Women and government in Australia
Government in Australia is elected by universal suffrage and Australian women participate in all levels of the government of the nation. In 1902, the newly formed Commonwealth of Australia became the first nation on earth to enact equal suffrage, enabling women to both vote and stand for election alongside men Women have been represented in Australian state parliaments since 1921, and in the Federal Parliament since 1943. The first female leader of an Australian State or Territory was elected in 1989, and the first female Prime Minister took office in 2010. In 2019 for the first time, a majority of members of the Australian Senate were women. At the time of its foundation in 1901, and again since 1952, Australia has had a female monarch as ceremonial Head of State, while the first female G
从20世纪初,澳大利亚女性开始参与政府事务。实行,新成立的澳大利亚联邦政府通过了,允许大多数女性可以在中投票和参选。南澳大利亚州和西澳大利亚州在实行联邦制前赋予女性投票权。 实行联邦制后,新南威爾士州、塔斯馬尼亞州、昆士蘭州和維多利亞州也通过立法允许女性参与州和地方各级政府事务。直到1962年,才能在各级政府及所有州和领地获得选举权。 尽管《联邦选举法》允许女性参加1903年及随后的联邦选举,但直到,和议员才成为首批当选为联邦议会议员的女性。迪特·考恩参与1921年(西澳大利亚州)州选举,成为首位当选为澳大利亚议会议员的女性。人们为了纪念她,把她印制在50澳元纸币上。首位领导州或领地政府的女性是,她于1989年任职,在1991至1995年期间又担任澳大利亚首都领地首席部长。澳大利亚首位女州长是,她领导西澳大利亚州三年,直到1993年卸任。是维多利亚州首位女州长,任期从1990至1992年。于2001年从反对党中胜出,成为北领地首位女性首席部长,并在2005年凭借更高的多数票再次当选。2007年,在彼得·比蒂退休之后,继任,成为昆士兰州首位女州长。2009年,布莱成为首位民选女州长。2009年,克里斯蒂娜·克纳利成为新南威尔士州首位女州长,并在2011年州选举中落败。从2011年1月至2014年3月,莱拉·吉丁斯担任塔斯马尼亚州首位女州长。2015年,昆士兰州的安娜斯塔西亚·帕拉夏成为首位从反对党中胜出当选州长的女性。在2017年昆士兰州州选举中胜出之后,她成为首位连任的女州长。尽管自1895年以来,南澳大利亚州是最早授予投票权和允许女性参选议会的州,但是南澳大利亚州从未选举过女州长。
Women and government in Australia
Government in Australia is elected by universal suffrage and Australian women participate in all levels of the government of the nation. In 1902, the newly formed Commonwealth of Australia became the first nation on earth to enact equal suffrage, enabling women to both vote and stand for election alongside men Women have been represented in Australian state parliaments since 1921, and in the Federal Parliament since 1943. The first female leader of an Australian State or Territory was elected in 1989, and the first female Prime Minister took office in 2010. In 2019 for the first time, a majority of members of the Australian Senate were women. At the time of its foundation in 1901, and again since 1952, Australia has had a female monarch as ceremonial Head of State, while the first female Governor of an Australian State was appointed in 1991, and the first female Governor-General of Australia took office in 2008. Prior to the 1901 Federation of Australia, some of the self-governing British colonies of Australia had already enacted the right of women to vote or stand in elections. South Australian women achieved the right to stand for office in 1895 following the Constitutional Amendment (Adult Suffrage) Act 1894, which was the first legislation in the world to permit women to stand for election for political office. In 1897, Catherine Helen Spence became the first female political candidate for political office, unsuccessfully standing as a delegate to the Federal Convention on Australian Federation. Women won the vote in Western Australia in 1900, with some restrictions based on race. Indigenous Australian women could vote in some jurisdictions and circumstances from the outset, but did not achieve unqualified suffrage in all states and territories until 1962. Following Federation in 1901, the newly formed Parliament of Australia passed the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 allowing most women to both vote and stand at the 1903 Federal election. The states of New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland and Victoria passed legislation allowing women to participate in government at the state and local levels soon after Federation. The first woman to be elected to any Australian parliament was Edith Cowan in 1921 (WA), but it was not until the 1943 election that Enid Lyons and Senator Dorothy Tangney became the first women to be elected to the Federal Parliament. The first female to lead a state or territory government was Rosemary Follett serving in 1989 and again between 1991 and 1995 as chief minister of the ACT. The first female premier was Carmen Lawrence, leading Western Australia for three years until 1993. Joan Kirner was the first female premier of Victoria, serving from 1990 to 1992. In the Northern Territory, Clare Martin became the first female chief minister in 2001 winning from opposition and was reelected in 2005 with an increased majority. In 2007, Anna Bligh became the first female premier in Queensland after the retirement of Peter Beattie, and in 2009, Bligh became the first popularly elected woman premier. In NSW, Kristina Keneally became the first female premier of the state in 2009 and was defeated at the 2011 state election. Lara Giddings was the first female Premier of the state of Tasmania between January 2011 and March 2014. In Queensland, in 2015, Annastacia Palaszczuk became the first woman to be elected premier from opposition and was the first female premier to be elected for a second term after winning the 2017 Queensland state election. Despite being the earliest state to grant voting rights and allow women to stand in parliament since 1895, South Australia has never had a female premier. Julia Gillard was prime minister of Australia from 24 June 2010 to 27 June 2013, the first and only woman to have held the position.
从20世纪初,澳大利亚女性开始参与政府事务。实行,新成立的澳大利亚联邦政府通过了,允许大多数女性可以在中投票和参选。南澳大利亚州和西澳大利亚州在实行联邦制前赋予女性投票权。 实行联邦制后,新南威爾士州、塔斯馬尼亞州、昆士蘭州和維多利亞州也通过立法允许女性参与州和地方各级政府事务。直到1962年,才能在各级政府及所有州和领地获得选举权。 尽管《联邦选举法》允许女性参加1903年及随后的联邦选举,但直到,和议员才成为首批当选为联邦议会议员的女性。迪特·考恩参与1921年(西澳大利亚州)州选举,成为首位当选为澳大利亚议会议员的女性。人们为了纪念她,把她印制在50澳元纸币上。首位领导州或领地政府的女性是,她于1989年任职,在1991至1995年期间又担任澳大利亚首都领地首席部长。澳大利亚首位女州长是,她领导西澳大利亚州三年,直到1993年卸任。是维多利亚州首位女州长,任期从1990至1992年。于2001年从反对党中胜出,成为北领地首位女性首席部长,并在2005年凭借更高的多数票再次当选。2007年,在彼得·比蒂退休之后,继任,成为昆士兰州首位女州长。2009年,布莱成为首位民选女州长。2009年,克里斯蒂娜·克纳利成为新南威尔士州首位女州长,并在2011年州选举中落败。从2011年1月至2014年3月,莱拉·吉丁斯担任塔斯马尼亚州首位女州长。2015年,昆士兰州的安娜斯塔西亚·帕拉夏成为首位从反对党中胜出当选州长的女性。在2017年昆士兰州州选举中胜出之后,她成为首位连任的女州长。尽管自1895年以来,南澳大利亚州是最早授予投票权和允许女性参选议会的州,但是南澳大利亚州从未选举过女州长。 2010年6月24日,朱莉亚·吉拉德成为澳大利亚首位女总理。她在此前為首位女副總理。 值得留意的是,悉尼市在2010至2011年間在所有層級的政府領導人皆為女性:市長為克洛弗·莫爾、聯邦眾議員為塔尼婭·普利貝斯克、州長為克里斯蒂娜·克納利、州總督是瑪麗·巴舍爾、總理為朱莉亞·吉拉德、聯邦總督是昆廷·布賴斯,以及她所代表的女王伊莉莎白二世。