Yeren an entity of type: WikicatChineseLegendaryCreatures

Jie-žen nebo též jeren (čínsky pchin-jinem yěrén, znaky 野人, doslova divoký muž) je legendární hominid ze střední Číny podobný yettimu, jehož existence nebyla prokázána. rdf:langString
Der Yeren (chin. yěrén 野人;seltener auch Xueren, Yeh Ren, Yiren) ist ein sagenhafter Affenmensch, der die Bergwälder der Provinz Hubei, seltener auch andere Regionen Chinas bewohnen soll. Der Yeren ist ein Kryptid. Seine Existenz ist nicht belegt und wird als höchst zweifelhaft angesehen. Als mögliche Erklärung für den Yeren-Mythos werden unter anderem später verklärte Sichtungen des Goldstumpfnasenaffen herangezogen. Sein Name lässt sich mit Wilder Mann aus dem Chinesischen übersetzen. rdf:langString
El Yeren (en chino, 野人; pinyin, Yeren; literalmente, ‘Hombre Salvaje’), también denominado Yiren, Yeh Ren, Hombre Salvaje Chino​, (en chino, 神农架 野人; pinyin, Shénnóngjiàyěrén; literalmente, ‘Salvaje de Shennongjia’) o Mono-Hombre, (en chino, 人 熊; pinyin, Ren Xiong; literalmente, ‘Hombre Oso’), es una criatura legendaria que dice podría ser un homínido desconocido que reside en las remotas regiones montañosas boscosas del oeste de Hubei​. rdf:langString
Le Yeran (chinois : 野人 ; pinyin : yěrén ; litt. « sauvage-homme »), appelé indifféremment le Yiren, Yeh Ren, Homme sauvage chinois (chinois : 神农架野人 ; pinyin : Shénnóngjiàyěrén ; litt. « L'homme sauvage de ») ou l'Homme-Singe (chinois : 人熊 ; pinyin : Ren Xiong ; litt. « Homme-ours »), est une créature légendaire, réputée pour résider dans les montagnes boisées des régions de l'ouest du Hubei. rdf:langString
Lo Yeren (in cinese 野人, letteralmente "Uomo selvaggio") è una creatura leggendaria che si dice abiti nelle foreste desolate della provincia cinese di Hubei. rdf:langString
野人(やじん)とは、未確認動物(UMA)の一種。雪男やビッグフットと同様に、人間に近い体格で二足歩行をし、なおかつ体表が毛に覆われているという外見的特徴を持つとされる。このため、現存する猿人(ラマピテクスなど)あるいは原人ではないかという憶測がなされている。 rdf:langString
野人是一种未被证实存在的灵长目动物。其较为正式的学术名称是“直立高等灵长目奇异动物”。野人可能是远古智人进化到现代人之间,故有人将其分类为人科人属但並非智人种,可能与现代人类有最近的亲缘关系。“野人”是众多传说的神秘动物中的一种。对于“野人”,世界上不同地方有不同的称呼,如「雪人」、「幽威」、「雪怪」、「大脚怪」等。 rdf:langString
Ежэнь (кит. трад. 野人, пиньинь yěrén, буквально: «дикий человек»), также известный как «китайский дикий человек» (кит. трад. 神农架野人, пиньинь Shénnóngjiàyěrén, буквально: «Дикий человек из Шэньнунцзя») или «человек-медведь» (кит. трад. 人熊, пиньинь rén xióng, палл. жэньсюн) — легендарное существо, криптид, по ряду предположений — ещё не открытый гоминид, якобы обитающий в отдалённых горных лесных районах западной части китайской провинции Хубэй и некоторых соседних. rdf:langString
The yeren (Chinese: 野人, "wild man") is a cryptid apeman reported to inhabit remote, mountainous regions of China, most famously in the Shennongjia Forestry District in the Hubei Province. Sightings of "hairy men" have remained constant since the Warring States Period circa 340 BCE through the Tang dynasty (618–907 CE), before solidifying into the modern legend of the yeren. Generally, they are described as savage, strong, and fast-moving, living in mountain caves and descending only to raid villages for food or for people to wed or rape. rdf:langString
O Yeren (chinês: 野人, pinyin: yěrén, lit. ‘Homem selvagem’), referido também como Yiren, Yeh Ren, Homem Selvagem Chinês (chinês: 神农架野人, pinyin: Shénnóngjiàyěrén, lit. ‘O Homem Selvagem de Shennongjia’) ou Homem-Macaco (chinês: 人熊, pinyin: Ren Xiong, lit. ‘Homem Urso’), é uma antiquíssima criatura lendária da China central e do sul. Em torno do século III a.C. o poeta Qu Yuan teria escrito um poema sobre o "monstro das montanhas". Gigante e peluda, sua pelagem seria marrom ou vermelha. Ao contrário do Yeti, não há nenhuma suposta fotografia do Yeren, embora muitas de suas pegadas tenham sido registradas. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Jie-žen
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString 野人 (未確認動物)
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString Ежэнь
rdf:langString Yeren
rdf:langString 野人
xsd:integer 506498
xsd:integer 1121386761
rdf:langString Duan Chengshi, Youyang Zazu, 853 CE
rdf:langString Yuan Mei describing an alleged "hairy man" victim from the Shaanxi Province, What the Master Would Not Discuss, 1788 CE
rdf:langString jué
rdf:langString Yě qī
rdf:langString feifei
rdf:langString máorén
rdf:langString shān guǐ
rdf:langString xīngxing
rdf:langString yěrén
rdf:langString Her lips had giant bite marks, the area around her genitals was broken open and torn apart [to the point that] all her bones could be seen, and there was more than a pint of blood mixed with white semen on the ground.
rdf:langString If you drink the blood of the feifei, you will be able to see ghosts. It is so strong that it can shoulder one thousand catties [{{cvt|500|kg|lb}}] ... its upper lip always covers its head. Its shape is like that of an ape. It uses human speech, but it sounds like a bird. It can foretell life and death. Its blood can dye things dark purple, and its hair can be used to make wigs. Legend has it that its heels face backwards … hunters say that it has no knees
rdf:langString Jie-žen nebo též jeren (čínsky pchin-jinem yěrén, znaky 野人, doslova divoký muž) je legendární hominid ze střední Číny podobný yettimu, jehož existence nebyla prokázána.
rdf:langString Der Yeren (chin. yěrén 野人;seltener auch Xueren, Yeh Ren, Yiren) ist ein sagenhafter Affenmensch, der die Bergwälder der Provinz Hubei, seltener auch andere Regionen Chinas bewohnen soll. Der Yeren ist ein Kryptid. Seine Existenz ist nicht belegt und wird als höchst zweifelhaft angesehen. Als mögliche Erklärung für den Yeren-Mythos werden unter anderem später verklärte Sichtungen des Goldstumpfnasenaffen herangezogen. Sein Name lässt sich mit Wilder Mann aus dem Chinesischen übersetzen.
rdf:langString El Yeren (en chino, 野人; pinyin, Yeren; literalmente, ‘Hombre Salvaje’), también denominado Yiren, Yeh Ren, Hombre Salvaje Chino​, (en chino, 神农架 野人; pinyin, Shénnóngjiàyěrén; literalmente, ‘Salvaje de Shennongjia’) o Mono-Hombre, (en chino, 人 熊; pinyin, Ren Xiong; literalmente, ‘Hombre Oso’), es una criatura legendaria que dice podría ser un homínido desconocido que reside en las remotas regiones montañosas boscosas del oeste de Hubei​.
rdf:langString Le Yeran (chinois : 野人 ; pinyin : yěrén ; litt. « sauvage-homme »), appelé indifféremment le Yiren, Yeh Ren, Homme sauvage chinois (chinois : 神农架野人 ; pinyin : Shénnóngjiàyěrén ; litt. « L'homme sauvage de ») ou l'Homme-Singe (chinois : 人熊 ; pinyin : Ren Xiong ; litt. « Homme-ours »), est une créature légendaire, réputée pour résider dans les montagnes boisées des régions de l'ouest du Hubei.
rdf:langString Lo Yeren (in cinese 野人, letteralmente "Uomo selvaggio") è una creatura leggendaria che si dice abiti nelle foreste desolate della provincia cinese di Hubei.
rdf:langString The yeren (Chinese: 野人, "wild man") is a cryptid apeman reported to inhabit remote, mountainous regions of China, most famously in the Shennongjia Forestry District in the Hubei Province. Sightings of "hairy men" have remained constant since the Warring States Period circa 340 BCE through the Tang dynasty (618–907 CE), before solidifying into the modern legend of the yeren. Generally, they are described as savage, strong, and fast-moving, living in mountain caves and descending only to raid villages for food or for people to wed or rape. Scientific interest in such apemen erupted in the 1950s and 60s in conjunction with pseudoscientific discoveries relating to Bigfoot and the yeti, but pressure by the Maoist government to leave behind these kinds of legends and folk stories repressed further interest in the yeren until its dissolution in 1976. Afterwards, large expeditions were launched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to investigate alleged eyewitness accounts, footprints, hairs, and bodies as "yeren fever" took hold, with scientists working with an unprecedented reliance on citizen science. The yeren was often speculated to be a far removed human relative, such as Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus robustus. All forwarded evidence of the creature originated from known animals — namely bears, monkeys, and gibbons — and scientific interest waned by the late 1980s. Nonetheless, organized yeren research still persists, though no serious scientific institutions recognize such apemen. The creature has become an artistic icon of wildness and nature, and was used in the wake of the Cultural Revolution to challenge sexually restrictive and egalitarian ideals, as well as to address deforestation and other environmental issues in China.
rdf:langString 野人(やじん)とは、未確認動物(UMA)の一種。雪男やビッグフットと同様に、人間に近い体格で二足歩行をし、なおかつ体表が毛に覆われているという外見的特徴を持つとされる。このため、現存する猿人(ラマピテクスなど)あるいは原人ではないかという憶測がなされている。
rdf:langString O Yeren (chinês: 野人, pinyin: yěrén, lit. ‘Homem selvagem’), referido também como Yiren, Yeh Ren, Homem Selvagem Chinês (chinês: 神农架野人, pinyin: Shénnóngjiàyěrén, lit. ‘O Homem Selvagem de Shennongjia’) ou Homem-Macaco (chinês: 人熊, pinyin: Ren Xiong, lit. ‘Homem Urso’), é uma antiquíssima criatura lendária da China central e do sul. Em torno do século III a.C. o poeta Qu Yuan teria escrito um poema sobre o "monstro das montanhas". Gigante e peluda, sua pelagem seria marrom ou vermelha. Ao contrário do Yeti, não há nenhuma suposta fotografia do Yeren, embora muitas de suas pegadas tenham sido registradas. Além dos muitos relatos, alguns dos quais incríveis, incluindo o do biólogo , que em 1940 conta ter examinado um Yeren fêmea morto a tiros pelos locais; ou o de que soldados chineses no Himalaia teriam comido a carne de um Yeti em 1962, a primeira evidência física relevante do Yeren chinês foi analisada em 1980. Em 1957 aldeões da montanha teriam matado um "homem-urso" e um professor de biologia local conservou suas extremidades. O exame por Zhou Guoxing das mãos e pés preservados apontou que pertenceriam a um macaco, embora enorme e possivelmente de um "primata desconhecido", apesar de não ser compatível com uma criatura de dois metros de altura.
rdf:langString 野人是一种未被证实存在的灵长目动物。其较为正式的学术名称是“直立高等灵长目奇异动物”。野人可能是远古智人进化到现代人之间,故有人将其分类为人科人属但並非智人种,可能与现代人类有最近的亲缘关系。“野人”是众多传说的神秘动物中的一种。对于“野人”,世界上不同地方有不同的称呼,如「雪人」、「幽威」、「雪怪」、「大脚怪」等。
rdf:langString Ежэнь (кит. трад. 野人, пиньинь yěrén, буквально: «дикий человек»), также известный как «китайский дикий человек» (кит. трад. 神农架野人, пиньинь Shénnóngjiàyěrén, буквально: «Дикий человек из Шэньнунцзя») или «человек-медведь» (кит. трад. 人熊, пиньинь rén xióng, палл. жэньсюн) — легендарное существо, криптид, по ряду предположений — ещё не открытый гоминид, якобы обитающий в отдалённых горных лесных районах западной части китайской провинции Хубэй и некоторых соседних.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 20534

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