Arabic verbs an entity of type: WikicatVerbsByLanguage

الفعل هو لفظ يدل على حدث في زمن معيّن ، rdf:langString
I verbi arabi (فِعْل fiʿl; pl. أَفْعَال ʾafʿāl), come nelle altre lingue semitiche, sono, come poi l'intero vocabolario di queste lingue, basati su sequenze di due, tre, quattro o anche cinque (ma solitamente tre) consonanti dette radici (trilittere o quadrilittere a seconda del numero di consonanti). La radice porta il significato di base del verbo, ad esempio ك ت ب k-t-b 'scrivere', ق ر ء q-r-ʾ 'leggere', أ ك ل ʾ-k-l 'mangiare'. Cambiamenti nelle vocali fra le consonanti e l'aggiunta di prefissi e suffissi esprimono funzioni grammaticali come la persona, il genere, il numero, il tempo, il modo e la diatesi. rdf:langString
Глаго́л (араб. الفعل‎ al-fiʕlu, мн. ч. араб. الأفعال‎ al-afʕālu) в ара́бском языке́ представляет собой одну из трёх частей речи, наряду с именем и частицей. Слово فعل в арабском языке буквально означает «действие, поступок». Глагол имеет следующие характеристики: время (прошедшее, настоящее, будущее), залог (действительный, страдательный), род (мужской, женский), лицо (первое, второе, третье), число (единственное, двойственное, множественное), наклонение (только в форме настояще-будущего времени: изъявительное, сослагательное, повелительное, усечённое). rdf:langString
Arabic verbs (فِعْل fiʿl; pl. أَفْعَال afʿāl), like the verbs in other Semitic languages, and the entire vocabulary in those languages, are based on a set of two to five (but usually three) consonants called a root (triliteral or quadriliteral according to the number of consonants). The root communicates the basic meaning of the verb, e.g. ك-ت-ب k-t-b 'write', ق-ر-ء q-r-ʾ 'read', ء-ك-ل ʾ-k-l 'eat'. Changes to the vowels in between the consonants, along with prefixes or suffixes, specify grammatical functions such as person, gender, number, tense, mood, and voice. rdf:langString
rdf:langString الأفعال في العربية
rdf:langString Arabic verbs
rdf:langString Verbi arabi
rdf:langString Глагол в арабском языке
xsd:integer 36170582
xsd:integer 1119124485
rdf:langString الفعل هو لفظ يدل على حدث في زمن معيّن ،
rdf:langString Arabic verbs (فِعْل fiʿl; pl. أَفْعَال afʿāl), like the verbs in other Semitic languages, and the entire vocabulary in those languages, are based on a set of two to five (but usually three) consonants called a root (triliteral or quadriliteral according to the number of consonants). The root communicates the basic meaning of the verb, e.g. ك-ت-ب k-t-b 'write', ق-ر-ء q-r-ʾ 'read', ء-ك-ل ʾ-k-l 'eat'. Changes to the vowels in between the consonants, along with prefixes or suffixes, specify grammatical functions such as person, gender, number, tense, mood, and voice. Various categories are marked on verbs: * Three tenses (present, past; future tense is indicated by the prefix sa- or the particle sawfa and the present tense). * Two voices (active, passive) * Two genders (masculine, feminine) * Three persons (first, second, third) * Three numbers (singular, dual, plural) * Six moods in the non-past only (indicative, subjunctive, jussive, imperative, and short and long energetics) * Nineteen forms, the derivational systems indicating derivative concepts such as intensive, causative, reciprocal, reflexive, frequentative etc. For each form, there is also an active and a passive participle (both adjectives, declined through the full paradigm of gender, number, case and state) and a verbal noun (declined for case; also, when lexicalized, may be declined for number). Weakness is an inherent property of a given verb determined by the particular consonants of the verb root (corresponding to a verb conjugation in Classical Latin and other European languages), with five main types of weakness and two or three subtypes of each type. Arabic grammarians typically use the root ف-ع-ل f-ʿ-l to indicate the particular shape of any given element of a verbal paradigm. As an example, the form يتكاتب (root: ك-ت-ب) yutakātabu 'he is corresponded (with)' would be listed generically as يتفاعل yutafāʿalu (yuta1ā2a3u), specifying the generic shape of a strong Form VI passive verb, third-person masculine singular present indicative. The maximum possible total number of verb forms derivable from a root — not counting participles and verbal nouns — is approximately 13 person/number/gender forms; times 9 tense/mood combinations, counting the س- sa- future (since the moods are active only in the present tense, and the imperative has only 5 of the 13 paradigmatic forms); times 17 form/voice combinations (since forms IX, XI–XV exist only for a small number of stative roots, and form VII cannot normally form a passive), for a total of 1,989. Each of these has its own stem form, and each of these stem forms itself comes in numerous varieties, according to the weakness (or lack thereof) of the underlying root.
rdf:langString I verbi arabi (فِعْل fiʿl; pl. أَفْعَال ʾafʿāl), come nelle altre lingue semitiche, sono, come poi l'intero vocabolario di queste lingue, basati su sequenze di due, tre, quattro o anche cinque (ma solitamente tre) consonanti dette radici (trilittere o quadrilittere a seconda del numero di consonanti). La radice porta il significato di base del verbo, ad esempio ك ت ب k-t-b 'scrivere', ق ر ء q-r-ʾ 'leggere', أ ك ل ʾ-k-l 'mangiare'. Cambiamenti nelle vocali fra le consonanti e l'aggiunta di prefissi e suffissi esprimono funzioni grammaticali come la persona, il genere, il numero, il tempo, il modo e la diatesi.
rdf:langString Глаго́л (араб. الفعل‎ al-fiʕlu, мн. ч. араб. الأفعال‎ al-afʕālu) в ара́бском языке́ представляет собой одну из трёх частей речи, наряду с именем и частицей. Слово فعل в арабском языке буквально означает «действие, поступок». Глагол имеет следующие характеристики: время (прошедшее, настоящее, будущее), залог (действительный, страдательный), род (мужской, женский), лицо (первое, второе, третье), число (единственное, двойственное, множественное), наклонение (только в форме настояще-будущего времени: изъявительное, сослагательное, повелительное, усечённое).
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 156205

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