admiralty became the sole authority charged with both administrative and operational control of the navy when the Navy Board was abolished. The term Admiralty has become synonymous with the command and control of the Royal Navy, partly personified in the Board of Admiralty and in the Admiralty buildings in London from where operations were in large part directed. It existed until 1964 when the office of First Lord of the Admiralty was finally abolished and the functions of the Lords Commissioners were transferred to the new Admiralty Board and the tri-service Defence Council of the United Kingdom.
rdf:langString Le Board of Admiralty (le Conseil de l'Amirauté) est un organe de contrôle administratif et opérationnel de la Royal Navy, créé en 1628 et dissout en 1964, en Angleterre puis au Royaume-Uni. Il était l'une des quatre composante de l'Amirauté. En 1628, le roi Charles Ier confie la fonction de Lord-grand-amiral de la flotte royale à une commission appelée Board of Admiralty. Comme cette fonction n'a pas toujours été occupée, le rôle de cette commission est d'assurer la gestion des besoins opérationnels quotidiens de la Royal Navy. Elle existe en cas de vacances de la fonction de Lord-grand-amiral. En 1832, le Board of Admiralty se voit également confié les missions de contrôle administratif de la Navy, exercée jusque là par le Navy Board, devenant alors la seule autorité chargée du contrôle administratif et opérationnel de la marine. À la suite de la réorganisation du ministère de la Défense en 1964, les compétences du Board of Admiralty sont transférées à l'Admiralty Board (au sein du Conseil de la Défense) et au Navy Board, recréé à cette occasion. Le Board of Admiralty est composé des lords-commissaires de l'Amirauté, officiellement appelés « commissaires exerçant la fonction de Lord-grand-amiral du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord » (Commissioners for Exercising the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Lorsqu'un Lord-grand-amiral est nommé, le Board of Admiralty forme le Council of the Lord High Admiral, les lords-commissaires devenant alors les assistants du Lord-grand-amiral.
rdf:langString I lord commissari dell'ammiragliato (in inglese Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) compongono la Commissione dell'ammiragliato (Board of Admiralty), istituzione militare marinara britannica fondata nel Quattrocento come figura di comando della Royal Navy, poi accentuata nel 1673 e nel 1679 con la riduzione a soli dodici, poi sedici e infine sette membri del Consiglio privato di Sua Maestà. Ufficialmente conosciuti come commissari esercitanti l'ufficio di Lord grand'ammiraglio del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord (Commissioners for exercising the office of lord high admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), con dizione Inghilterra, Gran Bretagna, o Gran Bretagna ed Irlanda a seconda dei periodi, il titolo era attribuito soltanto quando l'ufficio di Lord dell'alto ammiragliato era esercitato da una commissione. Durante i periodi in cui il comando era esercitato da una singola persona era invece presente un Consiglio del lord grand'ammiraglio (Council of the Lord High Admiral) con il compito di coadiuvare il lord grand'ammiraglio nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni.
rdf:langString Os Lordes Comissários do Almirantado (em inglês: Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) eram os membros do Conselho do Almirantado, que exercia o comando sobre a Royal Navy, a marinha real do Reino Unido. Conhecidos oficialmente como Commissioners for Exercising the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland &c. ("Comissários para o Exercício do Cargo do Lorde Primeiro-Almirante do Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte etc."), os Lordes Comissários existiram apenas quando o cargo de ("Lorde Primeiro-Almirante") não era exercido por uma única pessoa. Durante os períodos em que existia apenas um Lord High Admiral, realizava-se o ("Conselho do Lorde Primeiro-Almirante"), que auxiliavam o detentor do cargo e exerciam muitas das funções do Conselho do Almirantado.
rdf:langString Комитет Адмиралтейства (англ. Board of Admiralty) и составлявшие его лорды — члены Комитета Адмиралтейства (также — лорды-заседатели, англ. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) — коллективный орган по исполнению обязанностей Лорда верховного адмирала, до 1964 года отвечавший за руководство британским Адмиралтейством — органом управления Королевским военно-морским флотом Великобритании. Комитет возглавлял председатель - Первый лорд Адмиралтейства (англ. First Lord of the Admiralty), также именовавшийся Первый лорд-заседатель Адмиралтейства (англ. First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty), который был членом Кабинета министров.
rdf:langString Лорди — члени Комітету Адміралтейства (також — лорди засідателі, англ. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) — члени британського Комітету Адміралтейства, які здійснювали управління Королівським флотом Великої Британії. Безпосереднє командування до 1806 року покладалось на Адмірала флоту.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 20717
xsd:gYear 1964
xsd:gYear 1628

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