Zhou She
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zhou_She an entity of type: WikicatLiangDynastyPoliticians
周 捨(しゅう しゃ、471年 - 526年)は、南朝斉から梁にかけての学者・官僚・政治家。字は昇逸。本貫は汝南郡安成県。東晋の尚書左僕射の周顗の八世の孫にあたる。子は周弘義・周弘信。甥(弟の周宝始の子)は周弘正・周弘譲・周弘直。
Zhou She (周捨) (469–524), courtesy name Shengyi (昇逸), formally Viscount Jian (簡子, literally "the undiscriminating viscount"), was an official of the Chinese dynasty Liang Dynasty. He was never titular prime minister, and never held an office of high rank, but was largely considered a de facto prime minister and was well regarded by his contemporaries.
周捨(469年-524年),字昇逸,汝南安城人,南北朝南梁官員。 周捨是東晉左光祿大夫周顗的八世孫,南齊中書侍郎周顒是他的父親,他年少聰明,父親覺得奇怪顒異之,臨終前對他說:「不擔心你不富貴,但要保持道德。」長大後,周捨博學多才,精通義理,擅長背誦;從南齊起家,遷任後軍。建武年間,北魏人南歸,有儒學學識,尚書僕射江祏招攬吳苞講學,周捨在座多次折服吳苞包,言辭雄健,因此一辯論知名。王亮任職丹陽尹時聽聞此事後很高興,徵辟他為主簿,經常委派政事,之後轉任太常丞。 梁國建立,周捨擔任梁國奉常丞,至梁武帝即位,訪求異能士人,吏部尚書范雲和他的父親友好,重視他的才能和器局,因此推薦給武帝,召來拜任尚書祠部郎。其時梁朝剛建立,禮儀事務都由周捨制訂,不久任職後軍記室參軍、秣陵縣令;入朝為中書通事舍人,累遷太子洗馬、散騎常侍、中書侍郎、鴻臚卿。王亮獲罪被迫歸家,舊友中只有他來送行,王亮去世後亦親自為他辦理喪事,得到時人讚頌。他改任尚書吏部郎、、右衛將軍,雖然多次調職,但仍然留在朝廷,很少休假,國史詔令、禮儀法律、軍旅謀略,都由周捨兼管;他日夜侍奉武帝,參與機密事項,二十多年不曾離開;他也能言善辯,天天和人談笑,卻從不泄漏機密,令別人嘆服。
Zhou She
周 捨(しゅう しゃ、471年 - 526年)は、南朝斉から梁にかけての学者・官僚・政治家。字は昇逸。本貫は汝南郡安成県。東晋の尚書左僕射の周顗の八世の孫にあたる。子は周弘義・周弘信。甥(弟の周宝始の子)は周弘正・周弘譲・周弘直。
Zhou She (周捨) (469–524), courtesy name Shengyi (昇逸), formally Viscount Jian (簡子, literally "the undiscriminating viscount"), was an official of the Chinese dynasty Liang Dynasty. He was never titular prime minister, and never held an office of high rank, but was largely considered a de facto prime minister and was well regarded by his contemporaries. Zhou She was an eighth-generation descendant of the famed Jin official Zhou Yi (周顗). His father Zhou Yong (周顒) was a Southern Qi official. When Zhou She was young, he became known for his skills in rhetoric, and he was retained by Wang Liang (王亮), then the mayor of the capital Jiankang, to serve as his secretary. When Emperor Wu of Liang seized the throne from Emperor He of Southern Qi in 502, he sought out people with talent to serve in his administration. His prime minister Fan Yun was friendly with Zhou She's father Zhou Yong, and he recommended Zhou She, whom Emperor Wu made a low level official and gradually promoted. In 503, Fan died, and Emperor Wu entrusted the important matters of state to Zhou She and Xu Mian, effectively making them co-prime ministers, even though neither carried the title and neither received particularly high rank. For the next 20 years, Zhou and Xu served together in this key capacity. Zhou was considered capable and honest and particularly frugal in his living. In 524, a letter was from Bai Wo (白渦), a commandery governor, was uncovered, in which Bai promised Zhou a large bribe. While there was no evidence showing that Zhou actually received the letter or acted on Bai's behalf, Emperor Wu relieved Zhou from his post. Zhou died later that year, and Emperor Wu, regretting relieving Zhou of his post, issued two edicts greatly praising Zhou for his service and personally attended his wake. He also gave Zhou the posthumous name of Viscount Jian—although there was no record in history indicating that Emperor Wu ever created Zhou a viscount while he was alive or posthumously.
周捨(469年-524年),字昇逸,汝南安城人,南北朝南梁官員。 周捨是東晉左光祿大夫周顗的八世孫,南齊中書侍郎周顒是他的父親,他年少聰明,父親覺得奇怪顒異之,臨終前對他說:「不擔心你不富貴,但要保持道德。」長大後,周捨博學多才,精通義理,擅長背誦;從南齊起家,遷任後軍。建武年間,北魏人南歸,有儒學學識,尚書僕射江祏招攬吳苞講學,周捨在座多次折服吳苞包,言辭雄健,因此一辯論知名。王亮任職丹陽尹時聽聞此事後很高興,徵辟他為主簿,經常委派政事,之後轉任太常丞。 梁國建立,周捨擔任梁國奉常丞,至梁武帝即位,訪求異能士人,吏部尚書范雲和他的父親友好,重視他的才能和器局,因此推薦給武帝,召來拜任尚書祠部郎。其時梁朝剛建立,禮儀事務都由周捨制訂,不久任職後軍記室參軍、秣陵縣令;入朝為中書通事舍人,累遷太子洗馬、散騎常侍、中書侍郎、鴻臚卿。王亮獲罪被迫歸家,舊友中只有他來送行,王亮去世後亦親自為他辦理喪事,得到時人讚頌。他改任尚書吏部郎、、右衛將軍,雖然多次調職,但仍然留在朝廷,很少休假,國史詔令、禮儀法律、軍旅謀略,都由周捨兼管;他日夜侍奉武帝,參與機密事項,二十多年不曾離開;他也能言善辯,天天和人談笑,卻從不泄漏機密,令別人嘆服。 他個性樸素,衣物用具、居處床席好像貧民一樣,他的府邸也積滿塵埃,用荻做屏風,壞了也不更換。在右衛任職,因為母親逝世辭官,再得起用為明威將軍、右驍騎將軍。服喪完畢,除授侍中、領步兵校尉,未拜任就遷為員外散騎常侍、太子左衛率,很快就加散騎常侍、本州大中正,遷太子詹事。普通五年(524年),南津收到武陵太守白渦書信,答應留下百萬面錢給周捨,於是上報朝廷,於是被免官,遷為右驍騎將軍,知太子詹事,同年逝世,虛歲五十六。梁武帝親自拜祭哭泣,下詔追贈侍中、護軍將軍,給與鼓吹、棺材、朝服,協助喪事,諡簡子。有兒子周弘義、周弘信。 最初范雲離世,以沈約充當樞管,武帝認為沈約輕率,不如徐勉,因此讓他和徐勉同時參與國政。徐勉在小事中被廢黜,周捨一人掌轄,他的雅量不及徐勉但更為清廉節約,故兩人都有賢相的名聲。修國史期間,他對追尊梁文帝蕭順之紀傳的名字有意見,認為「本紀包含幹象六爻,若將文帝生平追寫本紀,就不能包含每一件事;但若直寫功德,就是傳記並非本紀,應該將文帝事蹟放置在本紀前略述。」武帝聽從他的意見。他的思考便捷,曾在值宿談及嗜好,裴子野說他從來不食薑。周捨應聲曰:「孔稱『不徹』,裴就不嚐。」在座的人都笑起來。