Asud an entity of type: WikicatMongolPeoples

アスト部(モンゴル語: Asd)とは、主に15世紀から17世紀にかけてモンゴル高原で活動した遊牧部族の一つ。「アス人」とは本来は西方のカフカース地方に住まうアラン人の別称であり、東方に移住したアス人=アラン人が大元ウルス治下において「阿速(アス)衛」と呼ばれる軍団を組織したのがアスト部族の起源となった。14世紀末に大元ウルスが北遷すると(北元)、同じく西方起源のキプチャク=ハラチン部とともにモンゴル高原において遊牧部族化し、アスト部として知られるようになったが、17世紀のリンダン・ハーンの征西によって滅亡した。 なお、東方に移住せずにカフカース地方に留まったアラン人の末裔が現在のオセット人であり、「オセット人(Осетин)」という名称は「アス人」から派生したものである。 rdf:langString
Асу́ты (монг. Асуд) — этнос, входящий в состав южных монголов, халхасцев, торгутов, юншиэбу. Потомки омонголившихся аланов. rdf:langString
The Asud (Mongolian Cyrillic: Асуд, IPA: /ˈasʊt/) were a military group of Alani origin. The Mongol clan Asud is the plural of As, the Arabic name for the Alans. Against the Alans and the Cumans (Kipchaks), the Mongols used divide and conquer tactics by first telling the Cumans to stop allying with the Alans and after the Cumans followed their suggestion the Mongols then attacked the Cumans after defeating the Alans. Alans were recruited into the Mongol forces with one unit called "Right Alan Guard" which was combined with "recently surrendered" soldiers, Mongols, and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of the former Kingdom of Qocho and in Besh Balikh the Mongols established a Chinese military colony led by Chinese general Qi Kongzhi (Ch'i Kung-chih). Alan and Kipchak guards were used rdf:langString
阿速特,史籍亦称作阿速、阿阑、阿思、阿宿、阿蘇特、阿速惕等。阿速特人就是奥塞梯人(奄蔡),被称为阿兰人、斯基泰人-萨尔马特人,是古代中亚的游牧民族,持波斯语,信奉东正教,原居高加索以北,顿河下游的库班和捷列克,后移居到捷尔宾特伏尔加河口,与拜占庭(今希腊)、谷儿只(今格鲁吉亚)、斡罗思(今俄罗斯)关系密切。古希腊、罗马文献中称之为Aorsoi、Alanorsi。所谓奄蔡、阿兰,即中文音译,奄蔡首次见于《太史公书·大宛列传》。 公元158年之后,一小支北匈奴人西迁锡尔河与阿姆河之间的中亚河中地区(粟特)的锡尔河以北的图兰地区;4世纪中期(373年),这小支北匈奴人越过顿河,吞并了奄蔡。5世纪中期,匈奴王阿提拉率领奄蔡人西征,一直到达了法兰西中部的奥尔良,后来成为今天加泰罗尼亚人族源之一。同俄罗斯人一样,阿速特人信奉基督宗教中的希腊正教。蒙古帝国时期,大批阿速特人被抽调为蒙哥汗的直属亲军——这次大规模的抽调,应该与蒙哥汗的亲基督教思想有关,这种思想来自于蒙哥的母亲,蒙哥的母亲是一位虔诚的克烈景教(基督教聂斯脱里派)徒。阿速军首领也称达鲁花赤(蒙古语「镇守官」)。阿速人多身材高大、碧眼卷发,中国史书中称之为“绿睛回回”。阿速人以骠悍著称,精于骑射,在元都城大都的禁卫亲军中就有三万人这些绿睛回回组成的阿速回回军(也称怯薛军),其领军的首领为赫厮和赤秃满。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Asud
rdf:langString アスト部
rdf:langString Асуты
rdf:langString 阿蘇特
xsd:integer 13966097
xsd:integer 1081811125
rdf:langString The Asud (Mongolian Cyrillic: Асуд, IPA: /ˈasʊt/) were a military group of Alani origin. The Mongol clan Asud is the plural of As, the Arabic name for the Alans. Against the Alans and the Cumans (Kipchaks), the Mongols used divide and conquer tactics by first telling the Cumans to stop allying with the Alans and after the Cumans followed their suggestion the Mongols then attacked the Cumans after defeating the Alans. Alans were recruited into the Mongol forces with one unit called "Right Alan Guard" which was combined with "recently surrendered" soldiers, Mongols, and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of the former Kingdom of Qocho and in Besh Balikh the Mongols established a Chinese military colony led by Chinese general Qi Kongzhi (Ch'i Kung-chih). Alan and Kipchak guards were used by Kublai Khan. In 1368 at the end of the Yuan dynasty in China Toghan Temür was accompanied by his faithful Alan guards. Mangu enlisted in his bodyguard half the troops of the Alan prince, Arslan, whose younger son Nicholas took a part in the expedition of the Mongols against Karajang (Yunnan). This Alan imperial guard was still in existence in 1272, 1286 and 1309, and it was divided into two corps with headquarters in the Ling pei province (Karakorúm). In 1254 Rubruquis found a Russian deacon amongst the other Christians at Karakoram. The reason why the earlier Persian word tersa was gradually abandoned by the Mongols in favour of the Syro - Greek word arkon, when speaking of Christians, manifestly is that no specifically Greek Church was ever heard of in China until the Russians had been conquered; besides, there were large bodies of Russian and Alan guards at Peking throughout the last half of the thirteenth and first half of the fourteenth century, and the Catholics there would not be likely to encourage the use of a Persian word which was most probably applicable in the first instance to the Nestorians they found so degenerated. The Alan guards converted to Catholicism as reported by Odorico. They was a "Russian guard". Alans were converted to Roman Catholic Christianity in addition to Armenians in China by John of Montecorvino. After the Mongol invasion of Rus, many Alans submitted to the Mongol Empire. Some of them resisted the Golden Horde longer. Many warriors moved from Northern Caucasia to Mongolia. It is also claimed that they helped their new masters to fight against the Circassians and that they participated in the Mongol invasion of Europe. Under the rule of Möngke Khan, many were brought east to fight against the Chinese Song Dynasty and Kingdom of Dali in Yunnan in 1258-1259. The Alan imperial guard was divided into two corps with headquarters in Karakorum. After the coronation of Kublai Khan, those Alans participated in the campaign against Ariq Böke and later Qaidu under the Yuan Dynasty. They suffered heavy losses from Song resistance when they were under the command of Bayan of the Baarin and Aju. Kublai Khan organized them into the Jasin guard (Alan guard) of 3,000 soldiers around 1271, along with some of the Kipchaks. The Alani guard reached its peak during the reign of Tugh Temür and their number expanded to 30,000. During the 15-16th centuries, they formed part of the Yungshebiyu tumen in central Inner Mongolia and the Asud were large tribe of Southern Mongolia. Today, there are few people with the clan name Asud in Ar Khorchin banner, Inner Mongolia. Mongolian Asuds live in Dundgovi, Töv and other aimags.
rdf:langString アスト部(モンゴル語: Asd)とは、主に15世紀から17世紀にかけてモンゴル高原で活動した遊牧部族の一つ。「アス人」とは本来は西方のカフカース地方に住まうアラン人の別称であり、東方に移住したアス人=アラン人が大元ウルス治下において「阿速(アス)衛」と呼ばれる軍団を組織したのがアスト部族の起源となった。14世紀末に大元ウルスが北遷すると(北元)、同じく西方起源のキプチャク=ハラチン部とともにモンゴル高原において遊牧部族化し、アスト部として知られるようになったが、17世紀のリンダン・ハーンの征西によって滅亡した。 なお、東方に移住せずにカフカース地方に留まったアラン人の末裔が現在のオセット人であり、「オセット人(Осетин)」という名称は「アス人」から派生したものである。
rdf:langString Асу́ты (монг. Асуд) — этнос, входящий в состав южных монголов, халхасцев, торгутов, юншиэбу. Потомки омонголившихся аланов.
rdf:langString 阿速特,史籍亦称作阿速、阿阑、阿思、阿宿、阿蘇特、阿速惕等。阿速特人就是奥塞梯人(奄蔡),被称为阿兰人、斯基泰人-萨尔马特人,是古代中亚的游牧民族,持波斯语,信奉东正教,原居高加索以北,顿河下游的库班和捷列克,后移居到捷尔宾特伏尔加河口,与拜占庭(今希腊)、谷儿只(今格鲁吉亚)、斡罗思(今俄罗斯)关系密切。古希腊、罗马文献中称之为Aorsoi、Alanorsi。所谓奄蔡、阿兰,即中文音译,奄蔡首次见于《太史公书·大宛列传》。 公元158年之后,一小支北匈奴人西迁锡尔河与阿姆河之间的中亚河中地区(粟特)的锡尔河以北的图兰地区;4世纪中期(373年),这小支北匈奴人越过顿河,吞并了奄蔡。5世纪中期,匈奴王阿提拉率领奄蔡人西征,一直到达了法兰西中部的奥尔良,后来成为今天加泰罗尼亚人族源之一。同俄罗斯人一样,阿速特人信奉基督宗教中的希腊正教。蒙古帝国时期,大批阿速特人被抽调为蒙哥汗的直属亲军——这次大规模的抽调,应该与蒙哥汗的亲基督教思想有关,这种思想来自于蒙哥的母亲,蒙哥的母亲是一位虔诚的克烈景教(基督教聂斯脱里派)徒。阿速军首领也称达鲁花赤(蒙古语「镇守官」)。阿速人多身材高大、碧眼卷发,中国史书中称之为“绿睛回回”。阿速人以骠悍著称,精于骑射,在元都城大都的禁卫亲军中就有三万人这些绿睛回回组成的阿速回回军(也称怯薛军),其领军的首领为赫厮和赤秃满。 阿速特部在北元終結以后,逐渐融入了蒙古民族之中,成为蒙古永谢布-科尔沁万户的主要来源之一,是旧科尔沁三部之一。蒙古历史上著名的阿鲁台就是阿速特部的首领,最初阿速特部应当追随阿鲁台活动于呼伦贝尔地区,阿鲁台在母纳山身亡后,阿速特部活动于今蒙古西部地区;后又南下进入河套地区;卫拉特人东进后,阿速特等部组成了右翼蒙古的永谢布万户。达延汗破右翼蒙古三万户,收编了永谢部万户;后来,永谢布万户吸收了朵颜乌梁海,形成了科尔沁万户。后科尔沁万户在与察哈尔万户的冲突中解体。而今天的阿速特部后裔,应当主要集中在阿巴噶蒙古(阿鲁科尔沁)的地域。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7018

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