
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Wurdulac an entity of type: WikicatVampires

El Wurdulac, també pronunciat wurdalak o verdilak, és un tipus de vampir rus que ha de consumir la sang dels seus estimats i convertir tota la seua família. Alexei Tolstoy va escriure sobre la més famosa d'una d'aquestes famílies, al seu relat La família del Vurdalak. rdf:langString
Un wurdulac (en ruso, вурдалак, vurdalak), también deletreado wurdalak o verdilak, es un tipo de vampiro ruso que debe consumir la sangre de sus seres queridos, convirtiendo en vampiros toda su familia. Alekséi Tolstói escribió sobre la más famosa de esas familias, en su relato La familia del vurdalak. rdf:langString
Wurdulac, baita ere wurdalak edo verdilak, Errusiako banpiro mota bat da. Banpiro hauek familaikoei eta senideei xurgatzen diete odola; horrela, familia osoa banpiro bihurtzen dute. Errusiatik kanpo ezagunak egin dira Sem'ya Vurdalaka («Wurdulacen familia») eleberriari esker, wurdulac familia bat deskribatzen baitu. , 1963an, zinemara eraman zuen kontakizun hori (beste bi narrazioekin batera), izenburuarekin eta Boris Karloff aktore nagusia izanik. rdf:langString
Il wurdulac, detto anche wurdalak o verdilak (in russo вурдалак vurdalak "vampiro che divora i cadaveri") è un tipo di vampiro presente nel folclore russo che, dopo aver succhiato il sangue dei suoi familiari, li fa diventare anch'essi vampiri. rdf:langString
Wurdulac, also spelled wurdalak or verdilak, is a vampire in the Slavic folklore mythology. Some Western sources define it as a type of "Russian vampire" that must consume the blood of its loved ones and convert its whole family. This notion is based apparently on Alexey K. Tolstoy's novella The Family of the Vourdalak, telling the story of one such Slavic family. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Wurdulac
rdf:langString Wurdulac
rdf:langString Wurdulac
rdf:langString Wurdulac
rdf:langString Вурдалак (значения)
rdf:langString Wurdulac
xsd:integer 5402523
xsd:integer 1061746855
rdf:langString El Wurdulac, també pronunciat wurdalak o verdilak, és un tipus de vampir rus que ha de consumir la sang dels seus estimats i convertir tota la seua família. Alexei Tolstoy va escriure sobre la més famosa d'una d'aquestes famílies, al seu relat La família del Vurdalak.
rdf:langString Un wurdulac (en ruso, вурдалак, vurdalak), también deletreado wurdalak o verdilak, es un tipo de vampiro ruso que debe consumir la sangre de sus seres queridos, convirtiendo en vampiros toda su familia. Alekséi Tolstói escribió sobre la más famosa de esas familias, en su relato La familia del vurdalak.
rdf:langString Wurdulac, baita ere wurdalak edo verdilak, Errusiako banpiro mota bat da. Banpiro hauek familaikoei eta senideei xurgatzen diete odola; horrela, familia osoa banpiro bihurtzen dute. Errusiatik kanpo ezagunak egin dira Sem'ya Vurdalaka («Wurdulacen familia») eleberriari esker, wurdulac familia bat deskribatzen baitu. , 1963an, zinemara eraman zuen kontakizun hori (beste bi narrazioekin batera), izenburuarekin eta Boris Karloff aktore nagusia izanik.
rdf:langString Wurdulac, also spelled wurdalak or verdilak, is a vampire in the Slavic folklore mythology. Some Western sources define it as a type of "Russian vampire" that must consume the blood of its loved ones and convert its whole family. This notion is based apparently on Alexey K. Tolstoy's novella The Family of the Vourdalak, telling the story of one such Slavic family. In Russia the common name for vampire (or wurdulac) is "upyr" (Russian: упырь). Nowadays the three terms are regarded as synonymous, but in 19th century they were seen as separate, although similar entities. The Russian upyr was said to be a former witch, werewolf or a particularly nasty sinner who had been excommunicated from the church. In Ukraine the upyrs were also feared as the vampires who could bring about droughts and epidemics. In Russian language the word "wurdulac" (Russian: вурдалак) first appeared in early 19th century, and became common due to Alexander Pushkin's 1836 poem of the same name, part of the Songs of the Western Slavs cycle. It is the corrupt form of the West Slavic word "volkodlak" (Russian: волкодлак), meaning literally "wolf-fur" or "wolf-hide" (i.e., it denotes someone "wearing" a wolf's skin; a werewolf).
rdf:langString Il wurdulac, detto anche wurdalak o verdilak (in russo вурдалак vurdalak "vampiro che divora i cadaveri") è un tipo di vampiro presente nel folclore russo che, dopo aver succhiato il sangue dei suoi familiari, li fa diventare anch'essi vampiri.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2065

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