Ambicatus an entity of type: CausalAgent100007347

Ambicat (llatí: Ambicatus o Ambigatus) era rei dels celtes de la Gàl·lia durant el regnat de Tarquini Prisc a Roma. Era del poble dels Bitúrigs, "el més poderós dels celtes" diu Titus Livi. Quan va arribar a una edat avançada va enviar als fills de la seva germana (els seus successors segons la llei dels gals), anomenats Bellovesus i Sigovesus, a buscar noves terres pel seu poble que havia augmentat molt en nombre. Després de discutir-ho molt, es va dirigir a Itàlia i als boscos Hercinis. rdf:langString
Ambicatus, auch Ambigatus, war nach dem römischen Geschichtsschreiber Titus Livius ein keltischer König vom Stamme der Biturigen („Weltkönige“), der gleichzeitig Gesamtkönig von Gallien gewesen sein soll. rdf:langString
Ambicatus or Ambigatus (Gaulish: 'He who fights in both directions') is a legendary Gallic king of the Bituriges, said to have lived ca. 600 BC. According to a legend recounted by Livy, he sent his sister's sons Bellovesus and Segovesus in search of new lands to settle because of overpopulation in their homeland. Segovesus headed towards the Hercynian Forest, while Bellovesus is said to have led the Gallic invasion of the Po Valley during the legendary reign of the fifth king of Rome, Tarquinius Priscus (616–579 BC), where he allegedly conquered the Etruscans and founded the city of Mediolanum (Milan). rdf:langString
Ambigatos (latinisé en Ambigatus), est un roi du peuple celte des Bituriges Cubes. Tite-Live date son existence vers 600 av. J.-C. On a longtemps cru à une simple existence légendaire mais les plus récentes découvertes archéologiques accréditent son historicité[réf. nécessaire]. Le sens de son nom est « celui qui combat dans les deux sens ». rdf:langString
Ambicato (ante 600 a.C. – ...) è stato un principe gallo, re dei Biturigi secondo Tito Livio. Il nome Ambicato è costituito da ambi (che significa due) e catu (che vuol dire battaglia). L'onomanzia latina lascia intendere che questo re era colui che combatte su due fronti, come Giano per i Romani, che era il dio degli inizi e il signore del tempo. Secondo altra tradizione, Ambicato è un re nel senso di rex (latino) e rix (celtico): rix è colui che traccia la linea celeste e quella terrestre per mezzo dello scettro augurale, ovvero chi traccia la retta via. rdf:langString
Амбігат (*кінець VII ст. до н. е. — поч.VI ст. до н. е.) — легендарний вождь племені . Його ім'я означає «Той, хто б'ється з двома ворогами» або «Той, хто бореться в обох напрямках.» rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ambicat
rdf:langString Ambicatus
rdf:langString Ambicatus
rdf:langString Ambigatos
rdf:langString Ambigato
rdf:langString Амбігат
xsd:integer 1831534
xsd:integer 1119765294
rdf:langString . Ab Urbe Condita Libri, 5.34.
rdf:langString While Tarquinius Priscus reigned at Rome, the Celts, who make up one of the three divisions of Gaul, were under the domination of the Bituriges, and this tribe supplied the Celtic nation with a king. Ambigatus was then the man, and his talents, together with his own and the general good fortune, had brought him great distinction; for Gaul under his sway grew so rich in corn and so populous, that it seemed hardly possible to govern so great a multitude. The king, who was now an old man and wished to relieve his kingdom of a burdensome throng, announced that he meant to send Bellovesus and Segovesus, his sister's sons, two enterprising young men, to find such homes as the gods might assign to them by augury; and promised them that they should head as large a number of emigrants as they themselves desired, so that no tribe might be able to prevent their settlement. Whereupon to Segovesus were by lot assigned the Hercynian highlands; but to Bellovesus the gods proposed a far pleasanter road, into Italy.
rdf:langString Ambicat (llatí: Ambicatus o Ambigatus) era rei dels celtes de la Gàl·lia durant el regnat de Tarquini Prisc a Roma. Era del poble dels Bitúrigs, "el més poderós dels celtes" diu Titus Livi. Quan va arribar a una edat avançada va enviar als fills de la seva germana (els seus successors segons la llei dels gals), anomenats Bellovesus i Sigovesus, a buscar noves terres pel seu poble que havia augmentat molt en nombre. Després de discutir-ho molt, es va dirigir a Itàlia i als boscos Hercinis.
rdf:langString Ambicatus, auch Ambigatus, war nach dem römischen Geschichtsschreiber Titus Livius ein keltischer König vom Stamme der Biturigen („Weltkönige“), der gleichzeitig Gesamtkönig von Gallien gewesen sein soll.
rdf:langString Ambicatus or Ambigatus (Gaulish: 'He who fights in both directions') is a legendary Gallic king of the Bituriges, said to have lived ca. 600 BC. According to a legend recounted by Livy, he sent his sister's sons Bellovesus and Segovesus in search of new lands to settle because of overpopulation in their homeland. Segovesus headed towards the Hercynian Forest, while Bellovesus is said to have led the Gallic invasion of the Po Valley during the legendary reign of the fifth king of Rome, Tarquinius Priscus (616–579 BC), where he allegedly conquered the Etruscans and founded the city of Mediolanum (Milan).
rdf:langString Ambigatos (latinisé en Ambigatus), est un roi du peuple celte des Bituriges Cubes. Tite-Live date son existence vers 600 av. J.-C. On a longtemps cru à une simple existence légendaire mais les plus récentes découvertes archéologiques accréditent son historicité[réf. nécessaire]. Le sens de son nom est « celui qui combat dans les deux sens ».
rdf:langString Ambicato (ante 600 a.C. – ...) è stato un principe gallo, re dei Biturigi secondo Tito Livio. Il nome Ambicato è costituito da ambi (che significa due) e catu (che vuol dire battaglia). L'onomanzia latina lascia intendere che questo re era colui che combatte su due fronti, come Giano per i Romani, che era il dio degli inizi e il signore del tempo. Secondo altra tradizione, Ambicato è un re nel senso di rex (latino) e rix (celtico): rix è colui che traccia la linea celeste e quella terrestre per mezzo dello scettro augurale, ovvero chi traccia la retta via.
rdf:langString Амбігат (*кінець VII ст. до н. е. — поч.VI ст. до н. е.) — легендарний вождь племені . Його ім'я означає «Той, хто б'ється з двома ворогами» або «Той, хто бореться в обох напрямках.»
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5569

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