Arab Cold War an entity of type: Thing

الحرب الباردة العربية كانت سلسلة من الصراعات في الوطن العربي بين الجمهوريات الجديدة بقيادة جمال عبد الناصر من مصر وتعتنق القومية العربية، والاشتراكية العربية، والوحدة العربية، والممالك التقليدية، بقيادة الملك فيصل السعودي. بدأت فترة الصراع في أعقاب الثورة المصرية عام 1952 وصعود عبد الناصر للسلطة، واستمرت حتى عام 1970، عندما توفي، على الرغم من أن البعض يعتقد أنها استمرت حتى النهاية الأخيرة للحرب الباردة في عام 1991. وقد صاغ مصطلح «الحرب الباردة العربية» العالم السياسي الأمريكي والباحث في الشرق الأوسط مالكولم ه. كير، في كتابه لعام 1965 من ذلك العنوان، والطبعات اللاحقة. rdf:langString
The Arab Cold War (Arabic: الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabiyyah al-bāridah) was a period of political rivalry in the Arab world from the early 1950s to the late 1970s as part of the broader Cold War. The generally accepted beginning of the Arab Cold War was the Egyptian revolution of 1952, which ultimately led to Gamal Abdel Nasser becoming President of Egypt in 1956. Thereafter, newly established Arab republics defined by revolutionary secular nationalism, and largely drawing inspiration from Nasser's Egypt, were engaged in political rivalries of varying degrees of ferocity with conservative traditionalist Arab monarchies, led chiefly by Saudi Arabia. The approximate end point of this period of internecine rivalry and conflict is generally viewed as being the 1979 Iranian Revolutio rdf:langString
Araba Malvarma Milito (arabe الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah) estis serio de konfliktoj en la araba mondo inter la novaj respublikoj sub la estreco de Gamal Abdel Nasser de Egiptio, defendantaj la araban naciismon, la araban socialismon kaj la tutarabismon, kaj la regnoj pli tradiciistoj, estritaj de la reĝo Faisal de Saudarabio. La periodo de konflikto startis post la egipta revolucio de 1952 kaj la ascendo al povo de Nasser, kaj daŭris ĝis 1970, kiam tiu mortis. rdf:langString
Guerra Fría árabe (en árabe, الحرب العربية الباردة‎ al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah ) fue una serie de conflictos en el mundo árabe entre las nuevas repúblicas bajo el liderazgo de Gamal Abdel Nasser de Egipto, defendiendo el nacionalismo árabe, el socialismo árabe y el panarabismo, y los reinos más tradicionalistas, liderados por el rey Faisal de Arabia Saudí. El periodo de conflicto comenzó después de la Revolución egipcia de 1952 y el ascenso al poder de Nasser, y duró hasta 1970, cuando este murió. rdf:langString
Guerra Fria Árabe (em árabe: الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah ) foi uma série de conflitos no mundo árabe entre as novas repúblicas sob a liderança de Gamal Abdel Nasser do Egito, defendendo o nacionalismo árabe, o socialismo árabe e o pan-arabismo, e os reinos mais tradicionalistas, liderados pelo rei Faisal da Arábia Saudita. O período de conflito começou após a Revolução Egípcia de 1952 e a ascensão ao poder de Nasser, e durou até 1970, quando este morreu. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Arab Cold War
rdf:langString الحرب العربية الباردة
rdf:langString Araba Malvarma Milito
rdf:langString Guerra Fría árabe
rdf:langString Guerra Fria Árabe
rdf:langString Arab Cold War
xsd:integer 26973774
xsd:integer 1124366005
rdf:langString Federation of Arab Republics
rdf:langString Libya
rdf:langString Muslim Brotherhood
rdf:langString Protectorate of South Arabia
rdf:langString Republic of Egypt
rdf:langString Somalia
rdf:langString Sudan
rdf:langString Syria
rdf:langString United Arab Republic
rdf:langString Zanzibar
rdf:langString Muscat and Oman
rdf:langString ----
rdf:langString Imamate of Oman
rdf:langString Federation of the Emirates of the South / Federation of South Arabia
rdf:langString ---- * * ----
rdf:langString Arab Islamic Republic ---- United Arab States * *
rdf:langString Arab Republic of Egypt
rdf:langString Polisario Front / Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
rdf:langString Republic of Kuwait
rdf:langString Palestine Liberation Organization / State of Palestine
rdf:langString Gamal Abdel Nasser
rdf:langString Muammar Gaddafi
rdf:langString Saddam Hussein
rdf:langString Yasser Arafat
rdf:langString King Hussein
rdf:langString Hafez al-Assad
rdf:langString Houari Boumédiène
rdf:langString King Faisal
rdf:langString Emir Isa bin Salman
rdf:langString Emir Jaber
rdf:langString King Hassan
rdf:langString Sultan Qaboos
rdf:langString Arab Cold War
xsd:gMonthDay --07-23
rdf:langString the Cold War
rdf:langString *Decline of Pan-Arabism and Nasserism after the death of Gamal Abdel Nasser *Rise of Wahhabism, Salafi jihadism, and Islamism after the death of Nasser *International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism in several countries financed with Saudi oil exports *Creation of Gulf Cooperation Council *Failed attempts of an Arab union: **Arab Federation **United Arab Republic **United Arab States **Federation of Arab Republics **United Arab Kingdom **Union of Arab Republics **Arab Islamic Republic *Successful attempts of an Arab union: **Unity of seven Arab emirates to form UAE **Yemeni unification
rdf:langString الحرب الباردة العربية كانت سلسلة من الصراعات في الوطن العربي بين الجمهوريات الجديدة بقيادة جمال عبد الناصر من مصر وتعتنق القومية العربية، والاشتراكية العربية، والوحدة العربية، والممالك التقليدية، بقيادة الملك فيصل السعودي. بدأت فترة الصراع في أعقاب الثورة المصرية عام 1952 وصعود عبد الناصر للسلطة، واستمرت حتى عام 1970، عندما توفي، على الرغم من أن البعض يعتقد أنها استمرت حتى النهاية الأخيرة للحرب الباردة في عام 1991. وعلى الرغم من بدايتها خلال الحرب الباردة العالمية وعهد إنهاء الاستعمار الأوروبي، وصلاتها وتفاعلاتها مع تلك الحرب الباردة الأوسع، فإن الحرب العربية الباردة لم تكن اشتباكا بين النظامين الرأسمالي و‌الماركسي اللينيني. وكان الجانبان من الجمهوريات القومية العربية، وعادة ما يكون شبه اشتراكية وعروبية في التوجه، والممالك التقليديين، وعادة ما تكون مع الهياكل الاقتصادية شبه الإقطاعية أو الريعية. وكانت الدولة القومية العربية الرائدة خلال هذه الفترة هي مصر، يتبعها عن كثب وفي منافسة مع سوريا (التي اتحدت معها مصر لفترة وجيزة لتشكل الجمهورية العربية المتحدة في الفترة من 1958 إلى 1961). كانت الملكية المحافظة الرائدة هي السعودية، حيث سقطت الأردن (والعراق في البداية) على مضض في نفس المعسكر ولكن تنافسه. وعلى الرغم من أنه من الناحية النظرية، فإن كل الدول العربية تقريبا كانت غير منحازة خلال هذه الفترة، عمليا، الجمهوريات القومية، باستثناء ملحوظ من لبنان، كانت متحالفة مع الاتحاد السوفيتي، حتى أن معظمها قمعت الأحزاب الشيوعية بلا رحمة داخل دولها، في حين أن الممالك المحافظة تلقت بشكل عام مساعدة عسكرية من الولايات المتحدة. وقد صاغ مصطلح «الحرب الباردة العربية» العالم السياسي الأمريكي والباحث في الشرق الأوسط مالكولم ه. كير، في كتابه لعام 1965 من ذلك العنوان، والطبعات اللاحقة.
rdf:langString The Arab Cold War (Arabic: الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabiyyah al-bāridah) was a period of political rivalry in the Arab world from the early 1950s to the late 1970s as part of the broader Cold War. The generally accepted beginning of the Arab Cold War was the Egyptian revolution of 1952, which ultimately led to Gamal Abdel Nasser becoming President of Egypt in 1956. Thereafter, newly established Arab republics defined by revolutionary secular nationalism, and largely drawing inspiration from Nasser's Egypt, were engaged in political rivalries of varying degrees of ferocity with conservative traditionalist Arab monarchies, led chiefly by Saudi Arabia. The approximate end point of this period of internecine rivalry and conflict is generally viewed as being the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which culminated in the installation of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran's theocratic government. Thereafter, the bitterness of intra-Arab strife was eclipsed by a new era of Arab-Iranian tensions. Nasser espoused secular, pan-Arab nationalism, and socialism as a response to the Islamism, and rentierism of the Arab monarchies, as well as their perceived complicity in Western meddling in the Arab World. He also saw himself as the foremost champion of Palestinian liberation following the loss of 78% of the former Mandate of Palestine to the newly declared State of Israel in the Palestine War of 1948-1949. Following Egypt's political triumph in the Suez Crisis of 1956, known in the Arab World as the Tripartite Aggression, Nasser and the ideology associated with him rapidly gained support in other Arab countries from Iraq in the east to French-occupied Algeria in the west. Numerous Arab countries, notably Iraq, North Yemen, and Libya underwent the toppling of conservative regimes and their replacement with revolutionary republican governments, whilst Arab countries under Western occupation, chiefly Algeria, and South Yemen, saw the growth of nationalist insurrections aimed at national liberation. Contemporaneously, the already staunchly Arab nationalist Syria united with Egypt in the short-lived federal union of the United Arab Republic. A number of other attempts to unite the Arab states in various configurations were made, but all ultimately failed. In turn, the monarchies, namely Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco (and, following their independence in the early 1970s, the Gulf states) drew closer together as they sought to counter Egyptian influence through a variety of direct and indirect means. In particular, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, hitherto rivals due to the competing claims of their respective dynasties, cooperated closely in support of the royalist faction in the North Yemen Civil War that had become a proxy war between Egypt and Saudi Arabia following the establishment of the Nasserist Yemen Arab Republic in 1962. The expression "Arab Cold War" was coined by American political scientist and Middle East scholar Malcolm H. Kerr in his 1965 book of that title, and subsequent editions. Despite the moniker, however, the Arab Cold War was not a clash between capitalist and communist economic systems. Indeed, with the exception of the Marxist government of South Yemen, all Arab governments expressly rejected communism, and criminalised the activities of communist activists within their territories. Moreover, the Arab states never sought membership of the competing military alliances of NATO, and the Warsaw Pact, with almost all Arab states being members of the Non-Aligned Movement. What tied the Arab Cold War to the wider global confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union was that the United States backed the conservative Saudi Arabian-led monarchies, while the Soviet Union supported the Egyptian-led republics adhering to Arab socialism, notwithstanding their suppression of domestic Arab communist movements. In tandem with this was the Arab revolutionary nationalist republican support for anti-American, anti-Western, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonial revolutionary movements outside the Arab World, such as the Cuban Revolution, and the Arab monarchical support for conservative governments in predominantly Muslim countries, such as Pakistan. By the late 1970s, the Arab Cold War is considered to have ended due to a number of factors. The unmitigated success of the State of Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 severely undermined the strategic strength of both Egypt and Nasser. Though the subsequent resolution to the North Yemen Civil War brokered by Nasser and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was a victory for the Egyptian-backed Yemeni republicans, the intensity of the Egyptian-Saudi Arabian rivalry faded dramatically, as attention was focused on Egypt's efforts to liberate its own territory now under Israeli occupation. Nasser's death in 1970 was followed by the presidency of Anwar Sadat, who departed radically from Nasser's revolutionary platform, both domestically and in regional and international affairs. In particular, Sadat sought intimate strategic cooperation with Saudi Arabia under King Faisal, forging a relationship that was crucial to Egypt's successes in the first part of the October War of 1973. Capitalising on those initial successes, Sadat completed his departure from Nasserism by abandoning Egypt's strategic partnership with the Soviet Union in favour of the United States, and by making peace with the State of Israel in 1978 in exchange for the evacuation of all Israeli forces, and settlers from Egyptian territory. Sadat's peace treaty not only alienated Nasserists and other secular Arab nationalists, but enraged Islamists, who denounced him as an apostate. Egypt was suspended from the Arab League, entering virtual isolation in the region, whilst Islamism rose in popularity, culminating in the 1979 Iranian Revolution that established Shi'a Iran as a regional power vowing to topple the predominantly Sunni governments of Arab states, both republican and monarchical alike. As the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War heralded the beginning of the 1980s, Egypt under Sadat, whilst still suspended from the Arab League, made common cause with Saudi Arabia in supporting Sunni-led Iraq against Shi'a Iran. Simultaneously, Sunni-Shi'a strife elsewhere in the region, notably Lebanon, took on the character of a new proxy conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslim regional powers.
rdf:langString Araba Malvarma Milito (arabe الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah) estis serio de konfliktoj en la araba mondo inter la novaj respublikoj sub la estreco de Gamal Abdel Nasser de Egiptio, defendantaj la araban naciismon, la araban socialismon kaj la tutarabismon, kaj la regnoj pli tradiciistoj, estritaj de la reĝo Faisal de Saudarabio. La periodo de konflikto startis post la egipta revolucio de 1952 kaj la ascendo al povo de Nasser, kaj daŭris ĝis 1970, kiam tiu mortis. Spite ties komenco dum la tutmonda Malvarma Milito kaj de la periodo de la malkoloniigo kaj de ties konektoj kaj interagadoj kun la pli ampleksa Malvarma Milito, la araba Malvarma Milito ne estis konfronto inter reĝimoj kapitalismaj kaj marksistoj. Sed inter arabaj naciismaj respublikoj, ĝenerale te tendenco preskaŭ-socialisma kaj tut-arabisma, kaj la tradiciemaj monarkioj, ĝenerale kun ekonomiaj strukturoj preskaŭ-feudismaj aŭ rendimentismaj. La ĉefa naciisma araba ŝtato dum tiu periodo estis Egiptio, sekvita de proksime kaj konkurence kun Sirio (kun kiu tiu lasta por mallonge unuiĝis por formi novan ŝtategon Unuiĝinta Araba Respubliko en 1958-1961). La ĉefa konservisma monarkio estis Saudarabio, kun Jordanio (kaj dekomence Irako). Kvankam teorie, preskaŭ ĉiuj la arabaj lndoj estis nealiancitaj landoj dum tiu periodo, en la praktiko, la naciismaj respublikoj, kun la rimarkinda escepto de Libano, estis aliancitaj de Sovetunio, kvankam la majoritato de ili subpremis la respektivajn komunistajn partiojn ene de siaj landoj, dum la konservismaj monarkioj ĝenerale ricevis militistan helpon de Usono. La esprimo "Araba Malvarma Milito" estis stampita de la usona politiksciencisto kaj fakulo pri Mezoriento Malcolm Kerr, en sia libro de 1965 samnoma, kun postaj eldonoj.
rdf:langString Guerra Fría árabe (en árabe, الحرب العربية الباردة‎ al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah ) fue una serie de conflictos en el mundo árabe entre las nuevas repúblicas bajo el liderazgo de Gamal Abdel Nasser de Egipto, defendiendo el nacionalismo árabe, el socialismo árabe y el panarabismo, y los reinos más tradicionalistas, liderados por el rey Faisal de Arabia Saudí. El periodo de conflicto comenzó después de la Revolución egipcia de 1952 y el ascenso al poder de Nasser, y duró hasta 1970, cuando este murió. A pesar de su inicio durante la Guerra Fría global y del periodo de la descolonización y de sus conexiones e interacciones con la Guerra Fría más completa, la Guerra Fría árabe no fue un enfrentamiento entre regímenes capitalistas y marxistas-leninistas. Los dos lados fueron las repúblicas árabes nacionalistas, generalmente de orientación casi-socialista y pan-arabista, y las monarquías tradicionales, generalmente con estructuras económicas casi-feudales o rentistas. El principal Estado nacionalista árabe durante este periodo era el de Egipto, seguido de cerca y en competencia con el de Siria (con el cual este último brevemente se unió para formar la República Árabe Unida en 1958-1961). La principal monarquía conservadora era la de Arabia Saudí, con Jordania (e inicialmente Irak). Aunque teóricamente, casi todos los países árabes fueran no alineados durante este periodo, en la práctica, las repúblicas nacionalistas, con la notable excepción de Líbano, eran aliadas de la Unión Soviética, aún con la mayoría de ellas reprimiendo brutalmente los partidos comunistas dentro de sus países, mientras que las monarquías conservadoras generalmente recibían ayuda militar de Estados Unidos. La expresión «Guerra Fría árabe» fue acuñada por el científico político estadounidense y estudioso de Oriente Medio Malcolm Kerr, en su libro de 1965 del mismo título, y ediciones posteriores.
rdf:langString Guerra Fria Árabe (em árabe: الحرب العربية الباردة al-Harb al-`Arabbiyah al-bārdah ) foi uma série de conflitos no mundo árabe entre as novas repúblicas sob a liderança de Gamal Abdel Nasser do Egito, defendendo o nacionalismo árabe, o socialismo árabe e o pan-arabismo, e os reinos mais tradicionalistas, liderados pelo rei Faisal da Arábia Saudita. O período de conflito começou após a Revolução Egípcia de 1952 e a ascensão ao poder de Nasser, e durou até 1970, quando este morreu. Apesar de seu início durante a Guerra Fria global e do período da descolonização e das suas ligações e interações com a Guerra Fria mais abrangente, a Guerra Fria Árabe não foi um confronto entre regimes capitalistas e marxistas-leninistas. Os dois lados foram as repúblicas árabes nacionalistas, geralmente de orientação quase-socialista e pan-arabista, e as monarquias tradicionais, geralmente com estruturas econômicas quase-feudais ou . O principal Estado nacionalista árabe durante este período era o Egito, seguido de perto e em concorrência com a Síria (com o qual este último brevemente se uniu para formar a República Árabe Unida em 1958-1961). A principal monarquia conservadora era a Arábia Saudita, com a Jordânia (e inicialmente o Iraque). Embora teoricamente, quase todos os países árabes fossem não-alinhados durante este período, na prática, as repúblicas nacionalistas, com a notável exceção do Líbano, eram aliadas da União Soviética, mesmo com a maioria delas reprimindo brutalmente os partidos comunistas dentro de seus países, enquanto que as monarquias conservadoras geralmente recebiam ajuda militar dos Estados Unidos. A expressão "Guerra Fria Árabe" foi cunhada pelo cientista político estadunidense e estudioso do Oriente Médio , em seu livro de 1965 de mesmo título, e edições posteriores.
rdf:langString Ethiopia
rdf:langString Supported by:
rdf:langString Iran
rdf:langString Supported by:
rdf:langString Afghan mujahideen
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 36007
xsd:string *
xsd:string ----
xsd:string (1954–1961, since1963)
xsd:string (1958)
xsd:string (1958–1968)
xsd:string (1962–1970)
xsd:string (1968–1980, since1990)
xsd:string (1980–1990)
xsd:string (after 1971)
xsd:string (since 1974)
xsd:string (since1970)
xsd:string (until1958)
xsd:string (until1969)
xsd:string (until1970)
xsd:string (until1984)
xsd:string Abu Nidal Organization
xsd:string Arab Islamic Republic
xsd:string Arab Nationalist Movement
xsd:string Arab Republic of Egypt(1971–1973)
xsd:string Federation of Arab Republics
xsd:string Imamate of Oman(until1959)
xsd:string Libya(after1969)
xsd:string Palestine Liberation Organization/State of Palestine
xsd:string Muscat and Oman(until1970)
xsd:string Muslim Brotherhood
xsd:string Polisario Front/Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
xsd:string Protectorate of South Arabia(until1967)
xsd:string Republic of Egypt(1953–1958)
xsd:string Republic of Kuwait(1990)
xsd:string Somalia(1969–1977)
xsd:string Somalia(since1978)
xsd:string Sudan(1969–1985)
xsd:string Sudan(before1969, since1985)
xsd:string Syria(before1954,1961–1963)
xsd:string United Arab Republic(1958–1971)
xsd:string United Arab States(1958–1961)
xsd:string Zanzibar(until1964)
xsd:string Federation of the Emirates of the South/Federation of South Arabia(until1967)
xsd:date 1952-07-23
xsd:string *Rise ofWahhabism,Salafi jihadism, andIslamismafter the death of Nasser
xsd:string **Arab Federation
xsd:string **Arab Islamic Republic
xsd:string **Federation of Arab Republics
xsd:string **Union of Arab Republics
xsd:string **United Arab Kingdom
xsd:string **United Arab Republic
xsd:string **United Arab States
xsd:string **Unity of seven Arab emirates to form UAE
xsd:string **Yemeni unification
xsd:string *Creation ofGulf Cooperation Council
xsd:string *Failed attempts of anArab union:
xsd:string *Successful attempts of an Arab union:
xsd:string *International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabisminseveral countriesfinanced withSaudi oil exports
xsd:string *Decline ofPan-ArabismandNasserismafter the death ofGamal Abdel Nasser

data from the linked data cloud