Youth organizations in the United States an entity of type: Thing

Youth organizations in the United States are of many different types. The largest is the government run 4-H program, followed by the federally chartered but private Scouting movement groups: the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). Another somewhat smaller but co-ed Scouting derived group is Camp Fire. Other youth groups are religious youth ministries such as the evangelical Christian , Seventh-day Adventist , and Assemblies of God . rdf:langString
rdf:langString Youth organizations in the United States
rdf:langString Caravan
rdf:langString Pathfinders
rdf:langString Challengers
rdf:langString Royal Rangers
rdf:langString Columbian Squires
rdf:langString AWANA
rdf:langString Adventure Corps
rdf:langString Calvinist Cadet Corps
rdf:langString Christian Service Brigade
rdf:langString Earth Champs
rdf:langString Frontier Girls
rdf:langString GEMS Girls' Clubs
rdf:langString Kepha
rdf:langString Kids for Earth
rdf:langString Navigators USA
rdf:langString Pioneer Clubs
rdf:langString Royal Ambassadors
rdf:langString SpiralScouts International
rdf:langString Troops of Saint George
rdf:langString The Brotherhood of the Iron Will
xsd:integer 40223576
xsd:integer 1120865338
rdf:langString red
rdf:langString white
rdf:langString blue
rdf:langString black
rdf:langString red
rdf:langString blue
rdf:langString yellow
rdf:langString purple
rdf:langString brown
rdf:langString tan
rdf:langString Awana International
xsd:integer 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString righr
rdf:langString black shield logo of the Christian Service Brigade
rdf:langString white
rdf:langString Christian Service Brigade logo
rdf:langString Pathfinder emblem
rdf:langString logo for Columbian Squires
xsd:integer 62
rdf:langString Canada
rdf:langString USA
rdf:langString World
rdf:langString US
rdf:langString USA, Canada
xsd:integer 1908
xsd:integer 1950
xsd:integer 1962
xsd:integer 1999
xsd:integer 2001
xsd:integer 2002
xsd:integer 2009
xsd:date 1925-08-04
xsd:date 2007-01-19
xsd:date 2013-05-24
rdf:langString Paul Ritchi
rdf:langString Taylor Marshall
rdf:langString Woman's Missionary Union
rdf:langString Robin Bossert
rdf:langString Aditi Sen
rdf:langString Joe Coughlin
rdf:langString Kerry Cordy
rdf:langString Betty Whitaker
rdf:langString Harriet Brehm
rdf:langString Joe Coughlin
rdf:langString Hillsdale, New Jersey
rdf:langString New York City
rdf:langString New Haven
rdf:langString Springfield, Mo.
rdf:langString USA
rdf:langString United States, Canada
rdf:langString USA, Mexico, Philippines
xsd:integer 350
xsd:integer 600
xsd:integer 1500
xsd:integer 9900
xsd:integer 25000
xsd:integer 31000
xsd:integer 125000
xsd:integer 2000000
rdf:langString ~58 troops
rdf:langString [[#Challengers
rdf:langString Aquarian Tabernacle Church
rdf:langString CSB Ministries
rdf:langString Dynamic Youth Ministries
rdf:langString North American Mission Board
rdf:langString Woman's Missionary Union
rdf:langString Earth Charter US
rdf:langString Frontier Girls, LLC
rdf:langString Pioneer Ministries
rdf:langString United for Earth
rdf:langString Woman's Missionary Union &
rdf:langString no
rdf:langString off
rdf:langString Moonbeams
rdf:langString [[#Royal Ambassadors
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 2
xsd:integer 3
xsd:integer 4
xsd:integer 5
rdf:langString Ready
rdf:langString A SpiralScout shall: Respect all living things; be kind and courteous; be honorable; be mindful of his/her words; seek out knowledge in all forms; recognize the beauty in all of creation; offer assistance to others; value honesty and truth; honor personal commitments; and respect the Divine in all things.
rdf:langString Truthful, Respectful, Inclusive, Generous, Dependable, Resourceful, Cooperative
rdf:langString Adventure with Christ!
rdf:langString On my honour, and with God's grace, I promise to do my best to serve God, my Church, and my country, to help others at all times, and to obey the Explorer law.
rdf:langString Christ in every phase of a girl's life.
rdf:langString Esto Dignus / Be Worthy
rdf:langString Parati Semper / prepared always
rdf:langString Set an example:
rdf:langString Stay On Course
rdf:langString The love of Christ constrains us all.
rdf:langString The more you give, The more you get
rdf:langString By the grace of God, I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
rdf:langString I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag Which stands for the Awana clubs Whose goal is to reach boys and girls With the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
rdf:langString I pledge to love God, Be loyal to my country, and to love my neighbor as myself.
rdf:langString As a Royal Ambassador I will do my best: to become a well-informed, responsible follower of Christ; to have a Christ-like concern for all people; to learn how to carry the message of Christ around the world; to work with others in sharing Christ; and to keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body.
rdf:langString The Law is for me to: Keep the morning watch Do my honest part Care for my body, Keep a level eye Be courteous and obedient Walk softly in the sanctuary, Keep a song in my heart, Go on God's errand.
rdf:langString Godly men who serve, lead and disciple each generation
rdf:langString I promise to do my best to be faithful to God, my country, and my parents, to keep the law of the Timber Wolf den, and to do a good turn for somebody every day.
rdf:langString Apologetics, Brotherhood, Charity, Mortification and Prayer.
rdf:langString I promise to explore God's word and God's world to find ways to serve him and help others, to develop and guard good habits so that I will grow as God desires, and to adventure into the world with the "good news" of Jesus Christ.
rdf:langString I promise to serve the Wise Ones, To Honor and respect Mother Earth, To be helpful and understanding toward all people, And always keep love in my heart.
rdf:langString The wolf listens to the old wolves, the wolf respects himself and the other members of the den. The timber wolf thinks of others first. The timber wolf opens his eyes and his ears. The timber wolf is always clean. The timber wolf always tells the truth. The timber wolf is always happy.
rdf:langString # An explorer's honour is to be trusted. # An explorer is loyal to his country, leaders, parents, and subordinates. # An explorer's duty is to serve others. # An explorer is a friend to all and a brother to every other explorer. # An explorer is courteous and chivalrous. # An explorer sees in nature God's creations; he loves plants and animals. # An explorer obeys proper orders and leaves nothing half-finished. # An explorer smiles and whistles under all difficulties. # An explorer is thrifty; he takes care of his own possessions and those of others. # An explorer is clean in thought, word, and deed.
rdf:langString A Royal Ranger is: alert, clean, honest, courageous, loyal, courteous, obedient, spiritual.
rdf:langString As a Navigator I promise to do my best To create a world free of prejudice and ignorance. To treat people of every race, creed, Lifestyle and ability with dignity and respect. To strengthen my body and improve My mind to reach my full potential. To protect our planet and Preserve our freedom.
rdf:langString I pledge myself to the FireFly Promise, the SpiralScouts's Oath, the fulfillment of all my commitments, made to myself as well as others. I pledge to serve all my brothers and sisters in every way on our many journeys around the sun together as I find my way through the world.
rdf:langString Eagle
rdf:langString Explorers
rdf:langString Otters
rdf:langString Pathfinder
<second> -7.0
rdf:langString Battalion
rdf:langString Discovery
rdf:langString Adventurers
rdf:langString Rangers
rdf:langString Rovers
rdf:langString Advanced
rdf:langString Dolphin
rdf:langString Otter
rdf:langString Pathfinders
rdf:langString Crusaders
rdf:langString Butterfly
rdf:langString Scooter
rdf:langString Skipper
rdf:langString Sparks
rdf:langString Moriya
rdf:langString Owl
rdf:langString Penguin
rdf:langString Trailblazer
rdf:langString Awareness
rdf:langString Voyager
rdf:langString Timberwolves
rdf:langString Grades 6-8
rdf:langString Searchers
rdf:langString Stockade
rdf:langString Grades 9-12
rdf:langString Exploring
rdf:langString Counselor-in-Training
rdf:langString Cubbies
rdf:langString Junior Varsity
rdf:langString Lads
rdf:langString Puggles
rdf:langString Voyageurs
rdf:langString SpiralScouts
rdf:langString Tadpoles
rdf:langString Tree Climbers
rdf:langString Adult 18+
rdf:langString Adventure Rangers
rdf:langString Discovery Rangers
rdf:langString Expedition Rangers
rdf:langString FireFlies
rdf:langString Grades 3-5
rdf:langString Grades K-2
rdf:langString Guide Trails
rdf:langString Junior Cadets
rdf:langString Junior Navigators
rdf:langString Kingdom Kids
rdf:langString Moriya modified
rdf:langString PathFinders
rdf:langString Ranger Kids
rdf:langString Recruit-Pathfinder-Builder
rdf:langString Senior Navigators
rdf:langString Truth & Training
rdf:langString [[#Challengers
rdf:langString [[#Royal Ambassadors
rdf:langString age 3-5
rdf:langString —
rdf:langString —
rdf:langString —1 Peter 3:15
rdf:langString —BSA Troop 97
rdf:langString —Billy Graham Center
rdf:langString —Booth Youth
rdf:langString —Crossview Baptist Church
rdf:langString —Doorway to Adventure
rdf:langString —Navigators USA Guidebook
rdf:langString —North Star FNE Group
rdf:langString —Patheos
rdf:langString —Pathfinders Online
xsd:integer 5
rdf:langString Motto
rdf:langString Moral Compass
rdf:langString Pledge
rdf:langString CSB Vision
rdf:langString Frontier Girls Promise
rdf:langString Navigator Motto
rdf:langString Navigator Slogan
rdf:langString Navigator Traits
rdf:langString Pathfinder Law
rdf:langString Pathfinder Motto
rdf:langString Pathfinder Pledge
rdf:langString Pioneer Girls slogan
rdf:langString RA Pledge
rdf:langString Royal Ranger Code
rdf:langString Royal Ranger Motto
rdf:langString Saint George Law
rdf:langString Saint George Motto
rdf:langString Saint George Oath
rdf:langString SpiralScout Oath
rdf:langString Squire Motto
rdf:langString The Explorer Law
rdf:langString The Explorer Promise
rdf:langString The FireFly Promise
rdf:langString The PathFinder Pledge
rdf:langString The past Awana Pledge
rdf:langString Timber Wolf Laws
rdf:langString Timber Wolf Promise
xsd:integer 200 230 250
rdf:langString Youth organizations in the United States are of many different types. The largest is the government run 4-H program, followed by the federally chartered but private Scouting movement groups: the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). Another somewhat smaller but co-ed Scouting derived group is Camp Fire. Other youth groups are religious youth ministries such as the evangelical Christian , Seventh-day Adventist , and Assemblies of God . Smaller Scout-like groups include the Christian Trail Life USA for boys, American Heritage Girls for girls, the non-denominational co-ed and Baden-Powell Service Association, and pagan but non-discriminatory .
rdf:langString Doug Marsh
rdf:langString Paul Ritchi
rdf:langString Kathryn Miller
rdf:langString Robin Bossert
rdf:langString Gilbert Cangy
rdf:langString Steve Bootsma
rdf:langString executive director
rdf:langString Executive Director
rdf:langString Executive director
rdf:langString General Commissioner
rdf:langString director of youth ministries
rdf:langString international Director
rdf:langString [[#AWANA
rdf:langString [[#Adventure Corps
rdf:langString [[#Baden-Powell Service Association
rdf:langString [[#Calvinist Cadet Corps
rdf:langString [[#Caravan
rdf:langString [[#Christian Service Brigade
rdf:langString [[#Frontier Girls
rdf:langString [[#GEMS Girls' Clubs
rdf:langString [[#Navigators USA
rdf:langString [[#Pioneer Clubs
rdf:langString [[#Royal Rangers
rdf:langString [[#Southern Baptist Convention
rdf:langString [[#SpiralScouts International
xsd:integer 1 3
xsd:integer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 17 20
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 78861

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