Blueback herring an entity of type: Eukaryote

Alosa aestivalis és una espècie de peix de la família dels clupeids i de l'ordre dels clupeïformes. rdf:langString
Alosa aestivalis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clupeidae familian sailkatzen da. rdf:langString
Alosa aestivalis es una especie de pez de la familia Clupeidae en el orden de los Clupeiformes. rdf:langString
Alosa aestivalis is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van haringen (Clupeidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1814 door Mitchill. rdf:langString
Aloza niebieska, aloza małooka (Alosa aestivalis) – gatunek małej morskiej ryby ławicowej z rodziny śledziowatych (Clupeidae). rdf:langString
Blå staksill (Alosa aestivalis) är en fiskart som först beskrevs av Mitchill, 1814. Blå staksill ingår i släktet Alosa och familjen sillfiskar. Inga underarter finns listade. rdf:langString
Alosa aestivalis é uma espécie de peixe da família Clupeidae no ordem dos Clupeiformes. rdf:langString
Синеспинка, или сельдь-помолоб, или летний помолоб (лат. Alosa aestivalis) — вид лучепёрых рыб из семейства сельдевых. Обитают в западной Атлантике. rdf:langString
藍背西鯡為輻鰭魚綱鲱形目鲱科的其中一種,分布西大西洋區,從加拿大新斯科細亞省至美國佛羅里達州海域,棲息深度5-55公尺,本魚體延長而側扁,肚子鱗甲鮮明,具有鮮明的缺口,體背部黑藍色,腹部藍灰色,腹膜黑色,背鰭軟條15-20枚,臀鰭軟條15-21枚,脊椎骨47-53個,體長可達40公分,棲息在沿海海域的洄游性魚類,成群活動,在半鹹水水域或河口產卵,屬肉食性,以小魚、橈腳類、甲殼類,為高經濟價值的食用魚。 rdf:langString
The blueback herring or blueback shad or summer shad (Alosa aestivalis) is an anadromous species of herring from the east coast of North America, with a range from Nova Scotia to Florida. Blueback herring form schools and are believed to migrate offshore to overwinter near the bottom. This fish has, in the past, been used as a baitfish for the lobster fishing industry. It is also used for human consumption, usually smoked. It is caught (during its migration up stream) using large dip nets to scoop the fish out of shallow, constricted areas on its migratory streams and rivers. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Blueback herring
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Aloza niebieska
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Синеспинка
rdf:langString Blå staksill
rdf:langString 藍背西鯡
rdf:langString Blueback herring
xsd:integer 24018828
xsd:integer 1054880890
rdf:langString VU
rdf:langString IUCN3.1
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis és una espècie de peix de la família dels clupeids i de l'ordre dels clupeïformes.
rdf:langString The blueback herring or blueback shad or summer shad (Alosa aestivalis) is an anadromous species of herring from the east coast of North America, with a range from Nova Scotia to Florida. Blueback herring form schools and are believed to migrate offshore to overwinter near the bottom. These fish are silvery in color, have a series of scutes (modified, spiny and keeled scales) along their bellies, and are characterized by deep bluish-green backs. They reach a maximum size of approximately 40 centimetres (16 in) and are believed to live up to 8 years. The most distinguishing characteristic of this species is the black to dusky in color of its peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity). It is one of the "typical" North American shads. They are often confused with alewifes because blueback shad and alewives are difficult to distinguish from one another, and together these two species are often regarded collectively as "river herring". Alewives have larger eyes, greater body depth, and pearly to white peritoneal linings. This fish has, in the past, been used as a baitfish for the lobster fishing industry. It is also used for human consumption, usually smoked. It is caught (during its migration up stream) using large dip nets to scoop the fish out of shallow, constricted areas on its migratory streams and rivers.
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clupeidae familian sailkatzen da.
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis es una especie de pez de la familia Clupeidae en el orden de los Clupeiformes.
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van haringen (Clupeidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1814 door Mitchill.
rdf:langString Aloza niebieska, aloza małooka (Alosa aestivalis) – gatunek małej morskiej ryby ławicowej z rodziny śledziowatych (Clupeidae).
rdf:langString Blå staksill (Alosa aestivalis) är en fiskart som först beskrevs av Mitchill, 1814. Blå staksill ingår i släktet Alosa och familjen sillfiskar. Inga underarter finns listade.
rdf:langString Alosa aestivalis é uma espécie de peixe da família Clupeidae no ordem dos Clupeiformes.
rdf:langString Синеспинка, или сельдь-помолоб, или летний помолоб (лат. Alosa aestivalis) — вид лучепёрых рыб из семейства сельдевых. Обитают в западной Атлантике.
rdf:langString 藍背西鯡為輻鰭魚綱鲱形目鲱科的其中一種,分布西大西洋區,從加拿大新斯科細亞省至美國佛羅里達州海域,棲息深度5-55公尺,本魚體延長而側扁,肚子鱗甲鮮明,具有鮮明的缺口,體背部黑藍色,腹部藍灰色,腹膜黑色,背鰭軟條15-20枚,臀鰭軟條15-21枚,脊椎骨47-53個,體長可達40公分,棲息在沿海海域的洄游性魚類,成群活動,在半鹹水水域或河口產卵,屬肉食性,以小魚、橈腳類、甲殼類,為高經濟價值的食用魚。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 8695

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