Attorney general an entity of type: Thing

Der Attorney General oder Attorney-General ist in Regierungssystemen, die sich an das Common Law anlehnen, der oberste Rechtsberater der Regierung. In einigen Fällen obliegt ihm auch die Kontrolle der Strafverfolgungsbehörden und die allgemeine Verantwortung für die innere Sicherheit. Das Amt entspricht, mit unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen in verschiedenen Regierungssystemen, zu Teilen den Verantwortungen eines Innenministers, eines Justizministers bzw. eines Generalstaatsanwalts. rdf:langString
Dalam sebagian besar yurisdiksi hukum umum, Jaksa Agung merupakan penasehat hukum pemerintah suatu negara. Dalam beberapa yurisdiksi, Jaksa Agung juga dapat menjalankan tugas eksekutif dalam hal , , dan lainnya. Seberapa jauh tugasnya sebagai penasehat hukum pemerintah suatu negara dapat berbeda-beda setiap yurisdiksi. Jaksa Agung di beberapa negara dapat memiliki tanggung jawab setingkat menteri. rdf:langString
司法長官(しほうちょうかん)または法務総裁(ほうむそうさい)(英:Attorney General)は、主として英米法系の国において国王または政府の最高法律顧問。英米法圏に属する国々に置かれることが多い。多くの場合閣僚であり、日本における検事総長と法務大臣、さらには内閣法制局長官とを合わせたような地位である。司法大臣が別に置かれていて、閣僚でない場合は検事総長と訳すこともある。日本を始めとする大陸法圏諸国の法相と異なり原則として法曹資格を有する者から任命される。 rdf:langString
Il procuratore generale, noto in inglese come attorney general, è un alto funzionario dello stato, presente nei sistemi di common law, la cui funzione principale è fornire consulenza giuridica al governo. In certi paesi ha anche la responsabilità della pubblica accusa nei processi penali e altre funzioni volte ad assicurare il rispetto delle leggi. Negli Stati Uniti, l'Attorney General è a capo del Department of Justice (Ministero di Giustizia) con il rango di ministro. rdf:langString
En attorney general eller attorney-general är en hög politisk och juridisk ämbetsman som med något olika innebörd förekommer i de flesta anglosaxiska länder, dvs länder med common law som rättssystem. I såväl USA, Kanada och Australien motsvaras en attorney general av både justitieminister och högsta åklagaren. rdf:langString
Генеральний прокурор — посада головного державного обвинувача. rdf:langString
In most common law jurisdictions, the attorney general or attorney-general (sometimes abbreviated AG or Atty.-Gen) is the main legal advisor to the government. The plural is attorneys general.In some jurisdictions, attorneys general also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the attorney general personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder's prior legal experience. rdf:langString
在大多數普通法國家和區域,律政司(英語:Attorney-General,或Attorney General),或譯檢察總長、總檢察長、司法部長、律政部長、總法務司、法務總長等,是政府的主要法律顧問。 一部分司法轄區的律政司兼管執法、檢察或者所有法律事務。某一律政司實際為政府提供多少法律諮詢因地而異,甚至在同一轄區内歷任者中因人而異,取決於任職之前的法律經驗程度和類別。 作爲部長掌管所有法律事務的律政司職務實際大約等同其他國家的,這一類例子包括美國和澳大利亚的聯邦政府(因此中文常稱爲“美國司法部長”及「澳洲律政部長」),以及兩國的州級律政司。 設有分別的司法部長職位和律政司職位的普通法系國家包括英國(分別為司法部長兼大法官,和英格蘭及威爾士、蘇格蘭、北愛爾蘭等分別的律政司)和新加坡(中文分別稱爲“律政部長”、“總檢察長”)。加拿大雖然分設和兩個頭銜,但同爲一人擔任(加拿大司法部長及檢察總長)。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Attorney general
rdf:langString Attorney General
rdf:langString Jaksa Agung
rdf:langString Procuratore generale
rdf:langString 司法長官
rdf:langString Attorney general
rdf:langString Attorney general
rdf:langString 律政司
rdf:langString Генеральний прокурор
xsd:integer 54376
xsd:integer 1122652366
rdf:langString Der Attorney General oder Attorney-General ist in Regierungssystemen, die sich an das Common Law anlehnen, der oberste Rechtsberater der Regierung. In einigen Fällen obliegt ihm auch die Kontrolle der Strafverfolgungsbehörden und die allgemeine Verantwortung für die innere Sicherheit. Das Amt entspricht, mit unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen in verschiedenen Regierungssystemen, zu Teilen den Verantwortungen eines Innenministers, eines Justizministers bzw. eines Generalstaatsanwalts.
rdf:langString In most common law jurisdictions, the attorney general or attorney-general (sometimes abbreviated AG or Atty.-Gen) is the main legal advisor to the government. The plural is attorneys general.In some jurisdictions, attorneys general also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the attorney general personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder's prior legal experience. Where the attorney general has ministerial responsibility for legal affairs in general (as is the case, for example, with the United States Attorney General or the Attorney-General for Australia, and the respective attorneys general of the states in each country), the ministerial portfolio is largely equivalent to that of a Minister of Justice in some other countries. The term was originally used to refer to any person who holds a general power of attorney to represent a principal in all matters. In the common law tradition, anyone who represents the state, especially in criminal prosecutions, is such an attorney. Although a government may designate some official as the permanent attorney general, anyone who came to represent the state in the same way could, in the past, be referred to as such, even if only for a particular case. Today, however, in most jurisdictions, the term is largely reserved as a title of the permanently appointed attorney general of the state, sovereign or other member of the royal family. Civil law jurisdictions have similar offices, which may be variously called "public prosecutor general", "procurators", "advocates general", "public attorneys", and other titles. Many of these offices also use "attorney general" or "attorney-general" as the English translation of the title, although because of different historical provenance, the nature of such offices is usually different from that of attorneys-general in common law jurisdictions.
rdf:langString Dalam sebagian besar yurisdiksi hukum umum, Jaksa Agung merupakan penasehat hukum pemerintah suatu negara. Dalam beberapa yurisdiksi, Jaksa Agung juga dapat menjalankan tugas eksekutif dalam hal , , dan lainnya. Seberapa jauh tugasnya sebagai penasehat hukum pemerintah suatu negara dapat berbeda-beda setiap yurisdiksi. Jaksa Agung di beberapa negara dapat memiliki tanggung jawab setingkat menteri.
rdf:langString 司法長官(しほうちょうかん)または法務総裁(ほうむそうさい)(英:Attorney General)は、主として英米法系の国において国王または政府の最高法律顧問。英米法圏に属する国々に置かれることが多い。多くの場合閣僚であり、日本における検事総長と法務大臣、さらには内閣法制局長官とを合わせたような地位である。司法大臣が別に置かれていて、閣僚でない場合は検事総長と訳すこともある。日本を始めとする大陸法圏諸国の法相と異なり原則として法曹資格を有する者から任命される。
rdf:langString Il procuratore generale, noto in inglese come attorney general, è un alto funzionario dello stato, presente nei sistemi di common law, la cui funzione principale è fornire consulenza giuridica al governo. In certi paesi ha anche la responsabilità della pubblica accusa nei processi penali e altre funzioni volte ad assicurare il rispetto delle leggi. Negli Stati Uniti, l'Attorney General è a capo del Department of Justice (Ministero di Giustizia) con il rango di ministro.
rdf:langString En attorney general eller attorney-general är en hög politisk och juridisk ämbetsman som med något olika innebörd förekommer i de flesta anglosaxiska länder, dvs länder med common law som rättssystem. I såväl USA, Kanada och Australien motsvaras en attorney general av både justitieminister och högsta åklagaren.
rdf:langString 在大多數普通法國家和區域,律政司(英語:Attorney-General,或Attorney General),或譯檢察總長、總檢察長、司法部長、律政部長、總法務司、法務總長等,是政府的主要法律顧問。 一部分司法轄區的律政司兼管執法、檢察或者所有法律事務。某一律政司實際為政府提供多少法律諮詢因地而異,甚至在同一轄區内歷任者中因人而異,取決於任職之前的法律經驗程度和類別。 作爲部長掌管所有法律事務的律政司職務實際大約等同其他國家的,這一類例子包括美國和澳大利亚的聯邦政府(因此中文常稱爲“美國司法部長”及「澳洲律政部長」),以及兩國的州級律政司。 設有分別的司法部長職位和律政司職位的普通法系國家包括英國(分別為司法部長兼大法官,和英格蘭及威爾士、蘇格蘭、北愛爾蘭等分別的律政司)和新加坡(中文分別稱爲“律政部長”、“總檢察長”)。加拿大雖然分設和兩個頭銜,但同爲一人擔任(加拿大司法部長及檢察總長)。 “Attorney General”一詞原意為「總受權人」,即獲得廣泛授權代表授權人處理所有事務。在普通法傳統中,任何獲授權代表國家的人(尤其在刑事檢控中)都是官方的「受權人」。雖然政府可能指定某個官員擔任常任的「總受權人」,所有受普遍委托的代表人(即使衹有在某一案件中有效)都可以稱爲“Attorney General”。但是,現代在大多數司法轄區,這一頭銜一般僅用於國家、君主或其他皇室成員委任的全權受托代表人。 民法系司法轄區有時也有類似的職位,可以稱爲「總檢察長」、「檢察總長」(public prosecutor general,procurator general,procurator)、「佐審官」(advocate general)、「公共代理人」(public attorney)等。一部分民法系國家在英譯時也將這類職位譯為“Attorney General”,但由於歷史淵源不同,這類官職與普通法系的律政司在性質上常有不同。
rdf:langString Генеральний прокурор — посада головного державного обвинувача.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 35964

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