2021 Senedd election

http://dbpedia.org/resource/2021_Senedd_election an entity of type: Thing

Die Parlamentswahl in Wales 2021 (englisch 2021 Senedd election, walisisch Etholiad Senedd Cymru, 2021) fand am 6. Mai 2021 statt. Es wurden die 60 Abgeordneten des Walisischen Parlamentes gewählt. Das zwischen 1999 und 2020 unter dem Namen National Assembly for Wales (Nationalversammlung für Wales) auftretende Parlament wurde am 6. Mai 2020 in Senedd Cymru – Welsh Parliament, kurz Senedd umbenannt.Am 6. Mai 2021 fanden auch die Parlamentswahl in Schottland, die Wahl des Bürgermeisters von London und Kommunalwahlen im Vereinigten Königreich statt. rdf:langString
Στις 6 Μαΐου 2021 διεξήχθησαν βουλευτικές εκλογές στην Ουαλία, για να εκλεγούν τα 60 μέλη του Ουαλικού κοινοβουλίου. Το Εργατικό Κόμμα Ουαλίας κέρδισε τις μισές έδρες του κοινοβουλίου και θα παραμείνει στην εξουσία για άλλη μία πενταετία. rdf:langString
Las elecciones al Parlamento Galés de 2021 tuvieron lugar el 6 de mayo de 2021. En dicha elección se eligieron sesenta miembros del Parlamento galés. Fue la sexta convocatoria desde que entrara en funcionamiento el Senedd (anteriormente, la Asamblea Nacional de Gales), tras la . Las elecciones fueron ganadas por el Partido Laborista Galés. * Datos: Q28403875 * Multimedia: 2021 Senedd election / Q28403875 rdf:langString
The 2021 Senedd election took place on Thursday 6 May 2021 to elect 60 members to the Senedd (Welsh Parliament; Welsh: Senedd Cymru). It was the sixth devolved general election since the Senedd (formerly the National Assembly for Wales) was established in 1999. The election was held alongside the Scottish Parliament election, English local elections, London Assembly and mayoral election and the Hartlepool by-election. Voter turnout was 46.6%, a record for a Senedd election. rdf:langString
2021eko Galesko Legebiltzarrerako hauteskundeak edo 2021eko Senedd-erako hauteskundeak urte bereko maiatzaren 6an izan ziren, eta Galesko Legebiltzarraren (Senedd deitua) VI. legealdiko 60 biltzarkideak hautatu ziren, zeinetatik 40k hautesbarruti bana ordezkatzen zuten. Biltzarrak "Parlamentu" edo "Legebiltzar" izaera eta izena eskuratu zuenetik lehenengo hauteskundeak izan ziren, 2020ko maiatzera arte "Biltzar Nazionala" izan baitzen. eta Ingalaterrako udal hauteskundeak egun ber-berean izan ziren. rdf:langString
Les élections législatives galloises de 2021 (en anglais : 2021 Senedd election, en gallois : Etholiad Senedd Cymru, 2021) se tiennent le 6 mai 2021 afin d'élire les 60 membres de la 6e législature du Parlement gallois pour un mandat de cinq ans. Il s'agit du premier scrutin à se tenir depuis la transformation de l'Assemblée nationale du pays de Galles en Parlement gallois, une réforme marquant l'autonomie accrue de cette nation constitutive du Royaume-Uni. rdf:langString
Le elezioni parlamentari gallesi del 2021 si sono tenute giovedì 6 maggio 2021, per eleggere i membri del Parlamento gallese (chiamato anche Senedd). Si è trattato delle seste elezioni sin dalla creazione dell'Assemblea. Le elezioni si sono tenute insieme alle elezioni parlamentari scozzesi, alle elezioni locali inglesi ed alle elezioni a Londra. Percentuale di voto delle elezioni del 2021 per collegio. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Parlamentswahl in Wales 2021
rdf:langString Ουαλικές βουλευτικές εκλογές 2021
rdf:langString 2021 Senedd election
rdf:langString Elecciones al Parlamento Galés de 2021
rdf:langString 2021eko Galesko Legebiltzarrerako hauteskundeak
rdf:langString Élections législatives galloises de 2021
rdf:langString Elezioni parlamentari gallesi del 2021
xsd:integer 51897084
xsd:integer 1109173769
rdf:langString Constituency vote
xsd:integer 54202 225376 289802 443047
rdf:langString % and swing
xsd:double 4.9 20.3 26.1 39.9
rdf:langString Regional vote
xsd:integer 48217 230161 278560 401770
rdf:langString % and swing
xsd:double 4.3 20.7 25.1 36.2
xsd:date 2017-11-03
xsd:date 2018-09-28
xsd:date 2018-12-06
xsd:date 2021-01-24
xsd:integer 31
rdf:langString Opinion polling for the 2021 Senedd election
xsd:integer 0
xsd:double 46.6
xsd:double 0.6 1.2 1.3 2.7 3.8 4.1 4.2 5.9 6.5 7.7 8
rdf:langString #000000
rdf:langString #AF197B
rdf:langString Wales
xsd:date 2021-05-06
xsd:integer 2021
xsd:integer 2388860 2389879
rdf:langString Constituency
xsd:integer 6354 7493
xsd:integer 1 11 12 29
rdf:langString Full results of the election in both categories
xsd:integer 400
xsd:integer 2026
xsd:integer 1 2
rdf:langString no
rdf:langString Plaid Cymru
rdf:langString Welsh Labour
rdf:langString Welsh Liberal Democrats
rdf:langString Welsh Conservatives
rdf:langString Freedom Alliance
rdf:langString No More Lockdowns
xsd:double 6.8 14.7 18.2 18.5 20.9 22.1 23.9 25.2 25.9 27.5 29.9 32.3
rdf:langString First Minister after election
xsd:integer 2016
xsd:integer 2016
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString +1
rdf:langString +5
rdf:langString New
rdf:langString –7
xsd:integer 1 5
xsd:integer 0 1 3 5 8 13 16 27 30
rdf:langString All 60 seats to the Senedd
rdf:langString Regional
rdf:langString First Minister
xsd:integer 0 1 13 16 30
rdf:langString parliamentary
xsd:integer 82 223 411 1136 1366 1647 2794 2829 2837 3148 3638 3709 6776 8586 8864 9825 11730 16181 17341 17405 17817 18149 21064 30530 33753 38244 41399 46478 48217 48714 52323 53950 54202 56662 61733 65450 67544 73120 225376 230161 278560 289802 401770 443047
rdf:langString Die Parlamentswahl in Wales 2021 (englisch 2021 Senedd election, walisisch Etholiad Senedd Cymru, 2021) fand am 6. Mai 2021 statt. Es wurden die 60 Abgeordneten des Walisischen Parlamentes gewählt. Das zwischen 1999 und 2020 unter dem Namen National Assembly for Wales (Nationalversammlung für Wales) auftretende Parlament wurde am 6. Mai 2020 in Senedd Cymru – Welsh Parliament, kurz Senedd umbenannt.Am 6. Mai 2021 fanden auch die Parlamentswahl in Schottland, die Wahl des Bürgermeisters von London und Kommunalwahlen im Vereinigten Königreich statt.
rdf:langString Στις 6 Μαΐου 2021 διεξήχθησαν βουλευτικές εκλογές στην Ουαλία, για να εκλεγούν τα 60 μέλη του Ουαλικού κοινοβουλίου. Το Εργατικό Κόμμα Ουαλίας κέρδισε τις μισές έδρες του κοινοβουλίου και θα παραμείνει στην εξουσία για άλλη μία πενταετία.
rdf:langString The 2021 Senedd election took place on Thursday 6 May 2021 to elect 60 members to the Senedd (Welsh Parliament; Welsh: Senedd Cymru). It was the sixth devolved general election since the Senedd (formerly the National Assembly for Wales) was established in 1999. The election was held alongside the Scottish Parliament election, English local elections, London Assembly and mayoral election and the Hartlepool by-election. It was the first election in which 16- and 17-year-olds and legally resident foreign nationals were allowed to vote in Wales, the largest extension of the franchise in Wales since 1969. Both changes were a result of the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020. It was also the first election for the legislature under its new name – 'Senedd Cymru' or 'the Welsh Parliament' – and thus this election may be called the 2021 Welsh Parliament election, or 2021 Senedd Cymru election, in preference over the shorter name. Five parties had Members of the Senedd (MSs, formerly Assembly Members – AMs) elected at the previous election: Welsh Labour, the Welsh Conservatives, Plaid Cymru, the UK Independence Party (UKIP), and the Welsh Liberal Democrats. Seven political parties were represented in the Senedd prior to the election. These are the five aforementioned parties and two parties that gained MSs who were elected for – and moved from – other political parties. The Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party gained two MSs who were elected for UKIP in 2016, and Propel (previously the Welsh Nation Party) gained an MS elected for Plaid Cymru in 2016. The governing Labour Party's share of the constituency vote increased by over 5%, and the regional vote by over 4%, with thirty Labour MSs elected accounting for exactly half of the sixty seats, one more than in 2016 but one short of an overall majority and remaining as the largest party. The Conservatives became the Senedd's second-largest party and the official opposition to the Welsh Government with sixteen MSs elected, five more than their 2016 result. This result is the best that the Conservatives managed to achieve since the Senedd was established. Plaid Cymru slipped down to third place with thirteen MSs elected, one more than in 2016. Coalition partner, the Liberal Democrats lost their single constituency seat from 2016, but gained a regional list seat, keeping their total of one seat, the same as in 2016. UKIP received no seats, down from their seven in the 2016 election. This included seats later transferred to Abolish the Welsh Assembly, who also received no seats. Voter turnout was 46.6%, a record for a Senedd election.
rdf:langString Las elecciones al Parlamento Galés de 2021 tuvieron lugar el 6 de mayo de 2021. En dicha elección se eligieron sesenta miembros del Parlamento galés. Fue la sexta convocatoria desde que entrara en funcionamiento el Senedd (anteriormente, la Asamblea Nacional de Gales), tras la . Las elecciones fueron ganadas por el Partido Laborista Galés. * Datos: Q28403875 * Multimedia: 2021 Senedd election / Q28403875
rdf:langString 2021eko Galesko Legebiltzarrerako hauteskundeak edo 2021eko Senedd-erako hauteskundeak urte bereko maiatzaren 6an izan ziren, eta Galesko Legebiltzarraren (Senedd deitua) VI. legealdiko 60 biltzarkideak hautatu ziren, zeinetatik 40k hautesbarruti bana ordezkatzen zuten. Biltzarrak "Parlamentu" edo "Legebiltzar" izaera eta izena eskuratu zuenetik lehenengo hauteskundeak izan ziren, 2020ko maiatzera arte "Biltzar Nazionala" izan baitzen. eta Ingalaterrako udal hauteskundeak egun ber-berean izan ziren. Senedd-aren aurreko hauteskundeetan bost alderdik eskuratu zituzten eserlekuak legebiltzarrean: Alderdi Laborista, Plaid Cymru, Alderdi Kontserbadorea, Erresuma Batuaren Independentziaren Alderdia (UKIP) eta Liberal Demokratak. Hala ere, legealdian zehar legebiltzarkide batzuk alderdiz aldatu ziren, eta hauteskundeetarako legebiltzarra desegin zenean zazpi indar politikok zeukaten ordezkaritza Senedd-an. Zazpi indar horiek jada aipatutako bostak, Galesko Biltzarra Deuseztatzeko Alderdia (AWAP) eta (Propel) ziren. AWAP alderdiak UKIPen bi hautetsik alderdiz aldatzean bi eserleku eskuratu zituen, eta Bultzatu alderdiak Plaid Cymru-ko hautetsi batek sortu zuen. Gobernua gidatzen zuen Alderdi Laboristak barruti bozan %5 eta eskualde bozan %4 igotzea lortu zuen, eta legebiltzarraren eserlekuen erdia bereganatu zituen. Alderdi kontserbadoreak UKIPen hautesle asko erakarri zituen, eta gorakada handia lortuta bigarren alderdia eta oposizio burua bihurtu zen, Plaid Cymru-ri aurrea hartuz. Senedd-a ezarri zenetik kontserbadoreek lortutako emaitzarik hoberena izan zen. Plaid Cymru-k botoen ehunekoan behera egin zuen arren, eserleku bat egin zuen gora, baina hirugarren alderdia izatera igaro egin zen. Liberal Demokratek berriz, aurreko hauteskundeetan irabazitako barruti bakarra galdu zuten, baina eskualde bozekin eserleku bat lortu zuten, eta beraz eserleku bakar batekin mantendu ziren. UKIP alderdi euroeszeptikoaren sostengua kolapsatu egin zen, eta parlamentutik kanpo geratu ziren. Kanpainan zehar AWAP autonomiaren aurkako alderdiak eserleku pare bat lortu ahal zituela zirudien arren, Senedd-an sartzetik urrun geratu zen, eta 2016an baino emaitza txarragoak lortu zituzten.
rdf:langString Les élections législatives galloises de 2021 (en anglais : 2021 Senedd election, en gallois : Etholiad Senedd Cymru, 2021) se tiennent le 6 mai 2021 afin d'élire les 60 membres de la 6e législature du Parlement gallois pour un mandat de cinq ans. Il s'agit du premier scrutin à se tenir depuis la transformation de l'Assemblée nationale du pays de Galles en Parlement gallois, une réforme marquant l'autonomie accrue de cette nation constitutive du Royaume-Uni. Le Parti travailliste du Premier ministre Mark Drakeford confirme sa place de première force politique galloise, manquant d'un seul siège la majorité absolue, tandis que le Parti conservateur augmente de 50 % la taille de son groupe parlementaire.
rdf:langString Le elezioni parlamentari gallesi del 2021 si sono tenute giovedì 6 maggio 2021, per eleggere i membri del Parlamento gallese (chiamato anche Senedd). Si è trattato delle seste elezioni sin dalla creazione dell'Assemblea. Le elezioni si sono tenute insieme alle elezioni parlamentari scozzesi, alle elezioni locali inglesi ed alle elezioni a Londra. Si è trattato delle prime elezioni in cui i sedicenni, i diciassettenni ed i residenti stranieri hanno avuto il diritto di voto nel Galles, la più grande espansione dell'elettorato in Galles dal 1969. Si è trattato anche delle prime elezioni per il Parlamento con il nuovo nome, "Senedd Cymru" o "Parlamento gallese". Cinque partiti avevano parlamentari eletti alle ultime elezioni: i laburisti gallesi, i conservatori gallesi, Plaid Cymru, il Partito per l'Indipendenza del Regno Unito (UKIP) e i Liberal Democratici gallesi; prima elle elezioni, i partiti rappresentati erano sette: i cinque partiti già nominati e due partiti che conquistarono parlamentari che si spostarono da altri partiti. Il partito Aboliamo l'Assemblea gallese ottenne due deputati eletti con UKIP nel 2016, e Propel ottenne un parlamentare eletto con Plaid Cymru nel 2016. Il partito laburista al governo ha incrementato la propria percentuale di voto nei collegi di oltre il 5% e il voto regionale di oltre il 4%, e trenta parlamentari laburisti sono stati eletti a rappresentare esattamente la metà dei sessanta seggi del Senedd, uno in più delle elezioni del 2016 ma uno in meno della maggioranza assoluta. I conservatori sono divenuti il secondo partito del Senedd, ed opposizione ufficiale al governo, con 16 parlamentari eletti, cinque in più delle elezioni precedenti. Questi risultati è il migliore che il partito sia riuscito ad ottenere sin dalla fondazione del Parlamento gallese. Plaid Cymru è sceso al terzo posto, con 13 deputati eletti, uno in più del 2016. Il partner di coalizione dei laburisti, i liberal democratici, hanno perso il loro unico collegio del 2016, ma hanno ottenuto un seggio dalle liste regionali, rimanendo pertanto con un parlamentare eletto. UKIP non ha conquistato seggi rispetto ai 7 ottenuti alle precedenti elezioni. Percentuale di voto delle elezioni del 2021 per collegio.
xsd:integer 1 2
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 144945
xsd:date 2021-05-06
rdf:langString 2021 Senedd election

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