Battle of Oudenarde an entity of type: Thing

La batalla d'Oudenaarde es va lliurar l'11 de juliol de 1708 prop d'Oudenaarde al Comtat de Flandes (actualment a Bèlgica) en el marc de la Guerra de Successió Espanyola. rdf:langString
Die Schlacht bei Oudenaarde (franz. Bataille d’Audenarde) wurde am 11. Juli 1708 während des Spanischen Erbfolgekrieges ausgekämpft. Die gegnerischen Heere waren in dieser Auseinandersetzung etwa gleich stark. Während die französischen Heerführer wegen Konkurrenz aber in der Operationsführung nicht übereinstimmten, zeichneten sich die Verbündeten unter dem Herzog von Marlborough und Prinz Eugen durch einheitliche Führung aus. Die Franzosen wurden schwer geschlagen, infolge des Sieges war es den Alliierten möglich in Nordfrankreich einzubrechen und bis Mitte Oktober die Festung Lille zu erobern. rdf:langString
La batalla de Oudenarde se libró el 11 de julio de 1708 cerca de esta población en Bélgica en el marco de la Guerra de Sucesión Española. rdf:langString
La bataille d'Audenarde est une bataille de la guerre de Succession d'Espagne qui eut lieu aux abords de la ville flamande du même nom, en Belgique, le 11 juillet 1708. L'armée française du duc de Vendôme y fut battue par les Impériaux du Prince Eugène et les Anglais du duc de Marlborough. rdf:langString
오우데나르데 전투(Battle of Oudenarde)는 1708년 7월 11일 영국, 네덜란드, 신성로마제국군이 한 편을 이루고 프랑스가 그 반대편에 서서 벌인 스페인 왕위 계승 전쟁의 중요한 전투이다. 이 전투는 벨기에의 에서 벌어졌고, 동맹군의 결정적인 승리가 되었다. rdf:langString
La battaglia di Oudenaarde (in lingua francese Audenarde), nella provincia belga delle Fiandre Orientali, venne combattuta il 11 luglio 1708 nell'ambito della guerra di successione spagnola. Le truppe imperiali guidate dal principe Eugenio di Savoia e dal duca di Marlborough, sconfissero le truppe francesi del duca di Vendôme, e del duca di Borgogna, primo nipote in linea diretta di Luigi XIV. rdf:langString
アウデナールデの戦い(Battle of Oudenarde)は、スペイン継承戦争における戦闘の1つで、1708年7月11日にグレートブリテン王国(イギリス)・オーストリア(神聖ローマ帝国)・ネーデルラント連邦共和国(オランダ)同盟軍とフランス軍が現在のベルギー・オースト=フランデレン州の町アウデナールデ近郊で衝突した。 rdf:langString
De Slag bij Oudenaarde was een belangrijke veldslag tijdens de Spaanse Successieoorlog. De slag vond plaats op 11 juli 1708 in de omgeving van Oudenaarde in de toenmalige Spaanse Nederlanden. rdf:langString
Bitwa pod Oudenaarde – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 11 lipca 1708 we Flandrii w trakcie wojny o sukcesję hiszpańską (1701–1714). rdf:langString
Битва при Ауденарде состоялась 11 июля 1708 года в районе городка Ауденарде в современной Бельгии, и была ключевым сражением Войны за испанское наследство. С одной стороны в ней участвовала армия Франции, с другой — объединённые силы Великобритании, Голландской республики и Священной Римской империи. rdf:langString
Bitva u Oudenaarde (11. červenec 1708) představuje jednu z nejvýznamnějších bitev válek o dědictví španělské. Marlborough s Evženem Savojským v ní připravili drtivou porážku francouzské armádě vedené vévodou Burgundským a vévodou z Vendôme. rdf:langString
The Battle of Oudenarde, also known as the Battle of Oudenaarde, was a major engagement of the War of the Spanish Succession, pitting a Grand Alliance force consisting of eighty thousand men under the command of the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy against a French force of eighty-five thousand men under the command of the Duc de Bourgogne and the Duc de Vendôme, the battle resulting in a great victory for the Grand Alliance. The battle was fought near the city of Oudenaarde, at the time part of the Spanish Netherlands, on 11 July 1708. With this victory, the Grand Alliance ensured the fall of various French territories, giving them a significant strategic and tactical advantage during this stage of the war. The battle was fought in the later years of the war, a conflict that rdf:langString
Pertempuran Oudenaarde (atau Oudenarde) adalah pertempuran penting selama Perang Penerus Spanyol yang meletus pada tanggal 11 Juli 1708 antara pasukan Aliansi Agung yang terdiri dari Britania Raya, Republik Belanda, dan Kekaisaran Romawi Suci, melawan pasukan Prancis. Pertempuran ini berkecamuk di Oudenaarde (kini di Belgia) dan merupakan kemenangan besar bagi Aliansi Agung. Tentara Prancis kehilangan sekitar 15.000 pasukan (dengan 8.000 di antaranya merupakan tawanan), sementara Aliansi hanya kehilangan kurang dari 3.000. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Battle of Oudenarde
rdf:langString Batalla d'Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Bitva u Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Schlacht bei Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Batalla de Oudenarde
rdf:langString Pertempuran Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Bataille d'Audenarde
rdf:langString Battaglia di Oudenaarde
rdf:langString 오우데나르데 전투
rdf:langString アウデナールデの戦い
rdf:langString Slag bij Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Bitwa pod Oudenaarde
rdf:langString Битва при Ауденарде
rdf:langString Battle of Oudenarde
xsd:float 50.84999847412109
xsd:float 3.433333396911621
xsd:integer 379256
xsd:integer 1124223794
rdf:langString The Duke of Marlborough at the Battle of Oudenaarde, John Wootton
xsd:integer 3000 6000
rdf:langString Austria
rdf:langString Hanover
rdf:langString *
rdf:langString Hesse-Cassel
rdf:langString Duke of Marlborough
rdf:langString Eugene of Savoy
rdf:langString Duke of Burgundy
rdf:langString Duke of Vendôme
rdf:langString Lord Overkirk
rdf:langString Battle of Oudenarde
xsd:date 1708-07-11
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString the War of the Spanish Succession
rdf:langString Grand Alliance victory
xsd:integer 80000 90000
xsd:string 50.85 3.4333333333333336
rdf:langString La batalla d'Oudenaarde es va lliurar l'11 de juliol de 1708 prop d'Oudenaarde al Comtat de Flandes (actualment a Bèlgica) en el marc de la Guerra de Successió Espanyola.
rdf:langString Bitva u Oudenaarde (11. červenec 1708) představuje jednu z nejvýznamnějších bitev válek o dědictví španělské. Marlborough s Evženem Savojským v ní připravili drtivou porážku francouzské armádě vedené vévodou Burgundským a vévodou z Vendôme. Bitva je považována za velmi neobvyklou (vzhledem ke své době), protože obě armády se srazily v podstatě za pochodu, tj. zcela nesešikované, bojovaly od počátku z části „naslepo“ a následně došlo k roztažení sil obou vojsk do neobvyklé šíře. K úspěchu protifrancouzské aliance velmi přispěl fakt, že Princové dvojčata jednak lépe pochopili zákonitosti tohoto neobvyklého boje a lépe se zorientovali v nastalém zmatku, jednak projevili hluboké vzájemné porozumění a dokonalou spolupráci. Evžen Savojský (který původně neměl žádné vlastní jednotky a převzal velení nad částí Marlboroughových vojsk) na sebe po dlouhou dobu poutal nepřítele v blízkosti řeky Šeldy a umožnil Marlboroughovi provést obchvatný manévr a rozdrtit francouzské pravé křídlo. Francouzské straně naopak velice uškodilo, že nezkušený a nepříliš schopný vévoda Burgundský (později známý jako Malý dauphin) nerespektoval rady ani pokyny vévody z Vendôme a oba vojevůdci si činili každý podle svého, s minimálními ohledy na toho druhého. Výsledkem bylo, že patrně pouze noc zachránila jejich armádu před naprostým zničením. Marlborough po bitvě napsal své ženě: Věřím, že kdybychom měli štěstí a získali 2 hodiny denního světla navíc, mohli jsme dnes vyhrát celou válku.
rdf:langString The Battle of Oudenarde, also known as the Battle of Oudenaarde, was a major engagement of the War of the Spanish Succession, pitting a Grand Alliance force consisting of eighty thousand men under the command of the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy against a French force of eighty-five thousand men under the command of the Duc de Bourgogne and the Duc de Vendôme, the battle resulting in a great victory for the Grand Alliance. The battle was fought near the city of Oudenaarde, at the time part of the Spanish Netherlands, on 11 July 1708. With this victory, the Grand Alliance ensured the fall of various French territories, giving them a significant strategic and tactical advantage during this stage of the war. The battle was fought in the later years of the war, a conflict that had come about as a result of English, Dutch and Habsburg apprehension at the possibility of a Bourbon succeeding the deceased King of Spain, Charles II, and combining their two nations and empires into one. The engagement itself came about after a series of offensive and defensive manoeuvres between an Allied army under the command of Marlborough and a French army under the command of the Duc de Bourgogne. The two French commanders quarrelled about the direction their army should take, although roughly a month before the battle, the French army moved westwards and captured the Allied-held fortresses of Bruges and Ghent. This proved to be an unexpected and worrying action to Marlborough, who waited until Eugene had joined his army before he decided to undertake any offensive operations. The French moved to attack again, aiming to capture the city of Oudenarde, which would cut off communication and supply routes between Marlborough and England and thus allow for a significant victory over the Grand Alliance. Marlborough managed to figure out the French plan of action, and forced marched his men towards Oudenaarde to defend it from the expected French attack. On 11 July, the two forces met near the city. During the engagement, Allied cavalry moved to engage the French forward positions, killing or capturing many French soldiers and pushing them back. For unknown reasons, a significant portion of the French army kept in reserve was never ordered to move up and engage, thus leading to a significantly weakened French force facing the Allies. The infantry battalions on both sides moved to engage each other, with skilled deployment of cavalry by Cadogan ensuring the rout of many of the French infantry battalions, weakening the French positions. Both sides settled into an engagement on opposing sides of the river, with several further mostly fruitless cavalry charges attempted by both sides. Marlborough initiated a flanking manoeuvre, gaining the allies a significant tactical and strategic advantage. Faced with mounting casualties, the French commanders made the decision to withdraw from the field. The battle was the third major victory that Marlborough had obtained during the war; boosting his military renown alongside that of Eugene, whose tactical contributions were vital to this victory.
rdf:langString Die Schlacht bei Oudenaarde (franz. Bataille d’Audenarde) wurde am 11. Juli 1708 während des Spanischen Erbfolgekrieges ausgekämpft. Die gegnerischen Heere waren in dieser Auseinandersetzung etwa gleich stark. Während die französischen Heerführer wegen Konkurrenz aber in der Operationsführung nicht übereinstimmten, zeichneten sich die Verbündeten unter dem Herzog von Marlborough und Prinz Eugen durch einheitliche Führung aus. Die Franzosen wurden schwer geschlagen, infolge des Sieges war es den Alliierten möglich in Nordfrankreich einzubrechen und bis Mitte Oktober die Festung Lille zu erobern.
rdf:langString La batalla de Oudenarde se libró el 11 de julio de 1708 cerca de esta población en Bélgica en el marco de la Guerra de Sucesión Española.
rdf:langString Pertempuran Oudenaarde (atau Oudenarde) adalah pertempuran penting selama Perang Penerus Spanyol yang meletus pada tanggal 11 Juli 1708 antara pasukan Aliansi Agung yang terdiri dari Britania Raya, Republik Belanda, dan Kekaisaran Romawi Suci, melawan pasukan Prancis. Pertempuran ini berkecamuk di Oudenaarde (kini di Belgia) dan merupakan kemenangan besar bagi Aliansi Agung. Tentara Prancis kehilangan sekitar 15.000 pasukan (dengan 8.000 di antaranya merupakan tawanan), sementara Aliansi hanya kehilangan kurang dari 3.000. Dari pertempuran ini, Aliansi Agung melanjutkan operasi militernya melawan Prancis dengan mengepung kota Lille pada bulan berikutnya.
rdf:langString La bataille d'Audenarde est une bataille de la guerre de Succession d'Espagne qui eut lieu aux abords de la ville flamande du même nom, en Belgique, le 11 juillet 1708. L'armée française du duc de Vendôme y fut battue par les Impériaux du Prince Eugène et les Anglais du duc de Marlborough.
rdf:langString 오우데나르데 전투(Battle of Oudenarde)는 1708년 7월 11일 영국, 네덜란드, 신성로마제국군이 한 편을 이루고 프랑스가 그 반대편에 서서 벌인 스페인 왕위 계승 전쟁의 중요한 전투이다. 이 전투는 벨기에의 에서 벌어졌고, 동맹군의 결정적인 승리가 되었다.
rdf:langString La battaglia di Oudenaarde (in lingua francese Audenarde), nella provincia belga delle Fiandre Orientali, venne combattuta il 11 luglio 1708 nell'ambito della guerra di successione spagnola. Le truppe imperiali guidate dal principe Eugenio di Savoia e dal duca di Marlborough, sconfissero le truppe francesi del duca di Vendôme, e del duca di Borgogna, primo nipote in linea diretta di Luigi XIV.
rdf:langString アウデナールデの戦い(Battle of Oudenarde)は、スペイン継承戦争における戦闘の1つで、1708年7月11日にグレートブリテン王国(イギリス)・オーストリア(神聖ローマ帝国)・ネーデルラント連邦共和国(オランダ)同盟軍とフランス軍が現在のベルギー・オースト=フランデレン州の町アウデナールデ近郊で衝突した。
rdf:langString De Slag bij Oudenaarde was een belangrijke veldslag tijdens de Spaanse Successieoorlog. De slag vond plaats op 11 juli 1708 in de omgeving van Oudenaarde in de toenmalige Spaanse Nederlanden.
rdf:langString Bitwa pod Oudenaarde – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 11 lipca 1708 we Flandrii w trakcie wojny o sukcesję hiszpańską (1701–1714).
rdf:langString Битва при Ауденарде состоялась 11 июля 1708 года в районе городка Ауденарде в современной Бельгии, и была ключевым сражением Войны за испанское наследство. С одной стороны в ней участвовала армия Франции, с другой — объединённые силы Великобритании, Голландской республики и Священной Римской империи.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 23444
xsd:string 3,000 killed or wounded
xsd:string 6,000 killed and wounded
xsd:string *
xsd:string Austria
xsd:string Hanover
xsd:string Hesse-Cassel
xsd:date 1708-07-11
xsd:string Grand Alliance victory
xsd:string 90,000 80,000
<Geometry> POINT(3.4333333969116 50.849998474121)

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