2017 Venezuelan constitutional crisis

http://dbpedia.org/resource/2017_Venezuelan_constitutional_crisis an entity of type: Thing

الأزمة الدستورية الفنزويلية 2017 هي أزمة بدأت في 29 مارس 2017 بعدما أعطت بسحب الصلاحيات التشريعية من الجمعية الوطنية الفنزويلية، وتسليمها للرئيس نيكولاس مادورو، مما مكنه من تقييد المعارضة في البلاد. الشئ الذي تم اعتباره انقلاباً على الدستور من قبل منظمة الدول الأمريكية. خرجت بعد هذه الإجراءات ألاف المتظاهرين ضد الحكومة صحبها موجة اعتقالات ضدهم وصفت بالأكبر منذ موجة اعتقالات 2014. rdf:langString
On 29 March 2017, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela took over legislative powers of the National Assembly. The Tribunal, mainly supporters of President Nicolás Maduro, also restricted the immunity granted to the Assembly's members, who mostly belonged to the opposition. The dissolution was considered by the opposition to be a "coup" while the Organization of American States (OAS) termed the action a "self-coup". The decision was condemned by some media outlets with analysts characterizing the move as a turn towards authoritarianism and one-man rule. rdf:langString
La crisis institucional de Venezuela, iniciada el 2017, son los hechos que la Asamblea Nacional venezolana​ y la Fiscalía General para entonces​ consideran una "ruptura del hilo constitucional"​ en ese país, a raíz de que el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) dictó la decisión 156 mediante la cual se atribuye a sí mismo las funciones de la Asamblea Nacional (AN) y se extienden los poderes del presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro,​ según la Sala Constitucional​ «hasta que persista la situación de desacato»​​ del parlamento. rdf:langString
A Remoção dos poderes da Assembleia Nacional da Venezuela em 2017 ocorreu no dia 29 de março de 2017 quando o Tribunal Superior de Justiça (TSJ) da Venezuela assumiu o controle das atividades legislativas da Assembleia Nacional. A decisão resultou em protestos por todo o país. e em forte represália internacional de países e entidades estrangeiras por violar o princípio da divisão de poderes e a própria democracia venezuelana. Segundo o TSJ, essa decisão valeria enquanto a Assembleia permanecesse em "desacato" Luis Almagro, secretário geral da Organização dos Estados Americanos, descreveu o fato como um golpe de estado chavista. rdf:langString
rdf:langString الأزمة الدستورية الفنزويلية 2017
rdf:langString 2017 Venezuelan constitutional crisis
rdf:langString Crisis institucional de Venezuela
rdf:langString Remoção dos poderes da Assembleia Nacional da Venezuela em 2017
xsd:integer 53645459
xsd:integer 1117562461
rdf:langString *Internal and international condemnation. *Supreme Court partially reverses decision after facing criticism. *Strengthening of 2017 Venezuelan protests * Maduro calls a Constituent Assembly to replace the 1999 Constitution of Venezuela
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Supreme Tribunal of Justice
xsd:gMonthDay --03-28
rdf:langString *National Assembly is dissolved and stripped of legislative powers and parliamentary immunity. *Supreme Court assumes control of legislative powers.
xsd:gMonthDay --05-01
rdf:langString The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is ORDERED, in accordance with the provisions of Article 236.4, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 337 et seq. eiusdem , among others, to proceed to exercise such international measures as he deems appropriate and necessary to safeguard the constitutional order, and furthermore, in the exercise of its constitutional powers and in order to ensure the governability of the country, to take civil, economic, military, political, legal and social measures that he deems appropriate and necessary to avoid a state of commotion; and in the framework of the State of Exception and in the face of contempt and continued legislative omission by the National Assembly, to review exceptionally the substantive and procedural legislation , that allows avoiding the serious risks that threaten the democratic stability, the peaceful coexistence and the rights of the Venezuelans and the Venezuelans; all in accordance with the letter and spirit of Articles 15, 18 and 21 of the Organic Law on States of Exceptions in force.
rdf:langString On the basis of the declared unconstitutional omission, this Constitutional Chamber resolves that there is no impediment for the National Executive to establish joint ventures in the spirit established in Article 33 of the Organic Hydrocarbons Law, for which purpose the National Executive, by body of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, shall inform to this Chamber of all the pertinent circumstances to that constitution and conditions, including the special advantages envisaged in favor of the Republic. Any subsequent modification of the conditions shall be reported to this Chamber, following a favorable report from the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. Resolving the interpretation requested of Article 33 of the current Organic Hydrocarbons Law, the Chamber decides that the National Assembly, acting de facto, can not modify the proposed conditions or seek to establish other conditions. On the basis of a state of emergency, the Head of State may amend the rule to be interpreted by means of a reform, in accordance with the jurisprudence of this High Court . As long as the dissatisfaction and invalidity of the proceedings of the National Assembly persist, this Constitutional Chamber will ensure that the parliamentary powers are exercised directly by this Chamber or by the body that it has in place to ensure the rule of law.
rdf:langString President Nicolás Maduro
rdf:langString Ruling Nº 155
rdf:langString Ruling Nº 156
xsd:integer 250
rdf:langString الأزمة الدستورية الفنزويلية 2017 هي أزمة بدأت في 29 مارس 2017 بعدما أعطت بسحب الصلاحيات التشريعية من الجمعية الوطنية الفنزويلية، وتسليمها للرئيس نيكولاس مادورو، مما مكنه من تقييد المعارضة في البلاد. الشئ الذي تم اعتباره انقلاباً على الدستور من قبل منظمة الدول الأمريكية. خرجت بعد هذه الإجراءات ألاف المتظاهرين ضد الحكومة صحبها موجة اعتقالات ضدهم وصفت بالأكبر منذ موجة اعتقالات 2014.
rdf:langString On 29 March 2017, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela took over legislative powers of the National Assembly. The Tribunal, mainly supporters of President Nicolás Maduro, also restricted the immunity granted to the Assembly's members, who mostly belonged to the opposition. The dissolution was considered by the opposition to be a "coup" while the Organization of American States (OAS) termed the action a "self-coup". The decision was condemned by some media outlets with analysts characterizing the move as a turn towards authoritarianism and one-man rule. Politicians throughout the Americas, as well as leaders from the United Nations, expressed concern with the decision and demanded its reversal, though the Venezuelan government stated no coup had taken place and instead justified its decision as a reaction to "coup-like actions" allegedly performed by the opposition. On 1 April 2017, the TSJ partially reversed its decision, thereby reinstating the powers of the National Assembly. Public dissatisfaction with the decision persisted however, with the strengthening of the protests that year "into the most combative since a wave of unrest in 2014" resulting from the crisis.
rdf:langString La crisis institucional de Venezuela, iniciada el 2017, son los hechos que la Asamblea Nacional venezolana​ y la Fiscalía General para entonces​ consideran una "ruptura del hilo constitucional"​ en ese país, a raíz de que el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) dictó la decisión 156 mediante la cual se atribuye a sí mismo las funciones de la Asamblea Nacional (AN) y se extienden los poderes del presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro,​ según la Sala Constitucional​ «hasta que persista la situación de desacato»​​ del parlamento. Al momento de darse las sentencias, la reacción de la Asamblea Nacional, así como de varios organismos internacionales y de la región fue mayoritariamente negativa. Algunos calificaron dichas acciones como un "autogolpe de Estado" y que se estaba "disolviendo a la AN", lo que suscitó protestas en Caracas y otras ciudades del país. Ante dichas acusaciones (y antes de la anulación de las sentencias), el TSJ afirmó que sus acciones no estaban disolviendo la Asamblea, sino que "estarían supliendo sus labores" hasta que ésta hiciera los procedimientos necesarios para salir de su estado de desacato.​ La Fiscal General Luisa Ortega Díaz, representante del Ministerio Público (MP), manifestó su desacuerdo ante las medidas, adoptadas por el alto tribunal tachándolas de "ruptura del orden constitucional",​ lo que fue entendido como un "breve conflicto" entre los poderes públicos tradicionalmente aliados al Poder Ejecutivo Nacional.​​​ El presidente Maduro (quién calificó el roce entre el MP y el TSJ como un "impase") convocó a un Consejo de Seguridad de la Nación, para discutir la situación con los entes públicos (a excepción de la Asamblea Nacional y la Fiscalía General), cumpliendo con el artículo 323 de la Constitución. El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, Julio Borges, quien fue invitado a participar, no asistió​ La Fiscal General de la República, Luisa Ortega Díaz, quien horas antes había catalogado el hecho como una "ruptura del orden constitucional”, tampoco asistió.​ Después de esta convocatoria el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia publicó una aclaración sobre las sentencias 155 y 156.​​ Finalmente, el presidente Nicolás Maduro señaló este "impase" como una muestra de "plena independencia" de poderes en Venezuela, posición contrariada por analistas afines a la oposición para quienes la propia actuación de la sala constitucional del TSJ ante el Consejo de Defensa de la Nación ratificaba su falta de independencia.​
rdf:langString A Remoção dos poderes da Assembleia Nacional da Venezuela em 2017 ocorreu no dia 29 de março de 2017 quando o Tribunal Superior de Justiça (TSJ) da Venezuela assumiu o controle das atividades legislativas da Assembleia Nacional. A decisão resultou em protestos por todo o país. e em forte represália internacional de países e entidades estrangeiras por violar o princípio da divisão de poderes e a própria democracia venezuelana. Segundo o TSJ, essa decisão valeria enquanto a Assembleia permanecesse em "desacato" Luis Almagro, secretário geral da Organização dos Estados Americanos, descreveu o fato como um golpe de estado chavista. O Tribunal Supremo de Justiça da Venezuela divulgou uma sentença na noite do dia 29 de março de 2017 que permite ao Poder Executivo venezuelano constituir empresas mistas no setor petrolífero sem a aprovação prévia da Assembleia Nacional e toma para si suas funções temporariamente, enquanto a Assembleia estiver em "desacato" segundo decisão anterior do Tribunal. O Tribunal declarou que a Assembleia Nacional está em desacato às leis venezuelanas desde o início de 2016, quando empossou três deputados que tiveram a eleição impugnada pela Justiça Eleitoral.Desde então o TSJ tem anulado todas as atividades aprovadas pela Assembleia. No dia 28 de março de 2017 o Tribunal, cuja maioria dos juízes é ligada a Nicolás Maduro, decidiu que os congressistas da Assembleia não tinham direito a imunidade parlamentar, alegando que eles estavam em estado de desacato. Após pressão internacional, na madrugada do dia 1 de abril, o presidente Nicolás Maduro pediu ao TSJ que revisse a decisão de anular as competências legislativas da Assembleia Nacional, com objetivo de manter a estabilidade constitucional e que fosse devolvida a imunidade parlamentar, retirada pelo TSJ na mesma semana. O Tribunal acatou essa recomendação do presidente e anulou as decisões que restringiam os poderes legislativos da Assembleia.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 60840

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