Annals of Philosophy an entity of type: Thing

Annals of philosophy, or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts, (abreviado Ann. Philos. Mag. Chem.),​ fue una revista científica publicada en Londres desde 1813 hasta 1820 publicándose 16 números. rdf:langString
Annals of Philosophy fou una revista científica publicada a la Gran Bretanya a principis del segle xix. Fou fundada el 1813 pel químic escocès Thomas Thomson (1773-1852), que en fou el seu editor fins al 1821. El succeí el químic Richard Phillips. El 1827 Richard Taylor la fusionà amb el Philosophical Magazine. rdf:langString
Annals of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralology, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts was a learned journal founded in 1813 by the Scottish chemist Thomas Thomson. It shortly became a leader in its field of commercial scientific periodicals. Contributors included John George Children, Edward Daniel Clarke, Philip Crampton, Alexander Crichton, James Cumming, John Herapath, William George Horner, Thomas Dick Lauder, John Miers, Matthew Paul Moyle, Robert Porrett, James Thomson, and Charles Wheatstone. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy
rdf:langString Annals of philosophy, or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralology, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts
xsd:integer 34663672
xsd:integer 1080388414
rdf:langString Ann. Philos.
rdf:langString United Kingdom
rdf:langString Thomas Thomson
rdf:langString Monthly
xsd:integer 1813
rdf:langString Robert Baldwin
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralology, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy fou una revista científica publicada a la Gran Bretanya a principis del segle xix. Fou fundada el 1813 pel químic escocès Thomas Thomson (1773-1852), que en fou el seu editor fins al 1821. El succeí el químic Richard Phillips. El 1827 Richard Taylor la fusionà amb el Philosophical Magazine. Els Annals of Philosophy duien per subtítol Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, que relaciona els temes que tractava, essent els articles de química els predominants. El primer exemplar sortí el juny de 1813 i es van publicar mensualment seguint un patró estàndard. Sovint, el primer article era un article biogràfic d'unes deu pàgines sobre un científic viu o recentment mort, el primer fou dedicat a Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) i escrit per Thomas Thomson. A continuació, hi anaven una sèrie d'articles d'entre cinc i deu pàgines sobre temes particulars, de vegades escrits per eminents autors. Al primer exemplar hi havia articles de John Dalton (1766-1844), de Thomas Thomson i de William Henry (1775-1836). Després hi solia haver notícies i correspondència. Seguien resums, primer els procedents de societats científiques (Royal Society, Linnean Society, Institut de França, etc.), després de patents i, finalment, de llibres nous (el primer fou del químic Humprhy Davy (1778-1829), Elements of Agricultural Chemistry). L'últim apartat era un diari meteorològic. Cada sis mesos es publicava una pàgina de títol, un índex i un prefaci que, amb els sis números mensuals, constituïen el volum semestral d'unes 500 pàgines. El darrer volum, el dotzè, aparegué el 1826, amb articles de Michael Faraday (1791-1867), William Prout (1785-1850) i de Thomson, entre d'altres.
rdf:langString Annals of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralology, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts was a learned journal founded in 1813 by the Scottish chemist Thomas Thomson. It shortly became a leader in its field of commercial scientific periodicals. Contributors included John George Children, Edward Daniel Clarke, Philip Crampton, Alexander Crichton, James Cumming, John Herapath, William George Horner, Thomas Dick Lauder, John Miers, Matthew Paul Moyle, Robert Porrett, James Thomson, and Charles Wheatstone. Thomson edited it until 1821, when he was succeeded in 1821 by Richard Phillips. The journal was bought by Richard Taylor in 1827, and closed down for the benefit of the Philosophical Magazine. The Annals of Philosophy were issued monthly following a standard pattern. Often the first article was a biographical article (10 pages) on a living or recently deceased scientist. This was then followed by a series of extended pieces (5-10 pages) on particular topics, sometimes by eminent authors. Then there were shorter news items and correspondence. Summaries followed: first of the proceedings of learned bodies (Royal Society, Linnean, French Institute -if available: the Napoleonic Wars made communications with the continent difficult at first, etc.), then of patents, and finally of new books. The last section was a meteorological journal. Every six months a title page, index, and preface were issued which could be bound before the six monthly issues to make a half-yearly volume. Including front matter, volumes were just under 500 pages each.
rdf:langString Annals of philosophy, or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts, (abreviado Ann. Philos. Mag. Chem.),​ fue una revista científica publicada en Londres desde 1813 hasta 1820 publicándose 16 números.
rdf:langString Online archive
xsd:gYear 1827
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5912
xsd:string Ann. Philos.
xsd:gYear 1813
xsd:string Monthly

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