Zorawar Singh Kahluria

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Zorawar Singh Kahluria (1784–12 December 1841) was a military general of the Dogra Rajput ruler, Gulab Singh of Jammu. He served as the governor (wazir-e-wazarat) of Kishtwar and extended the territories of the kingdom by conquering Ladakh and Baltistan. He also boldly attempted the conquest of Western Tibet (Ngari Khorsum) but was killed in battle of To-yo during the Dogra-Tibetan war. In reference to his legacy of conquests in the Himalaya Mountains including Ladakh, Tibet, Baltistan and Iskardu as General and Wazir, Zorowar Singh has been referred to as the "Napoleon of India", and "Conqueror of Ladakh". rdf:langString
Zorawar Singh Kahluria (1786 – 1841) è stato un generale indiano rajput dell'Impero Sikh nel subcontinente indiano.Fu agli ordini, come generale e poi visir (primo ministro), del sovrano Gulab Singh, a sua volta vassallo dell'imperatore sikh Ranjit Singh. Dato il suo retaggio di conquiste nell'Himalaya, (Ladakh, Tibet, Baltistan e Skardu), alcuni storici lo hanno definito il "Conquistatore del Ladakh". rdf:langString
左拉瓦尔·辛格·卡赫卢里拉(Zorawar Singh Kahluria,1786年-1841年)是道格拉人(今克什米尔)的一位名将。他以“拉达克的征服者”而为世人所知,被誉为“印度的拿破仑”。 出生在今日印度喜马偕尔邦的比拉斯普尔,后来其家族迁徙到查谟。他为道格拉人的拉贾服役,后来被著名拉贾古拉卜·辛格(后来查谟-克什米尔土邦的建立者)任命为将军,镇守雷阿西。他的忠诚和才能受到古拉卜的肯定,先是提升为查谟北部所有要塞的指挥官,后来被任命为基斯赫特瓦尔的总督,授予“维齐尔”头衔。 1834年,古拉卜派左拉瓦尔率领5000人入侵拉达克,迫使拉达克向道格拉人臣服。拉达克不断起兵反抗,最终都被他镇压。此后,他又率兵相继征服了巴尔蒂斯坦周围各土邦。 1841年,左拉瓦尔写信给西藏的阿里噶本,命令其向道格拉人进贡,遭到拒绝。率领6000人东进,讨伐西藏,向班公错进军。另有道格拉人征调的拉达克、巴尔蒂军队抄另外两条路,经过玛旁雍错、噶大克(今)入侵阿里地区,并轻而易举地占领了这里。敌将逃往普兰,但不久也被道格拉人攻陷。这时整个阿里地区都被道格拉人征服,西藏被迫向道格拉人求和。驻藏大臣向满清朝廷求救,但正值鸦片战争期间,满清正在遭受英国的侵略,无力应对。西藏只好派藏军防御。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria
rdf:langString 左拉瓦爾·辛格
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria
rdf:langString Ansar, Kahlur
xsd:integer 5719150
xsd:integer 1121111126
rdf:langString Gulab Singh of Jammu
rdf:langString A statue depicting Zorawar Singh
xsd:gMonthDay --12-12
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria (1784–12 December 1841) was a military general of the Dogra Rajput ruler, Gulab Singh of Jammu. He served as the governor (wazir-e-wazarat) of Kishtwar and extended the territories of the kingdom by conquering Ladakh and Baltistan. He also boldly attempted the conquest of Western Tibet (Ngari Khorsum) but was killed in battle of To-yo during the Dogra-Tibetan war. In reference to his legacy of conquests in the Himalaya Mountains including Ladakh, Tibet, Baltistan and Iskardu as General and Wazir, Zorowar Singh has been referred to as the "Napoleon of India", and "Conqueror of Ladakh".
rdf:langString Zorawar Singh Kahluria (1786 – 1841) è stato un generale indiano rajput dell'Impero Sikh nel subcontinente indiano.Fu agli ordini, come generale e poi visir (primo ministro), del sovrano Gulab Singh, a sua volta vassallo dell'imperatore sikh Ranjit Singh. Dato il suo retaggio di conquiste nell'Himalaya, (Ladakh, Tibet, Baltistan e Skardu), alcuni storici lo hanno definito il "Conquistatore del Ladakh".
rdf:langString 左拉瓦尔·辛格·卡赫卢里拉(Zorawar Singh Kahluria,1786年-1841年)是道格拉人(今克什米尔)的一位名将。他以“拉达克的征服者”而为世人所知,被誉为“印度的拿破仑”。 出生在今日印度喜马偕尔邦的比拉斯普尔,后来其家族迁徙到查谟。他为道格拉人的拉贾服役,后来被著名拉贾古拉卜·辛格(后来查谟-克什米尔土邦的建立者)任命为将军,镇守雷阿西。他的忠诚和才能受到古拉卜的肯定,先是提升为查谟北部所有要塞的指挥官,后来被任命为基斯赫特瓦尔的总督,授予“维齐尔”头衔。 1834年,古拉卜派左拉瓦尔率领5000人入侵拉达克,迫使拉达克向道格拉人臣服。拉达克不断起兵反抗,最终都被他镇压。此后,他又率兵相继征服了巴尔蒂斯坦周围各土邦。 1841年,左拉瓦尔写信给西藏的阿里噶本,命令其向道格拉人进贡,遭到拒绝。率领6000人东进,讨伐西藏,向班公错进军。另有道格拉人征调的拉达克、巴尔蒂军队抄另外两条路,经过玛旁雍错、噶大克(今)入侵阿里地区,并轻而易举地占领了这里。敌将逃往普兰,但不久也被道格拉人攻陷。这时整个阿里地区都被道格拉人征服,西藏被迫向道格拉人求和。驻藏大臣向满清朝廷求救,但正值鸦片战争期间,满清正在遭受英国的侵略,无力应对。西藏只好派藏军防御。 道格拉人对阿里地区的征服引起达尔德人瓜分西藏财富的渴望,同时也引起库马盎王国和英属印度殖民政府的注意。12月,英属印度向锡克帝国发起抗议和最后通牒,警告他们不要这样做。然而,随后发生的突发事件,将战争的结局彻底改变了。左拉瓦尔向冈仁波齐峰进军,当时正值冬季,大雪封住了道路。这一意外事件使道格拉军队的补给线被拉长,并最终导致了他的死。藏军乘机偷袭了道格拉人的营地。左拉瓦尔在战斗中中弹落马,被藏军杀死。他的阵亡导致道格拉军队的溃败。道格拉军队撤离西藏时,在穿越山口时遭遇恶劣天气而死亡大半。
xsd:string (subsidiary to theSikh Empire)
xsd:string Gulab SinghofJammu
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 16443

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