2013 Australian federal election

http://dbpedia.org/resource/2013_Australian_federal_election an entity of type: Thing

Die Parlamentswahl in Australien 2013 fand am 7. September statt. Dabei wurde das insgesamt 44. australische Parlament gewählt. Es standen sich in der Hauptsache der amtierende Labor (ALP)-Parteivorsitzende Kevin Rudd und sein Herausforderer Tony Abbott, der von einer bürgerlichen Koalition aus Liberalen, der Liberal National Party und der National Party of Australia unterstützt wird, gegenüber. Die Wahl wurde deutlich von den bürgerlichen Koalitionsparteien gewonnen. rdf:langString
2013년 오스트레일리아 총선은 2013년 9월 7일에 실시된 오스트레일리아의 선거이다. rdf:langString
Le elezioni parlamentari in Australia del 2013 si tennero il 7 settembre per il rinnovo del Parlamento federale (Camera dei rappresentanti e Senato). In seguito all'esito elettorale, Tony Abbott, espressione del Partito Liberale d'Australia, divenne Primo ministro, nell'ambito di un governo con Partito Nazionale Liberale del Queensland, Partito Nazionale d'Australia e Country Liberals Party. rdf:langString
2013年オーストラリア総選挙 (2013ねんオーストラリアそうせんきょ、英語: Australian federal election, 2013) は、2013年9月7日に投開票されたオーストラリア連邦議会の選挙。 rdf:langString
As eleições federais australianas de 2013 foram realizadas em 7 de setembro e terminou com a vitória da Coalizão Liberal-Nacional de centro-direita, liderada por Tony Abbott. rdf:langString
2013年澳大利亚联邦大选,即第44届澳大利亚国会选举,于2013年9月7日举行。之前执政的中间偏左澳大利亚工党在总理陸克文的带领下,接受由托尼·艾伯特领导的中间偏右自由党和国家党联盟的挑战。 澳大利亚采用的是强制投票的方式。在众议院席位的计票中,采用单一选区完全偏好的选择投票制;选民在投票时,根据自己的偏好程度,将候选人的以“1,2,3”等顺序依次排列并标示于选票上,并在计票中每轮淘汰得到“1”选项最少的候选人,将其票转给得“2”候选人,如此类推,直到有候选人获得过半数当选。在参议院席位的计票中,采用比例代表制;每个选区按照各政党候选人名单获得票数的比例,在参加选举的各党中分配议席。 选举结果显示,阿博特领导的联盟党以压倒性优势击败工党。联盟赢得国会下院150席中的90席,取得绝对多数。因此在9月18日,联盟党领袖阿博特正式获总督任命为新总理,联盟成为执政党。工党同时结束六年执政期,成为联邦反对党。选举日当晚工党领袖陆克文发表演讲接受败选,同时辞去工党领袖职务。 rdf:langString
Парламентские выборы в Австралии прошли 7 сентября 2013 года.На выборах избран 44-й парламент Австралии. rdf:langString
The 2013 Australian federal election to elect the members of the 44th Parliament of Australia took place on 7 September 2013. The centre-right Liberal/National Coalition opposition led by Opposition leader Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party of Australia and Coalition partner the National Party of Australia, led by Warren Truss, defeated the incumbent centre-left Labor Party government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in a landslide. Labor had been in government for six years since being elected in the 2007 election. This election marked the end of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor government and the start of the 9 year long Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Liberal-National Coalition government. Abbott was sworn in by the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, as Australia's new Prime Minister on 18 September 2013, rdf:langString
Nota: El Senado no influye en la elección del gobierno. Para los resultados de las elecciones al Senado véase las tablas de abajo. Las elecciones federales para elegir los miembros del 44° Parlamento de Australia tuvieron lugar el 7 de septiembre de 2013. El Partido Laborista Australiano liderado por el primer ministro Kevin Rudd fue derrotado por la Coalición Liberal-Nacional liderada por Tony Abbott. La disolución del 43° parlamento se proclamó el 13 de agosto de 2013 por el Gobernador General de Australia, iniciándose así el periodo de campañas electorales. rdf:langString
Des élections fédérales australiennes ont eu lieu le 7 septembre 2013 pour élire le quarante-quatrième Parlement d'Australie, à travers le renouvellement complet de la Chambre des représentants et de la moitié du Sénat. rdf:langString
Op 7 september 2013 werden in Australië federale parlementsverkiezingen gehouden. De zittende minister-president Kevin Rudd, van de sociaaldemocratische ALP, nam het op tegen de centrumrechtse kandidaat Tony Abbott van de coalitie (Liberal Party of Australia, de Liberal National Party of Queensland, de National Party of Australia en de Country Liberal Party). * Kevin Rudd * Tony Abott rdf:langString
Parlamentsvalet i Australien 2013 hölls den 7 september 2013 för att fördela platserna till det 44:e australienska parlamentet. Australian Labor Party ställdes mot en opposition som utgjordes av en koalition mellan konservativa Liberal Party of Australia och landsbygdsförankrade National Party of Australia. Koalitionen leddes av Liberal Party of Australias partiledare Tony Abbott. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Parlamentswahl in Australien 2013
rdf:langString 2013 Australian federal election
rdf:langString Elecciones federales de Australia de 2013
rdf:langString Élections fédérales australiennes de 2013
rdf:langString Elezioni parlamentari in Australia del 2013
rdf:langString 2013年オーストラリア総選挙
rdf:langString 2013년 오스트레일리아 의회 선거
rdf:langString Australische parlementsverkiezingen 2013
rdf:langString Eleições federais na Austrália em 2013
rdf:langString Парламентские выборы в Австралии (2013)
rdf:langString Parlamentsvalet i Australien 2013
rdf:langString 2013年澳洲聯邦大選
xsd:integer 27837851
xsd:integer 1122508401
<perCent> 46.51 53.49
rdf:langString TPP swing
xsd:double 3.61
xsd:date 2011-06-03
xsd:date 2013-04-01
rdf:langString Opinion polling for the 2013 Australian federal election
xsd:integer 134226 709035 1116918 4311365 5882818
xsd:double 1.93 3.11 4.61 5.49 1.04
<perCent> 93.2
rdf:langString Liberal/National coalition
rdf:langString center
rdf:langString Australian Labor Party
rdf:langString Primary vote.
rdf:langString Two-party-preferred.
xsd:integer 10
rdf:langString B20000
rdf:langString ffed00
rdf:langString Australia
xsd:date 2013-09-07
xsd:integer 2013
rdf:langString Aggregate of voting intention polls between the 2013 election and the previous election. A moving average is shown in a solid line.
xsd:integer 160
rdf:langString Primary vote polling - Aus 2013 Federal Election.png
rdf:langString Combined BPM polling Aus fed 2013.png
rdf:langString Combined net satisfaction polling Aus fed 2013.png
rdf:langString TPP polling - Aus 2013 Federal Election.png
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 72
rdf:langString new party
xsd:integer 2016
xsd:integer 2016
rdf:langString no
rdf:langString Australian Greens
rdf:langString Australian Labor Party
rdf:langString Liberal/National coalition
rdf:langString Katter's Australian Party
rdf:langString Palmer United Party
<perCent> 1.04 5.49 33.38 45.55 8.65
rdf:langString Subsequent Prime Minister
xsd:integer 2010
xsd:integer 2010
xsd:integer 14723385
xsd:integer 1 17 18
xsd:integer 1 55 90
xsd:integer 40
rdf:langString All 150 seats in the House of Representatives
rdf:langString (76 seats were needed for a majority)
rdf:langString Broadcasting Services Act 1992, Schedule 2, Section 3
rdf:langString PART 2
rdf:langString b. If, during an election period, a broadcaster broadcasts election matter, the broadcaster must give reasonable opportunities for the broadcasting of election matter to all political parties contesting the election, being parties which were represented in either House of the Parliament for which the election is to be held at the time of its last meeting before the election period.
rdf:langString parliamentary
xsd:integer 450
xsd:integer 0 75
rdf:langString The 2013 Australian federal election to elect the members of the 44th Parliament of Australia took place on 7 September 2013. The centre-right Liberal/National Coalition opposition led by Opposition leader Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party of Australia and Coalition partner the National Party of Australia, led by Warren Truss, defeated the incumbent centre-left Labor Party government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in a landslide. Labor had been in government for six years since being elected in the 2007 election. This election marked the end of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor government and the start of the 9 year long Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Liberal-National Coalition government. Abbott was sworn in by the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, as Australia's new Prime Minister on 18 September 2013, along with the Abbott Ministry. The 44th Parliament of Australia opened on 12 November 2013, with the members of the House of Representatives and territory senators sworn in. The state senators were sworn in by the next Governor-General Peter Cosgrove on 7 July 2014, with their six-year terms commencing on 1 July. The proclamation dissolving the House of Representatives and formally beginning the election period had been issued by Governor-General Bryce on 5 August 2013. The writs of election were subsequently issued by Bryce for the election of members of the House of Representatives and territory senators, and by the state governors for the senators for each state. Voting in Australia's federal elections has been compulsory since 1925. For the House of Representatives, a preferential ballot system has been in use since 1919, in single-member seats. For the Senate—the proportionally representative upper house—a single transferable vote system has been in use since 1949, with optional group voting tickets since 1984. Elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). A special half-Senate election was conducted on 5 April 2014 in Western Australia as a result of 1,375 lost ballot papers.
rdf:langString Die Parlamentswahl in Australien 2013 fand am 7. September statt. Dabei wurde das insgesamt 44. australische Parlament gewählt. Es standen sich in der Hauptsache der amtierende Labor (ALP)-Parteivorsitzende Kevin Rudd und sein Herausforderer Tony Abbott, der von einer bürgerlichen Koalition aus Liberalen, der Liberal National Party und der National Party of Australia unterstützt wird, gegenüber. Die Wahl wurde deutlich von den bürgerlichen Koalitionsparteien gewonnen.
rdf:langString Nota: El Senado no influye en la elección del gobierno. Para los resultados de las elecciones al Senado véase las tablas de abajo. Las elecciones federales para elegir los miembros del 44° Parlamento de Australia tuvieron lugar el 7 de septiembre de 2013. El Partido Laborista Australiano liderado por el primer ministro Kevin Rudd fue derrotado por la Coalición Liberal-Nacional liderada por Tony Abbott. La disolución del 43° parlamento se proclamó el 13 de agosto de 2013 por el Gobernador General de Australia, iniciándose así el periodo de campañas electorales. El sufragio federal en Australia es obligatorio desde 1925, usa una segunda vuelta instantánea desde 1919 en los escaños de un solo miembro de la Cámara de Representantes y usa un voto único transferible desde 1949 con listas electorales desde 1984 en el Senado representado proporcionalmente. Las elecciones son dirigidas por la Comisión Electoral de Australia. En Australia Occidental se debieron realizar elecciones anticipadas de sus senadores el 5 de abril de 2014, por causa de la pérdida de 1.375 papeletas electorales.
rdf:langString Des élections fédérales australiennes ont eu lieu le 7 septembre 2013 pour élire le quarante-quatrième Parlement d'Australie, à travers le renouvellement complet de la Chambre des représentants et de la moitié du Sénat. Depuis les élections de 2010, le Parti travailliste australien de la Première ministre Julia Gillard dirigeait un gouvernement minoritaire. Le 26 juin 2013, Gillard est destituée par les députés travaillistes au profit de l'ancien Premier ministre Kevin Rudd. Celui-ci convoque des élections pour le samedi 7 septembre au lieu du 14 septembre initialement prévu par Gillard. Elles sont remportées par la coalition libérale-nationale de Tony Abbott.
rdf:langString 2013년 오스트레일리아 총선은 2013년 9월 7일에 실시된 오스트레일리아의 선거이다.
rdf:langString Le elezioni parlamentari in Australia del 2013 si tennero il 7 settembre per il rinnovo del Parlamento federale (Camera dei rappresentanti e Senato). In seguito all'esito elettorale, Tony Abbott, espressione del Partito Liberale d'Australia, divenne Primo ministro, nell'ambito di un governo con Partito Nazionale Liberale del Queensland, Partito Nazionale d'Australia e Country Liberals Party.
rdf:langString 2013年オーストラリア総選挙 (2013ねんオーストラリアそうせんきょ、英語: Australian federal election, 2013) は、2013年9月7日に投開票されたオーストラリア連邦議会の選挙。
rdf:langString Op 7 september 2013 werden in Australië federale parlementsverkiezingen gehouden. De zittende minister-president Kevin Rudd, van de sociaaldemocratische ALP, nam het op tegen de centrumrechtse kandidaat Tony Abbott van de coalitie (Liberal Party of Australia, de Liberal National Party of Queensland, de National Party of Australia en de Country Liberal Party). In juni 2013 stapte ALP-premier Julia Gillard op wegens slechte resultaten in de peilingen. Een vertrouwensstemming binnen haar eigen partij verloor zij. Onder de volksvertegenwoordigers stemden 45 parlementsleden voor Gillard, tegenover 57 voor Kevin Rudd. Eind juni 2013 werd Rudd tussentijds minister-president van Australië. De coalitie behaalde onder leiding van Abbott 88 zetels, een winst van 16 ten opzichte van 2010. De sociaaldemocratische Rudd haalde 72 zetels, een verlies van 17. Rudd nam ontslag als partijleider en minister-president. Op 18 september werd de conservatieve Abbott de nieuwe minister-president. * Kevin Rudd * Tony Abott
rdf:langString As eleições federais australianas de 2013 foram realizadas em 7 de setembro e terminou com a vitória da Coalizão Liberal-Nacional de centro-direita, liderada por Tony Abbott.
rdf:langString Parlamentsvalet i Australien 2013 hölls den 7 september 2013 för att fördela platserna till det 44:e australienska parlamentet. Australian Labor Party ställdes mot en opposition som utgjordes av en koalition mellan konservativa Liberal Party of Australia och landsbygdsförankrade National Party of Australia. Koalitionen leddes av Liberal Party of Australias partiledare Tony Abbott. Valet resulterade i ett maktskifte, då oppositionskoalitionen vann 92 mandat i det australienska representanthuset. Tony Abbott blev därmed utsedd till Australiens premiärminister. Australian Labor Party tappade 17 mandat och tvingades överlämna sin regeringsposition efter sex år vid makten.
rdf:langString 2013年澳大利亚联邦大选,即第44届澳大利亚国会选举,于2013年9月7日举行。之前执政的中间偏左澳大利亚工党在总理陸克文的带领下,接受由托尼·艾伯特领导的中间偏右自由党和国家党联盟的挑战。 澳大利亚采用的是强制投票的方式。在众议院席位的计票中,采用单一选区完全偏好的选择投票制;选民在投票时,根据自己的偏好程度,将候选人的以“1,2,3”等顺序依次排列并标示于选票上,并在计票中每轮淘汰得到“1”选项最少的候选人,将其票转给得“2”候选人,如此类推,直到有候选人获得过半数当选。在参议院席位的计票中,采用比例代表制;每个选区按照各政党候选人名单获得票数的比例,在参加选举的各党中分配议席。 选举结果显示,阿博特领导的联盟党以压倒性优势击败工党。联盟赢得国会下院150席中的90席,取得绝对多数。因此在9月18日,联盟党领袖阿博特正式获总督任命为新总理,联盟成为执政党。工党同时结束六年执政期,成为联邦反对党。选举日当晚工党领袖陆克文发表演讲接受败选,同时辞去工党领袖职务。
rdf:langString Парламентские выборы в Австралии прошли 7 сентября 2013 года.На выборах избран 44-й парламент Австралии.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 98403
xsd:date 2013-09-07
rdf:langString 2013 Australian federal election

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