Zhu Guangya

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Zhu Guangya (Hanzi sederhana: 朱光亚; Hanzi tradisional: 朱光亞; Pinyin: Zhū Guāngyà; 25 Desember 1924 – 26 Februari 2011) adalah seorang fisikawan nuklir dan politikus Tiongkok. Ia menjadi akademisi . Ia menjabat sebagai wakil ketua Konferensi Permusyawaratan Politik Rakyat Tiongkok ke-8 dan ke-9. rdf:langString
주광야(중국어 간체자: 朱光亚, 정체자: 朱光亞, 병음: Zhū Guāngyà, 1924년 12월 25일 ~ 2011년 2월 26일)는 중국의 핵물리학자이다. 후베이성 이창시 출신이며 본적은 후베이성 한양구이다. 중국 과학원 학부 위원, 중국 공정원 주석, 중국과학기술협회 주석을 역임했다. rdf:langString
Zhu Guangya, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ning Yang, and Tsung-Dao Lee (1947)Zhu Guangya, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ning Ya e d Tsung-Dao Lee (1947)Zhu Guangya (25 de dezembro de 1924 - 26 de fevereiro de 2011) foi um físico nuclear chinês, um dos pioneiros na pesquisa que contribui para o desenvolvimento da primeira bomba nuclear chinesa. Ele era acadêmico da Academia Chinesa de Ciências. Foi vice-presidente da oitava e da nona Conferência Consultiva Política do Povo Chinês. rdf:langString
朱光亚(1924年12月25日-2011年2月26日),男,原籍湖北汉阳,生于湖北宜昌,中国核物理学家,曾任中国科学院学部委员、中國工程院院長,中国科学技术协会名誉主席、主席,中国工程院院长、党组书记,中国人民政治协商会议第八届、九届全国委员会副主席,两弹一星功勋奖章获得者。 rdf:langString
Zhu Guangya (chinesisch 朱光亚, Pinyin Zhū Guāngyà; * 25. Dezember 1924; † 26. Februar 2011) war ein chinesischer Physiker und maßgeblicher Mitentwickler der chinesischen Atombombe und Wasserstoffbombe. Zhu besuchte 1941 die Universität Nanjing und machte 1945 seinen Abschluss am Department für Physik der Vereinigten Südwest-Universität. 1950 erwarb er einen Doktortitel an der University of Michigan in den USA. Er kehrte im Frühjahr desselben Jahres nach China zurück und war nach 1957 im Forschungsbereich Nuklearreaktoren tätig. Zusammen mit und anderen leitete er die Entwicklung der chinesischen Atombombe und Wasserstoffbombe. rdf:langString
Zhu Guangya (simplified Chinese: 朱光亚; traditional Chinese: 朱光亞; pinyin: Zhū Guāngyà; December 25, 1924 – February 26, 2011) was a Chinese nuclear physicist. Zhu Guangya was noted for his dedication to the Chinese nuclear development, and his great devotion for his country. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
rdf:langString 주광야
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
rdf:langString 朱光亚
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya
xsd:integer 18195538
xsd:integer 1113676182
rdf:langString University of Michigan
rdf:langString Left to right: Zhu Guangya, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ning Yang, and Tsung-Dao Lee
rdf:langString Nuclear physics
rdf:langString 朱光亚
rdf:langString Zhū Guāngyà
rdf:langString 朱光亚
rdf:langString 朱光亞
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya (chinesisch 朱光亚, Pinyin Zhū Guāngyà; * 25. Dezember 1924; † 26. Februar 2011) war ein chinesischer Physiker und maßgeblicher Mitentwickler der chinesischen Atombombe und Wasserstoffbombe. Zhu besuchte 1941 die Universität Nanjing und machte 1945 seinen Abschluss am Department für Physik der Vereinigten Südwest-Universität. 1950 erwarb er einen Doktortitel an der University of Michigan in den USA. Er kehrte im Frühjahr desselben Jahres nach China zurück und war nach 1957 im Forschungsbereich Nuklearreaktoren tätig. Zusammen mit und anderen leitete er die Entwicklung der chinesischen Atombombe und Wasserstoffbombe. 1994 wurde Zhu der erste Präsident der Chinesischen Akademie der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 1999 erhielt er eine Auszeichnung für seine Beiträge in Chinas Projekt Zwei Bomben, ein Satellit. Zhu war Ersatzmitglied des 9. und 10. Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas und Mitglied des 11., 12., 13. und 14. Zentralkomitees. Zusätzlich war er Mitglied der Chinesischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und diente als Vorsitzender des 8. und 9. Kongresses der Politischen Konsultativkonferenz des chinesischen Volkes.
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya (Hanzi sederhana: 朱光亚; Hanzi tradisional: 朱光亞; Pinyin: Zhū Guāngyà; 25 Desember 1924 – 26 Februari 2011) adalah seorang fisikawan nuklir dan politikus Tiongkok. Ia menjadi akademisi . Ia menjabat sebagai wakil ketua Konferensi Permusyawaratan Politik Rakyat Tiongkok ke-8 dan ke-9.
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya (simplified Chinese: 朱光亚; traditional Chinese: 朱光亞; pinyin: Zhū Guāngyà; December 25, 1924 – February 26, 2011) was a Chinese nuclear physicist. Zhu Guangya was noted for his dedication to the Chinese nuclear development, and his great devotion for his country. Zhu Guangya graduated from the National Southwest Associated University in 1945; in 1950, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. In 1980, he was elected as a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; in 1991, he served as the chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology. In 1994, he was selected as one of the first academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and served as the first President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In May 1996, he was elected as the honorary chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology; in January 1999, he was appointed as the director of the Science and Technology Committee of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department. In the early days, Zhu Guangya was mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research in nuclear physics and atomic energy technology; in the late 1950s, he was in charge of and organized and led the research, design, manufacture and testing of China's atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. Zhu participated in and led the formulation and implementation of the national high-tech research and development plan, and the research on national defense science and technology development strategies. He organized and led the research on the sustainable development of China's nuclear weapons technology under the conditions of the nuclear test ban, the research on arms control and the research on the development strategy of weapons and equipment, and made significant contributions to the development of China's nuclear science and technology and national defense science and technology.
rdf:langString 주광야(중국어 간체자: 朱光亚, 정체자: 朱光亞, 병음: Zhū Guāngyà, 1924년 12월 25일 ~ 2011년 2월 26일)는 중국의 핵물리학자이다. 후베이성 이창시 출신이며 본적은 후베이성 한양구이다. 중국 과학원 학부 위원, 중국 공정원 주석, 중국과학기술협회 주석을 역임했다.
rdf:langString Zhu Guangya, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ning Yang, and Tsung-Dao Lee (1947)Zhu Guangya, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ning Ya e d Tsung-Dao Lee (1947)Zhu Guangya (25 de dezembro de 1924 - 26 de fevereiro de 2011) foi um físico nuclear chinês, um dos pioneiros na pesquisa que contribui para o desenvolvimento da primeira bomba nuclear chinesa. Ele era acadêmico da Academia Chinesa de Ciências. Foi vice-presidente da oitava e da nona Conferência Consultiva Política do Povo Chinês.
rdf:langString 朱光亚(1924年12月25日-2011年2月26日),男,原籍湖北汉阳,生于湖北宜昌,中国核物理学家,曾任中国科学院学部委员、中國工程院院長,中国科学技术协会名誉主席、主席,中国工程院院长、党组书记,中国人民政治协商会议第八届、九届全国委员会副主席,两弹一星功勋奖章获得者。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7046
rdf:langString 朱光亚

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