World ParaVolley
World ParaVolley est une organisation à but non lucratif internationale qui fédère une cinquantaine de fédérations nationales de volley-ball handisport du monde entier, comptant deux disciplines majeures : Volley-ball assis (joueurs paralysés) et le volley-ball debout (joueurs amputés ou joueurs sourds). Elle gère également l'essor du Beach-volley assis.
World ParaVolley, formerly the World Organization Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD), is an international organization that is for people with physical disabilities. It is affiliated with the International Paralympic Committee(IPC). The World Organization Volleyball for Disabled was established in 1981 and was part of the International Sports Organization for Disabled (ISOD). In 1992 the WOVD became its own separate Organization in Barcelona, Spain. The WOVD Headquarters were also established in the Netherlands.The WOVD is responsible for managing and controlling the conduct of international volleyball competitions for men, women and youth. The WOVD also liaises with IPC (as an independent organisation) and with other organizations for people with or without disabilities. The organization adop
World ParaVolley
World ParaVolley
World ParaVolley est une organisation à but non lucratif internationale qui fédère une cinquantaine de fédérations nationales de volley-ball handisport du monde entier, comptant deux disciplines majeures : Volley-ball assis (joueurs paralysés) et le volley-ball debout (joueurs amputés ou joueurs sourds). Elle gère également l'essor du Beach-volley assis. World ParaVolley est reconnu par le Comité international paralympique (IPC) comme la seule fédération internationale responsable de la gouvernance, de la planification et de la gestion de toutes les formes de volley-ball pour les personnes ayant une déficience physique.
World ParaVolley, formerly the World Organization Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD), is an international organization that is for people with physical disabilities. It is affiliated with the International Paralympic Committee(IPC). The World Organization Volleyball for Disabled was established in 1981 and was part of the International Sports Organization for Disabled (ISOD). In 1992 the WOVD became its own separate Organization in Barcelona, Spain. The WOVD Headquarters were also established in the Netherlands.The WOVD is responsible for managing and controlling the conduct of international volleyball competitions for men, women and youth. The WOVD also liaises with IPC (as an independent organisation) and with other organizations for people with or without disabilities. The organization adopted its present name World ParaVolley at its 2014 general assembly.